I : GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB & INDUSTRIAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT OF TECHNTCAL EDUCATION ll) Fec}rNlcAL EDUCATION BRANCH NOTIFICATION ' ' No.13fl/20 14-1TE2r pgy 1.0 '|ivrr'rY^rrY't Dated: /8'3'l{ Punjab Technical University' The Governor of Punjab is pleased to appoint the to make admission to 2nd Jalandhar (hereinafter PTU) as the competent authority be made in its affiliated year (3d semester) of B. Pharmacy. The admission shall session 2015 - 2015' institutions located in'the state of Punjab for the academic for this admission :The passed out diploma in Pharmacy are only eligible Note:1 The number of colleges and the number of seats shall be as approved by AICTE/PCI. Course for.-the academic Note:2 The vacant sea6 ln l't year of B-. Pharmacy in qualifying sesslon 2014 -iS shall aiso ue filled on the inter-se-merit examinatlon. 2.0 the following criteria for The Governor of punjab is also pleased to further issue making admissions thereafter: A. ELIGIBILIW CRITERIA The minimum qualification for admission to 2nd year (3'd semester) of B' Pharmacy courses shall be as follows: (i) (ii) from an All those candidates who have passed the diploma in Pharmacy & lndustrial lnstitution amriaieJ to the punjab Siate Board of Technical Education State Board i;;i.irg I euniaEiUniversity, i,atiala or any other University or any diploma in of Technical. Education sirall be eligible to apply' Furthe.r, the must be duly en"rr..y and the institute where tfie candidate has studied should approved by the Fharmacy Council of lndia / AICTE. Also the candidate SC/ST to belonging have obtained at least 45% marks (40%o in case of candidate category) in the above mentioned qualifying examination. to the eharmacy 2nd year have to pass those subjects Students directly "Oritt"Owhich have not been covered under D. Pharmacy' of B. pharmacy l.tyear B. ELIGIBILIW FOR ADMISSION TO B. PHARMACY COURSE (i) The admission of candidates of the Pharmacy course under this scheme shall only be given to those who fulfills all other conditions for admission. ln case of ieats reserved for SC/ST, the relative merit shall be determined within the reserved category. (ii) Candidates who have appeared / are appearing in the qualifying diploma examination to be held during the current session shall also be eligible for submission of admission form but they will have to pass the diploma in pharmacy before the date of counseling. Otherwise, they will not be considered for admission to B. Pharmacy course. (iii) Apart from the basic educational qualifications prescribed above, the general eiigiUitity d:riteria shall be as contained in Punjab Government, Department of teinniiat Education & Industrial Training memo No. 35/44195-1T(2)/978 dated 21st March, 2003. This communication shall be treated, as a part and parcet of this notification shall be read along with the contents of the said communication. -f- t' (iv) certificates / bonafide resident The guidelines issued for the grant of resident Administrative Reforms (PP-2 Br) of punjab by Department of Personn"i.no gOf g dated ine Os June, 1996, and l'D' No'.1/2/96vide No. 1/g/gS-3PC-Z I No. 1/3/95-3PP-2/80 dated 1st Januarv igSq gpp-ztilgto dated if any, will be "nO 1ggg, and furthei inrtr,litions,'issued by that Depa.rtment, Degree courses .nJ.piiit *tri1" making admission to theposted .i["]"0 iol.inlettei'no*evbr, in Punjab children of dEfence personnel in the Colleges. that they should have passed are exempted from this condition to the extent institution situated in Punjab' only qualifying examination from a recognized itilfy, Exemption under above Para are not alive) of those. regular Punjab Children/wards/depepdent (whose parents 'nrilnoi. Service borne on Punjab cadre' Serving Government empl[]$:, .",n'u"rs, of emplovs of judses and tn" lribiovs of_ne'plni.o and.Haryana ltgh state of Punjab who by a.n act of the Boards/Corporations/itatutory Bodies ".t.bli.n"d puni"U January' of entrance test that is n"tore'l't on oi have been nofOing'pdii-orisil" i;;r;ry ,-ois and teir chirdren/wards/dependents mav have done diploma outside Punjab. golt ;;;;i;;;'iii C RESERVATION: pynj{ Govt' Department of Technical The reservatiQn of seats shall be as per 3 I 2 105 -1TE211987 dated 2nd Education and lndustrial Trainiil ryo" J be ,nn"r"A t6 tnis notification' This communication shall July, 201S, *hi.l1 all the rnO ptt."t oi nis notification, for all purposes' and said treated the of contents iht notification snari ne read along with the provisions "'p"tt communication. res.ervation under any ii. The attention, of tlre applicants desirous of claiming and stipulation that only category *n.[o"r"i-is es:pecirrty ar"*n to the..condition produced !h9 time of admission shall be the certificates that have in their own interest' to get considered. The candidates are accordingly advised, otherwise' the requisite certificates issued well beioie the date of admission' are required to claim claim for reseruation shall Ue summarily rejected.Candidates reservation is lf reservation at the time of regi;tering ior bnline counselling' -no "General Category claimed, the candirlate shall be treited and considered as i. r. Mil". li ; b;; candidate". iii.. under any The attention of rhe applicants desirous of claiming reservation that only is especially drawn to the,condition and stipulation category whatsoever of submission of the certificates that have been isiued on or before the last date to PTU and have application toims for admission to second year/3d semester The candidates been anner"J *itfr the application form., ihrll be considered' certificates requ.isite ge.t the are accorAingly advised,'in their own interest, to not be shall issued well before the cut-off date, otherwise, their certificate rejected' No considered and their claim for reservation shall be summarily provision this any circumstances; in this regard, extension snuii te granted -and under "*id" also included conspicuously in the publicity should Ue giren prospectus-cim-information brochure to be issued by the PTU. a provision in the application form for a candidate to indicate iv. The pTU shali ,nd"t which he/she is seeking reservation' There shall also the category.li "nV, indicate the sub-category of the category, if any, underrruhich be a pro-vislon to These reservation i. u"ing sought, so that rnter ie gradation can be facilitated. of sub-categories havl been elucidated in the Punjab Govellqenl Department dated Technical Education and lndustrial Training Memo No.13/2/05-1TE211987 Zn iufy, 2013, which is annexed to this notification. Punjab Government may also set up a'cornmittee to effect rnter se gradation of candidates claiming dated reservation under certain categories, as indicated in the aforesaid memo 2nd July, 2013. reserved v. A candidate shall tle eligible to make claim for reservation in any of the per Punjab categories. However, t-he procedure for counselling shall be as r.f" Government, Welfare Department (Reservation Cell) Memo no-712112004' RS1/1674 -1677 dated 20th Dec., 2004. -2- -) t D. General Condltions: (i) (ii) for online counselling by PTU' The Procedure There shall be centralized online the PTU' counselling tft"tt nu decided by charges as pay fee / development fee and other The students shall be liable to and other charges to the concern r"" developmeni / fees of rates the oer punJab/AICTE/ University' from time to of Government the by fixed college as time. 1247 ThemanagementquotashallbelspelPunjabGovernmentDepartment.of Mim9.19:. ] 3/1 2el2003-1 TEzt rechnicat Educatiolffi ffi ;tii.r ndinins Dated 13l12gl2OO3'1TE2t1892 18th dated 25th April 2008, partiat r'rotiticliion-Nq' notificatilil;'ittii'e'ioos-irczlr71 dated 20th June 2OO8 ard partiat il.r.r, iOli wntin-.i" "nn"*ed to this notification. (iii) as follows' through counselling shall be done Processing for allocation of seats only) General category (Puniab Residents only) Reserved Category (Punjab Residents : (iv) a. b. c.GeneralCategory(outsidePunjabforvacantseatsonly) only) ;. e. puniab for vacant seats Reserved category (outside (For Vacant Seats only) lnter-se Merit in qualifying exam Seatsremainingunfilledinanycategoryshallg.?tl".n.f:rredtothe be filled by the college resoective category"..o tn" tr*"-snltt strfily rn the ordLr as mentioned above f.Theseatsstillremainingunfilled,evenaftertheendofcounselling quota se1].s, which shall be shall be transferred"tohanagement tinriir"J *tinin (v) 15 days of the last date of counselling. per Puniab Natiorrals./P^lo shall be as The guidelines for admission of Foreign dated Chandigarh the Government Notiic.iion f,fo. 13r7;i2bgi'teUZg6 zooz ;Jd l;;;'y, (vi) only) will Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand of fee counselling refundable Non time .ornt"lling'fee from each student one be collected by the University only. .. /Univgl:itv allotted during centralized (vii) ln case a studenl changes his/her/college shall be refunded by the pervious counselling conducted by PTU- his/h"if"" only the original documents will be institution atter ol'du.tiui1 of refunded irrrmediatelY. ns 1OOOI- within 7 days of the end of the (viii) ln case a student surrenders his/her seat, college and register on PTU -'prU counselling, h"/un" must submit application..to shall onty forward such cases to the website ,,,r.r;i;,.i,,i..,.,,.,..,.''i..i,.,. concerned.colleges/Universitiesandcollegeslnustrefundhis/herfullfeeafter deduction of Rs 1000/- onlY' (ix)lnkeepingwiththedirectionofMinistryofHumanResourceDevelopment Department,Govt.oflndia"ttin.titutionsandUniversitiesshallinpublic candidates' ln the event of a interest, maintain a waiting list of students, start of the course, the waiting list studenucahdiJate with drawing t"tor" the the vacant seat' The entire candidates shotrld be given admlssions against procesginq fee of not more fees collected from the student, after a deduction.of be refunded and returned than Rs. lOOii- Hrp"". On" fnousanO Only) shall withdrawing from the by the tnstitutioiilUniversity to tnl studenucandidateand universities to retain programme. ii wouto not bapeimiisiule for institutions -3- the certificates in original. lf a student leave after joining the course and if the seat subsequently titting vacant gets filled by another candidate by the last with date of ad'missiln, th; institution must return the fees collected 'rent, where proportionate deduction of monthly fee and proportionate hostel applicable. t (x) Al! tnstitutions affiliated to PTU shatl follow 'Fee Waiver Scheme' as prescribed by AICTE and notified by Government of Punjab vide its notification No. tblOOlOa-tTE2t1tgt, dated 23rd May, 2011, 13/60/08-1TE2120O7 dated 31 .5.2012 and 1 3/60/08- 1 T8212092 dated 1 8.7 .201 3' (E) Over-ridlng Provision: ' 'Nothing in t-his notification shall be operative in_ so far as it is inconsistent with the law of lne und asrlaid down of the judgement of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of ]ndia in the case of TMA Pai Foundatlon ano otners vs. ((2oo2)8Scm).Anysuch.inco-nsistencymaybebroughtto in" noil." of the Government of Punjab, clearly highlighting the inconsistency, for immediate rectification. Dated: Chandlgarh o1u3-a; M.P.Singh, IAS Principal Secretary to Govt of Punjab, Deptt. of Technical Education & lndustria! Training. tie lr Dated: Endst. No. 1 3nnU4-1TE2l is forwarded to the Controller, Printing & Stationary, Punjab, Chandigarh for information and necessary action. lt is requested that the notification A copy,; may be published in the State Government extra-ordinary Gazette and 20 copies of the notification may be supptied to Government for record. ,.",#d'k*t. or Punjab, speciar Deptt.of Technical Education & lndl.Training. Endst. No. 13rtt2o14-1TE2t Dated: A@1 t8"J, lS.- A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action : 1. Director, Technical Education & tndustrialTraining, Punjab, Chandigarh. 2. lice Chancellor, Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar Computer Section, o/o the Director, Technical Education & lndustrial ,3/ncharge, \/ Training, Punjab, Chandigarh. .,S,#0"", lrr'-'
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