Government of Goa Office of the Executive Engineer, Works Division XXV, PWD Fatorda Margao - Goa TENDER NOTICE (E-TENDERING MODE ONLY) NO.PWD/W.D.XXV/ASW/F-2/2015-2016/01 Date: 27/04/2015 The Executive Engineer, Works Division XXV PWD., Fatorda, Margao - Goa, invites on behalf of Governor of Goa online Item Rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors of State PWD, Goa, registered in appropriate class and categories for the following works: Sr. No. Name of Work & Location Estimated Earnest Cost of E-Tender Class and Period of Cost put to Money Tender Processing Category of Completio tender in Deposit in Document Fee in Contractor n (in Rupees Rupees in Rupees Rupees days) Mode of Payment : ePayment Only Improvement of pathway at Maad 1 Bansai in Curchorem Constituency. 1400620.00 28013.00 2 3 4 5 6 Construction of protection wall along Kajumol Kudai road in V.P. Cola in 1226915.66 Quepem Constituency. Urgent repairs to the road at Borimol including repairs to the drainage in 1217904.90 Cola village Panchayat in Qupeem Constituency. Urgent repairs (Guniting) to the culvert at Ambade in V.P. Cola in 689992.15 Quepem Constituency. Urgent repairs to the side shoulders of main road from Matvem to 665898.42 Molorem in V.P. Cola in Quepem constituency. Raising of road from Prashila Bhende house to Clifford Dias house in ward 642399.00 no. 02 in CCMC in Curchorem Constituency. 2000.00 1401.00 Class III & above 90 days 24539.00 2000.00 1227.00 Class III & above 60 days 24359.00 2000.00 1218.00 Class III & above 60 days 13800.00 2000.00 690.00 specialized agencies 90 days 13318.00 2000.00 666.00 Class III & above 60 days 12848.00 2000.00 642.00 Class III & above 90 days NOTE: for specialized agencies Eligibility criteria for work at Sr.No.4., The Agency should have carried out at least 2 similar type of works and should submit completion certificate issued by Govt. Dept./Public Sector for completed jobs in similar category. TENDER SCHEDULE 1 The last date of online application is 06/05/2015 upto 13.00 hrs. 2 The last date of online submission of tender form is 06/05/2015 upto 15.00 hrs. 3 The date & time of opening of online tender is 11/05/2015 after 10.30 hrs in the Office of the Executive The online application should accompany the following documents (Scan and Upload on the e-Tender website): a Attested copy of valid Registration Certificate b Attested copy of PAN Card c Attested copy of TIN No/ Sales Tax/VAT valid registration Certificate. e Mode of Payment towards Cost of the Tender Document, EMD & Tender Processing Fee: To be paid online through e-payment mode only via NEFT/RTGS/OTC/debit card/credit card facility/net banking, (Axis bank) with pre-printed challans available on e-tendering website and directly credit the amount to ITG account as generated by challan for NEFT/RTGS/OTC. f The applicant should Upload the scanned copy of the declaration in prescribed format (Annexure-A) giving the names of the works in hand in the above mentioned category on Stamp paper of `50/INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRACTORS: 1 The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6 carefully. He should only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the documents required. 2 Information and Instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid document. 3 The bid document consisting of specifications, the schedule of quantity of various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents can be seen and downloaded from website free of cost. 4 Those bidders not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to get registered beforehand. 5 The intending bidder must have / obtain a valid digital signature to submit the bid. 6 On opening date, the contractor can login and see the bid opening process. After opening of bids he will receive the competitor bid sheets. 7 Bidders must ensure to quote rate for each item in figures and in words. 8 In addition to this, while selecting any of the cells a warning appears that if any cell is left blank the same shall be treated as "0". Therefore, if any cell is left blank and no rate is quoted by the bidder, rate of such item shall be treated as "0" (ZERO) & will be treated as incomplete tender & will be rejected outright. Also name of the bidder should be entered in respective cell. 9 The tenderer shall be responsible for the correctness and genuine of the documents uploaded during tender submission. Any discrepancies in the matter will be liable for rejection and suitable action. 10 No Hardcopies of the documents to be submitted in the tender box. In complete applications shall be summarily rejected and right to reject any or all the tenders including the lowest without assigning any reason thereof is reserved. On and Behalf of Governor of Goa Sd/- Executive Engineer Works Division XXV(R) PWD, Fatorda-Goa. Copy to: 1 The Principal Chief Engineer, PWD, Altinho, Panaji – Goa. 2 The Chief Engineer(NH,R&B), P.W.D. Altinho Panaji. 3 The Superintending Engineer(NH,R&B), Circle IV PWD., Fatorda - Margao-Goa. 4 The Finance Department, Secretariat, Panaji – Goa. 5 The Manager, Printing press, Panaji - Goa. 6 The Executive Engineer,WD-XXV(R), PWD, Fatorda, Margao- Goa. 7 The Assistant Engineer,SD-I,II,III Canacona/Quepem. 8 The Divisional Accountant, WDXXV(R), PWD, Fatorda, Margao- Goa. 9 The Notice Board. 10 The Tender Notice file. 11 ADM.
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