SOLID STATE ELSEWER IONICS Solid State Ionics 86-88 (1996) 141551419 Automated device for electrochemical measurements to the system Pt/ solid electrolyte and application G. Fafilek”, K. Leeb, M.W. Breiter Institut fiir Technische Elektrochemie, TU Wien, Getreidemarkt 9, A 1060 Wien, Austria Abstract at a prescribed set of constant temperatures was put together in our curves in the potentiostatic or galvanostatic mode, to do cyclic voltammetry or coulometry at constant potential or to measure the potential-time dependence at a constant current. A special holder for the solid electrolyte was constructed. Voltammetric measurements on yttrium stabilized zirconia and of the new oxygen ion conductor BICUVOX.10 are presented as examples. An automated device for voltammetric measurements institute. It allows one to take steady-state current-potential Keywords: Steady state measurements; Cyclic voltammetry; Zirconia; BICUVOX; Oxygen electrode; Solid electrolytes 1. Introduction New methods for data analysis like Nonlinear (NLSF), Fast Fourier Transform or statistical evaluation of data require a large amount of accurate data to obtain reliable and significant results. NLSF has been successfully used for the simulation of the frequency dependence of impedance data by equivalent circuits. Automated systems for impedance measurements [l] were developed which allow one to acquire the necessary amount of data for this type of processing in a reasonable time. Although determining the kinetic parameters of the expected reaction mechanism with NLSF from impedance data has become popular, a similar development is lacking for voltammetric measurements in which the electrode potential versus a reference electrode is controlled as a function of Least Squares Fitting *Corresponding author. time by a potentiostat and the current is measured. A device which allows the automation of voltammetric measurements at a prescribed set of constant temperatures was developed in our institute. 2. Description of the setup The Solartron 1286A Electrochemical Interface serves as a programmable potentiostat. A PC/486compatible computer produces the desired potential time profiles and controls the temperature (Fig. 1). The furnace is connected to the dc power supply HP 6269B to avoid noise from the power line. Two thermocouples are used because of the difficulties due to the long response time of the heat transfer from the furnace to the sample. One thermocouple is placed close to the heating element in the middle of the hot zone and connected to a Eurothetm 815s. The setpoint temperature is transferred to the control- 0167-2738/96/$15.00 Copyright 01996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PII SO167-2738(96)00323-2 1416 G. Fajilek et al. I Solid State tonics 86-88 (1996) 1415-1419 leads to SI 1286 REI CE CE RE2 WE il I Fig. 1. Block diagram of the whole setup for high temperature electrochemical measurements. ler from the computer through a serial interface. A second thermocouple measures the temperature close to the sample. The amplified and digitized voltage of this thermocouple is acquired through a second serial interface. The programmed algorithm allows the establishment of a chosen sample temperature within the accuracy (if necessary) of 1 K in a reasonable time period. \Al205plate Fig. 2. Sample holder for solid electrolytes. 3. Sample holder The holder (Fig. 2) is designed for solid electrolytes to which three or four electrodes are attached. A similar sample holder is used in our group for impedance measurements on solid electrolytes [l]. It consists of four stainless steel tubes and two plates which are brazed together to form a rigid and electrically shielded construction. Two additional tubes are placed in the centre of the plates. Alumina tubes inside these two and two of the outer tubes are used for insulating the leads to the electrodes. On the end of the holder which is placed in the hot zone of the furnace an alumina plate is mounted. It supports a platinum plate which is connected to one platinum lead. On this plate the sample is placed with its counter electrode (RE). Two conical platinum cylinders are used for contacting the working and the reference electrodes on the top of the sample. One of them is glued by a suitable cement onto one alumina tube with one hole for a platinum wire. It is used as connection to the reference electrode (RE). The second cylinder, glued on an alumina tube with two holes, serves as a contact to the working electrode (WE) and is connected to one lead for current and one for voltage sensing. The tubes with the point contacts are movable and independently spring loaded in the cold part of the sample holder. A brass head is mounted at this side of the holder. It holds the BNC jacks, gas inlet and outlet as well as the feedthrough for the thermocouple. A quartz tube, closed on one end, covers the holder and is fitted with an o-ring to the brass head. Measurements can be made under flow of gas, e.g. different mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen in our case. 4. Programming Different temperature ramps are possible in which the start, stop and the temperature step can be programmed. For each temperature the previously chosen type of electrochemical measurement is performed. Before a measurement is started, the potential difference E, between RE and WE at open G. Fajlek et al. I Solid State Ionics 86-88 circuit condition is measured by the program. A waiting period is applied until a stable value of potential is obtained. The level of stability (mV/min) can be set in the program. Three basic types of measurements are possible: potentiostatic or galvanostatic steady-state measurements and cyclic voltammetry. Several types of ramps with start- and stop-values and steps can be prescribed. To include the possibility of time-controlled measurements, the time dependence of the current after a potential step or of the potential after a current step can be measured. The maximum time resolution is determined by the fastest data acquisition rate of the Solar&on 1286A which unfortunately is only 15 readings/s. Therefore the highest reasonable value of the ramp rate in the sweep mode is 200 mV/s. A specified change of the measured value with time can be used as criteria before proceeding to the next point. After finishing the potentiostatic, galvanostatic or sweep program the next temperature will be set. 5. Experimental Yttrium (Frialit FZY) and calcium (Degussit ZR23) stabilized zirconia were used for reference measurements on the system Pt/ZrO,/Pt for comparison with results in the literature and to find the optimal electrode configuration with a small ohmic potential drop. In addition, the results of cycling voltammetry and steady state measurements were compared with those of the cell Pt/BICUVOX/Pt. BICUVOX [2] is a ternary oxide with good ionic conductivity at lower temperatures. The solid electrolyte samples were cut into rectangular pieces and polished with SIC paper up to grade 1200. After a) b) Fig. 3. Electrode positions, (1996) 1415-1419 washing with distilled water in an ultrasonic bath, the samples were dried in air at 160°C for several hours. Electrodes were produced by sputtering platinum (approximately 100 nm) or by applying platinum paste without flux (Heraprint C3605). The platinum paste had to be kept for 10 min in air at 800°C in the case of YSZ samples and at 700°C for BICUVOX samples. Sputtered electrodes had to be heated to 600°C before the measurements to accomplish recrystallisation. The whole sample was flushed by gas mixtures of oxygen/nitrogen with the following 0, contents: lOO%, 20%, 1% and 0.1%. The area of the working electrode and the counter electrode was about 0.16 cm*, the area of the reference electrode about 0.02 cm*. Different electrode configurations (Fig. 3) were used for the cyclic voltammetry on zirconia. Calculation of the iR-free values of polarization is only possible when the ohmic resistance of the electrolyte is independent of time and current density [2]. The direct determination of the ohmic part of polarization between WE and RE was made by a modified ac 4-probe technique. The principle of the 4-probe setup which was used for this measurement is described in [3]. The current was applied between CE and WE and the voltage was measured between RE and WE (see Fig. 3(c)). Values for the impedance were taken at several temperatures in a frequency range between 1 Hz and 100 kHz for the separation of the bulk resistance from the electrode impedance. Measurements with the sampling iR-compensation mode which is supported by the SI1286A were also made. The temperature range for electrochemical measurements was restricted by the accuracy and stability of the RE. In all measurements, the reference electrode was from the same type as the working and the counter I CE considered 1417 for voltammetric measurements. 1418 G. Fajilek et al. I Solid State Ionics 86-88 electrode. Measurements were taken between 400°C and 700°C. The potential sweep for cycling voltammetry was from 0 to + 0.4 volt down to - 0.4 V and back to 0 with a rate of 50 mV/s. After setting WE to 0 V against the RE for 10 s, the potential sweep was applied two times. For steady-state measurements the potential was varied between - 1 and + 0.5 volt in steps of 10 mV. After setting the potential, a minimum waiting period time of 300 s was used. When the current changed less than OS%/ min the next step was applied. 6. Measurements and results (1996) 1415-1419 result in cyclic voltammetry in terms of clearly defined peaks and a small shift of the peak potential because of ohmic potential drop. This result is in full agreement with the results of systematic measurements for different positions of RE and calculations of Nagata et al. [4]. An analysis of the papers dealing with CV on Pt/YSZ showed a similar dependence of the CV-shape upon electrode configuration and morphology [5-71. Therefore position 3(c) was chosen for all later measurements. An example for the dependence of the CV-shape on the type of the electrode and the ohmic potential drop is given in Fig. 5. The superposition of ohmic potential drop leads to inaccurate results in peak position in cyclic voltammetry. 6.1. Open circuit potential 6.3. Steady-state Open circuit voltages E, were measured before a voltammetric measurement was started. In the temperature range lower than 450°C an increase of the open circuit potential between RE and WE was observed (see Fig. 4). At higher temperatures the voltage difference was small ( < 10 mV) and stable. It was assumed that the reference electrode worked correctly at temperatures higher than 400°C even with an applied polarization. If the solid electrolyte has a small electronic conductivity, the RE is also polarized because of the electronic current between RE and WE. 6.2. Cyclic voltammetry measurements The results from steady-state measurements in the sampled iR-mode [8] are shown in Fig. 6. The stability of the measurement was bad although different values for the on/off switching time were used. In addition the iR-value did not agree with the results of the ac 4-probe measurements. At 600°C the calculated value for the ohmic potential drop at the highest current was only 42 mV (R,, = 17 0, I = 2.47 mA) in contrast to the measured value of 1024 mV. This indicates that the time constants of the different processes in the bulk and interface were small and overlapped partially. The sampled iR-mode of the instrument was not adequate for a separation. In The desirable position of the three electrodes is shown in Fig. 3(c). This arrangement gave the best 1 0.06 i 0.00 Fig. 4. Dependence potential M of the open circuit voltages upon temperature. Fig. 5. CV curves for sputtered platinum (solid line) and Pt-paste (dashed line) electrodes. The dotted line is drawn with the calculated S-free polarization (E - iR) with R = 3500 .f2 at 50°C from the 4-probe data. G. Fajlek et al. I Solid State lonics 86-88 (1996) 14151419 1419 References -1.00 j ’ -0.75 j ’ -0.50 ’ -0.25 ’ 0.00 ’ 0.25 1 0.50 potentialM Fig. 6. Steady-state curves for a BICUVOX sample with platinum paste electrodes. Solid line: plot with overall polarization. Dotted line: plot with iR-free polarization. Parameters for sampling mode: on/off ratio = 20, off time = 100 ms. addition, there are disturbing spikes of the electronic switch in the shortest interruption period. Acknowledgments The support of this research by the Austrian Fonds zur Fiirderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung is gratefully acknowledged. [II J.R. Dygas, G. Fafilek, H. Durakpasa and M.W. Breiter, J. of Appl. Electrochem. 23 (1993) 553. PI T. Iharada, A. Hammouche, J. Foultier, M. Kleitz, J.C. Boivin and G. Mairesse, Solid State Ionics 48 (1991) 257. and M.W. Breiter, Proc. 6th [31 P. Linhardt, M. Maly-Schreiber International Symposium on Metallurgy and Materials Science (Eds. F.W. Poulsen, N. Hessel Henderson, K. Clausen, S. Skaamp and 0. Toft Sorensen), RISO National Laboratory, Roskilde 475 (1985) 475. 141 M. Nagata, Y. Itho and H. Iwahara, Solid State Ionics 67 (1994) 215. [51 Tsaofang Chao, K.J. Walsh and P. Fedkiw, Solid State Ionics 47 (1991) 277. 161 Jiang Yi, A. Kaloyannis and C.G. 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