British Council

Issuance Date: 23rd March 2015
EOI No.: TCF P2Y2b
What is the Background/Rationale?
The Insular Southeast Asian Network on MSM, TG, and HIV (ISEAN) and the Humanist
Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly submitted a regional
proposal to the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis (GFATM) Round 10 in 2010.
The programme entitled, ‘Strengthening Community Systems to Reduce Vulnerability to and
Impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Insular Southeast Asia’, was approved by GFATM and
the contract for the grant was signed on 6 October 2011. This grant has the main goal of reducing
(a) the vulnerability and risks of MSM and TG to HIV infection and (b) the impact of HIV on their
lives in Insular Southeast Asia. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up
activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs.
One of the strategies of ISEAN Hivos Programme (IHP) is to provide financial assistance to
community-based organizations (CBOs) working with MSM and Transgender (TG) people to
support the implementation of their activities in line with their Vision, Mission, Goals and
Objectives (VMGOs).
Thus, PT Foundation (PTF), as the Sub-Recipient (SR) of the grant in Malaysia, is announcing
the opening of the third and final round of IHP’s The Challenge Fund or TCF. This particular
round shall be called TCF P2Y2b. TCF aims to contribute to the national HIV and AIDS response
to sexual transmission by promoting innovative ideas/concepts through small projects
implementation. Project implementation period for this round is from May to August 2015.
PTF is now calling for submission of Expressions of Interest (EOIs) and Project Proposals for
TCF P2Y2b. Details of the mechanics are found below.
Who can Apply?
TCF P2Y2b is open only to the Malaysian MSM and TG Network or myISEAN Secretariat or
Board as well as its member CBOs. These include those CBOs who joined in Phase 1 as well as
those who have just joined myISEAN.
What are the Requirements?
Duly filled up and signed Expression of Interest or EOI (Template Attached)
Duly filled up and signed Bank Account Form (Form Attached)
Duly filled up Project Proposal (Template Attached)
Duly filled up Budget Proposal (Template Attached)
ISEAN Hivos Program | Strengthening community systems to reduce the vulnerability to and impact of HIV among MSM and TG in Malaysia
What does the Grant Cover?
The grant shall cover innovative projects or activities related to organizational development of
CBOs/network and sexual health services delivery (HIV Prevention, Testing, Treatment, Care and
Support or PTTCS), creation of an enabling environment, and improving strategic information.
Preferential consideration shall be given to those projects with tangible outputs. Projects under
each category could be covered, but not limited to the following:
Organizational Development
 Training Manuals Development
 Organizational Video Production (as marketing tool)
Sexual Health Services Delivery
Klinik-CBO Partnership
Fun Run (HIV Prevention Awareness and Testing)
Health Mall/University Roadshow (for Public Awareness)
IEC Materials Development (for HIV Prevention and Awareness)
HIV and AIDS EduTainment or Theater/Play
Online HIV Intervention (Online Outreach)
Mobile Clinic/Testing (for STIs/HIV)
App Development Linking Outreach and Testing
Community-Based HIV Testing and Counseling
HIV Medicine Delivery System Development
Hospital-Based Peer Support Program Development
Healthcare Services Happiness Index
Enabling Environment
 HIV Response Happiness Index
 Sensitization Workshop for Religious and Police Authorities
 Sensitization Workshops for Health Care Providers
Strategic Information
Study on Government Sector (E.g., MOE, JAKIM, etc.) Readiness on HIV and LGBT
Online Research (E.g. Needs Assessment, Services Gap Analysis)
Data Analysis and Publication of Previous Research
Publication of Research Studies
What is the Format of the Project Proposal?
The attached Project Proposal Template shall be used and it covers the following contents:
Title of the Project
Project Category
Implementing Organization/Contact Person/Address
Project Background/Rationale
Project Objectives and Expected Results
ISEAN Hivos Program | Strengthening community systems to reduce the vulnerability to and impact of HIV among MSM and TG in Malaysia
F. Key Activities and Timelines
G. Budget Proposal (include counterpart contributions, if necessary)
How much is the Budget?
The total allocation for Malaysia for this round is RM30,000. There will be two (2) guaranteed
CBO recipients from Malaysia. Each CBO can propose a project amounting to a maximum of
How to Submit?
Submit the following to and with Subject Line,
“Application for The Challenge Fund: P2Y2b” on or before the specified dates:
1. Duly filled up and signed EOI and Bank Account Form by 10 April 2015 (Friday)
2. Project Proposal and Budget Proposal by 24 April 2015 (Friday)
How will the Successful Recipients be Selected?
PTF-IHP team is organizing a Proposal Presentation and Assessment on 27 April 2015
(Monday) at 11:00am to 6:00pm in PTF’s Training Room in its Headquarters at Jalan Ipoh
Kecil, Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur. Project proposals received shall be presented by the
proponents’ key staffs/officers and shall be assessed by IHP’s Grant Assessment Panel (GAP)
members based on standard assessment tool. Successful recipients will be the same day.
How to Communicate for Clarifications?
For inquiries/clarifications, please contact the IHP team through email at and or telephone numbers: +603-4044-4611 Extension 25.
Prepared by:
National Programme Manager
Approved by:
National Coordinator
ISEAN Hivos Program | Strengthening community systems to reduce the vulnerability to and impact of HIV among MSM and TG in Malaysia