The Australian Psychoanalytical Society (APAS) 2015 Conference Open Days, Melbourne, Australia A treatment for our times: Contemporary psychoanalysis and serious mental disorders International Keynote Speaker, Associate Professor Rudi Vermote Guest Speakers, Dr John Boots and Mr Neville Symington Saturday 5th September, followed by a Cocktail Party Clinical Workshops: Sunday 6th September (Morning) The Royal Automobile Club of Victoria, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Australia Overview of the Open Day Conference The 2015 APAS Open Day Conference, to be held on Saturday 5th September, will examine the contemporary nature of psychoanalysis and its capacity to understand and deal with serious mental disorders. A particular focus of the day will be on the application of contemporary psychoanalytic ideas to understanding the current concerns with violence associated with extremism and fundamentalism. The relevance of cognitive neuroscience to psychoanalysis and its role in understanding the nature of psychic change will also be illustrated. About the Speakers Keynote Speaker: Associate Professor Rudi Vermote, M.D. is a Training and Supervising Analyst with the Belgium Psychoanalytical Society. He is also an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Departments of Psychiatry, Psychology and Sexual and Familial Sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium). He is the Director of Postgraduate Training of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at the same University and Head of the Hospitalisation Based Psychoanalytic Treatment of Personality Disorders at the University Psychiatric Centre (Ambulatory Psychodynamic Treatment Services). His empirical research focuses on process outcome in the treatment of personality disorders. He has lectured and published widely on the concepts of Bion and psychic change. Guest Speaker: Dr John Boots is a Training Analyst and Child and Family Psychiatrist and a Past President of APAS. He worked for over 30 years as a Consultant Supervisor to various Child Protection Services, including the Child Protection Unit at Westmead Children’s Hospital. He has had an ongoing interest in trauma and the application of psychoanalytic thinking to its presentation and consequences, both within and outside the consulting room, as well as considering its long term vicarious effects on therapists and other health professionals. Guest Speaker: Mr Neville Symington is a Psychoanalyst in private practice in Sydney. He trained in London and is a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society. He has been the Chair of the Sydney Institute of Psychoanalysis and is a Past President of APAS. His recent books include: The Spirit of Sanity, A Pattern of Madness, Becoming a Person through Psychoanalysis and The Psychology of the Person. He is also joint-author with Joan Symington of The Clinical Thinking of Wilfred Bion. In 2007 he started a clinical organization called Psychotherapy with Psychotic Patients (PPP). He was also the recipient of the prestigious Sigourney Award in 2014. The Australian Psychoanalytical Society (APAS) is a professional organization with members from a variety of disciplines such as psychiatry, psychology and social work, who have undertaken further training in psychoanalysis. APAS offers training in the theory and practice of psychoanalysis & ongoing education in the form of lectures, seminars & conferences, for both its members and the wider public. Front page image: Moonshine Paul Klee1879-1940 Open Day Program: Saturday 5th September, 2015 9.00am Registration and coffee 9.30am Welcome and Introduction to Keynote speaker: Dr Vivienne Elton, President of APAS 9.45am Keynote Lecture: Assoc Prof Rudi Vermote Contemporary psychoanalysis: A treatment for our times The lecture will present a model that integrates contemporary concepts of psychoanalysis with cognitive neuroscientific findings which may help to understand different ways of psychic functioning and change. The clinical and technical implications of the model will be discussed and illustrated. Chair: Dr Vivienne Elton Discussant: Dr Ron Spielman 11.00 - 11.30am Morning coffee 11.30am Questions and discussion 12.30 - 1.30pm Lunch 1.30pm Lecture: Dr John Boots Finding a dark light: Experiences in and reflections on terror This paper arose as a personal response to trauma, whilst visiting Paris at the time of the Charlie Hebdo and Kosher Supermarket tragedies, and is intended as one among many psychoanalytic contributions to the current, urgent and uncertain global debate. This presentation questions whether our understandings from the consulting room are transferable in comprehending the nature and origins of hate and terror in the immediate world around us, especially in troubled young people who ultimately seek radical and dark solutions. Chair: Dr Ron Spielman Discussant: Dr Deborah McIntyre 2.40pm Questions and discussion 3.00 - 3.30pm Afternoon tea 3.30pm Lecture: Mr Neville Symington The creation of sanity Sanity is the product of a creative act in the core of ihe personality; madness is the failure of this creative act. This paper examines the details of this inner activity. Chair: Ms Milena Mirabelli 4.15pm Response from Assoc Prof Rudi Vermote 4.30pm Questions and discussion 4.50pm Closing address: Dr Vivienne Elton 5.00 - 6.00pm Cocktail Party* *Representatives of APAS will be available in Room 1 to talk with anyone who is interested in training in psychoanalysis. Sunday Workshops Workshop I 9.30-11.00am This workshop will outline the process of psychoanalytical assessment of adults with particular reference to identifying possible indicators of more serious underlying mental disorders. This approach will be illustrated with case material, including vignettes that participants bring to the session. Presenter: Ms Margaret Berkovic Workshop II Two sessions exploring the experience of working with a child and an adolescent with serious mental disturbances impacting on their development. Part A (Child) 9.30-11.00am This workshop will offer an opportunity to explore and discuss the psychotic anxieties and defences illustrated by clinical material from the analysis of a 4 year old boy presenting with autistic features. The clinical narrative will follow the process of containment and working through which enabled his developmental arrests to be unblocked and show how symbolic thinking became possible. Presenter: Mrs Jyotsna Field Part B (Adolescent) 11.30am-1.00pm This workshop will explore the difficulties of working with 16 year old ‘Ian’. Ian’s fear of ‘growing up’ and his serious and debilitating emotional retreat from human contact significantly disrupted his adolescent development. The workshop will discuss a particularly powerful and uncomfortable transference in the analysis and how Ian was gradually drawn back into the relationships with his friends and family. Presenter: Ms Louise Hird Workshop III Two Balint Groups, one run by Dr Bill Betts (9.30-11.00am) and another run by Dr Tom Wilmot and Mrs Leonie Sullivan (11.30am-1.00pm). Workshop Presenters Ms Margaret Berkovic is a Training Analyst and Adult Psychoanalyst with the Sydney Branch of APAS. Mrs Jyotsna Field is a Training Analyst and Adult and Child Psychoanalyst with the Sydney Branch of APAS. Ms Louise Hird is a Clinical Psychologist and Child and Adult Psychoanalyst with the Sydney Branch of APAS. Dr Bill Betts is a Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst with the Melbourne Branch of APAS. He is an accredited Balint Group Leader, Trainer and Supervisor. Dr Tom Wilmot is a Psychiatrist and a Psychoanalyst with the Sydney Branch of APAS. He is an Accredited Balint Group Leader, Trainer and Supervisor. Mrs Leonie Sullivan is a Psychoanalyst and Training Analyst with the Sydney Branch of APAS. She is an accredited Balint Group Leader, Trainer and Supervisor. The Australian Psychoanalytical Society P O Box 27 High Street, Ashburton, Victoria 3147 Email: Conference Organising Committee: Dr Timothy Keogh (Chair), Ms Milena Mirabelli, Ms Roslyn Glickfeld and Dr Jenepher Thomas 2015 Conference Open Days, Melbourne, Australia Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria A treatment for our times: Contemporary psychoanalysis & serious mental disorders Surname Title First Name Address Post code Phone Email Profession Special Dietary Requirements Accommodation Budget accommodation is available at the Ibis Melbourne Hotel (600 Little Bourke Street) and at the Rydges Hotel (186 Exhibition Street). (tick appropriate box) Open Day Saturday, 5th September including Reception Cocktail Party (5 - 6pm). Cost $275 inc GST Early bird $240 inc GST Pensioner/Concession/Full time students $195 inc GST Pension card holders and full-time students under 35 years - ID must accompany registration. Clinical Workshops Sunday 6 September (tick ONE box below) It is possible to attend either: Workshop I and Workshop III (11.30-1.00pm session) Workshop II in its entirety Workshop I and Part B of Workshop II Workshop III (9.30-11.00am session) and Part B of Workshop II Cost for any combination of the above Workshop options Pensioner / Concession / Full time students EARLY BIRD by 30th June $200 inc GST $175 inc GST $150 inc GST Discount Registration All Events - Saturday & Sunday or EARLY BIRD (registration by 30th June 2015) $395 inc GST Concession for all event attendance $345 inc GST $250 inc GST All costs includes full catering (workshops include morning tea). I enclose a cheque/money order for $ Made payable to Australian Psychoanalytical Society ABN 63 218214 356 Please debit my credit card $ Mastercard/Visa (Please circle) Number 2.5% surcharge on credit card payments Name on card Expiry date Signature Please send this form with your remittance to: The APAS Conference Administrator P O Box 27 High Street, Ashburton, Victoria 3147 email: openday@psychoanalysis.asn. You may also pay either Online or Direct Deposit The APAS Direct Deposit Bank Account details: For Online Booking: Account: The Australian Psychoanalytical Society Bank: St. George BSB: 333 013 Account: 700 069 973 Refunds (less $50 administrative fee) will be given only for cancellations received in writing by 7th August 2015. Please assist by entering your name in the Description field when entering the details for your payment.
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