q rr<.drd {rqt (g+fi) Mfqrdd ;rdR.lB, h-drFlil Pl,Sundarlal Shfima(Open) UniversitvChhattisgarh, Bilrsprr FDail rrgi\lr.rapsou,rc,in,$eblirr $n.trcotr.a(,in 6ln ldrr qFl. fr-{r€cr s.{ tor i..' 1ss{05. qtr, 76 A /-.cl,En / ozzsr zrsors.slaoaa.64534€. rh / $w: 07252 21sr3 tuarag{ f4rla 2o1s .7/u / 2o1s Yfd. q {<.dF lrqi (tF) ftafrumr ma i= har{gr. qff6r$. ?E$. q.rEa$ eid {fffls) .n crqr{t d g+.l.n \.i i-ri]tf€6rqt d { q$ed{iEril i€ fdh d rfrqn rcrd 2s5lm /ror5. hdffsr leqr6 Fdq{F,ii a€ B f6 s"8ld atuqn Errr Ern 6t s6l dn g{mra dm {'rd rffnKn d lR{gtuiri a; 0 qt{l< sn gfta q<rr sn 'r{ 3 | (1) .d in g+ar, {( srr ql fr!!frrrf,q d rrid c06r d tdr t dqr qfrqrq { fligE i- c{1n cR'rn ctfcd .li d 30 fi{{ d +r{ q6qfl ir {r.d d srf{dk d .r{ si cfd d rlM hqtftn lce n frq|t{r{ {6 d 16 trq. .d'r or q"i$hc {,1 dl ffi{rf{ EFn cfn s?rql qlll{r 6{ ffidr 1. ,. ? ![ri<c ol | g6 gflrqir s6 cfr trr 570o,/_ (r) , q|rold{ R{ {tr{qtu3ir_ 6r . sn/ {i s*.rtr< - {. Ert qt ffflqrdc d rrrd Frro (ff \ .O.q|l rn.A onq I!rq,/l${/lffiq) 3rerdr Frrd-ottrrr (sq \ ,/gq c{ fr $/dld{)/O.dt.d.S.\ /n.r€. F?rqlFfiq)/{h.. s-s 3rr{Ffr co6T I {rM+d Bi.r 6 dq' cRlnq i irdge €. qRlnq slftd rti d q{ fiq cftqr !r$ri Bd{gkrrqt ndrqtudr) d d{r)d€ d fi( fisiftd {@ r 6{ ftqlRd 5r{ d sd(A d ar{lrld rarcr ffiirrdc d i{ {rad t crs{dtB dl ,r{ cfd pro d sr:r 30 fu{s A {\r{ ard{.l r{ qrddr t I G@ n '-' s€+€ ig 3nisr d O ff6qr fiqtFd Fcr d {6 irn ifl sri sr8 'r{ rrrd codr d ad{Sffidr {40 dl Ercrlfr d frq Edsftc 6t cAfl qRqrq sftrd +i d 30 ft'{s a} fidi ori{r r( srdr ? | sidtgRrdr ai rmcfi serdq o, cd{9fu6r qn Erqrcfn rqrr rn wgln \16 (ii) nrq .drgtufl qn srqlrft rr i.n B.T{r ft{fr RtFq I frlt ri d {t{"r mcrl cQln'r rfdt r i.r. {fi 1.l ldi6r 6.iri dm crRr 36 nqr frTq F*fn sln q<R srr,l 'I ro cldm 61 4f{ Eir nl cd{"r i s*str€ d b! dr6R f6u rnis4r I 4cj- RcI mci sa rrq + hffi fqrshsr.rc/$m. {6rhsrdq/yn{ sjelc mq f)rs t|ilfrqrdc d r|qrclr/r6r nal[6 d sri i fn-€_ .i.G'd frqc d qqrrr q'r a.rdq os (cia) !d 6r lrflc it I -{{r z qryfl | ficc !q - frcq Rcs i q06"r cRri.r lrcl Eti dqr {d {didi sdl am tr<d d I io cPdTd d ri-r +i R rr" fiqfRd sr{ it {@ qn 6r i<rd*€ d fd! l[rt r 6r ffdr i| (i) .ri.r T6 - 6. n/ (i) n {e{rn.e {id' t. 6.600l cfn $disRdorl ier}g studldq o, a|ilrgkQr r+q.rrr *{ Fr+(r g6 Fi qogo d {@ ({ {6) vogo d Erqrqld i( (qri<q g6) t lrffi€ < (sri.c :!6 \-r { 'rclIii sR< gciF) 6r ilr' EIE er{| it qd{fr4 q r;(.drd lrif (t@) nlsfterd{ q@d,]@! d qs { h?rsgr q +q E} I gdtrlr{r oftq{cr .n Er{Fh d.n qrirr Fr{ {d-a d{ ntud ? | qtr{r srn,/qfffls sq4r d<i d str-r6 €r{rci 6t qfd {i@ Gqddr:{rc 01. hd{Tr fi{r6 s6,/a--c?,tr /n1s /2o1s cldfdR 1. 6€ oa,/rors : edcid d fiq {ffq 6t qrr. €dqfd fi d {{fle} 't' i#i";.*rao', ' v 2i 2 r 41711 '+<. ,- b), v t4 t'''rNvt' r o" d.,!;r,,1'r ,-. riR-d.g<{drd l[ct (gffi) itr{qt€q .r$s.rd frdrfly{ 6tfr-f$rlFl{ rFt, €drqgr (6..r.) {aqs : (07752) 6a?6aa 6R 12132s. 21fi73 web st€ fr 255 /9'1i./15. [Rlq 6qi6 h-dr qRr( d 3r4r*I 4qi6 \rq ?€?sr+q fd oCE" 02 aqio ro liqr qR'Ts - EgislE@F$u ac in, E-mrl / /sBwFI/ ffirrdq boo{s lw pss S ltrffi d 15 / adin Rarcgr ft+o,7 /ot z zors A e]i|d A-+ ?{i6 2s/02/ 2a6 6 & Re assessnent ot rhe answer 3' d FFad) ird} ?,ra zr o: .:o t d rsrs "1 Ii-{i!r or qq fiqf{d fu_qr qlr t 29 Re rolalins ffi4ft{q sqiar 6qi6 2s Re totating & Re-assessn books al iq tMaqmq d Fin Frd qRsE + oi1'il<r fald t (@rd dr1l l6qt --df qR-d I. d; .1nL /sufi. / 15. €d{f{s qT{drd :rqf €6) hYaFfqrdq 6dsrrd. harqgr Rds51 ft rrfi .7,,03,, 2or5 cPdftff qTTfrq 2 llcqqd si t-die|cii d c5s Fiqs. {rd}r{r. {a!y I rr1is, E.r ynsr, iEq ftmT l4lnn, qa6q, Tqr {qq{ I -.'u tlqy .Ja 9Ih fftrFo ,I{i @-B € Frr{+ '-qff. qtuir. tus edqFi ot t-dcfr S d il{{st 5 ,fr6 3i1ffi d {d4rpf \fti qrarrro Ftffi ig ffid| i-r:-- c'r€ fon rErxer oi qqrr.J G 3rT€@ orffi id fiidL 3. -7lffi6- i/ (4''' PANDIT SUNDAIII.A! SHATMA (OPEN) UNIVERSITY CIIIAT-NSGAF.II No. Ordinance 29 Re totaling & Re-assessmenr oI the answer books (Un{ter SeclioD 27 A. (l) Rltlqlalline oa (l) oI the Chhattissdh Aci No. 2612004) M.rldAtr$.. b@k!: A candidate. who bai app€ed i. Term End (Annual) or ATKT exdinalion at und6 gaduare (BA. B.Sc., B.Com, BCA, B.Lib & I.Sc.) o. posr cdduare (MA, Msc. M.Com, M.Ed.. PCDCA, MCA. M.sc. IT.), Diploma or Ccnificare pro8rmde sux has bftn decla.ed ed is nor satisficd wnh his mdks may appty fo. sd who6. rerolalling ro rhe Rcgi$rd/EMinarion ConEoller in lhe prcscribcd fom wirhio 30 days Aoo rhe dale of th. dsletion of rcsult along wirh phol@opy of mdksheet o. domloaded Net copy oflh€ TIE esw$ book of all rhe cedidarcs shall be sent to VatEr/ Examiner for rctotaling or frdrks 10 o$d rhd rhe odgirat examined valuer. ExMiner/vatuer shall receive a remunedtion of pe. mwd book Evicw.d Prcvid€d also ihat. no rc rot tline of 6 prAcribed by rhc Unive.siry mark may bc rlrowed in ce fion of Scnpr of Poclical, Ficld work, Assigmenq InEmal Assessmcnr IntcnDlTesr, Turodah and p.ojecr sork ed dissenaion in licu ofthe papsr at rhc Provided also that a qndidate who cxminarion. h6 appercd ar 't-ed End ExaDi.aion/ATKT qamination at Under Gnduarel Post cradure, Diploma & Ccnifi€t s proglmmg shal beeligible to apply lor rc-toBlling of meks in one paper, t$o papc6 ofa subject or atl(he (2) P.ovidcd also thar ifrfrer eloblling ofnr s oia answcr book, rhele is a chege i0 the originalmeks gilcn by the odginal cxaninef, rhc revised narks shatlbe asarded to the candidale for lhe rcvision ofhis/ber rcsulr. ./.:/': :.i .: B. (l) A cedidatc, who and whose lesult hs has been lppeded in the lem End (Afrual) or ATKT exmination d*lded dd h not sadsfied wilh thc valualion mal apply to the RegistEr/ExMination Conlrollq in the presc.ibed fotu within on€ mon$ fron the date of rhe deldtior of 2. the suh aor the phorocopy of the &s*er bookG) mdimum of two A c6dida1e. *ho has received lh. pholocopr of tn€ dswer book(s) whether unde! cnduat€ or post gladuaE l€v€|. ie/she may seek lh€ opinion ofone subjectelp€ns. The subject exped may subjd expdts ue more raiew the usw€t book(s) dd ifthe daik awdded by Oe thd l0% of mdinud ffiks from lhc muks awdded by thc original valuer. the cmdidate nay apply to Oe Regisrd/Examinarion Conlroller for rc,ssessmenr of his/her ansse. books within l0 days ftom the date of dispatch of the pholocopy of ,nswe. books. Providcd also that no re assessment mat be ii c.sc ofscnpb ofpmciicol, i mal asesmetrr, i.teml tests, tutodals & proj@t qork frcld-wo*, assi8rmenr work, od allolcd dissertation submited in lieu ofth€ p.pe! at rhe e)dinarion. lrcvided .lso thal a candidate who h6 appeded in ]e.m hnd (Amual or AlKl) e)@inarion at unde.grldule level (BA, B,Sc,, B,Com. BcA, B.Lib., N4,{. M.Sc., TGDCA & B.Ed.) shall not bc eligible to apply ioi re-a$e$nent of the answer book in no.e than rwo pape6 of one/$ o subj€ci L Whe@ a caadidate applies for R€-asesmenr dse$ment is souglt, thd sillbe seDr for laluation of his/her dswerbook in which E_ bl fte Kulpali to hree subject expens o$er the original examiner. 4, iflh€ narks awalded in th€ pap$ ntks giv€n by the onginal exaniner by more rhe avense of the by any ofthe thJee exP€rls is highe. than iiom the thd l0o/o of ndimun mdks in the paP€r. awud by rhe three examineB shall be awardcd ro the @didarc fo. rh. revisioo ofhis/her rcsDlt- The UniveEily orthe subjer expens will nol aaepr dy chall€ngo against the opinion .a. a. I€e Sftuatlr€ for R€-tor.llins /R.-asssmert of Answerbook A. 849!!!i!g-e!-!4s!slA!!E!r!9sl!i (l) Cost of (2.2) All (aJ (b) B. (l) 'pplicarior paDedall 8s.50-00 subjd'AlNr bek Under Iradute Po$ GEd@te fom claseJpro8ldD6 cldd'rbglimcs Rs.500-00 R.-*sBsm€nr ofAn$cr book: Fcc for photocopy of mswer book (2) Cosroiapplicationfom (l!) ReNs$nflt Fee ter.ns{tr Rs.600-00 hook Rate of Remuperatioo for Re totrllinp /Re-r$asment ofAtrwerbool A. R. toltlline of M0k/A$*er book: (l) . Rs 20 ler Ans*er book. (2) With r mininm of Rs. 100-00 p€r subject /paper/code of a{er B. R.-asscsE€dl of Ar$er book bookr: R5- 50{0 (l) Pdallsrbdt (2) Wi{r a dininm of Rs. 100-00 p.r slbjet /paFr/code of m*er book ,-,,00-(ApDroved by Academlc CounciL l5'h meelins held on dated 25'i Feb.uary, 2015 & Exe.lting Colncil 3?ri meetins held on date 27rh Feb.uarv, 20l5) ts<{gktrI 5-{qlrlr i-E qriar -qr Appli.rtion form for Retot lling of Answ€. book / Merks i {:€rffi :rat h6) tuqFlrdc rdtlE, f.dFft qos d l{id i f6 d .s .............. . .. { . ..n {Fqfdtr fr{qEurdq {l @,/c6,{n !o//g{ 'llt+{l cQdI qRw ........... lrri6 d Trrir .. . .......61 i rge rff t fr, fcq sjm 6R,/F cn ?n !6qRrd d 5+rF ffi {rdlqrrn (l M g-ftlrjl a{ i_g lrqiftd {6 qri.i {6 {a E. ....................................................... lltl 5. ............................................... .. in 16 {r€ gdqlr<. c gll:lfr lrqi (gd lr!.F.R Ed_nd. frdRgr d G { frarsgr d ?q fe-no .................. .. .ir d qqd ? l aqi situn cRvm s+r!m < ftw 2. gir|q:fl Rctotrllinc \.6 1. RRrs (4lFffi ,. Fffi)R s'6 l{rq lr!ffi -. rifl.r- r. a6qA in EFFIi I ,. ic q lrFr cRqF in efi 3. to d n . ...-......-........!]E Er !'qRr.... ............ .. q@-i c d.i. {frn sFir{sfufl d Erqr cft -{ qri{r-(ri Applicition form for Photo Copy ofAnswer book q tn .drd trll (tR) f4€ftsrdc fii.q i ft { .{ R€ft{r-c 6 6mlqF-r6q ri qrin c{tfl d t €fhlfrd Eq/gl a.lt ,l'{ qAF qRw k{i6 ...... 6t qlfa( 6) g6r i { {qi stfrd qRw d tge 16 ( {d, fiq qsF hrq/F rn d .6{5Ritd d Er{fd rtR 6d -Fn,/rrdd1 tl rqi6 ........... L{i6 ................ a{ a{ FiqtRn {6 6. ............. 6l 16 6l irc. eGEi, q. q<{drd !rAL1E) q."f{drd_a fu- Rnrsqr tlqf, n fidr{F{ { i{ I r {ri@dfl ,. tudl/qF fl rrq ] 'rim d< 6l Erqrqid i{ fqqq , r qr 6r frftlr - ,ool aq- sdigkor d q{ str{gfs6r d cn d an (OI qn ErqrcR F. lQl s,iRgRddlal ?ti 6r4cfd rqar EFr|IIh qii Frri $ rid.r- 1. airq* ?n srcicR {6 qqr 6{i st .tfurdc cr r4Tlr 6r rdr ii.r. {rEri I 2. iz S crq cR!r4 6l cfd I 3. 16 sR lcndrJm Application form for Reassesmena ofAnsw€r books / Marks TPd. (:ql) frTqftdrdq c lTqi -tr..dF rnrs€ rl-drssr t f6 q {F fffnsrdq sff 66rlqrdJ6{ .. ...... ...... ....... d Frrd c{i$ qd .. ...... ..........q' €Fqfi( E3rr/€{ lit n{ qelFl cfr,m li{i6 ....................... 6} Fit c { qci q}ftd qRlm i rige rfi { fr: rqq lflqn Acq,/qri Fn lrfrigfFdr 6r $aradtrr 6ifl cFdr//"r-ift (l qs & ftqtftd {i6 ari.r {i6 T€r s. . .................. ................. qtI -. ......... . . 6j ni ....... .......... ............... f{qi6 ................... ....... . .. nqr ................................ .. iid-{ 6{ cqn t d siffi 6l 16 srtre l Siffdtr{ ig ER (a sri E d k{'!r l|6 5 2 Ra36;0' xft rnq" t: 1. {riar FiEr(q a Edr gfrFO Q TT..'I R'r:-l.''*a
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