Registration form

Serving Penn Trafford School District Communities:
Penn Township, Manor Borough, Penn Borough, Trafford Borough
2015 Summer Activity Guide
June - August 2015
NEW! PTARC KID’S DUALATHLON Playground Program Ages 6-13
Ages 6-15
Youth Registration: 8:00-8:45 am
Pre-Race Meeting: 7:15 am/9:00 am
Youth Race Begins: 9:30 am
Ages 7-15
Kids can attempt their first race and gain their first experience
biking and running or continue experiencing and training for this
great sport! Race will be conducted in age-appropriate heats,
overall awards per age group and gender. FREE T-SHIRT
Coordinator: Amanda Webb
Location: Penn Township Municipal Park
Time: Saturday, June 6, registration begins at 8:30 am. Preregistration available at
Fee: $15
Coordinator Amanda Webb will instruct kids on all the tips
they need to be at their best on race day, including breathing
techniques, racking bikes, removal of helmets, proper attire,
race stimulation and pre-race diet and hydration.
Coach: Amanda Webb
Location: Penn Township Municipal Park
Time: May 30th, 10:00 am
Fee: FREE!
Pre-registration required, call the PTARC office for details
Fun outdoor recreational activities for youth ages 6-13.
Weekly themes, guest speakers, field trips, special
events for summer fun! Parent or adult guardian
must register children with the Playground
Director at the site the first day of attendance.
Birth certificate must be presented upon registration.
Manor Borough
Lower Manor Park
Penn Township
Level Green Elementary
McCullough Elementary
Municipal Park
Trafford Borough
Fairmont Park
Terrace Park
Woodlawn Park
Times: Monday through Friday, 11:00 am-3:00 pm
Penn Borough (Ages 5-12)
Penn Borough Park
8 Weeks: June 8-July 30, 2015
Closed Friday, July 3, 2015
DONATIONS ACCEPTED at time of registration to help cover
costs. Provided by PTARC and your local municipality.
Planning a trip to any of the below listed amusement parks this
summer? Why pay the gate price? Purchase your admission
tickets in advance at PTARC and save money!
Cedar Point
Adult Age 3-61(48” & taller)
48 Save $14.00
DelGrosso’s Amusement Park
15 Save $4.95
Rocky Gap Casino Resort Day Trip Fun-nastic Night at the Gym Ages 8-12 All Day Rides & Waterworks/Slides
Sample all the fun at the gym in this evening with your friends! Diggerland USA W. Berlin, NJ
Ages 21 & over
Jump on the trampoline, drop into a pit filled with foam blocks, General Admission (age 3-69)
22.00 Save $12.95
Spend a day at the beautiful Rocky Gap Casino Resort in
bounce on the springy floor and listen to some rockin’ tunes.
Cumberland, Md. and the action packed escape you’ve been
Saraha Sam’s Oasis- W. Berlin, NJ
craving can be yours! Receive 20 in FREE SLOT PLAY, just for
General Admission (ages 3-64)
22 Save $12.95
joining Rocky Gap Rewards Club!
Location: Alison Biondi’s Gymnastic Facility
Date: Friday, June 12th
Early Season 5/1-6/30/15 Sunday-Friday only
Time: Bus departs from PT Municipal Building at 8:45 am Date: Friday, June 19- 6:30-8:30 pm
Adult Age 9-54
38 Save $24.80
Fee: 12 Penn Trafford School District Residents
and arrives back approximately by 8:30 pm
31 Save $8.80
Child Age 3-8, Sr 55-69
Fee: 49 Penn Trafford School District Residents, 57 Non- Limit: 100 participants
Regular Season after 6/30/15
Adult Age 9-54
43 Save $19.80
Limit: 56 participants
Child Age 3-8
36 Save $3.80
Senior Age 55-69
36 Save $3.80
Idlewild and Soak Zone
Daily Age 3 & over
31 Save $11.99
Kennywood Park
Daily Age 3-54, over 46”
32 Save $10.99
Provided to you by PTARC grant awards from the PA
Department of Conservation & Natural Resources Community - $211,000
Pittsburgh Zoo
Age 2 & up
11 Save $4
Conservation Partnerships Program, the Township of Penn,
Awarded Co
Penn Township Recreation, Friends of PTARC and local
October sh nstruction
community contributors.
Age 4 & up
25 Save $7.99
Fall of 2015!
PA Renaissance Faire
Phase I Adult
21 Save $9.95
Tickets on sale Monday, May 18 through Friday, August 28,
Located at the current Warrior Wonderland location
2015, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. May not be
within the Park.
valid on holidays. Please check your ticket for dates. Supplies limited. No refunds
New Sport Court Area
or exchanges. Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa & Discover accepted!
Dog Park
Includes a new basketball court, new tennis court and new
(CC 2.45% convenience fee $3.00 minimum)
The new
volleyball court in the expanded area of the Park!
when quality matters
park has
small breed and large breed areas.
Pond Enlargement & Walking Trails
Newly enlarged pond with fish habitat. Additional walking/
Engineering Architecture and Design Services
Since 1955
jogging trails. The park is open from dawn to dusk. Enjoy!
Special Events..................... 2
Aquatics .............................2
Pre-School Activities............ 3
The Arts & Crafts Corner ....... 3
Youth and Teen Activities ...... 4
The Tennis Academy ............. 4
Discount Ticket Sales............ 4
Senior Activities.................. 4
Adult Activities ................... 5
Multi-Generaltional Activities 5
Facility Rental ..................... 6
Friends of PTARC ................. 6
How to Register ...................6
Community Information .........6
Registration Form ................6
Penn Township Municipal Building
2001 Municipal Court • Harrison City, PA 15636
724-744-2171 ext. 204 or 205
Office Hours: 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Monday through Friday
Look Inside for: Red Cross Swim Instruction, Rocky Gap Casino Trip, Fun-nastic Night
at the Gym, Intro to Music, Babies N Ballet, Pint-size Pom-poms, Happy Feet Soccer,
Archery, Deck Hockey Camp, Lacrosse Camp, Brickz for Kids, Pi-Yo, Cardio Chaos, Fit n
Tone, Zumba, Playgrounds, Tennis, Creativity with Color & Art, Intro to Rifle, Hip Hop,
Youth CPR, Senior Stretch & Strength, Pilates Lite, Discount Amusement Park Tickets,
Friends of PTARC-Bushy Run Trail Run 5K Race & Walk & more!
The 2015 Summer Activity Guide will be delivered to your home during the week of May 14th. The 2015 Fall Activity Guide will be delivered to your home during the week of August 13th.
Please find your PTARC Activity Guides inserted in your Penn Trafford Star!
Penn-Trafford Area Recreation Commission
American Red Cross
Swimming Instruction
Babies with Parents Ages 1-3
Parent or guardian must participate with child. Introduction to
the water through fun activities.
Pre-Swim (Level I) Ages 4-5
Water Exploration Skills: Children must be able to listen to
oral instruction and get in the water without parents. Assists
students in feeling comfortable in the water. All children below
age 6 take Pre-Swim. Ages 4-5 who can float front & back by
themselves and who are comfortable in deep water will be taught
in a separate group.
Beginners (Levels II & III) Ages 6 & up
Students are tested during the first class and separated by ability
into Level II or Level III.
Advanced Beginners/Intermediates/
Swimmer (Levels IV, V & VI) Ages 6 & up
Child must have completed the preceding level and received a
passing card to move to the next level.
Coordinator: Jann Long
Location: Penn Trafford High School Pool
First Ten Day Session:
1:30-2:30 pm Adv. Beginners/Intermediates/Swimmers
2:30-3:30 pm Beginners
3:30-4:00 pm Pre-Swim
4:00-4:30 pm Pre-Swim
4:30-5:00 pm Babies with Parents
June 8,9,10,11,15,16,17,18,22,23
Second Ten Day Session:
1:30-2:30 pm Adv. Beginners/Intermediates/Swimmers
2:30-3:30 pm Beginners
3:30-4:00 pm Pre-Swim
4:00-4:30 pm Pre-Swim
4:30-5:00 pm Babies with Parents
July 7,8,9,13,14,15,16,20,21,22
Fee: Penn-Trafford School District Resident Babies/Pre-Swim
49, Beginners/Advanced Beginners/Intermediates/Swimmers
59; Non-Residents Babies/Pre-Swim $57,
Beginners/Advanced Beginners/Intermediates/Swimmers $67
724-744-2171 ext 204 or 205
Limit: Number of students in each class is limited in order to
assure safety and quality instruction. Don’t wait to register!
Private Swim Ages 6 & up
Participants will receive instruction where most needed as
determined by the parent/student and Water Safety Instructor.
First come, first served, limited space is available. Instructor will
contact student to schedule lessons.
Instructors: Water Safety Instructor Staff
Location: Penn Trafford High School Pool
Time: 11:30-1:30
Date: Monday-Thursday, Session #1 June 8-June 11 or
#2June 15-18 or #3 July 13-16
Fee: Each session is 4/ 30 minute lessons for Penn Trafford
School District Residents $75, Non-residents $83
Register for one (or more) session (s) & you will be called to set
up a scheduled time slot during the available dates.
PTARC is a non-profit, intergovernmental agency serving the Members
residents of the Penn- Trafford School District which includes
the Boroughs of Manor, Penn & Trafford and the Township
of Penn. Hempfield Area School District residents who live in
Manor Borough pay the resident fee.
To provide residents of the Penn-Trafford School District with
the opportunity for life-long learning, fitness and fun through
the implementation of wholesome, affordable recreation
activities and the development of safe, appealing facilities.
Randy Dreistadt, Chair; Larry Harrison, Vice Chair, Tim Gwynn, Linda G. Bires, Recreation Director
Sue Wilkie, Assistant
Kristen Hankinsen, Assistant
Penn Trafford School District: Dr. Matt Harris, Greg
Capoccioni, Nick Petrucci, Stan Rudge
Penn Township: Larry Harrison, Tim Gwynn, Alex Graziani
Manor Borough: Joe Lapia
Lifelong learning,
Penn Borough: Randy Dreistadt, Lisa Black
fitness and fun!
Trafford Borough: Rita Windsor
Economic Benefits
Everyone benefits
Increases property values
Reduces health care costs
directly or indirectly!
Increases productivity
Yesterday’s activities
Boosts tourism
promote tomorrow’s
Environmental Benefits
Preserves plants and wildlife
physical & mental
Controls air, water and soil quality
Provides accessible places to enjoy nature
#1 N u rs in g Ho m e in W es tm o rela n d Co u n ty
Tw o Yea rs in Ro w !
A Community of Care
Continuing Care Campus
Call us at 724.327.3500
or stop in today!
2020 Ader Road - Penn Township
Off Route 22 and Mellon Road
Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing
and Personal Care
Independent Apartment Living
Pulmonary/Ventilator Unit
Individual Benefits
Improves academic performance
Improves health and well-being
Reduces stress
Increases confidence and self-esteem
Community Benefits
Reduces crime
Keeps kids off the streets
Strengthens families
Increases community pride and volunteerism
New! On-Line Registration
Babies ‘N Ballet Ages 2-4
PT T-Birds T-Ball Ages 3-5
T-Birds T-Ball is a fun and highly instructional introduction to
baseball for 3-5 year-old boys and girls. In each session, players
learn the basics of throwing, catching, fielding, batting, and base
running, and then apply what they have learned in fun, noncompetitive games. T-shirt and MLB hat included.
Instructor: Jump Start Sports coaches
Location: Former PTARC Shelley Proskin Baseball Field in
Level Green
Time: Tuesday, 6:00-7:00 pm and 7:00-8:00 pm
Children will play a rotating schedule of games
6 Week Session: June 9-July 14
HappyFeet Soccer Ages 3-5
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $65, NonStorytime with a soccer ball. An introduction to soccer through Residents $73
developmentally and age appropriate curriculum full of songs, Limit: 50
games and nursery rhymes. Fun weekly activity committed to
forming healthy exercise habits through soccer. Children will
Pint-size Pom Poms Ages 4-6
gain coordination and master soccer skills. Equipment provided. This energetic class will teach basic cheer & dance moves with
Instructor: Happy Feet Soccer Coaches
pom poms, also learn beginner jumps & gymnastics moves. Wear
Location: Level Green Elementary School ball fields
shorts, athletic shoes and pull back long hair. Bring pom poms.
Time: Thursday, 12-12:30 pm- 3 yr olds; 12:30-1 pm - 4-5 yr olds Instructor: Aubrey Frye
Tumble Time Ages 3-5
Develop balance and tumbling skills. Group activities work
Location: Penn Township Ambulance
6 Week Session: June 11-July 16
on gross motor skills and teamwork while having fun! Wear
Time: Thursday, 6:30-7:00 pm
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents 54, Non$
comfortable clothes.
6 Week Session: June 11- July 23, (no July 9)
Residents 62
Instructor: Aubrey Frye
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $34, NonLimit: 12 participants/session
Location: Penn Township Ambulance
Residents $42
HappyFeet Summer Soccer League Limit: 12 participants/session
Time: Thursday, 6:00-6:30 pm
Ages 3-4 and Ages 5-6
6 Week Session: June 11,18 25, July 2, (no July 9)
The HappyFeet League is an excellent opportunity to see your ZUMBA! Jr. Ages 4-6 / ZUMBA Kids
July 16, July 23
little one further develop and showcase his/her HappyFeet
Ages 7-11
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $34,
soccer skills. Our league curriculum maximizes fun and
Grab your passport and get ready to learn dances and use
Non-Residents $42
maps from all over the world! This high-energy dance party is
Limit: 12 participants per session
child will start the session with a 15-20 minute “Mini Class” packed with routines & music kids love, while inspiring them to
learning various soccer skills and immediately follow with a 30 effectively improve overall health & well-being. This is not your
Intro to Music Ages 4-6
Children will be introduced to the concepts of music through the minute league game. It’s a FUN environment where kids can get typical fitness class!
touches on the ball, be fit, and enjoy the game! HappyFeet team Instructor: Andrea Connors
keyboard, bongos, sticks, shaker eggs, singing, and dancing.
shirt included and to be worn each week!
Location: PT Ambulance
Instruments provided!
Instructor: HappyFeet coaching staff
Time: Wednesday, 5:30-6:15 pm, 4-6 yr olds
Instructor: Cindy Ortiz
Location: Government Road Soccer Fields
6:30-7:15 pm, 7-11 yr olds
Location: Main Street Music, 327 Main St, Irwin
200-598 Government Rd, Irwin, PA 15642
6 Week Session: June 10-July 22 (no June 22)
Time: 12:30-1:15 pm
Fee: $34 Penn Trafford School District Residents, $42 Non4 Week Session: Tuesday, June 16-July 7 or Thursday, June Time: Tuesday, 6:00 pm
9 Week Session: June 23-August 18
18-July 9
Please go to the link below for more information and to register
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents 29, NonNO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS
your child for the HappyFeet Summer Soccer League
Residents $37
After registering plan on attending! You will be contacted
before the class begins only if there is a change or problem.
Limit: 4 participants per session
Ages 5-7
Students learn the
basics of ballet
including proper
body positions and
beginner skills such
as turns, leaps and
Mallory Turoski
Alison Biondi’s Gymnastics, LLC
4066 Rt. 130, Irwin
Time: Tuesday, 5:30-6:30 pm
6 Week Session: June 2-July 7
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $49, NonResidents $57
Limit: 12 participants
Learn basic steps and ballet positions. Class will introduce ballet
to help develop balance, timing and creative expression. Wear
leotard or shorts & t-shirt & ballet slippers.
Instructor: Aubrey Frye
Location: Penn Township Ambulance
Time: Tuesday, 6:30-7:00 pm
6 Week Session: June 2- July 14 (no July 7)
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $34, NonResidents $42
Limit: 12 participants
Intro to Rifle Team Ages 12-16
Messy Fun Science Ages 8-12
A beginner’s course on rifle shooting. Participants will learn proper
safety and techniques when handling firearms as well as skills to
hone marksmanship. This course will prepare those wishing to
shoot for the PT Warrior Rifle Team. Ammo and rifle provided.
Instructor: Nick Yackovich; NRA Certified Instructor, WPIAL
Medalist, State Qualifier, Assistant Coach of the Warrior Rifle Team
Location: Murrysville District Sportsmen’s Association
Time: Wednesday, 7:00-8:30 pm
4 Week Session: June 17-July 8
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents, $54, NonResidents, $62
Limit: 12 participants
Archery Ages 10-16
Build volcanoes, concoct treats, love learning science with little
Einsteins make a mess in someone else’s kitchen! PTHS Senior
and Honor Student Mike Zula (yes, he really did get a 2000 on
his SAT’s) helps kids learn fun facts and build stuff to tear down,
blow up and enjoy as a snack!
Instructor: Mike Zula
Location: Level Green Playground
Time: Wednesday, June 24, 6:00-8:00 pm
Fee: $19 Penn Trafford School District Residents, $27 Nonresidents
Learn the basic skills required for this traditional sport. Proper
technique will be taught as well as basic bow shooting and target
skills. Equipment supplied.
Instructor: Trafford Sportsman Club Member
Location: Trafford Sportsman’s Club
Time: Tuesday, 6:00-7:30 pm
4 Week Session: July 7- 28
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $29, NonResidents $37
Limit: 14 participants
Trampoline & Foam Pit Tumbling
Creativity with Color and Art
Ages 6-12
Enjoy 4 fun-filled projects with a variety of materials. Creativity
tracks and foam pits. Great fun for beginners learning new tricks mixed with acrylics, watercolors and more will help bring a
little color into your world. Wear clothes that can get messy.
and the more experienced tumblers to perfect their skills.
Materials provided
Instructors: Alison Biondi’s Gymnastic Instructors
Instructor: Danielle Ronallo
Location: Alison Biondi’s Gymnastic Facility
Location: Manor Community Room
Time: Saturdays, Noon – 1:00 pm
Time: Tuesday, 7:00-8:30 pm
6 Week Session: June 6-July 18 (no July 4)
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents 39 per session, 2 week session: June 16 & June 23
Fee: PennTraffordSchoolDistrictResidents, $29,Non-Residents, $37
Non-Residents $47
Limit: 12 participants
Limit: 20 participants
Ages 5-10
Funky Fun Food Experiments Ages 6-12 This co-ed class will utilize in-ground trampolines, tumble
Play with your food! Explore how everyday food items interact in
fun experiments and then eat the creations. We will discover cool
food facts, make awesome projects and learn nifty ways to create
stuff to eat! Materials included. Wear clothes that can get messy!
Instructor: Mike Zula
Location: Trafford-Manchester Room
Time: Tuesday, July 7, 6:00-8:00 pm
Limit: 12 participants
Fee: $19PennTraffordSchoolDistrictResidents, $27Non-residents
Diplomate American
Board of Orthodontics
“We Create
Smiles In
Leverington Professional Complex, Suite 4001
3520 Rte. 130, Penn Twp. Irwin, PA 15642
Phone: (724) 744-4074 Fax: (724) 744-7111
E-Mail: Website:
Albert G Lonzo - President
240 Wall Avenue • Wilmerding, PA 15148
Contractor #PA014665
Penn-Trafford Area Recreation Commission
724-744-2171 ext 204 or 205
PT Olympic Multi-Sports Camp
Yoga in the Park Ages 12 & up
6 Week Session: June 16-July 21
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $60, NonWhat’s better than building health and happiness through
studying yoga? Practicing your postures in the great outdoors, of Residents 68
course! Come practice hatha yoga outside with the birds chirping Limit: 30 participants
and the sound of the water moving. Our study will consist of
Teens! Everybody Worries!
classic and modified postures proven through the ages to allow the Learn how to Beat the Fears in Your Head
free flow of energy through the entire body. You will be at one with Ages 14-18
yourself and with nature! Bring a yoga mat and a water bottle! Teens, beat the obstacles in your head! Learn an empowering
Instructor: April Shula
technique to overcome fears and anxieties that hold you
Location: BY Park
back from your dreams. Social, math and/or test anxiety,
Time: Saturday, 9:30-11:00 am
Performance, separation, being alone anxieties, this class will
4 Week Session: July 18- August 8
help you triumph over any fear that stops you from reaching your
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $49, Nonpotential.
Residents $57
Instructor: Gail Fiore, MA, MSW, CEAP, BTTI
Limit: 15 participants
Location: Penn Township Municipal Bldg.
Ages 4-12
Children are divided into “countries”, separated for ageappropriate instruction, and learn about a wide variety of Olympic
sports including track and field, soccer, basketball, hockey, team
handball, and more. Campers learn about the culture and history
of their adopted country, and make a flag to carry at the “Closing
Ceremonies” and “Presentation of Medals”. In the afternoons,
campers participate in a wide variety of camp games and
activities, including Capture-the-Flag, Sharks and Minnows and
more. All campers receive a camp T-shirt.
Instructor: Jump Start Sports coaches
Location: Penn Township Municipal Park
Time: Monday through Friday
Fee: $125 Full-Day (9:00-3:00 pm); $90 Half-Day (9:00noon). Before Camp Care (8:00-9:00 am for $10/week), and
After Camp Care (3:00-6:00 pm for $30/week) also available. Developing the Young Athlete
1 week session: July 13-July 17
Ages 7-10 and 11-13
This program is designed for children based on improving a variety
Limit: 50 participants
of physical skills in a fun, positive environment that teaches
Hip Hop Ages 6-12
fitness as a way of life. Each class will include a dynamic warm-up
This class is for students who are just starting out or have
teaching flexibility techniques, lessons on developing mechanics
minimal experience in hip hop. You will learn various hip hop
used in running, jumping, and other athletic movements, core
moves in a fun-filled and vibrant class environment. This is an strengthening exercises, and a beginning introduction into weight
upbeat and high energy class-so get ready to do some “funky training for the 11-13 year old of the group.
foot work”!
Instructor: FSQ Sports Training Staff
Instructor: Aubrey Frye and Gianna Wilkie
Location: FSQ Sports Training Facility
Time: Tuesday, 7:00-8:00 pm
Time: Thursday, 5:00-5:45
6 Week Session: June 2- July 14 (no July 7)
6 Week Session: June 11-July 16
Location: Penn Township Ambulance
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $39, Non$
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents 34, NonResident $47
Residents 42
Limit: 12 participants
Limit: 12 participants/session
Youth CPR Ages 10-16
Teen Zumba in the Park Ages 12-15
Kids Can Push Hard & Fast, Hands Only CPR.
Encourage a healthy lifestyle while dancing to fun music with Survival in Cardiac Arrest depends on getting immediate
your friends. Zumba is the Latin-inspired, easy-to-follow,
CPR. Double or even triple a victim’s chance of survival. Chest
calorie-burning fitness dance party. This class combines
compressions push oxygen through the body to keep vital organs
current pop and international rhythms with age appropriate
alive and buy time until help arrives.
choreography for pre-teens and teenagers.
Instructor: Ed Grant, Penn Twp. Ambulance
Instructor: Andrea Connors
Location: Penn Twp. Municipal Park-Boquet Pavilion
Location: Level Green Basketball Court
Time: Saturday, 10-11 am 10-13 yr olds;
Time: Monday, 11:00-Noon
11:15am -12:15 pm 14-16 yr olds
6 Week Session: June 8-July 20 (no June 22)
One Time Session: June 13
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $34, NonFee: FREE OF CHARGE! Prizes too!
Residents $42
Limit: 20 participants
Basketball Camp Ages 7-12
Have fun learning the fundamentals of basketball. Participate in
GYM Sampler Co-ed Clinic Ages 5-12 shooting, dribbling and passing drills to improve your individual
Want to see what gymnastics is all about? Students get to give skills. Team building skills developed during scrimmages as well.
everything a try, including how to perform tricks on different
Bring your basketball. T-shirt included.
equipment like Spring floors, Vaulting tables, Trampolines, Bars, Instructor: Brian McDonough
Balance Beams, Climbing ropes, Foam Pits, and so much more! Location: Level Green Elementary Basketball Courts
Instructors: Alison Biondi’s Gymnastic Coaches
Time: Monday and Wednesday, 6:00-7:00 pm
Location: Alison Biondi’s Gymnastic Facility
2 week session: June 15-June 24
One Day Clinic: Sunday, June 7, 1:00-3:00 pm
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $29, Non$
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents 19;
Resident $37
Non-Residents 27
Limit: 12 participants
Limit: 20 participants
PT Deck Hockey Ages 4-11
Strength & Conditioning Ages 13-16 Have a blast learning hockey fundamentals and playing games.
You will be trained on speed, agility, balance and strength using Forehand, backhand passing, trapping, stick handling, shooting,
methods you may never have been exposed to. You will utilize all defending and goal keeping included. Play fun oriented,
the gymnastic equipment such as bars, climbing ropes, balance low competition games to learn team concepts. Equipment
beams etc. to enhance your core abilities, as well as keep it fun provided. T-shirt included.
with relays, obstacle courses and conditioning games. Weekly Instructor: Jump Start Sports
challenges. Come see what it’s all about!
Location: Penn Township Municipal Park
Instructors: Alison Biondi’s Gymnastic Coaches
Time: Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 pm (ages 4-6);
Location: Alison Biondi’s Gymnastic Facility
6:30-7:30 pm (ages 7-11)
Time: Thursday, 6:30-7:30 pm
6 Week Session: July 1-August 5
6 Week Session: June 11-July 16
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $60,
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $44, NonNon-residents $68
Residents 52
Limit: 30 participants
Limit: 20 participants
Time: Tuesday, August 11, 6:30-8:00 pm
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $9, NonResidents $17
Limit: 12 participants
Brickz 4 Kids 1 Day Minecraft Camp
Ages 5-12
Steve is jumping for joy as he introduces the newest members of
his Minecraft world. Campers will be challenged to bring their
virtual designs to life by building new mob figures, mosaics and
custom models, incorporating LEGO bricks. So are you ready for
the challenge?
Instructor: Bricks 4 Kids
Location: Manor Community Building Room
Time: Wednesday, June 24, 9:00am-3:00 pm (students
provide their own lunch)
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $69, NonResidents $77
Limit: 24 participants
Brickz 4 Kids Super Hero Week
Long Camp Theme: Mining & Crafting
Ages 5-12
Join Bricks 4 Kidz for a week building Super Heroes with LEGO
bricks. Explore all the caped crusaders and discover their super
posers. Create a fantasy world and protect it against all the evil
arch enemies with custom contraptions made with LEGO bricks.
At the end of the week, all SUPER HERO CAMPERS will go
home with a custom mini figure!
Instructor: Bricks 4 Kids
Location: Penn Township Municipal Building
Time: Monday through Friday, 1:00-4:00 pm
1 week session: July 20-July 24
Fee: Penn-Trafford School District Residents $129, NonResidents $137
Limit:24 participants
Tennis Camps Ages 5 & up
Beginning class for players who need to learn the four basic strokes
and proper stance, grip and position. Intermediate class for players
who wish to refine their strokes while adding pace, spin and control
to shots. Please bring your own racquet. Adults welcome!
Instructor: Tom Merchant
Location: Penn Trafford High School Courts
Time: Wednesday & Friday
4:15-5:15 pm Beginners Age 9 & up or
5:30-6:30 pm Intermediate
6:45-7:30 pm Munchkin Ages 5-8
3 Week Session: July 15-July 31
Fee: Penn-Trafford School District Residents Ages 5-8 $39,
Ages 9 & up $49,
Non-Residents Ages 5-8 $47, Ages 9 & up $57
Limit: 25 participants/class
Semi-Private Tennis Lessons
Ages 8 & up
For the serious tennis student, focus on skill development and
individual instruction. Please indicate beginner, intermediate or
advanced skill level on registration form. Group time according to
PT Introductory Lacrosse
skill level. Adults welcome!
Fight Like a Girl Ages 10 & up
Ages 7-12
Instructor: Tom Merchant, USTA Clinician
Think smarter and have the necessary skills and awareness to Boys and girls learn to play the fastest growing sport in the
Location: Penn Trafford High School Courts
keep out of dangerous personal situations and to get away from United States. All equipment will be provided in this highly
an attacker.
instructional program. Coaches provided by Jump Start Sports Time: Monday & Thursday 4:00-5:15 pm Beginner or
5:30-6:45 pm Intermediate/Advanced
Instructor: Cassandra Kintigh
lead the training on all fundamentals, including: passing and
Location: PT Ambulance
catching, fielding ground balls, cradling, spacing, positioning, First One-Week Session: July 13 & 16
One Day Session: July 18
and defense. Then players are divided by age to play fun game Second One-Week Session: July 20 & 23
Third One-Week Session: July 27 & 30
Time: Saturday, 10:00 am-noon
situational scrimmages. T-shirt included.
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $59, NonFee: Penn Trafford School District Residents 12, NonInstructor: Jump Start Sports
Residents $67
Residents $20
Location: Penn Trafford High School Football Field
Limit: 3 participants/session
Limit: 20 participants
Time: Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm
Mechanical - Body - Tires
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New! On-Line Registration
Aqua Zumba Ages 18 & up
Splash your way into shape with an invigorating, low-impact
aquatic exercise program.
Instructor: Valerie Jones
Location: Penn Trafford High School Pool
Time: Monday, 5:00-6:00 pm
6 Week Session: June 1-July 13 (no July 6)
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $34, NonResidents $42
Limit: 20 participants
Pi-Yo Ages 15 & up
The newest craze of pilates and yoga meshed together. This fullbody workout will build your strength, endurance and flexibility.
You will not be bored here…..this is not your typical yoga class!
You will move at a faster pace to upbeat, current music. Some
call it rebel yoga! Bring a mat.
Instructor: Stacia Vallo
Location: Penn Township Ambulance
Time: Monday, 5:45-6:30 pm
First 5 Week Session: June 8-July 6
Second 5 Week Session: July 20-August 17
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $37, NonResidents $42
Limit: 14 participants per session
Crunch Club Ages 15 & up
Back on the Healthy Track Ages 15 & up
Improve core strength while focusing on abs and stomach, shape
and flatten your mid-section. Mat and resistance band needed.
Instructor: Stacia Vallo-Martucci
Location: Penn Township Ambulance
Time: Thursday, 6:45-7:15 pm
First 5 Week Session: June 11-July 9
Second 5 Week Session: July 23-August 20
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents, $21; Nonresidents, $29
Limit: 14 participants per session
Well-rounded, low impact beginning fitness class gives you the
opportunity to learn proper technique for maximum results.
Bring mat, resistance band, weights and water bottle.
Instructor: Stacia Vallo
Location: Penn Township Ambulance
Time: Tuesday, 6:00-6:45 pm
5 Week Session: June 9-July 7
Second 5 Week Session: July 21-August 18
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents, $29, Nonresidents $37
Limit: 14 participants
Ages 18 & up
Sun salutations
and creative flow
sequences are
emphasized in this
challenging class
linking your breath
and movement
energies, your mind,
body and spirit while creating a moving meditation in a relaxed
and welcoming environment. Modifications are offered based
upon ability.
Instructor: Liz Farneth
Zumba! Ages 14 & up
Location: Penn Township Municipal Building
Ready to party yourself into shape? Now you’re thinkin’ Zumba! Time: Wednesday, 9:00 am-10:00 am
It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, calorie-burning 6 Week Session: June 3-July 8
dance fitness party. For the beginner or intermediate, this class Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $59, Nonis fun fitness for everyone!
Residents $67
Location: Penn Township Municipal Building
Limit: 20 participants/session
Instructor: Charlotte Hartman
Time: Thursday, 6:00-7:00 pm
Cardio Blast Ages 15 & up
6 Week Session: June 4-July 16 (no July 9)
Interval training is what it’s all about! You will work intense
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents 34, Nonexercises in short bursts followed by a quick recovery period. This
is a full body workout and will have you burning calories 5 times
Residents 42
longer than a traditional cardio class. If you want to burn fat fast,
Limit: 15 participants
this is the class for you! You will need a mat, 5-8 lb. weights and
Fab Abs Ages 15 & up
resistance band.
Shape, tone & flatten your mid-section while improving your Instructor: Stacia Vallo
core strength. Balls, bands and equipment provided. Mat and Location: Penn Township Ambulance
resistance band needed. Bring a water bottle.
Time: Thursday, 7:15-8:00 pm
Instructor: Stacia Vallo
First 5 Week Session: June 11-July 9
Location: Penn Township Ambulance
Second 5 Week Session: July 23-August 20
Time: Tuesday, 6:45-7:15 pm
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents, $29, NonFirst 5 Week Session: June 9-July 7
Residents $37
Second 5 Week Session: July 21-August 18
Limit: 14 participants per session
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $21, NonResidents $29
Summer Outdoor Fitness Program
Limit: 14 participants per session
Ages 15 & up
This 1-hour program is structured to build strength and fitness
Cardio Chaos Ages 15 & up
through a variety of group intervals. Particular emphasis on
High intensity cardio class designed to improve & challenge your lower body and core strength. This program is designed to
stamina. Mix of low & high impact movements as well as agility promote fat loss, enhance muscle development and improve
& kick boxing. Mat, 5-8 lb. weights and resistance band needed. flexibility. Adaptable for all ages, genders, and fitness. Please
Bring water bottle & towel.
bring water bottle & towel.
Instructor: Stacia Vallo
Instructor: Snap Fitness
Location: Penn Township Ambulance
Location: PTHS Warrior Stadium
Time: Tuesday, 7:15-8:00 pm
Time: Monday-Wednesday-Thursday, 6:15-7:15 am
First 5 Week Session: June 9-July 7
8 Week Session: June 8-July 30
Second 5 Week Session: July 21-August 18
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents 29, Non24 Sessions/$168, 16 Sessions/$128,
Residents 37
8 Sessions $72, Non-Residents $176, $136, $80 respectively
Limit: 14 participants per session
Limit: 50 participants
Pilates Lite Ages 50 & up
An easier, gentler beginner class to help you learn how to gain
core strength accentuate your posture, improve balance and
agility. Please bring mat & water bottle. Please specify day
Instructor: Midge Culig
Location: Penn Township Municipal Building
Time: 9:00-10:00 am
First 6 Week Session:
Tuesday, June 16-July 21 OR Thursday, June 18-July 23
Second 4 Week Session:
Tuesday, August 4-August 25 OR Thursday, August 6-August 27
Fee: First Session: Penn Trafford School District Residents $34,
Non-Residents $41
Fee: Second Session: Penn Trafford School District Residents
34, Non-Residents $42
Limit: 12 participants per session
An easy, move at your own pace approach to improving flexibility
& strength needed for daily living. Geared for the novice, this
program is for men & women. Seated and standing movements.
Please bring 1-5 lb. hand weights and a water bottle. Get fit!
Have fun! Make friends!
Instructor: Midge Culig
Location: Penn Township Municipal Building
Time: Wednesdays, 10:00-11:00 am
No Charge
Register with
the instructor
your first day of
Fit ‘n Tone Ages 15 & up
Develop strength while toning up with this low to moderate
impact class. Targeting the entire body to get you back on track
or keep you in shape. Bring water bottle & towel. Mat, 3-5 lb.
weights and resistance band needed.
Instructor: Stacia Vallo-Martucci
Location: Penn Township Ambulance
Time: Thursday, 6:00-6:45 pm
First 5 Week Session: June 11-July 9
Second 5 Week Session: July 23-August 20
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $29, NonResidents $37
Limit: 14 participants
CCV Brushes & Beverages Ages 21 & up
Looking for a way to bring out your creative side? Join us for
a night of fun, drinks and art! Feel free to bring your favorite
beverage and snack and we provide the rest. Come and create
your own acrylic picture while enjoying an evening out!
Instructor: Corks & Canvases instructor
Location: Manor Borough Community Room
Time: Wednesday, 7:00-9:00 pm
One Day: June 17
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $25 , NonResidents $33
Limit: 12 participants
Empowerment & Finance
Seminar for Women Ages 21 & up
Understand the financial implications of divorce including
budgeting, organizing & splitting financial assets & liabilities,
tax implications, litigation coaching, how to communicate more
effectively with your attorney & centered decision making.
Instructors: Gail Fiore, MA, MSW, CEAP, BTTI & Donna
Cheswick, CDFA
Location: Penn Township Municipal Building
Time: Women –Saturday, June 27, 9:00-11:30 am
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $12, Nonresidents $19
Limit: 20 participants
Mastering Anxiety for Success
Ages 18 & up
Learn a simple empowering brain builder technique to overcome
negativity, interfering or destructive fears, and low self-esteem.
Conquer feelings of fear of failure, rejection, inferiority, or saying
the wrong thing.
Instructors: Gail Fiore, MA, MSW, CEAP, BTTI
Location: Penn Township Municipal Bldg
Time: Tuesday, June 9 - 6:30-8:30 pm
Fee: Penn Trafford School District Residents $12, Nonresidents $19
Limit: 20 participants
Senior Stretch & Strength Ages 55 & up
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Jeannette Pennsylvania 15644
Penn-Trafford Area Recreation Commission
724-744-2171 ext 204 or 205
• $730,065 Grant Project Income for Penn Township
• $126,000 Grant Project Income for Manor Borough
Cultivating opportunities for the enrichment of parks, recreation Why Should You Help?
• $143,000 Grant Project Income for Penn Borough
Parks and recreation facilities provide:
services and facilities for the people of the Penn Trafford
• $197,500 Grant Project Income for Trafford Borough
• Places for families to hold birthday parties, bridal and baby • $223,722 Grant Project & Fundraising Income for the PTARC
Wine Tasting Extravaganza
Ages 21 & up
Sample award
wines with
hors d’oeuvres
and decadent
Winery, 10828 Guffey-Rillton Road, Rillton
Time: Saturday, October 17, 2015, 7:00-9:00 pm
Donation: $25 per person
Call 724-744-2171 ext. 205 or 204 for information and tickets
Who Are We? Friends of Penn Trafford Area Recreation
Commission is a non-profit, tax-exempt Pennsylvania
corporation created in order to provide funding for community
organizations including the Penn Trafford Area Recreation
Commission, to support community projects, recreational
programs and activities and community development projects.
What Do We Do? Friends of Penn Trafford Area Recreation
Commission’s goal is to raise funds to renovate existing parks
and recreation facilities in the Penn Trafford area and develop
new parks and recreation facilities for our residents to enjoy.
How Can You Help? Friends of Penn Trafford Area
Recreation is asking community-minded organizations and
individuals to volunteer, donate materials, labor, and/or time to
assist in the completion of these facilities.
showers, graduation parties and anniversary celebrations.
Shelley Proskin Recreation Center
• An average of 5,285 people per year participate in PTARC
• Facilities for parents and caregivers to take pre-school
programs & activities
children for fun physical activities and early childhood
• An average of 555 youth per year participate in instructional
swimming programs preventing drownings
• Places for after-school activities, club meetings, fitness,
nature and fun activities for school-aged children
• Facilities for life-long learning, fitness and wellness
On line Registration is available at
activities for adults with credit card payment!
• Places for seniors to gather, socialize, participate in
Complete Registration Form
activities and exercise.
Complete the registration form including all information.
Who Should I Contact? To help or attain more information, Return your form with the required fee to: PTARC, 2001
please contact Linda Bires, Executive Director at 724-744-2171 Municipal Court, Harrison City, PA 15636. Please
ext. 205.
use a separate registration form for each individual.
Public Meetings: Regular meetings of Friends of Penn
Please Register Early
Trafford Area Recreation are held the second Monday of every Pre-registration is required for all programs. Number of
other month at 7:00 pm in the Penn Township Municipal
participants is limited. Registration is taken first-come, firstBuilding.
served. Registration is not accepted at class, as classes may
be filled or cancelled. Registrations will not be accepted after
Board of Directors
classes have met for the second time.
Gail Follador
Linda Novak, Chair
Martha Antonella, Secretary Michael Ginsburg
Lynne Bane
Amanda Webb, Treasurer
Registrations will not be accepted without the payment of
Joy Clontz
Celest Roof
fees. You can pay the registration fee by mail or in person at:
Friends of Penn Trafford Area
PTARC, 2001 Municipal Court, Harrison City, PA
Recreation Commission
15636. Located in the Penn Township Municipal Building.
2001 Municipal Court
Checks or money orders should be made payable to PTARC.
Harrison City, PA 15636
MasterCard, Visa & Discover accepted! 2.45%
Linda Bires, Executive Director
convenience fee ($3.00 minimum) applies. Online
724-744-2171, ext. 205
registration at
PTARC serves residents of the communities of the PennMUNICIPALITY ACTIVITIES & COMMUNITY INFORMATION
Trafford School District including those living within the
borders of Manor, Penn, and Trafford Boroughs and Penn
Township. All residents of Manor Borough are included.
Kids Fishing Derby at Trafford BY Park Trafford Level Green
Time: Saturday, June 6, 9:00 am-12:00 N
Athletic Association
Location: BY Park in Trafford
Youth Baseball/Softball Registration. Go to
Non-Resident Registration
Kids, bring your families, fishing poles, tackle boxes and bait to
Registrations from non-residents will be accepted. Nonthe BY Park for a free fishing derby! Food and prizes! All children
must be accompanied by a parent or guardian on site at all times. Youth Baseball/Softball Registration. Go to Residents pay an additional $10 for trips and an additional $8
for all other programs.
Over 16 years of age must have a valid PA fishing license.
Harrison City Area Women’s Club
Four Season’s Calendar Party: Sept 12th
Craft Show: October 24th
Info -
Penn Area Library Summer
Reading Club
Dig into Reading at the Penn Area Library this summer.
Registration starts Monday, June 1 and ends with our summer
celebration on Wednesday, July 29. Join in the fun at the library
for programs, story times, games, prizes, special events and more.
Read to Me Club – ages birth to 7
Summer Reading Club – ages 8-12
Teen Reading – ages 13-16
Adult Reading – ages 17 & up
For more information please call 724-744-4414 or visit us at .
Westmoreland County Parks
& Recreation Alliance
“Partnering for a Brighter Future”
To unite and support area professionals and promote parks &
recreation services in Westmoreland
County through cooperation,
networking, joint programming
efforts and regional development.
Go to for more
Refund Policy
Cancellation requests made at least 3 business days prior to
the start of all activities: participants may choose either a full
credit voucher or monetary refund minus a $5 processing fee.
Cancellation requests received after a program has started:
participants may choose between a credit voucher or monetary
refund pro-rated to reflect the number of classes attended minus
a $5 processing fee. No refund will be issued after the second
meeting date of any program. Credit vouchers may be used to
register an immediate family member living in the same household
for any future program within one year of the date of issue.
Attend the first day of the program as scheduled. You will
only be notified by PTARC if a program is filled,
postponed, or cancelled. PTARC cannot be responsible
for the make-up of sessions missed for personal reasons. If you
This form may be duplicated. Use one registration form for each participant.
Please note that there are a maximum number of participants for each program. Full payment is due at the time of registration. miss a session, you are advised to contact the instructor about
assignments or announcements. A registered participant cannot
PARTICIPANT’S NAME ________________________________________________________________________________ o MALE o FEMALE transfer his or her right to attend a program to another person.
STREET ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY __________________________________________________________________________ STATE __________ZIP CODE__________
EMAIL ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________________________
PARTICIPANT’S: BIRTH DATE _____________________________ AGE ______________GRADE ______________
PARENT’S NAME (if participant is under 18 years of age) _____________________________________________________________
DAYTIME PHONE ( ___ ) ____________________ EVENING/CELL PHONE ( ___ ) ___________________________
Please indicate any medical conditions (including pregnancy) that PTARC and/or the instructor should be aware of:
Check with your physician before beginning any exercise program. Handicapped assistance available upon request.
Program Name
Roster _____ Receipt Number____________
*Adult participant signature required below. Parent signature required below for all participants under the age of 18.
The undersigned individual (parent or guardian if under age 18) represents that the registrant is in good health and can participate in the
above listed activity and with prior knowledge of the physical nature of the activity releases Penn-Trafford Area Recreation Commission
(PTARC), and Department, the Penn-Trafford School District, the Borough of Manor, the Borough of Penn, the Borough of Trafford,
Penn Township, and/or its affiliates or subsidiaries, officers, directors, agents, or employees from any and responsibility for injury to the
registrant through negligence or otherwise while he/she is participating in the activity. The parent, guardian, or participant assumes all
risks inherent in the activity and will hold the Penn-Trafford Area Recreation Commission and Department, the Penn-Trafford School
District, the Borough of Manor, the Borough of Penn, the Borough of Trafford, Penn Township, and/or its affiliates or subsidiaries,
officers, directors, agents, or employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action that may arise from this activity. The undersigned individual also hereby gives permission to Penn-Trafford Area Recreation Commission to use photographs of the participant for
the promotion of Penn-Trafford Area Recreation events and programs. The participant agrees to hold the Penn-Trafford Area Recreation
Commission, the Penn-Trafford School District, the Borough of Manor, the Borough of Penn, the Borough of Trafford, Penn Township,
and/or its affiliates or subsidiaries, officers, directors, agents, or employees free and harmless from liability of any nature.
*PARTICIPANT OR PARENT SIGNATURE _____________________________________________________ DATE
Please make checks payable to: PTARC
Mail form(s) with payment to:
2001 Municipal Court, Harrison City, PA 15636
Phone Number: 724-744-2171 ext. 204 or 205
Fax Number: 724-744-2172
MasterCard, Visa & Discover accepted!
Credit Card Number: _______________________________________ Exp. Date ____ /____
By signing below I agree to pay PTARC for the amount above and understand that a Third Party convenience fee will apply to my transaction in order for my
town/city/state to accept payment via credit card. I further agree that such convenience fee shall billed to my credit card by Nationwide Payment Solutions
(NPS) as a separate transaction and equal to *2.45% ($3.00 minimum) of the total amount being paid. Nationwide Payment Solutions is an authorized Level 1
PCI-DSS third party processor of regulated convenience fees.
After registering, plan on attending!
You will only be notified if the program X _______________________________________________________
(cardholder signature)
is filled, postponed or canceled.
Class Cancellations
Programs held in Penn-Trafford School District
facilities are cancelled whenever schools are
closed. PTARC reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or
reschedule any program that does not meet a minimum
number of class participants. Every effort will be made to
reschedule sessions missed for unanticipated cancellations or
postponements encountered during a program. Rescheduling
is not guaranteed.
PTARC does not carry insurance to cover hospitalization or the
medical cost of persons injured during the course of participation
or spectating at any of PTARC’s programs or events. All
participants enter programs at their own risk.
Every effort will be made for people of all abilities to participate
in PTARC programs. People with disabilities requiring special
accommodations, must contact the Recreation Office before
the start of the program, so that arrangements can be made for
successful participation.
Financial Assistance
The Penn Trafford Area Recreation Commission is committed
to serving all residents of the Penn Trafford School District
regardless of financial status. If you are interested in
participating in any of the programs or activities listed in
this brochure, but are unable to pay the fee, please contact
the Recreation Director at 724-744-2171 ext. 205 for
information on eligibility for financial assistance.