”How to” Make Fair Entries – Anyone in Putnam County can enter things in the Putnam County Fair! A Fair Book – Event and Entries Schedule will be available in early June at 150 locations around Putnam and adjoining counties. Over $60,000 offered in prizes and premiums for fair entries. Until that catalogue is available you can use the following list of areas where entries will be taken to think about what you might want to enter in the fair -– Flowers and Garden Products – cut flowers, house plants, etc. Crafts – wood, leather, wreaths, jewelry, Christmas decoration, etc. Baking – breads, cakes, pies, cookies, candies, etc. and, canned goods – jams, jellies, preserves, pickles, tomatoes, beans, relish, etc. 4-H Projects – poster, record books, project books; Photography -- landscape, waterscape, people, pets, wildlife, insects, etc. Sewing – apron, skirt, dress, shorts, pants, needlepoint, costume, etc. Hobby – model kit, Lego model, wood article, leaves or insect collections, pencil drawing, drawing any medium, photography, etc. Garden and Field Crops – corn, wheat, popcorn, pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, hay, peanuts, many vegetables and fruits, etc. Animal Shows – beef, sheep, goats, horses, mules, dairy cattle, chickens, geese, turkeys, rabbits, etc. Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Goats, Mules, and Horse Shows are OPEN to anyone except for the Putnam County Horse Show on Monday evening. Adults compete with adults, and youth compete with youth. Locations where you can find a fair book, will include, but not limited to: County Extension Office, 900 S. Maple, Cookeville; Putnam Farmer’s COOP, West Broad St.; Most banks in the Cookeville, Monterey and Baxter areas and All Farm Bureau Offices in Putnam, White, Overton, Fentress and Cumberland Counties; Tractor Supply in Cookeville; Algood City Hall; Cookeville City Hall; Stores on the West Side of Cookeville; Spring St. Super Market; Algood Stop and Go; Campus of Tennessee Tech; Dipsy Doodle and Helen’s Restaurants; Boswell’s Harley Shop; Sam’s Club; Chamber of Commerce; CD Auto Sales & Recovery, Helen's Restaurant, Sta Lo Market, Morgan's Used Motor Sales, Beauty Queens Boutique; Ready Set Grow; Country Bumpkin Boutique; Trina Allison Photography; Millennium Tanning; Missy’s Hot Kuts All 18 Putnam County Schools Rules for Making Entries: 1. All exhibits must be entered between 8:00a.m. and 12:00noon Saturday, August 1 and must remain until 1:00p.m. Sunday, August 9, 2015. (See Fair Book for department rules for entry and removal of livestock and poultry.) 2. All entries must have an exhibitor number with barcode. An exhibitor number and barcode may be obtained at the window on the front of the Exhibit Hall/Cultural Arts Building near the Fair Office on August 1 from 7:30a.m. – 11:30a.m. If you do not have a number and barcodes please arrive before 11:30a.m to obtain them and get your entries made by 12:00 noon. You may mail this entry form to Patti Clark, Putnam County Fair, P.O. Box 1001, Cookeville, TN 38503 Or, you may bring it with you on Saturday, August 1, 2015 and turn it in to get your bar codes at the window in the front of the Exhibit Hall/Cultural Arts Building near the Fair Office. Questions about making entries in the fair can be directed to: Sally Askew at: 261-0075; or Kay Sliger at: 432-4440; or John Allen at: 252-2755. Scroll Down for the Entry Form for the 89th Putnam County Agricultural & Industrial Fair BARCODES available 7:30am – 11:30am, Saturday August 2, 2015 or mail entry form in advance of the fair and your barcodes will be waiting for you at the fair. ENTRIES accepted 8:00am – 12:00 noon, Saturday August 2, 2015 Each year we have people show up at the window after 11:30a and they are disappointed when we tell them entries are closed if they don’t already have their barcodes. Please don’t let that happen to you – plan and come early on Saturday to bring your entries. We must close the buildings at 12:00 noon to prepare for judging and to give our volunteers time to have lunch before the judging starts. You can also send an entry form in advance to Putnam County Fair, Attn: Patti Clark, P.O. Box 1001, Cookeville, TN 38503 and barcodes will be waiting for you at the fair on Saturday morning, August 1. Entry Form Name: ________________________ Address: ______________________ ______________________________ City: __________________________ Zip Code: ___________ Email Address: __________________ ______________________________ Telephone Number: ______________________________ Number of bar codes you need: _______ (one for each item you plan to enter in the Putnam County Fair) Rules for Making Entries: 1. All entries must have an exhibitor number with barcode. An exhibitor number and barcode may be obtained at the window on the front of the Cultural Arts Building near the Fair Office on August 1 from 7:30a.m. – 11:30a.m. If you do not have a number and barcodes please arrive before 11:30a.m. in order to obtain them and get your entries made by 12:00 noon. IMPORTANT NOTE: Arrive prior to 11:30am to pick up your bar codes. Barcodes will not be given out after 11:30am. 2. Entries must be removed on Sunday, August 9, 2015, between 1pm and 3pm. Entries not picked up on Sunday will be discarded after noon on Monday, August 10. We cannot deliver your entries to your home, or store them for several days after the fair because we have to vacate the grounds on Monday, August 10. We apologize that we can’t be overly accommodating on entries not picked up on Sunday – we are all volunteers working to conduct the fair and must return to our jobs on Monday. Disclaimer: The Putnam County Fair Board will have photographers on the grounds each day of the fair taking pictures to use in marketing materials, on its website, and in next year’s fair book. Anyone who enters an item in the fair understands and agrees that the Fair Board may use any photos taken of fair activities as noted here without further permissions. Questions about fair entries may be directed to Sally Askew, 931-261-0075, Kay Sliger at 931432-4440; or John Allen at 931-252-2755 or Email: info@putnamcountyfair.org. Signature of Exhibitor: Date: _________________
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