Vertical ground reaction force magnitudes and rates not positively correlated with prospective running injury 1Kiernan, Neuromechanics Research Core 1University D., 1,2Shim, J. K., 1Miller, R. H. of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA 2Kyung Hee University, Yong-in, South Korea Results Research Question Do vertical ground reaction forces (VGRF) measured at baseline predict prospective injury development? • Hypothesis: VGRF theorized to cause injury; therefore, baseline VGRF should positively correlate with prospective injury 0 Recruitment: n = 44, 22 male, age 30±10 1 2 3 4 PCs accounted for >90% of VGRF variance PC2 positively correlated with number of (r = 0.31, p < 0.01), and pain caused by (r = 0.25, p < 0.05), injuries • High PC scores à low magnitudes and rates • Corroborates negative rate-injury correlation Methods 4 Traditional metrics show no positive VGRF-injury correlations • Rate negatively correlated with number of (r = -0.31, p < 0.01), and pain caused by (r = -0.26, p = 0.01), injuries Baseline biomechanics: 10 left and 10 right stances used to calculate VGRF magnitude and rate A A 5 B A Table 1: Correlations and coefficients of determination – r (r2) – between ipsilateral VGRF (magnitude, rate, PCs) and injuries (number, pain, days missed). * indicates significance at p < 0.05. Magnitude Rate PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 3 VGRF 1A 2.5 7 VGRF (BW) 6 2 1.5 8 1 2A 0.5 0 9 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Figure 1: (A) At heel-strike VGRF rapidly and stereotypically rises to an impact peak. (B) Representative VGRF curve normalized to stance time. Magnitude calculated as highest value in impact peak (1). Rate calculated as the slope between 20-80% of stance onset (VGRF > 15 N) and impact peak (2). 1 0 Principal Component Model (PCM) used to objectively identify waveform features explaining >90% of VGRF variance VGRF@t2 VGRF@t2 PC2: Direction of the second largest variance 1.5 1 6 1 4 2 1 5 PC1: Direction of the largest variance 1 8 VGRF@t1 Figure 2: Principle component model. Variance-based coordinate system transformation that transforms VGRF data from 101 time points to 101 uncorrelated principal components (PCs). Prospective injury: 26 weekly internet surveys • Number of injuries • Location of each injury • Pain caused by each injury • Days of running missed due to each injury A A B A 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2 2 2 1 2 3 Figure 2: Survey questions. (A) For each injury, participants could click on the figure up to 6 times to indicate injury location. (B) Pain was subjectively rated by moving the slider bar from 0 or “no pain” to 10 or “worst pain imaginable” 2 4 Figure 3: Principal component 2 (18.9% of VGRF variance). Interpreted as capturing the VGRF impact peak and loading rate, as well as acting as ‘difference operator’ on the size of impact peak relative to overall VGRF peak. High PC scores were associated with lower impact peak magnitudes and rates of loading but higher second peak magnitudes. High Pc scores were also associated with more, and more painful injuries Discussion Contrary to theory, VGRF magnitude and rate did not predict injury • In fact, rate negatively correlated with injury • Consistent with earlier prospective work PCM results suggest method useful for objectively identifying biomechanical waveform features that may predict injury VGRF may, however, be insufficient to identify at-risk runners 2 5 2 6 0 Stance (%) 2 0 1 9 VGRF@t1 Mean Mean + 2SD (high injury) Mean - 2SD (low injury) 2.5 0.5 e n d Days Missed -0.11 (0.01) -0.12 (0.01) -0.07 (0.01) 0.14 (0.02) -0.06 (0.00) 0.02 (0.00) 3 VGRF (BW) 1 1 30 Pain -0.16 (0.03) -0.26 (0.07) * -0.04 (0.00) 0.25 (0.07) * -0.04 (0.00) 0.02 (0.00) Stance (%) 1 3 1 2 20 1 1 7 Time (weeks) 10 Number -0.19 (0.03) -0.31 (0.09) * -0.12 (0.01) 0.31 (0.10) * -0.06 (0.00) 0.06 (0.00) Analyses: Pearson correlations between ipsilateral VGRF (magnitude, rate, PCs) and injury (number, pain, days missed) Future work will examine efficacy of other predictors • Internal loading of injury-prone structures is the most direct cause of injury; therefore, modelled internal loads should predict injury References Acknowledgements Contact 1. Lopes AD, et al. Sports Med 42, 891-905, 2012. 2. Zadpoor AA & Nikooyan AA. Clinical Biomech 26, 23-28, 2011. 3. Deluzio KJ, et al. Hum Mov Sci 16, 201-217, 1997. 4. Nigg BM, et al. J Appl Biomech 11, 407-432, 1995. Support for this research was provided by the University of Maryland Kinesiology Graduate Research Initiative Fund to Dovin Kiernan. Dovin Kiernan was also supported by an NSERC CGS-M scholarship Dovin Kiernan Neuromechanics Research Core
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