2015 April Newsletter - Port Townsend Yacht Club

Volume 115 Issue 4
Port Townsend Yacht Club
April 2015
April Watch
Watch Captains: Tim &
Kathy Loika; Crew: Paul
& Elizabeth Eisenhardt
and Pete Bustanoby &
Jennifer Hopkins
April Events
Board Meeting—Wed.,
Apr. 8, 1:00pm @ the
Seminars and Chili
Feed, Sat. Apr. 11, @
the Clubhouse.
Seminars @ 2:00pm;
Social @ 4:30pm and
Chili Feast @ 5:00pm
(see page 8)
General Meeting—Tues.
Apr., 14, 6:30 pm @ the
PTYC Earth Day CleanUp at Mystery Bay, Sat.,
Apr. 18, 9:00am, Event
Captains Paul Happel
and Chelcie Liu (see
Page 9)
PTYC New Member
Dessert & Orientation,
Thurs., Apr. 23, 7:00pm,
@ the Clubhouse,
Event Captain Sue
McKay (see page 10)
(Continues on Page 5)
Board Meetings are always
open to any member. This is
your Yacht Club and we hope to
see you there.
Commodore’s Column:
“Spring Cleaning”
Why do we traditionally clean our homes at the
beginning of spring? In Jewish custom, Passover is a
time of house cleaning as well as worship. To combat
inadvertently insulting God, Jews scour their homes
before Passover to ensure they didn't miss any
leavened bread. Since Passover comes around April,
many people consider this custom as the origin of
spring cleaning.
The Chinese clean their homes in anticipation of the New Year
(which occurs shortly after the Western New Year). The Chinese
sweep their floors and clean their homes to get rid of bad luck and
misfortune that may have accumulated during the previous year.
It's possible that we spring clean simply because we wake up from a
winter long melatonin-induced stupor and find more energy as days
grow longer when spring arrives.
Everyone is thinking about Spring Cleaning and our Port Townsend
Yacht Club is no exception! Spring Cleaning is always upon us, in a
big way this time of year, with the usual tasks on land and water in
order to prepare for the upcoming boating season.
First up, on the PTYC Spring Cleaning calendar, is the Clubhouse
“Work Day”. By the time you read this, many eager volunteers from
among PTYC membership, under the guidance of Rear
Commodore Craig Kurath, are ready to toil away on Saturday,
March 28th, to refresh our clubhouse in preparation for future
events. Among tasks
usually tackled are window
cleaning, many repairs of
faulty or failing fixtures,
hand-washing every chair,
deep-cleaning of the
kitchen, touch-up painting,
scrubbing the outside
awning, reorganizing the
office and power washing
the sidewalk.
Jess and Tim clean the clubhouse awning.
(continues on p. 5)
Page 2
April 2015
Social @ 6:30PM, Program @ 7:00PM, Meeting @
“NW School of Wooden Boat Building”
Speakers: Betsy Davis, Executive Director of
NW Wooden Boat Building and Chief Instructor
Sean Koomen
Betsy and Sean will talk about their programs
which many PTYC Scholarship awardees attend.
Be sure to make our Tuesday, April 8th meeting, to
learn more about our local boat building school.
NW Wooden Boat Building Project
PTYC Members Are Invited . . .
Invitation to Visit the NW School of Wooden Boat Building
The NW School of Wooden
Boatbuilding, in Port Hadlock,
invites the public interested in
wooden boats or just curious
about our school to join us on
the First Friday of each month at
3:30 PM. We will tour the
campus while the students are
actively working on boats.
No need to call ahead.
Meet at the school office at 42
N. Water St., in Lower Hadlock,
across from the Ajax Café. Turn
off is just ¼ mile on Oak Bay
Road after the 4 way stop in
downtown Port Hadlock.
We love to show off our
nationally accredited school.
Linda Newland, BOD Secretary
Volume 115, Issue 4
Page 3
Fleet Captain Duane Madinger
under CRUISES at: ptyc.net
2014 Port of Kingston Cruise
Page 4
CALENDAR (continued from page 1)
April Events: (continued from page 1)
PTYC Open Boat @ Port Hadlock, 2:00pm,
Sun., Apr. 26, Event Captains Gerry & Cindy
Walsh, (see Page 11)
May Watch:
Watch Captains: Katie & Phil Harbegger;
Crew: Bill & Margaret Taylor, Dean Brock and
Sinead Marron
May Events:
PTYC Opening Day Prep.—Fri., May 1, @ the
PTYC Opening Day Cruise to Boat Haven—
Fri.-Sun., May 1-3, Cruise Captain Duane
Madinger (see Page 13)
 PTYC Opening Day Breakfast.—Sat., May 2,
8:45am @ the Clubhouse (see Page 14)
PTYC Opening Day Boat Parade—Sat., May
2, 12:30pm on the Port Townsend waterfront)
Fleet Captain Duane Madinger (see Page 15)
PTYC Opening Day Ivar’s Clam Chowder
Potluck—Sat., May 2, 4:00pm @ the
Clubhouse (see Page 16)
Board Meeting—Wed., May 6, 1:00pm @ the
General Meeting—Tues., May 12, 7:00pm @
the Clubhouse
PTYC Fleet T-37
Radio Control Sail Boats
Explore sailing via ‘radio
control’ by attending a
scheduled T-37 Event.
Contact Michael Machette
for details: 360/385-2441
April 2015
There continues to be action on the Puget
Sound No Discharge Zone proposal. A No
Discharge Zone means no discharge of
sewage anywhere in Puget Sound whether
or not you have installed a marine
sanitation device that specifically treats
Federal law already requires that sewage
not be dumped within 3 miles from shore
and most of Puget Sound is within that limit.
RBAW continues to oppose this proposed
NDZ that the WA State Department of
Ecology is petitioning for with the federal
EPA. RBAW believes this petition is
overreaching and shows no scientific
evidence that purported pollution is harming
Puget Sound. Also, most of the Sound is
inside the three mile limit from shore so
dumping of raw sewage is illegal anyway.
5.6 million gallons of untreated black-water
was collected in pump-out stations during
2013---up from 4 million gallons in 2012
even though the number of registered
vessels has decreased in that same time.
RBAW believes if there are sensitive areas
(such as shellfish beds) to be protected,
then assigning an NDZ around those zones
makes more common sense than assigning
it to the whole of Puget Sound.
We are currently in a 60 day
comment period that concludes
on April 21. To comment, email
Amy Jankowiak at:
or send letters by US mail to:
Washington Department of Ecology,
Northwest Regional Office,
Attn: Amy Jankowiak, 3190 160th Ave. SE,
Bellevue, WA 98008
Volume 115, Issue 4
Page 5
Commodore’s Column (concludes)
“Spring Cleaning”
Next up on Sat, Apr. 18th, starting at 9:00am, is the annual PTYC Earth Day Clean-up at Mystery
Bay State Park, on Marrowstone Island. Event Captains Paul Happel and Chelcie Liu will need
all the hard-working club member volunteers possible to pitch in and make this annual good deed
another “well done” success! With about 180 members in PTYC there should always be a good
Club members have adopted Mystery Bay State Park for
many, many years and their hard work has always resulted
in a nice facelift for this nearby recreation spot. In the past
volunteers have shown up ready to work with their shovels,
rakes, saws, hammers, power trimmers, loppers, power
washers and more. It is always amazing to witness what is
accomplished by this swarm of hard-working boaters.
There is always a refreshing lunch and a chance to sit and
visit before finishing for the day. It is a rewarding and much
appreciated effort! Come on out and give us a hand.
Sue Sidle and Sue McKay refresh a flower bed.
To cap off a busy month, PTYC will have its annual Open
Boat @ Port Hadlock Marina, Sunday., Apr. 26th, from 2:00
to 4:30 pm, where PTYC members, at this marina, showcase
their Open Boats. It’s like open house on the water. Needless
to say, the PTYC members with boats @ Port Hadlock will be
cleaning and polishing their vessels so they’ll be ready for
other members to tour. Prior to the official Open Boat event,
Cindy and I will be christening our new “Celtic Sun” at 2:00
pm. We plan to have bagpiping, Guinness and champagne on
hand for members who stop by to help us celebrate. This will
be followed by pizza at Ferino’s Pizzeria in Port Hadlock. Be sure to RSVP to Cindy Walsh.
Marilynne & Roger welcome guests to 2014 Open Boat @ Port Ludlow.
Whew! Now that we’re psyched for cleaning, let’s
take pride in our work and get ready for another
season of fellowship and cruising. I hope that you
were able to help at the clubhouse work day and
that you will join us at Mystery Bay State Park and
Port Hadlock Marina.
PTYC is a great organization because so many are
willing to be involved in projects like those above.
“May the frost never afflict your spuds.”
Gerry Walsh, Commodore
Page 6
April 2015
APRIL Recreation Boaters of Washington (RBAW) Report
On March 2, RBAW Directors and delegates headed to Olympia to
participate in Legislative Day along with a common partner with
similar interests, the NW Marine Trades Association. Officers of each
organization met with key legislators sitting on committees which
controlled several of our main bills. I chose to try to catch our local
legislators Kevin Van DeWege and Steve Tharinger in the hallways
in between committee meetings. Not successful with waylaying them
personally, I headed for their legislative offices and met with their
Chiefs of Staff. Both were very accommodating and sat down with
me for 20 minutes to go over my talking point sheet listing our
position on the current bills, which were on the top of our list. Some of these may come up for a
vote in their House, rather than the Senate, so having our position on file many times can turn the
tide of their vote if no one else files an opinion.
The main talking point centered around RBAW and NWMTA’s fight to put a hold on the Aquatic
Habitat Conservation Plan which has onerous consequences for piers, marina structures and
other appendages over the water which are being deemed by the Dept. of Natural Resources as
injuring various endangered species living in shallower waters. Certain marinas on DNR leased
lands are being required to move their docks, at great expense, farther away from the shore so
boats at low tide have at least 6 feet under their keels. This has put an extraordinary financial
burden on not only some yacht clubs but also commercial enterprise that may well spell the end of
that organization/business. Although it mentions the preservation of endangered species which
may live in the shallower water, to date no federally identifiable endangered species has been
This move forward has been undertaken by the governmental agencies involved without proper
notification to stakeholders so a complete study of comments and concerns can be taken into
consideration. The Legislature listened to our concerns. As a result, Senate Bill 5959, that puts a
hold on further expansion of this agency law, has been approved; so more time
will be afforded additional studies and comments from affected parties. A
companion bill will be working its way through the House. We will be keeping a
close eye on this. Some of the provisions of SB 5959 require:
1. Removes the prohibition of HCPs related to overwater structures 2. Withdraw
the current HCP from Federal review 3. Convene an advisory committee of
stakeholders 4. Estimate plan implementation costs 5. Develop a list of priority
science projects 6. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis and, 7. Draft a small
business impact statement and consult with the Legislature before entering a
binding agreement with the federal government.
RBAW calls this hitting the “pause” button. This is the most important
piece of legislation potentially affecting boaters in the legislature this
year. Stay tuned.
Check out this link SB 5959 or
Linda Newland,
RBAW Director
and representative
from PTYC.
copy this URL below into your browser:
Volume 115, Issue 4
Page 7
2015 Port Townsend Yacht Club Officers
Commodore: Gerry Walsh
Vice Commodore: Bruce Painter
Rear Commdore: Craig Kurath
Fleet Captain: Duane Madinger
Secretary: Mary Schefstrom
Treasurer: Craig Cholvin
Trustee: Jess Schefstrom
Trustee: Tim Loika
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 75 Port Townsend, WA 98365
Membership: membership@ptyc.net
Rentals: rentals@ptyc.net
Reciprocals: reciprocals@ptyc.net
Information: info@ptyc.net
Baggywrinkle Editor: editor@ptyc.net
Cruises: fleet@ptyc.net
2015 PTYC Clubhouse Clean-up
9:00am, Saturday, March 28th
Do you do Windows? . . . No . . . not the MicroSoft kind . . .
Join Rear Commodore
Craig Kurath in the
annual Spring
Cleaning of our
fabulous waterfront
Clubhouse by tackling
a list of items in need of attention. The
larger the group, the faster it goes.
Sign up at the March 10 meeting, by email or telephone:
ptycrearcommodore@gmail.com or (360} 344-2444.
Page 8
April 2015
Volume 115, Issue 4
Page 9
Page 10
Sue McKay, Membership Committee
April 2015
Volume 115, Issue 4
Page 11
Page 12
April 2015
Volunteer for Event Committees
to make 2015 better than ever!
Contact Commodore Gerry Walsh
(360) 301-3037
Volume 115, Issue 4
Shop at our ‘on-line’
PTYC Ship Store!
Page 13
Page 14
April 2015
Volume 115, Issue 4
Page 15
Revised 4/6/15
Page 16
April 2015
A thinking of you card was sent to Gerry Walsh and a sympathy card to Craig
and Stacy Cholvin.
PTYC’s Fair Winds Committee offers support to club members who are facing
challenges and losses in their lives. If you know of a club member our
committee should contact, please call Sandy Curtis at (360) 732-6851 or
Mary Ann Verneuil at (360) 379-4002.
Mary Ann Verneuil
Volume 115, Issue 4
Ahoy fellow PTYC Members!
Doug and I are looking to share a 26’-35’ Catalina sailboat (or similar).
If you are looking for a partner in your boat or would considering
buying a boat together, please contact Doug & Ellen Frick:
(206)218-4749 or douglasfrick@yahoo.com
Page 17
Page 18
April 2015
Let’s give it up for the folks who continue to make things happen!
Jess & Mary Schefstrom and crew: Steve Froggett,
Paul Happel and Brandy Buntin for organizing,
cooking and putting on fine and dandy St’ Paddy’s Day!
Duane Madinger for a super fun and informative program on cruising with PTYC!!
Jim & Char Quandt for captaining the March Watch and their crew: Bob & Betty Petrie
and Jane & Michael Asbury.
Craig K. and Duane M., for painting the Past Commodore photo wall.
Sue McKay for a mighty fine job of subbing for Mary Schefstrom as secretary at the
February club meeting
All of the members of the various committees who continue to work behind the scenes
for the benefit of club and community — especially this month:
Katherine Buchanan & Betty Petrie for their work on the Scholarship
Rick Rezinas for subbing for the vacationing Tim Loika
New website committee: Macy, Rick, Ilona and Oleathia
All you enthusiastic members who sponsor new members.
“Peggy” Featured in PT Leader
Our own PTYC
Members, Dan and
Linda Newland, are
the adventurous sailors
of Pegasus XIV — their
award winning fiber
carbon racing sloop
Dan designed,
engineered and built —
a 37 Newland 368, moored in Boat Haven.
Volume 115, Issue 4
Page 19
PTYC Sailing and/or Volunteer Opportunity — Community Boat Projects
Ahoy PTYC Members!
My name is Emilee Monson and I work at the Community Boat Project (CBP) and am partnering
with the NW School of Wooden Boat Building to restore the Sailing Vessel, Felicity Ann.
If PTYC has 6-8 members who would be interested in
coming out sailing on one of the Community Boat
Project boats, let me know: cbpvolunteer@gmail.com.
I'd love to take you sailing with us! Be sure to visit our
website to learn more about our Community Boat
Projects or enter their URL into your browser: https://
The NW School of Wooden Boat Building also offers an
‘On the Water Leadership’ training program that meets
on Saturdays from 10am-1pm. If any PTYC members
are interested in trying that out, again, just let me know.
There is no cost — just willingness and interest in
learning more about sailing/rowing open long dories.
Nautical Items for Sale
'86 SABRE 32 RACER/CRUISER: Excellent like
new condition. NEW UNIVERSAL ENGINE 2013—
ONLY 100 HOURS. New transmission/New
Exhaust/New Gauges. Additional PICTURES/
VIDEOS and specs see: http://
sabre32.smugmug.com/ $49,500
Contact: Ed Cooper (360) 698-3562 or
'82 GRAND BANKS 42’: Harry & Zoe Ann's
Classic Tri-Cabin "ZOE ANN" with Twin
Ford-Lehman 120s; Naiad fin stabilizers;
Updated Interior; Radar; etc. Been in fresh
water (Lake Union) since 2007. Just moved
to Port Hadlock. Asking $143,000
Contact: Harry Dudley (360)385-1368
Brand new in box Planar Diesel Heater , Model #8DM-12. Similar to Espar for boat,
trailer, RV or truck. High output for boats over 35’. $699
Contact: Fred Bell
360-821-1785 or kavabell@olyridge.net
Page 20
April 2015
The following companies support PTYC with Line Ads below and links to their company websites
in the right side-bar at: ptyc.net Thank you for supporting them by keeping business local when
making your decisions about boat maintenance, repairs, marine services and purchases:
ADMIRAL SHIP SUPPLY, INC. Bob Frank, (new) Owner Weekly orders and deliveries from
Seattle’s FISHERIES SUPPLY (http://www.fisheriessupply.com). 305 10th Street, Port
Townsend, WA 98368 Located in Port of Port Townsend’s Boat Yard 79-9921
Fax: (360) 379-9947
EDENSAW WOODS, LTD. Jim (Kiwi) Ferris, WP Offering over 60 species of domestic and
exotic wood. Plywood, veneers, flooring, tools, SmartWood: SW-COC-51 and woodworking
211 Seton Road, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Direct (360) 344-4646, (360) 3857878, Fax (360) 385-5215, Toll Free (800) 745-3336 jim@edensaw.com
Mobile Service - Complete
Maintenance & Repair Diesel - Gas - Outdrives - All Systems - Electrical Haulouts - Bottom Paint Prop & Shaft P.O. Box 956 Port Hadlock, WA 98339
(360) 301-4871 (360) 379-4906-cell
GOLD STAR MARINE Located in the historic seaport of Port Townsend, Washington, Gold Star
Marine is a full-service boatyard where “customer service” is taken seriously. Our craftspeople
have the experience, skills, and dedication to get the job done right. When Accidents Happen . . .
Gold Star will get you back on the water. Fiberglass, wood, Metal . . . We do it all !
2900 Washington Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Located in Port of Port Townsend’s Boat
Yard (360) 385-3054 www.goldstarmarine.com
HADLOCK BUILDING SUPPLY Start your projects off right with quality tools, products and
expert advice from our True Value Hardwarians. Like us on Facebook for weekly specials,
savings, and give-aways at: http://www.facebook.com/HadlockBuildingSupply
901 Ness’ Corner Rd., P.O. Box 869, Port Hadlock, WA 98339 (360)385-1771 (360)385-1980
fax http://ww3.truevalue.com/hadlockbuildingsupply
HENERY DO-IT BEST HARDWARE Matthew & Tara Henery, Owners Walking distance from
Port of Port Townsend’s Boat Yard A wide variety of stainless steel hardware, housewares and
other marine supplies. 218 Sims Way, Port Townsend, WA 89368
(360) 385-5900
FAX (360) 385-5901
See our Calendar of Events (in the right side-bar): ptyc.net
Volume 115, Issue 4
Page 21
HOMER SMITH INSURANCE, INC. Complete Business, Personal and Marine Insurance
Northwest Health & Financial Services, LLC A Division of Homer Smith Insurance, Inc. providing
Life, Health, Retirement Plans, Long Term Care and Medicare Supplements 804 Water Street,
Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 385-3711 Fax (360) 385-3726
PORT HADLOCK MARINA Strategically located between Port Ludlow to the south and Port
Townsend to the north, Port Hadlock Marina provides unprecedented access to the best boating
in Puget Sound. Our modern, well maintained Marina has all the modern amenities and is
located adjacent to 600' of beachfront with a terrific lawn and picnic area and moorage for
medium and large boats. www.porthadlockmarina.com and keep up with us on
www.facebook.com/porthadlockmarina (360) 385-6368.
PORT LUDLOW MARINA, Moor your vessel at one the most serene harbors in the Puget
Sound. Secure, protected moorage available! 36’ slips $310.00 per month. 40’ slips at $345.00
per month. No tax! That’s your total monthly payment! Call the marina office for details.
PORT TOWNSEND CANVAS COMPANY Daniele & Jeff Johnson, owners. Located near
Point Hudson with access from the Skateboard Park lot. We specialize in custom marine canvas
and upholstery. We have a wide variety of canvases, fabrics, and vinyl boat glass for you to
choose from. Free estimates within a 20 mile radius. "Let us cover your assets!" .
P.O. Box 1814, 410 Washington St., Port Townsend, WA. 360-385-1712.ptcanvas@gmail.com.
SEA MARINE YACHT SERVICE Point Hudson, WA We are a complete Marine Service
Center Come Visit our NEW SHOW ROOM with the latest in Marine Products FREE HaulOut & FREE Lay-Days with scheduled work Call for details ABYC Master Technician, Complete
Joinery Shop, Electrical Systems, Mechanical, Repower, Plumbing, Paint & Finish
Jackson Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Toll Free (800) 952-6962
(360) 385-4000
The “Small-Town” Wine Shop with the “Big-City”
Selection! Everyday value wines from 2 for $7 Rare & older vintages! Special orders!
We Ship! Open 7 days a week 10:30 am till at least 7:00 pm Open even later on weekends &
holidays and during Summer Wine Tastings 1st & 3rd Fridays :
1010 Water St. Port Townsend, WA—Just a few steps from the Ferry!
(360) 385-7673 1-888-MAX-WINE (1-888-629-9463) www.PTWineSeller.com
See more photos in the GALLERY at: ptyc.net
Boat Photos
in Yacht Club
If you would like
to have a photo
of your boat on
the gallery wall,
please send me
a boat picture
with its name and your name. Don’t try to make
it to-size because I will scan in any prints and
resize them. You may also e-mail a boat picture
in .jpg format.
Contact: Paul Happel at 379-9119 or
DEADLINE for next issue is April 20th
Please e-mail any photos in .jpg format and articles
longer than 2 or 3 lines as a separate attachment to:
Look for our event photos and News items on our
website — ptyc.net.
Editor for May is Ilona Bell
Baggywrinkle Committee Members:
Ilona Bell
Katherine Buchanan
Betty Petrie
Sandi Rezinas
Ed Cooper
Mary Schefstrom
Craig Kurath
Cindy Walsh
A very special THANK YOU
to all Baggywrinkle contributors!
PTYC— located on the Port Townsend Waterfront across from West Marine:
P.O. Box 75
2503 Washington Street, Port Townsend, WA 98368
Port Townsend
Yacht Club
P.O. Box 75
Port Townsend, WA