PUKETE NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE Te Whare Takiwa o Pukete Pukete Neighbourhood House March 2015 43 CHURCH ROAD, ASHURST PARK, PUKETE, HAMILTON PO BOX 10137, TE RAPA, HAMILTON 3241—TELEPHONE 07 8491 115 OR EMAIL pukete@hnpl.net www.puketehouse.org.nz People helping People Welcome to the New Year – a little late but, this is our first newsletter this year. We only shut down for a few days over the holiday period and started again on 5 January with our holiday programmes. We ran three programmes side by side (junior, middle, and senior) entertaining around 115 children per day. The activities included visiting different swimming pools like Te Awamutu – a day trip to Raglan harbour – Te Rapa community pool - mini golf- a market day – the biggest enemy was the intensity of the sun. We employ a number of extra staff over the holiday period which is good for our local community; some have been through our programmes themselves. Inside this issue: From Jane 1 Councillor's Corner 2 Pukete School Fundraising with Entertainment Books 3 Regular 4 All of our programmes are now up and running. Our knitters/crafters are Community Events back with us, they met over the holiday period at each other’s houses. We are looking at revamping the mini movement class again next term so PUKETE keep an eye on our facebook and web pages. NEIGHBOURHOOD Our orchard has managed to survive the weather conditions as well. We HOUSE have some great volunteers who have been helping with watering which is Holiday programme great. I will be looking to plant year two of the orchard later this year. runs from the 7th I do wish to thank Sealed Air who has donated us some lovely rolls of April through to the brown paper. The paper is great for craft activities for the children. As 17th April 2015, 7am you are all aware we just love the bits and bobs that you drop into us. till 6pm. The children are very inventive and it helps keep our costs down as well. Senior, Middle and We have set up a page on the Neighbourly website – Junior programmes www.neighbourly.co.nz. It is where people living in streets in the area can available. Cost of $40 easily access what is happening. You can put your lost and found pet adds per day which includes on there, you can share all sorts of relevant information with your neigh- activities and food. bours. We are just in the learning phase ourselves, but keep an eye out for updates. When you have a minute why not pop over and have a look at Limited spaces availatheir website. It is free to join and once you have signed up to ble so bookings are Neighbourly then you are able to follow Pukete Neighbourhood House and essential. keep up to date with what’s happening in our community. Feel free to give Please visit our us a call if you require support in setting this up. webpage for programme details. Hope you enjoy reading the newsletter – if you have any ideas for groups or courses you would like us to run, please do get in touch with us. Jane Click here to From 7th April till 17th April 2015 there will be no Playgroup, Scone Wednesday or Knitting/Craft group while the school holiday programme is running. Normal activities will resume week beginning 20 April 2015. Mini Movement - Every Monday morning during term time from 10-11am. Just $2 per child. This is for the under five age group. Starting 20th April 2015. Daylight savings ends 5th April 2015. Clocks go back 1 hour at 3am. Also a timely reminder to check the batteries in your smoke alarms. PUKETE NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE Page 2 COUNCILLORS CORNER Recently I’ve been kept busy with an exciting new project – the development of a neighbourhood plan for Frankton. A neighbourhood plan is a non-technical document that sets out steps to transform an area for the better by responding to the community’s issues and aspirations. As one of Hamilton’s oldest areas, Frankton is a unique part of our city that is rich in history and culture, and brimming with potential. Through the development of the plan, we aim to identify what the community wants for Frankton and encourage people to visit and enjoy the area’s unique charm. This is a very exciting project for Frankton and all of Hamilton as once completed, the Frankton Neighbourhood Plan will become a pilot for other areas. You can help us develop a successful plan by completing a short online survey at hamilton.govt.nz/frankton. Cr Angela O’Leary Many thanks to our funders for their continued support of the work that we do. Lottery Grants Board, COGS, Trust Waikato, Hamilton City Council, WEL Energy Trust, Z Pukete, Ministry of Social Development, Te Rapa Rotary Neighbours Day Aotearoa (NDA) is a nationwide event which is held annually. This year it is being held on the weekend of the 28th—29th March. NDA is about getting to know your neighbours. It is as simple as giving a friendly smile and a hello over the fence next time your’re outside and see your neighbour. If you would like to find out more then why not visit their website: www.neighboursday.org.nz ToughLove Waikato are running a ToughLove Parent Seminar for parents troubled by unacceptable adolescent behaviour at Pukete Neighbourhood House on 18th of March 2015 at 7pm. Bookings are essential, so please RSVP to ToughLove Waikato on 07 856 5999 or alternatively Pukete Neighbourhood House on 07 849 1115. For further information, please ph: 07 856 5999 or 0800 868 445 or visit their website: www.toughlove.org.nz The Endometriosis Purple walk is on the 11 March 2015 at the Lake Domain Reserve, Innes Common starting at 5.45pm. For further information please visit their website: www.insightendometriosis.org.nz www.drivingtest.co.nz is a free Road Code practice website with over 407 driving theory questions to help you learn and prepare for the Learner Licence stage. Includes tests for cars, motorbikes, heavy vehicles and a tourist driving quiz. Internet access is required. If you don’t have access to a computer or the internet then pop in or call us at the Pukete Neighbourhood House on 07 849 1115 where we can assist you. Anzac Slice 1 1/4 cup plain flour 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar 150g butter, chopped 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 1/4 cup rolled oats 1 cup shredded coconut 2 tablespoons golden syrup 2 tablespoons boiling water Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan-forced. Grease and line a 3cm-deep, 19cm x 29cm (base) slice pan with baking paper, allowing a 2cm overhang at long ends. Combine flour, oats, sugar and coconut in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre. Place butter and syrup in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 8 to 10 minutes or until smooth. Combine bicarbonate of soda and boiling water in a jug. Remove butter mixture from heat. Stir in bicarbonate of soda mixture. Add to flour mixture. Stir to combine. Transfer to prepared pan. Using the back of a spoon, press mixture evenly into pan. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden. Cool in pan. Cut into squares. Serve. Page 3 PUKETE NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE Pukete School News Comprehensive Swimming Programme The children are very fortunate this year as we have two swimming coaches assisting classroom teachers to teach swimming. This means every child gets the opportunity to learn to swim in small groups over a series of ten lessons. I am sure the children will make great progress. We have been able to fund this initiative through a grant from the “Grassroots Trust”, and Kiwi Sport money. The cost for running and maintaining our pool is high but the Board and I are determined to keep the pool so our children can learn to swim. A Brand New Turf to be Built in January With the support of the Board of Trustees, parents and staff, our hard working PTA have raised $65,000 to build an all-weather sports turf. This is a truly magnificent effort and means our children will have access to a fantastic sports facility. Building is due to commence in April ready for the winter sports programme. School Zone Pukete School does have a school enrolment scheme; however places for children living out of zone may be available through the ballot system. Please contact Trish Haworth, D.P. on 849 4352 or email trish.haworth@pukete.school.nz for more information. All the best for a great 2015! Gavin Oliver Principal STOP Before you throw it away please ring the Pukete Neighbourhood House. We can use your throw outs or junk as you might call it in our Out of School Care programmes. Cards, paper, ribbon, wool, small boxes, we manage to recycle most things. We thrive on donations like this. If you can’t get to us, give us a call and we will arrange for pick up. Don’t forget about our lovely vegie and fruit boxes. For just $12 they are truly a great bargain. You don’t have to order every week, you can have them at different intervals. We also have meat packs available for $20. Orders by 2.30pm on a Wednesday. KNITTING AND UNFINISHED OBJECTS—CRAFT GROUP Every Tuesday morning from 10am—12noon, in term time. Bring that unfinished project and work on it with like minded people Have a cuppa and a natter. Our worm farms have been producing lots of Worm Wee for your gardens. Grab your 1L bottle that is ready to pour on your garden for just $2. Starship Mobile Phone Appeal Donating your old mobile phone Pre orders are now being taken for Hot Cross Buns at Pukete Neighbourhood House. Only $2.80 for a packet of six - payment is required at time of ordering Hot cross buns will be ready for collection on 1 April 2015—just in time for Easter. So don’t delay, order yours today Changes to vehicle licensing fees in 2015 On 1 July 2015 the ACC levy portion of your vehicle licensing fee (rego) is going down by an average of 41% depending on your type of vehicle. To make sure you don't pay more than necessary you may want to consider opting for a shorter licensing renewal period, for example three or six months. That way you'll be ready to take full advantage of the new lower price when your vehicle licence comes up for renewal after July 2015. For further information visit: www.nzta.govt.nz/ vehicle/registration-licensing/fees.html By recycling your old mobile phone you can raise funds for Starship's National Air Ambulance, an invaluable service that flies medical experts to emergencies around the country and brings children back to Starship for lifesaving care. We are happy to receive any make and model of mobile phone regardless of condition. The Starship Mobile Phone Appeal - operated by Swapkit, partner to RE:MOBILE, NZ's only accredited mobile phone recycling scheme. For more information visit starship.org.nz/phone To donate to the appeal please drop any unwanted mobile phones into Pukete Neighbourhood House (Mon-Fri 7am6pm) THANK YOU! Pukete Neighbourhood House Driving—find us just off State Highway 1, Ashurst Park, 43 Church Road, Hamilton REGULAR COMMUNITY EVENTS HIRE—Having a social gathering at your place—we have green and white plastic chairs to hire for weekend events—$1 per chair—pickup Friday afternoon after 4pm and deliver back to the House by lunchtime on Monday. A $20 refundable bond is required. We also have trestle tables for $5 each. To assist you in being a good host we can also have for hire a pie warmer and a punch bowl. FAMILY SUPPORT WORKER—Craig Wills is our Family Support Worker, Craig will advocate for you with Work and Income, Housing NZ, ACC. Craig is also a Justice of the Peace. He is available at the “House” for JP work. You can contact Craig on 850 4013 or email pukete3@hnpl.net, or txt/ring 027 7106485. SCONE WEDNESDAY — Scone Wednesday is a social group enjoying our freshly baked scones and a chat. Jo our cook makes some great flavours, ginger, pumpkin, cheese and onion. Anyone in the community is most welcome—12 noonish. If you would like me to add you to our email tree for reminders, please give me a call. Dates are on our website as well. PLAYGROUP—We have a very enthusiastic group of parents/caregivers and children every Tuesday morning from 10-11.30am. Come along and enjoy the fun—it’s a very relaxing time to spend with your child, and its free. NORDIC WALKING —Come and enjoy this sport. Check out the classes. Registration essential at nordicwalking@winksmith.com or call 021-418-695. TAI CHI– Here at the Sportsdrome 9.30am on Wednesday and Friday—Cost $5. All enquiries call Trevor on 0800 824 244. FREE LEGAL ADVICE—With Niemand Peebles Hoult. Friday mornings by appointment. House to make an appointment. Please ring the OFFICE SERVICES—Colour photocopying and laminating - very reasonable costs VEGETABLE CO-OP—The veggie co-op has been running for at least fifteen years. The $12 box of assorted veggies and fruit is exceptionally good value. Ring the “House” 8491 115 before 2.30pm on a Wednesday to order. Pickup is after 9.30am on Thursdays. Please provide a box. MEAT—a $20 Meat pack is available you can order this at the same time as your veggies —collect on Thursday. AFTER SCHOOL CARE—Every week day afternoon 3pm—6pm. Have your children well supervised until you finish work. Includes a great afternoon tea—craft—sports—homework assistance. CYF Approved— Work and Income Subsidies available. BEFORE SCHOOL CARE—Every morning from 7am—8.30am. Breakfast and transport to school provided. HOLIDAY PROGRAMMES—Senior , Middle and Junior programmes available 7am—6pm—all food and activities included for just $40 per day—Limited spaces available—bookings essential. NORTH CENTRAL NETWORK MEETINGS —The next meeting is at 12pm on the 29 April at the Pukete Neighbourhood House, Te Rapa Sportsdrome. Please come along if you are a service provider in our area. We would like to hear and share about the work you do. Light refreshments provided. BOOK EXCHANGE—There is a great selection so come on down and get your books. Stay and have a cuppa while you make your choice SIT AND BE FIT — Exciting exercise programme offered at Pukete Neighbourhood House. All levels of ability welcome, low impact sit and stand exercises. Gold coin donation. 30 minute group exercise, every Tuesday at 1pm. KNITTING AND UNFINISHED OBJECTS—CRAFT GROUP—Every Tuesday morning from 10am-12noon, in term time. Bring that unfinished project and work on it with like minded people—have a cuppa and a natter. A NEW LIFE for your household item! We are helping refugees turn their new houses in to homes. If you can help by donating stuff please contact Brent Irvine on 02102435011 or email irvinz@vodafone.net.nz. Thanks for your support.
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