14 Quality Principles for the Value Stream Q-Basics Value Stream Version 1.2 We want our customers to be happy! Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 1 Customer complaints are communicated within the production site and displayed at the station in question. Using problemsolving techniques, they are processed in a fast and systematic manner. IPN production sites are promptly informed. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 1 A STOP sign process with all of the 8D elements is displayed on the shop floor. A standard review process involving the production management and quality management takes place. The decision to end the STOP sign process is taken by production management after a review of the measures’ effectiveness. It is necessary to ensure that customer complaints are communicated quickly within all IPN value streams. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) 8.5.2 Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.2.1, 6.3.1, 6.5.3, 7.4 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 2 In the event of deviations in quality or if control limits are exceeded in the value stream (source, make, deliver), the employee needs to stop the process and escalate. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 2 There is a system (e.g. Andon cord) in place that allows the operator, if he notices deviations, to choose to stop the process and notify his supervisor immediately. Deviations can occur if control limits are exceeded, and also based on subjective observations (for example, the power screwdriver is not running smoothly, material has been funneled into the incorrect chute, or the associate is not working to the standards set). After stopping the system there needs to be a well-defined process governing the restarting of the system. The process then has to be released by the shop floor management. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) 8.3 Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.3.1, 6.2.2 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 3 Security, health, production, and inspection instructions are complied with. 5S standards are put in place and observed. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 3 The production and inspection instructions are clearly visible at every station. A consistent set of symbols is available, the right/left hand movement becomes evident from the instruction. The error modes from the FMEA and special characteristics from the control plan are taken into account. Detailed photos support the process. There is a feedback loop in place that ensures the consistency of the control plan, FMEA, and directions. Health and safety instructions are carried out according to the plan. Participation is compulsory and will be documented. All deviations shall be resolved using the 8D method. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) For HSE and 5S: 6.4, 6.4.1, 6.4.2 For production and inspection instructions: 7.5.1, Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.4.3, 7.4 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 4 The target values/tolerances for all stated process parameters are observed. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 4 All process parameters that affect product quality are clearly defined and systematically checked on basis of the control plan. All required inspection criteria are implemented according to specification. Process validations are performed to determine whether target values/tolerances of the defined parameters have been observed. Deviations are systematically recorded and eliminated. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) 7.5.1,,, 8.1, 8.2.4 Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.2.2 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 5 Measuring and test equipment is defined, and monitoring intervals are observed. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 5 The type of measuring and test equipment and its uses is defined for all processes in the control plans. All measuring and test equipment is calibrated and only utilized with valid inspection certificate sticker. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) 7.6, Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.4.2 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 6 The “check the checker” principle is applied, and the “checker’s” suitability is ensured. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 6 The suitability of processes used to prevent or detect errors (e.g. camera-monitored processes, sensor-based measurements, inspection processes) needs to be checked according to a predefined standard. Possible errors, such as loading the incorrect camera software/testing program or improper sensor calibration, need to be prevented by carrying out the inspection. These inspection processes, as well as maintenance and set-up processes, need to be evaluated using appropriate methods (e.g. FMEA). Generally speaking, mistakeproofing is always preferable to error detection (e.g. Poka Yoke). System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008), 8.5.3, 7.6.1 Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.4.2, 4.7, 6.3.2 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 7 A maintenance standard is installed and observed at every station. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 7 The four-pillar TPM model, particularly the autonomous and preventative maintenance, is instituted at every station. This contains both the roles and responsibilities for production and the supporting areas. Systematic damage and dirt built-up on machinery and device components need to be consistently analyzed, recognized, and remedied. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.4.1 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 8 Each tool has a defined service life; the current status must be recognizable. A quality evaluation must be carried out during removal or disassembly. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 8 The current service lives of all tools have been recorded. A warning system promptly displays when tools need to be serviced or replaced. Each tool needs to be inspected when removed or disassembled to check for damage/ wear and tear. In case of deviations, it is necessary to follow measures to ensure product quality is maintained. Restart is performed according to clearly defined rules (see Principle 9); the standard is regularly reviewed. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.4.1 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 9 Restart after disruptions is clearly regulated for all machinery and equipment. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 9 Each disruption to the continuous production process (set-up, break, shift change, maintenance, power failure, upgrade) presents a potential risk to quality. Downtimes can alter process parameters, workflow sequences may change, and the consistency of material and supplies can change. A predefined standard for post-restart is therefore necessary. This should detail how to deal with products in the process after a disruption. All devices have been inspected according to a defined standard for quality risks in connection with disruptions (for example, an unplanned disruption to the welding process, the injection molding process stops unexpectedly, a product remains in thermal treatment for too long, the silicone bead is exposed to the air for too long). The standard also includes the analysis of critical wear parts (for example, drill bits or welding electrodes). Following longer disruptions (e.g. station upgrade), it is necessary to newly release the process and carry out a process audit. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) 7.5.2, Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.2.2 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 10 Products and containers are labeled according to the set standard. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 10 The following criteria must always be adhered to: - No rejected parts in the green box - No good parts in the red box - Rejected parts in the red box - Consistent labeling concept at the production site: A white card with a red diagonal stripe means: Product blocked; a green card means: Product after additional test back in production flow and in good condition; a yellow card means: Product for rework; a red card means: Product is scrap; a white card means: Product in good condition. - Filled boxes must always be labeled. - Products are protected against environmental influences (e.g. contamination) in line with regulations. - Red boxes must be secured and inaccessible on the production line (either by locking them or placing them at the proper location at the station; hint: red boxes may be sent unlocked from the machine to the analysis station); storage at the analysis station or in the collective rejects container only in locked boxes. - Containers for rejects must be emptied in line with standards and the parts must be analyzed. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) 7.5.3 Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.1.4, 6.2.5 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 11 The handling of rejected parts and those to be reworked is clearly regulated. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 11 As a basic rule, rework has to be avoided and is only permissible if a respective procedure exists. If rework is permitted the following conditions must be met: - an FMEA and a control plan for reassembly and reintroduction exist, - rework takes place on the original assembly line, - rework is limited in time. If the rework process is permanently required, this must be transferred to a standard process; approval by GB/QM. Scrap must be disposed of in line with the standard and unauthorized further use of these products must be prevented (for example, by destroying them.) System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) 8.3 Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.2.1, 6.2.5 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 12 Any products that fall on the floor, into the machine or cannot be classified must be scrapped. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 12 Each individual employee must adhere to this standard regardless of what part of the organization he/she belongs to or his/her position within the company. The shop floor management must be notified. The products must be scrapped according to procedure. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) 8.3.1 Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.2.1, 6.2.5 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 13 Only the correct product may be provided for removal and assembly. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 13 Only the correct product may be available to the associate at the time of assembly. All other variants or versions that are stored at the assembly station must not be accessible to the employee. It is furthermore necessary to ensure, across the entire logistics chain, that only the correct product is retrieved or available. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) 7.5.3 Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.2.1, 6.2.5 Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 14 The handling of remaining items/ quantities is clearly regulated. Q-Basics Value Stream Principle 14 Remaining quantities must be clearly labeled and stored securely (using the accompanying card/on the correct shelf). The “First In, First Out” principle must be observed. Close attention must be paid to ensure tidiness and cleanliness as the goods have yet to be placed in the final packaging. Maximum storage times must not be exceeded. The quantity of remaining items must be taken into consideration with regard to engineering change requests. System audit: Mapping to ISO/TS 16949:2009 (ISO 9001:2008) Process audit: Mapping to VDA 6.3 (2010) 6.1.2 Q-Basics Value Stream 14 Quality Principles for the Value Stream Q-Basics Value Stream Responsible for the content: C/QM
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