PVMS Bulldog Gazette Main Office: 410-880-5840 Main Office Fax: 410-880-5843 Guidance Office/Fax: 410-888-8820 pvms.hcpss.org April 15, 2015 Student Recognition—Congratulations to our students! Congratulations to 6th Grader Shivani Modi for earning FIRST place in the Howard County Young Author’s Contest (Poetry). Looking for an easy way to support PVMS, make money, and have fun? . Then join us for PVMS PTA's Community Yard Sale on May 9th SELLERS are needed to make this event happen! For only $10, you can rent a parking space and make money selling your treasures. Individuals, organizations, and scout troops welcome to buy a space and earn some money. A bake sale will be available to benefit the PVMS drama production. Get your space today! See attached flyer, Contact Christine Dietrich at dietrichs4@verizon.net for more information. The Howard County Student Art Exhibit The Howard County student art exhibit is going on at the mall- our panels are upstairs in the middle, near Lord and Taylors. It'll be up from April 7-16, and ends at 12 noon on the 16th .We generally have upwards of 5 shows a year- always preparing for them- it's a venue where some of our kids really shine- I hope you can stop to see the show- about 50 of our kids are represented. 7th Grade Field Trip Permission slips and information about the upcoming 7th grade field trip have gone home Friday, March 27. Money and forms will be collected starting Tuesday, April 7. The LAST day to turn in money and forms will be Thursday, April 16. If you are interested in chaperoning, there is no charge (we NEED you)! Please fill in the chaperone form and return it with the other forms. You will be contacted by a staff member to confirm if you are needed. Any questions? Please call or email Tim Morris at 410/ 880-5840 Email: tmorris@hcpss.org<< LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN ALL-STAR BASKETBALL GAME! MAY 19 TH at PATUXENT VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL AT 3PM! Tuesday, May 19th at 3pm! The League Of Gentlemen All-Star Basketball Game 2015 will bring together the community’s most talented players for a celebration of basketball, transforming ‘the Patuxent Valley Middle School gymnasium” into the center of the basketball universe. One afternoon of live game action will be on display at Patuxent Valley, 9151 Vollmerhausen Rd Jessup, MD, 20794. Don’t miss the chance to see the culmination of months of dedication, leadership, and teamwork, The League of Gentlemen, All-Star Game at PVMS on Tuesday, May 19, at 3PM! The League of Gentlemen is a mentoring initiative aimed at support for 6th, 7th and 8th grade young men. The mission of the League of Gentlemen is to properly facilitate a healthy developmental process for young men: mentally, physically, emotionally and socially. The Gentlemen reflect the diversity of our community. Many of the Gentlemen are on travel teams. You can find out more about us at http://tinyurl.com/PVMS-LOG 6th Grade Parents! **IMPORTANT – NEW IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS** Effective the first day of school, 2015-2016, 1 dose of Tdap vaccine and 1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine will be required by the state of Maryland for all students entering Grade 7. If we DO NOT receive proof of immunization, your child will be excluded from school. Many students may have already received these immunizations, but the Health Room may not have the updated immunization record. Please contact your child’s doctor and if your child has had the vaccines, send or fax in an updated copy of your child’s immunizations to the Health Room. Our fax number is (301) 490-3780. If you have further questions, please call Patuxent Valley Middle School at (410) 880-5840 and ask for Dee Goldstein or Joyce Johnson in the Health Room. Enroll your child in the Wellness Center! Your child may never need a visit to the Wellness Center while they are a student at PVMS; although, you will have health care options if you enroll. You can then choose to utilize the Wellness Center if your child is sick or has other health care needs during the school day. Your child can receive medical care at school and return to class quickly, if appropriate. If your child presents to the Health Room with an illness that may requre a medical visit, you will be contacted to see if you prefer to take them to your own provider, or if you would like them to be seen by the nurse practitioner in the Wellness Center. Parents can come to the school for the medical visit, or communicate with the nurse practitioner by phone. Information about the visit is sent to your primary care provider. The Wellness Center provides sick care, follow-up care, well-child care, and other health care services. Some medications are available, and prescriptions can be written or called to your pharmacy if needed. By providing health care services on-site, we can help students decrease missed school time and parents decrease missed work time. The Wellness Center does not replace your child's primary care provider in the community for their yearly physicals and followup. School-Based Wellness Centers are extremely valuable for students who lack access to adequate health care due to various family situations, and need well-child care and vaccinations. All students, regardless of insurance status, may use the Wellness Center. Wellness Center forms can be picked up at the school or found on the school website. To make an appointment for your child, or for any questions about the Wellness Center, please call 301-490-1655. Re-scheduled Event: International Night Please note that our 6th Annual International Night has been rescheduled. The NEW date for the event is: Thursday, May 7th from 6:30-9PM. Mark your calendars for a fun night celebrating the cultures of our community! The Patuxent Valley Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society is continuing our traditional International Night on May 7th from 6:30-9:00 PM. We are currently in need of student volunteers to dance, sing, or demonstrate a sport or skill from their culture. We also need families to cook foods from their culture, and make exhibits with displays and artifacts. If you have a child that would be willing to present or have a table at our International Night, please email Mrs. Bickerton with your child's name, grade, culture they would like to represent, and what they can do for this event. Invitation to Parents: Virtually all career fields today require a solid foundation of STEM. That’s precisely why STEM careers are the fastest growing areas of study, and the reason that STEM professionals are in high demand. Early exposure to these fields can set Patuxent Valley Middle School students on a path to academic and career success by providing the tools needed to make informed decisions about the future. Are you in a STEM related field? Would you be willing to share information about your STEM career? If yes, please fill out the following questionnaire: http://tinyurl.com/PVMSstemVF Attention Parents of 8th Graders! Your help is needed this year to coordinate the 8th grade dance and activities leading up to the dance. We know you want to make this final semester at Patuxent Valley something special. If you are interested in joining this committee, please send and email to PVMSPTAMD@GMAIL.COM. The G/T Summer Institutes for Talent Development The G/T Summer Institutes for Talent Development course catalog is now available online at http://www.hcpss.org/academics/gifted-and-talented/ Box Tops: PVMS collects unexpired Box Tops throughout the year, so don’t forget to look for them from the items you buy for your family. For every 10 Box Tops your student brings in, they are rewarded with 1 BARK Buck. Your student can use the BARK Bucks to go to special school events, buy something at the School Store, and more! Our school benefits through the collection of Box Tops as well. For every 50 Box Tops that we send to General Mills, PVMS receives $5.00 in return. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Kay Rivera at krivera2@hotmail.com MARK YOUR CALENDAR… April 16 April 16-17 April 24 April 28 April 30 May 7 May 9 May 11 AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Field Trip Howard County Band Adjudication PVMS Spring Fling BSAP Parent Empowerment Academy 6th Grade Middle School Orientation Night International Night PTA Yard Sale U. S Naval Academy Field Trip May 14 -15 May 15 May 16 May 19 May 21 May 22 May 25 May 28 PTA Play Presentation 7th Grade Field Trip to WDC PTA Yard Sale (Rain Date) League of Gentlemen ~ All Star Game PVMS Enrichment Fair Hoops for Heart Fitness Awareness Day Memorial Day ~ Schools/Offices closed 6:00 p.m. ~ Cafeteria May 29 May 30 BSAP Parent Empowerment Academy 8th Grade Dance Music Department’s Field Trip to King’s Dominion 6:00 p.m. ~ Media Center 6:00 p.m. ~ Cafeteria June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 9 June 17 June 18 June 19 BSAP Parent Empowerment PVMS Instrumental/Music Spring Concert PVMS Spring Chorus Concert Six Flags/Science Trip PTA Meeting Schools close 3 hours early Schools close 3 hours early Last day of school ~ school closes 3 hours early 6:30 p.m. ~ Media Center 7:00 p.m. ~ Hammond H.S. 7:00 p.m. ~ Cafeteria 2:00 p.m. ~ Centennial H.S. 5:30 p.m. ~ Cafeteria 6:00 p.m. ~ Media Center 6:00 p.m. ~ Cafeteria 6:30 p.m. ~ Cafeteria 7:00 a.m. ~ Cafeteria 7:00 a.m. ~ Cafeteria 2:30 p.m. ~ Gym 6:00 p.m. ~ Media Center 6:00 p.m. ~ Media Center Hammond Community Green Festival Join us on Saturday, April 25th from 10am-2pm @Hammond High School 8800 Guilford Rd. Columbia, MD 21046 TONS of fun activities for kids of ALL ages! Live animals at our 11am and 12pm Scales and Tales programs! Awesome door prizes - aquarium tickets, books, Larriland Farm gift certificates, and MORE! A performance by our very own Hammond Dramastics team at 10:30am! Tons of vendors - build a planter to take home from Home Depot, meet the Chick-Fil-A cow, play a game, meet and learn about bees and much, much more! Bring your old dried out markers, your old shoes, and your old plastic bags. All will be collected for recycling. For every pair of shoes and/or every 10 markers you turn in, you will receive an additional door prize entry. Stay for lunch - ChickFilA sandwiches will be available for purchase from 11am - 1pm. We hope to see you there! Best of all - the event is FREE! The first 100 families can adopt a tree to take home and plant. Check out our website for more information: bit.ly/hahsgreen ATTENTION STUDENTS AND PARENTS! WE ARE RECEIVING A $30 DISCOUNT TO THE JUAN DIXON BASKETBALL CAMP THIS SUMMER. THE CAMP WILL BE HELD AT THE SUPREME SPORTS CLUB IN COLUMBIA, MD, JUNE 22 - 26, 2015. USE PROMO CODE JDCAMP15 TO RECEIVE DISCOUNT. CLICK THE FLYER BELOW OR CALL 301-575-9400 FOR MORE INFORMATION! ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED SO SIGN UP TODAY!
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