] GOVERNMENTOFPUNJAB DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (TECHNICAL EDUCATION BRANCH ll) NOTIFICATION No' B leo [ 1.0 ru"K - t't6 z - ]*e Dated: tP'3'LJ- The Governor of Punjab is pleased to appoint the Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar (PTU) as the authority competent to make admission of Diploma Holder / B'Sc. to the 2il year /3d semester,of the graduate programme Engineering & Technology in its affiliated lnstitutions located in the State of Punjab for the session 2015 - 2016. Note:1 The number of colteges and the number of seats shal! be as approved by AICTE' Note !.The resultant vacant seats of first year of B.Tech. and B. Engineering of session 2014 2015 shall also be filled on the inter-se merit of qualifying marks in addition to above. - The Governor of Puniab is also pleased to further issue the following criteria for making admissions: B. l. Ellqlbllltv Crlterla for Dlploma Holders All those candidates who have passed Diploma examination from an AICTE approved institution and have obtained at least 45% marks (40% in case of Candidates belonging to reserved category) in appropriate branch of Engineering / Technology shall be eligible to apply. ll. All those candidates who have passed B.Sc. Degree from a recognized University as defined by UGC, witlr at least 45% marks (407o in case of Candidates belonging to reserved category) arrd passed Xll standard with mathematics as a subject shall be eligible to apply. lll. a) Students who have passed B. Sc. Degree from a recognized University as defined by UGC, shall clear the subject of Engineering Graphics / Engineering Drawing and Engineering Mechanics of the first year engineering program along with second year subjects. b) Students Belonging to B. Sc. Stream may further note that they shall be consider only after filling the supernumerary seats in this category with students belonging to the Diplpma stream. lt is further providecl that students, who have passed Diploma in Engineering & Technology from an AICTE approved institution for B. Sc. Degree from a recognized University as defined by UGC, shall also be eligible for admission to the first year Engineering Degree courses provided there are vacancies in the first year of Engineering Degree. 'l'his shall be considered only after the vacancy at lateral entry are exhausted. Llst of Dlploma holders eliqible for admisslon o o o . o . o . . . o o 3 years/ 4years diplonra in Civil Engineering 3 years / 4years diplorna in Electrical Engg. 3 years / 4years diplorna in Electronics & T.V. Technology 3years /4years diploma in Electronics & Microprocessor 3 years /4years diplonra in Electronics & Comm. Engineering 2Yz years diplorha after 10+2 in Electronics & Communicatioh Engineering from SLIET, Longowal 3 years / 4years diplorna in Instrumentation and Control 2Yz years diploma after 10+2 in lnstrumentation and Process Controlfrom SLIET, Longowal 3 yelrs / 4 years diptoma in Mechanical Engineering 3 years / 4 years diploma in Production and lndustrial Engineering 3 years / 4 years diploma in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning ZYz years diploma after 10+2 from SLIET, Longowal in any one of the following : (a) Foundry Technology (b) lndustrial / Production Engineering (c) Maintenance of Plant Engineering - t- . . . . . . . . . . (d) Welding TechnologY e y""r. / a y;ears diploila in Mech..Engg. (Refrigeration & Air conditioner) 3 years / 4 years diploma in Chemicel Engineering 3 years / 4 yearg diploma in Plastic Iechnology . -. (Weaving) 3 years I + yearS diploma in Textile Technology 3 years / 4 years diploma in Garment Technology 3 years / 4 years diploma in Textile Processing 3 years / 4 years diploma in Textile Technology 3 years / 4 years diploma in Mechanical Engg. (Tool & Die) 3 iears / 4 years diploma in Computer Engg' Ludhiana' 4 years diploma in iool & Die Technology from CentralTool Room' .2%yearsdiplomaafterl0+2fromSL|ET,Longowalinanyoneofthefollowing: (a) bomputer Progratnming & Application (b) Computer Servicirrg & Maintenance . i years / 4 years diploma in Microprocessor Applications . 3 iears / 4 years diploma in lnformation Technology . 3 years / 4 years diploma in Leather Technology .3years/4yearsdiplomainLeatherTechnology(Footwear) . 3 iears / 4yearg diploma in Textile€hemistry . 3 years/4years biptoma in Knitting Technology . 2%years diploma aftor t0+2 from in ChemicalTechnology from SLIET, Longowal' . 3 years / 4yearS diploma in Computer Science & Engg' . 3 years / 4 years diploma in ArchitecturalAssistantship' o 3 years / 4 years diploma in Garment Technology o 3 years / 4 years diploma in Fashion Technology . 3 iears / 4 years diploma in Automobile Engineering . 3 years diploma from Lovely Professional University, Phagwara of Technical Any other diploma;of the duration of 2Yt or more recoginzed by State Board Education. ENGINEERING. TECHNOLOGY GOURSE: 1. only be The admission..of candidates to the Engineering courses under this scheme shall fulfill all other conditions foi admission. ln case of seats reserved for oirln io those.'who 'i"t.tir. merit of candidates shall be determined within the reserved 3C, di, tn" ..i"gott : to Candidates who have appeared / are appearing in the qualifying diploma examination form of admission submission for beeligible shall.also be held during the curreni session they will but they will hiave to pass the diploma before the date of counselling, otherwise, whatsoever, claim, any have not will candidates not be tonsidered for admission, Such with regard to the admission to the courses. of Punjab 3. The guidelines issued for the grant of resident certificates / bonafide residentNo. 1/3/95(PP-2 by D6partment of Personnel and Rdministrative Reforms Qr11_ch) _vide Julv, 7th dated llzlgo-3PP-2/8976 3pp-2 / 9619 u;i;Jih; ei.rrn", iggo, and t.D. No. instructions, further and iggA, and No. 1/3/95-3PP-2/80 dated 1st January 1999, issued by that Department, if any, will be adhered to in letter and spirit while making admissioh to the begree Coursei in the Engineering Colleges. However, children of defence personnel posted in Punjab are exempted from this condition to the extent that they should have ilassed only qualifying examination from a recognized institution situated in Punjab. 4. Apart from the basic educational qualifications prescribed above, the general eligibility ciiteria shall be as contained in Punjab Government, Department of Technical Education & lndustrial Training, Memo Uo. gSlaalg5-1T(2y978 dated 21st March, 2003, which is annexed to this notiiication. This communication shall be treated as a part and parcel of this notification, for all purposes, and all the provisions of this notification shall be read along with the contents of the said communication. 2. Exemptlon 5. Chitdren / Wards / Dependent (whose parent are not alive) of all those regular PunJab Government Employees, members of All lndia Service borne on Punjab Gadre, Serving Judges and the employees of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, emptoyees of Boards / Corporations / Statutory Bodies established by an Act of the-Stite of PunJatt who have been holding post outside Puniab on or before 1't -L before l't January' 2015 and their January of the year of admissions that ls on or and'or 10+2 outside Punjab' 10+1 chlldren I wards, d6;;J;;ts may have done G. Reservatlon: (i) Department of Technical The reservation of seats shall be as per Punjab.Government' tS f 2 I OS -1TE2l1987 dated 2nd Julv' Education and Industrial Training lft;,;.- ffi.. shall be treated as a part 2013 which is attached as Anne-xure lll. This communication all the provisions of this notification and parcel oi tni. not'1cation roi .ii purposes and communication' shall be reaO aiong wilh the contents of the said (ii)Theattentionqfthe.applicants.desirousofclaimingreservationunderanycategory that only the certificates t;iil condition and itiputation whatsoever is especially drawn shall be considered' The candidates that have o"en-ptor""o at the iime or aomission get the requisite certificates issued well are accordidiy;iri;;J, mineir own interest, to reservation shall be summarily for before the date of admission, oin"*L", at the time of registering for rejected. crno]d.i". are required to claim reservation shall be treated and considered as counseling. iino i"."'"ation is cra'meo the candidate a'General CategorY Candidate" (3'd Semester) application form for a (iii) The PTU shall.make a provision in the 2nd Year which he/she is seeking reservatton. candidate to indicate the category, if any, under of the category' if any' under There shalt also be a provision to inOicateine sub-category gridation can be.facilitated' These which ,"."r.1i0n is lreing rorgni, io tnat inter se Department of sub-categori*'i-n"r" OeEn etJciOateO in the euilaO Cqy-".tggi!^ No" t 3l2tO5-1TE211987 dated 2no Technical Education and lndustrLt Training Memo. may also set up a July,201s Wnicn is attached as Annexure tv. eunlab Government claiming reservation under certain committee to effect inter se gradation of candidates July' 2013' 2nd categories, .rlnOi.rtuO in tnj aforesaid memo dated in any of the reserved (iv) A candldate shall bo ellglble to make claim for reservation be as per Punjab shatt category. Hoqrever, the procedure for counselling No'712112004Memo bell) Oipartment (Reservation tr.i* Governmeni, W"ttit" RS1/1674-1677 dated 20th Dec 2004 D. GeneralCondltlons ' : 'o rn.r" shall be centralized counselling by PTU. The Procedure for counselling shall be \'' d;;GJoy t" Pru. per the charges as (ii) The rlLr6snlei'shall be liable to pay fee / development fee and other by the Government of rates of fee l-O"r"foprent fee and other charges as fixed Puniab/AICTE/ConcernedUniversrty.fromtimetotinre. pylrlb-99Yt. Deptt' of tec.hnical Education (iii) The manageinent quota shall be as per 25'n April 2008 and and lndustridl Trairring Memo no. 13/i29/2OO'3-1TE211247 dated and partial iartial notification noi. 13t12gl2oo3-1TE2/1892 Dated 20,n June 2008 which is as Annexed' notification no 131129t2003-1TE2/171 dated 1grh January 2011. (iv) The allocation of seats through counselling shall be done as follows: outside Punjab CoUnsellirrg for 85% seats for Punjab residents and 15olo category candidateishall be taken up simultaneously. However the reserved being candidates shall be considered in general category first before considered in respective reserved category' (ii) The seats still remaining unfilled even after the end of counselling shall be filled on rnerit at tne tevet of institution. Admission to such unfilled/vacant quota shall be furnished to the Punjab seats as well as management -details thereof shall be finalized within 15 days of ilf*i..f University and theiilast dilte of counselling. (v) Any seat faliing vacant after counselling or any drop out vacancy will be filled by the ''' in.iitrt" on thjbasis of the criteria of idmission under management quota A seat once accepted shall not be changed be as (vi) The guidelines for admission of Foreign Nationalgllgr.son of lndia Origin shall Chandigarh dated per iunfab Government Notlflcation No. 13t7512001-lTE2/296 the 23d January, 2002. guidelines for admission of Kashmtri mtgrants shall be.-as per Punjab Government (vii)The ' 'Notification No. 8ti21t11-1TE211070 dated Chandigarh the 7tn July, 2014' (i) -3- (viii) Non refunda.ble counselling fee of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) will be ' col6cted by tlie University ai counselling fee from each student one time only. (ix) !n case a student changes his/her/college /University during centralized counselling conducted by,;pfu his/her fee shall be refunded by the pervious institution after deduction of iis 1000/- only the original documents will be refunded immediately. (x) ln case a student sunenders his/her seat, within 7 days of the end of the counselling, college and register on PTU website he/she must submit application ' forwa( such cases to the concerned only www.pruadmiss,ions.nic.in. PTU shall to @andcollegesmustrefundhis/herful]feeafterdetectionofRs 1000/- onlY. (xi) ln keeping with lhe direction of Ministry of Human Resource Development ' 'Departmenl, Govt. Of lndia all institutions and Universities shall in public interest, maintain a waiting list of students, candidates. !n the event of a studenUcandidate with drawing before the start of the course, the waiting list candidates should be given admissions against the vacant seat. The entire fees collected from the student, after a deduction of [rocessing fee of not more than Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) shall be refuhded and returned by the Institution/University to the studenUcandidate w1h drawing from the programme. lt would not be permissible for. institutions and universlties Iq retain th6 schooUinstitution leaving certificates in original. lf a student leave after joining the course and if the seat subsequently falling vacant gets filled by another'canAiaai! by the last date of admission, the institution must return the fees collected w1h: proportionate deduction of monthly fee and proportionate hostel rent, where aPPlicable. All lnstitutions affiliated to PTU shall follow 'Fee Waiver Scheme' as prescribed by AICTE and notified by Government of Punjab vi{e_its notification i.to. 13/OO/08-1T8211797, dated 23rd May, 2011, 13/60/08-1TE212007 dated (xll) ' 3'1 .5.2012 and 1 3/60 I 08'1TE2n092 dated 1 8. 7. 20 1 3' (F) Over-rldlnq Provlglon: Nothing in this notification shall be operative in so far as it is inconsistent with the law of the hnd ai laid down in the Judgement of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of-lndia.in tl:..:t"^o] may be brought to the notice of the @cy @adynightightingtheinconsistency,forimmediaterectification. M.P. Singh, IAS Principalsecretary to Govt of Punjab, Deptt. of Technical Education,& lndustrial Training. Dated: Chandigar[ihe O1n3-*1 5 Endst. No. A copy is forwarded to the Controlter, Printing & Stationary, Punjab, Chandigarh for information and necessary action. lt is requested that the notification may be published in the State Government extra-ordinary Gazette and 20 copies of the notification may be supplied to */l- Government for record. Special Secreta'ry to Govt. of Punjab, Deptt.of Technical Education & !ndl.Training Endst. No. n[e"\l*,y -rt6r- 9rr1 Dated: l57.?,lJ- A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action : 1. Director, Technical Education & lndustrial Training, Punjab' Chandigarh. 2. liee Chancellor, Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar Computer Section, o/o the Director, Technical Education & lndustrialTraining, ,g{ncharge, \^/ Punjab,Chandigarh. 4. ,,M[fl"n,
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