LoPilato CV Spring 2015 - The Department of Psychology

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Alexander Christopher LoPilato
University of Georgia
Wright Hall
Athens, Georgia 30602
Doctor of Philosophy
Specialty: Industrial-Organizational Psychology
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
Expected 2015
Master of Science
Specialty: Industrial-Organizational Psychology
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
December 2014
Bachelor of Science
Major: Psychology
Minors: Statistics and Sociology
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
May 2010
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Hoffman, B. J., Kennedy, C. L., LoPilato, A. C., Monahan, E., & Lance, C. E. (in press). A review of the content of
assessment center exercises. Journal of Applied Psychology.
Miller, J. D., Maples, J. L., Buffardi, L., Cai, H., Gentile, B., Kisbu-Sakartya, Y., Kwan, V. S. Y., LoPilato, A. C.,
Pendry L. F., Sedikides, C., Siedor, L., Campbell, W. K. (in press). Narcissism and United States’ Culture:
The view from home and around the world. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Watts, A. L., Lilienfeld, S. O., Edens, J., Skeem, J., Douglas, K., Verschuere, B., LoPilato, A. C. (Accepted
Pending Minor Revisions) Do Social Desirability Biases Statistically Affect the Relations Between SelfReport Psychopathy Measures and External Criteria? Psychological Assessment.
LoPilato, A. C., Carter, N. T., & Wang, M. (2015). Updating generalizability theory in management research:
Bayesian estimation of variance components. Journal of Management, 41, 692-717.
LoPilato, A. C., Hoffman, B. J., & Overstreet, B. L. (2014). Outcomes of peak, typical, and variability, in
performance of college football teams. Journal of Business Psychology, 29, 221-233.
Hoffman, B.J., Strang, S.E., Kuhnert, K.W., Campbell, W.K., Kennedy, C.L., & LoPilato, A. C. (2012).
Leader Narcissism and Ethical Context: Effects of Ethical Leadership and Leader Effectiveness.
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 20, 25-37.
Book Chapters
LoPilato, A. C., & Vandenberg, R. J. (2015). The not so direct cross-level direct effect. In C. E. Lance & R. J.
Vandenberg, More statistical and methodological myths and urban legends (292-310). New York:
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Research Presentations
LoPilato, A. C., & Carter, N. T. (April, 2015). Bayesian multilevel modeling: The introduction of a cross-validation
prior. To be presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational
Psychology: Philadelphia, PA.
LoPilato, A. C. & Lance, C. E. (April, 2015; Discussants). Perspectives on general performance effects in
assessment center ratings. To be presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and
Organizational Psychology: Philadelphia, PA.
Carter, N. T., Guan, L., Dalal, D. K., & LoPilato, A. C. (April, 2015). The need for unfolding measurement models
in testing for curvilinearity. In W. Wang & N. T. Carter (Chairs) Ideal-Point IRT Modeling: Recent
Breakthroughs for Non-Cognitive Measurement. Symposium presented at the 30h Annual Meeting of the
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Philadelphia, PA.
Martin, J. L., Lumbreras, J., & LoPilato, A. C. (April, 2015). Staffing diverse leaders: Glass cliffs and their
outcomes in coaching. In B. J. Hoffman & A. Hetrick (Chairs) Box Scores and Bottom Lines: Sports Data
and Staffing Research. Symposium presented at the 30h Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and
Organizational Psychology: Philadelphia, PA.
LoPilato, A. C., & Vandenberg, R. J. (November, 2014). An examination of the multilevel cross-level direct effect:
A meaningful interpretation. Presented at the Southern Management Association: Savannah, GA.
LoPilato, A. C., & Carter, N. T. (May, 2014). The unification of Bayesian principles and generalizability theory.
Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology:
Honolulu, HI.
LoPilato, A. C., & Carter, N. T. (May, 2014). A simulation program for generalized graded unfolding model data.
Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology:
Honolulu, HI.
Hetrick, A. L., LoPilato, A. C., Gentile, B., & Hoffman, B. J. (May, 2014).Narcissistic motivation to lead: Be very
afraid. In B. J. Hoffman & A. L. Hetrick (Chairs), The narcissistic leadership paradox: Causes,
consequences, and responses. Symposium presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for
Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Honolulu, HI.
Wilson, M.G., Padilla, H.M., LoPilato, A. C., Zeurcher, H., DeJoy, D. & Vandenberg, R. (April, 2014). An
examination of the relationship between work-related and leisure-time physical activity and the perception
of work. Presented at the 5th International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.
Gay, J. L., & LoPilato, A. C. (April, 2014). Motivational and ecological profiles of insufficiently active adults
explain future physical activity behavior. Presented at the 5th International Congress on Physical Activity
and Public Health.
LoPilato, A.C., Lance, C.E., Carter, N.T., & Hoffman, B.J. (April, 2013). A Comparison of Models for the Analysis
of AC Data. In K.A. Smith-Jentsch, D. Jackson (Chairs), & J. Meriac (Discussant), "It Depends:" More
Nuanced Approaches to Understanding Assessment Center Validity. Symposium presented at the 28th
Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Houston, TX.
LoPilato, A.C., Overstreet, B., & Hoffman, B.J. (April, 2013). Team Distributional Performance and Team
Outcomes. In B.J. Hoffman & B.D. Lyons (Chairs), From Scorelines to Bottom Lines: Sports Data and
Management Theory. Symposium presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial
and Organizational Psychology: Houston, TX.
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LoPilato, A.C., Lautenschlager, G.J., & Guan, A.L. (April, 2013). Maximum-Likelihood Estimation versus
Bayesian Estimation: A Multilevel Modeling Approach. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Meeting
of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Houston, TX.
Lyons, B.D., LoPilato, A.C., Martin, J., & Hoffman, B.J. (April, 2013). More Talent Equals More Problems?
Investigating Deviance in High Performers. In B.J. Hoffman & B.D. Lyons (Chairs), From Scorelines to
Bottom Lines: Sports Data and Management Theory. Symposium presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of
the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Houston, TX.
LoPilato, A.C., Kennedy, C.L., Wood, L., Hoffman, B.J., & Frost, B. (April, 2012). Unit Attitudes, Performance
Behaviors, and Financial Performance: A Longitudinal Study. In B.J. Hoffman & L.T. Eby (Chairs),
Beyond Task Performance: New Research Directions on OCB and CWB. Symposium presented at the 27th
Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology: San Diego, CA.
Manuscripts Under Review
Jackson, D. J. R., LoPilato, A. C., Guenole, N., & Hughes, D. Name redacted for purposes of anonymity.
Carter, N. T., Guan, L., Dalal, D. K., LoPilato, A. C., & Withrow, S. A. Name redacted for purposes of anonymity.
Gay, J. L., & LoPilato, A. C. Name redacted for purposes of anonymity.
Manuscripts in Preparation
LoPilato, A. C., & Jackson, D. J. R.. Simplifying the complex: Substantive and methodological implications of
complex measurement design in the organizational sciences. Target Journal: Journal of Applied Psychology
LoPilato, A. C., & Vandenberg, R. J. Linear Mixed-Effects Models in Organizational Research. Target Journal:
Organizational Research Methods
LoPilato, A. C., & Carter, N. T. SIMGUM: A simulation program for generalized graded unfolding model data.
Target Journal: Applied Psychological Measurement.
Invited Talks
LoPilato, A. C. (Spring, 2015). An (Re)introduction to R. Presented at the University of Georgia Psychology
LoPilato, A.C. (Fall, 2014). Bayesian methods: An introduction. Presented at Georgia Institute of Technology
Psychology Department.
LoPilato, A. C. (Spring, 2014). Linear Mixed Models in R. Presented at the University of Georgia Psychology
Department. http://www.psychology.uga.edu/graduate/gsc.php
LoPilato, A. C. (Fall, 2013). Introduction to R. Presented at the University of Georgia Psychology Department.
LoPilato, A. C. (Fall, 2013). Advanced Statistical Methods in R. Presented at the University of Georgia Psychology
Department. http://www.psychology.uga.edu/graduate/gsc.php
Applied Experience
Fall 2012 – Present
Workplace Health Group, University of Georgia, Data Analyst
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Created and managed a multi-wave panel dataset
Responsible for all Fuel Your Life 2 Grant data analyses
Summer 2013
Select International, Data Analyst
 Wrote two simulation programs that allow Select International to estimate item
response parameters for the Generalized Graded Unfolding Model
Fall 2012
The Institute for Leadership Advancement Consulting Project, Team Member
University of Georgia
Supervisor: Lillian Eby, Ph.D.
 Collected data from multiple sources to perform a benchmarking study
 Designed surveys to elicit attitudes of the program stakeholders
 Provided a technical report to the institute
Summer 2011
The University of Georgia Police Department Consulting Project, Team Member
University of Georgia
Supervisor: Wendy Ruona, Ph.D.
 Collaborated with police department liaison to determine performance gap
 Collected data from multiple sources to diagnose performance gap
 Designed interventions focused on closing the performance gap
Fall 2010-Summer 2011 Project MERITS, Graduate Research Assistant
University of Georgia
Supervisor: Lillian Eby, Ph.D.
 NIDA funded grant researching employee attitudes and relationships among
substance abuse counselors and their supervisors
 Conducted counselor and supervisor exit interviews
Fall 2010
United Parcel Service (UPS) Research Consultant, Project Assistant
University of Georgia
Supervisor: Karl Kuhnert, Ph.D.
 Qualitative coding of an annual company survey
 Compiled results and wrote technical report
Courses Taught and Assisted
PSYCH 6440 – Advanced Experimental Design II (Summer, 2013)
University of Georgia – Teaching Assistant
PSYCH 6430 – Applied Regression Methods in Psychology (Spring, 2013) – Teaching Assistant
University of Georgia – Teaching Assistant
PSYCH 4210 - Introduction to Psychological Testing (Spring, 2012)
University of Georgia – Instructor of Record
PSYCH 3990 - Research Analysis in Psychology - Lab Section (Summer, 2011)
University of Georgia – Teaching Assistant
Research Interests
Performance measurement
Leadership emergence and effectiveness
Quantitative methods used in the Social Sciences
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Dynamic Systems in Organizational Psychology
Awards & Recognition
Hope Scholarship Recipient, University of Georgia, 2006-2010
UPS Corporate Scholar Fellowship, University of Georgia, 2010-2011
Best Paper Presentation, Psi Chi, University of Georgia, 2012
Presidential Scholar, University of Georgia
Organizations & Professional Memberships
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists, Student Member
Psychometric Society, Student Member
Industrial-Organizational Psychology Student Association, University of Georgia
o Alumni Chair, 2010-2012
o President, 2012 - 2013
Psi Chi, University of Georgia
o Graduate President (2013 – 2014)
o Graduate Vice President (2012 – 2013)
Computer Skills
Statistical Software: R, SAS, SPSS, LISREL, M-Plus
Microsoft Office