Fred Beans Family of Dealerships is proud to sponsor Plymouth Whitemarsh High School Baseball! Savings • Service • Selection Doylestown • West Chester • Devon Boyertown • Flemington, NJ Call us today 1-800-23-BEANS or visit us online at PWHS COLONIALS 2015 Season on the web &@PWHSBaseball on Twitter Inside our Media Guide: • Player Profiles A Message from Coach Manero … and much, much more! Welcometothe2015 PlymouthWhitemarsh baseballseason!The Colonialsthankallofour fansforyoursupportand hopethatyoucontinue followingusallseason. Other Highlights: Somuchgoesintomaking thehopesofanother baseballseasonareality, andweowethanksto thosewhohavehelpedus thisyear.Ourhighschool principalMr.JasonBacani andAthleticDirectorMr. CharlesForsterareso • Team History • Rosters and Schedules instrumentalinsupporting Colonialathletics.Theyare assistedbyMr.Ed Swetkowski,Ms.Marianne Paparone,Mr.MJGrourke, andathleticssecretaryMrs. NancyHarper,whoensure thatallrunssmoothly throughouttheseason. Atthedistrictoffice,we thankSuperintendentDr. MaryellenGorodetzerand theColonialSchoolBoard fortheircommitmentto value‐addedprograms suchasathletics. DirectorofOperationsMr. TerryYemm,Mr.JoeLally, Mr.GeneKelly,andMr. RichKoenigandhis groundscrewmakeour fieldsgamereadyeachday. Workingtogether, PlymouthWhitemarshisa strongcommunitythat workstoprovidegreat opportunitiessuchas baseballforourstudents. Chris Manero VarsityHeadCoach Community Ads Upcoming Events Past Championships Coaches Bios Baseball Quotes Team Photos The Power Alley Parents Club helps support PW Baseball Manyoftheeffortsto produceour2015media guideandprepareforthe seasonhavecomewiththe assistanceofthePower AlleyParentsClub.Formed inthewinterof2012,this organizationofparent volunteershasbecome instrumentalinhelpingto supporttheColonials baseballprogram. Throughoutthisoffseason, membersoftheclub assistedinplanningforour “JingleBellJog5K”andthe third“Fundraiseron Fayette”,bothofwhich werehugesuccessesin generatingfundstohelp offsetsomeofthemany costsassociatedwith runningahighcaliberhigh schoolbaseballprogram. Inadditiontotheseevents, theparentswere instrumentalinhelping organizemanyteamevents throughoutlastseasonand thisoff‐season,andin recruitinglocalbusinesses toadvertiseinthismedia guide.Theywerealso instrumentalinhelpingus planourspringtripto HistoricDodgertownin VeroBeach,Florida. Throughouttheseason, youwillseemembersof theClubselling merchandiseatourhome games,aswellasassisting atotherteameventsand communityfunctions. Theireffortsaretireless andmuchappreciatedby alloftheplayersand coachesinourbaseball program. Formoreinformationon howyoucanhelpwiththe PowerAlleyParentsClub, pleasesendanemailto clubPresidentJenKurucat A community bank. Funding community projects. Sounds like a good formula to us. At Tompkins VIST Bank your success is our business. Let us support your local projects. It’s a formula we’ve been following for over 105 years. Blue Bell Office 1767 Sentry Parkway West (215) 641-1111 1-888-238-3330 | COLONIALS BASEBALL 2015 COLONIALS MAINTAIN PROUD TRADITION OF SUCCESS PIAA STATE CHAMPIONS 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS DISTRICT CHAMPIONS “Therearethreetypesof baseballplayers:Those whomakeithappen, thosewhowatchit happenandthosewho wonderwhathappens.” SUBURBAN ONE LEAGUE CHAMPIONS TommyLasorda PIAA DISTRICT ONE PLAYOFF APPEARANCES 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, COLONIALS BASEBALL 2015 UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS FOR THE 2015 SEASON SATURDAY,MAY2 10:00am LITTLELEAGUESKILLSDAY COLONIALSFIELDATPW 3:15pm SENIORDAY COLONIALSFIELDATPW 12:00pm ALUMNIGAME/FIELDCEREMONY COLONIALSFIELDATPW 9am‐2pm PWCOLONIALSBASEBALLCAMP COLONIALSFIELDATPW MONDAY,MAY11 SATURDAY,MAY16 JUNE22‐JUNE26 Ifyou'regood,you'realways lookingoveryourshoulder. BruceSpringsteen “Thebestwaytofind yourselfistoloseyourself intheserviceofothers.” MahatmaGandhi COLONIALS BASEBALL 2015 COACHING STAFF FROMLEFTTORIGHT…FreshmanHeadCoachToddKochersperger,VarsityAssistantCoachPaulFischer,Varsity PitchingCoachPhilKelly,VarsityHeadCoachChrisManero,VarsityAssistantCoachEricFisher,JVHeadCoachJack Kavetski,JVAssistantCoachRobLuthy,FreshmenAssistantCoachKevinGolebiewski Coaching staff brings wealth of experience to Colonials Baseball TheColonialsbaseball programisfortunateto haveacoachingstaffwell versedinallaspectsofthe game,andeagertowork withthestudentathletes fromPlymouthWhitemarsh toprovideapositiveand memorablebaseball experience. ChrisManeroentershisthird seasonasthevarsityhead coachin2015andhis10th seasonintheprogramoverall. Hehasspentthefirstseven yearsinthePWbaseball program,servingastheJV coachfrom2006‐2008anda varsityassistantcoachfrom 2009‐2012.CoachManero alsoservedastheheadcoach ofTheMt.CarmelClub Mounties,alocalAmerican LegionBaseballteam,from 2008‐2012.Heisagraduateof NorthPennHighSchooland YorkCollegeofPA,and residesinPlymouth Township. PhilKellybeginshissecond seasonasthevarsitypitching coachin2015,andhisthird overallwiththeprogram. CoachKellyservedastheJV HeadCoachin2013.He playedbaseballatNeumann UniversityandisaPW Baseballalumnus,having graduatedin2003.Coach KellyalsoledtheColonials strengthandconditioning programthroughoutthis winter.Herunshis Lumberjacksbaseball programinthesummerand fall. EricFisher,whohad previouslycoachedinthe Colonialsprogramin2004 and2005,returnsforathird consecutiveseasononthe varsitycoachingstaff,working primarilywiththeinfielders. CoachFisherwasamemberof the1994PIAAstate championshipteamatPWand wentontoplayatEckerd CollegeinFlorida,andplayed independentminorleague baseballfortheSiouxFalls CanariesandAllentown Ambassadors. PaulFischerreturnstothe PWHScoachingfraternitythis season,afterpreviousstintsas anassistantfootballcoach from2003to2008,andthe freshmanbaseballcoachfrom 2003to2006.CoachFischer hastaughtintheColonial SchoolDistrictsince2004,and iscurrentlyaHealthandPE teacheratColonialMiddle School.HeholdsaBachelors degreefromUrsinusCollege andaMastersdegreefrom VillanovaUniversity.Coach FischerandhiswifeLindy resideinWorcester,andhave twochildren,Meredithand Keith. JackKavetskientershis secondseasonastheColonials JVcoachin2015.Kavetskiis nostrangertoPWBaseball. Theformercaptainwasa stand‐outinfielderand pitcher,graduatingin2008. Hewentontohaveaprolific careerasaninfielderat DeSalesUniverstiy,wherehe playeduntilhisgraduationin 2013. RobLuthyreturnsthisyear forhissecondseasonastheJV assistantcoach. CoachLuthyisa2009 graduateofPWHS,wherehe playedonthebaseballteam, inadditiontobeingathree yearlegionplayerwiththe Mt.CarmelClubMounties.He isa2013graduateofWest ChesterUniversity. ToddKocherspergerreturns totheColonialsstaffin2015 astheFreshmenheadcoach. CoachKpreviouslyservedas boththeJVheadcoachand VarsityAssistantcoachfrom 2009‐2013.Aphysedteacher atColonialMiddleSchool,he hasalsocoachedsoccerand basketballfortheColonials andisamemberoftheUpper MorelandHighSchoolAthletic HallofFame. KevinGolebiewskijoinsthe staffthisyearasanassistant ontheFreshmenteam.Coach Gservedasanassistantat CMSonthe8thgradeteamin 2014andiswellknowninthe areaforhisprominenceinthe PWSwimmingprogramand aquaticclub.Kevinisaspecial educationaideatPlymouth WhitemarshHighSchool. COLONIALS BASEBALL 2015 FRESHMAN TEAM Whenbaseballisno longerfun,it'snolonger agame. JoeDiMaggio Mymainluckynumberis9. Thatwasmybaseball numberinhighschool.My otherluckynumberis3, becausethat'stheoneI worebeforeIgottohigh schoolandhadtopicka differentone. JasonAldean FROMLEFTTORIGHT… FIRSTROW‐AlexO’Connor,TylerDelaney,ZachFisher,JonathanSilberman,StevenMaslij, DavidKeenan.SECONDROW‐DannyGreen,JohnCasselli,JackSmeltzer,RoyceGuagliata, StephenLongo,BlakeRosen JV TEAM Inbaseball,democracy shinesitsclearest.Theonly racethatmattersistherace tothebag.Thecreedisthe rulebook.Andcolor, merelysomethingto distinguishoneteam's uniformfromanother's. ErnieHarwell FROMLEFTTORIGHT… FIRSTROW‐BrettBrown,CorryMaloney,KyleChandler,MaxBaker,MattMitchell,Matt DiSisto.SECONDROW‐ConnorKissane,JustinGelfand,ColinWerner,JakeKuruc,Ian Warner,ChrisSymnoski,BrendanMcAllister.THIRDROW‐BrianKrepto,JoeStoberl, DarrenDelaney,MattGatta,StevenBlum,DillonFamous COLONIALS BASEBALL 2015 VARSITY TEAM FROMLEFTTORIGHT… FIRSTROW‐NoahGoldstein,LucaAmoroso,AdamMcKinlay,IanWarner,BenRaeder,Ryan Bischoff.SECONDROW‐EvanBischoff,ZachMetz,JonFisher,GavinBrody,ConnorBurke,Dylan Ensslin,DutchReardon,MattCooper.THIRDROW‐JacobLaudenbach,BrettHighland,Nick Satterthwaite,JoeJordan,JohnPecharo,AnthonyCasselli,JamesFreels VARSITY SENIORS FROMLEFTTORIGHT… FIRSTROW‐AnthonyCasselli,BenRaeder,BrettHighland.SECONDROW‐ZachMetz,Jon Fisher,NickSatterthwaite,JoeJordan,GavinBrody.THIRDROW‐DylanEnsslin,Evan Bischoff,RyanBischoff,JamesFreels PITCHING STAFF CATCHERS 201 E. Germantown Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 PHONE: (610) 825-1500 ext. 1206 E-MAIL: TWITTER: @PWHSBaseball INFIELDERS ALSO VISIT US ON: Athletic Director: Mr. Charles Forster High School Principal: Mr. Jason Bacani Superintendent of Schools: Dr. MaryEllen Gorodetzer School Board President: Mr. Alan Tabachnick Director of Operations: Mr. Terry Yemm Grounds Crew: Mr. Rich Koenig Assistant Athletic Directors: Mr. Ed Swetkowski and Ms. Marianne Paparone 9th Grade Athletic Director: Mr. MJ Grourke We’re on MaxPreps! See us at: OUTFIELDERS CAPTAINS JAMES FREELS, BRETT HIGHLAND, BEN RAEDER #46 BRETT HIGHLAND POSITION: C CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: William and Maribeth HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Ursinus College FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning All Star Game MVP for Senior Legion FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Florida Georgia Line FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Labick #12 NICK SATTERTHWAITE POSITION: OF CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: Jim and MaryAnn HOMETOWN: Plymouth Twp COLLEGE PLANS: West Chester University (with Evan) FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Hitting two home runs in one game FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Kendrick Lamar MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Allowing a HR to James Freels #3 JAMES FREELS POSITION: 2B/SS CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: Margaret and Hank HOMETOWN: East Plymouth Mtg. COLLEGE PLANS: University of Scranton FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning the ‘chip FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Kendrick Lamar FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Andrews FAVORITE DINNERTIME MEAL: Mom's Chicken and Rice #33 GAVIN BRODY POSITION: 1B CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: William and Mayellen HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Bloomsburg University FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Turning a Triple Play FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Meek Mill MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Matt Cooper hitting a home run off of me #23 JOE JORDAN POSITION: 3B/OF CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: Joe and Jacky HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Neumann University FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Walk off walk FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Meek Mil FAVORITE TEACHER: Mrs. Hoffman CAREER GOAL: Become an Athletic Trainer #53 RYAN BISCHOFF POSITION: RHP CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: Eric and Tabitha HOMETOWN: Whitemarsh Twp. COLLEGE PLANS: University of Virginia FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Hitting HR off Jonnie Fisher FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Florida Georgia Line/ ZBB FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Coletta, Mr. Scheidly, Mr. Manero, Ms. Hannold #38 JON FISHER POSITION: RHP CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: Jon and Lori HOMETOWN: Plymouth Twp. COLLEGE PLANS: James Madison University FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: States in Little League FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Luke Bryan/ Kendrick Lamar MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Letting up a HR to Ryan Bischoff in little league #50 EVAN BISCHOFF POSITION: SS/ RHP CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: Eric and Tabitha HOMETOWN: Whitemarsh Twp. COLLEGE PLANS: West Chester University FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning District 22 and making the winning catch at the wall FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Kevin Gates/ Fla. Georgia Line OTHER INFO: I’m a fun and nice guy. Follow me on Instagram #52 ANTHONY CASSELLI POSITION: C CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: Nicholas and Rita HOMETOWN: Roxborough COLLEGE PLANS: Albright College FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Hitting my first homerun FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Imagine Dragons/Jay-Z/Eminem FAVORITE TEACHER: Ms. Tavani and Mr. Wadlin FAVORITE DINNERTIME MEAL: Spaghetti and Meatballs #35 ZACH METZ POSITION: OF/ LHP/ 1B CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: George and Donna HOMETOWN: Conshohocken COLLEGE PLANS: Gwynedd Mercy University FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Playing for the AmericanContinental Carpenter Cup team FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Imagine Dragons FAVORITE DINNERTIME MEAL: Deer meat fajitas #32 BEN RAEDER POSITION: LHP CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: Lowell and Jane HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Pennsylvania State University FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Making District Playoffs last year FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Backstreet Boys FAVORITE TEACHER: Ms. Russo #25 DYLAN ENSSLIN POSITION: 1B CLASS: 2015 PARENTS: Greg and Judy HOMETOWN: Plymouth Twp. COLLEGE PLANS: University of Delaware FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Cooperstown Dreams Park FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Foster the People / Logic FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Dwyer and Mrs. Hoffman CAREER GOAL: Become a Biomedical Engineer #26 JOHN PECHARO #30 NOAH GOLDSTEIN POSITION: 3B/1B/P CLASS: 2017 PARENTS: William and Maribeth HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Ursinus College FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning All Star Game MVP for Senior Legion FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Florida Georgia Line FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Labick POSITION: OF CLASS: 2017 PARENTS: William and Maribeth HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Ursinus College FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning All Star Game MVP for Senior Legion FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Florida Georgia Line FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Labick #4 LUKE AMOROSO #16 ADAM McKINLAY POSITION: OF CLASS: 2017 PARENTS: William and Maribeth HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Ursinus College FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning All Star Game MVP for Senior Legion FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Florida Georgia Line FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Labick POSITION: 2B/ 3B CLASS: 2016 PARENTS: William and Maribeth HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Ursinus College FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning All Star Game MVP for Senior Legion FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Florida Georgia Line FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Labick #6 CONNOR BURKE #40 JACOB LAUDENBACH POSITION: OF/ RHP CLASS: 2016 PARENTS: William and Maribeth POSITION: C CLASS: 2016 PARENTS: William and Maribeth #36 Connor Kissane #5 IAN WARNER POSITION: RHP/ 1B CLASS: 2016 PARENTS: William and Maribeth HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Ursinus College FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning All Star Game MVP for Senior Legion FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Florida Georgia Line FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Labick POSITION: OF CLASS: 2016 PARENTS: William and Maribeth HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Ursinus College FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning All Star Game MVP for Senior Legion FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Florida Georgia Line FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Labick #2 MATT COOPER #24 DUTCH REARDON POSITION: RHP/ 2B CLASS: 2016 PARENTS: William and Maribeth HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Ursinus College FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning All Star Game MVP for Senior Legion FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Florida Georgia Line FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Labick POSITION: 3B/ 1B/ C CLASS: 2016 PARENTS: William and Maribeth HOMETOWN: Lafayette Hill COLLEGE PLANS: Ursinus College FAVORITE BASEBALL MEMORY: Winning All Star Game MVP for Senior Legion FAVORITE MUSICIAN/GROUP: Florida Georgia Line FAVORITE TEACHER: Mr. Labick Good Luck Chris and the PW Colonials! Have a great season! The Symnoski Family From T-ball to Varsity, James you’ve always made us proud! Love, Mom, Dad, Jess, Allison & Emma GOOD LUCK BEN & THE 2015 COLONIALS BASEBALL TEAM! JANE, LOWELL AND JAKE RAEDER Good luck to Ben Raeder and the 2015 Colonials! 2015 Colonial Baseball Peter and Marie Satterthwaite wish the PW Colonial Baseball Players an outstanding season! Go Nick!!!!!!! HAVE A GREAT SEASON COLONIALS! BEST OF LUCK TO CONNOR BURKE, FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT THE CONSHOHOCKEN BOCCE CLUB! KITCHEN OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NITE 6 - 9pm Good Luck from Eve's Lunch! 610-277-6600 Congratulations Ryan Love Mom & Dad Go PW Have a great season Congratulations Evan Love Mom & Dad Go PW Have a great season HENRY JAMES SALOON 577 JAMESTOWN ST. ROXBOROUGH, PA 19128 HAVE A GREAT SEASON AS A SENIOR ANTHONY!! Good Luck Chris and the PW Colonials! Have a great season! Grandma and Pop-Pop Vasturia Good Luck PW Baseball Players and # 24 Dutch Reardon Have a great season boys! The Reardon’s Best of luck Zach as you finish your high school baseball career and move on to college! We support Plymouth Whitemarsh Baseball and John Pecharo! The Pecharo Family & Pecharo Grandparents Good Luck Dutch Reardon and PW Baseball! Love Grandmom Reardon Good luck Ben Raeder and the 2015 Colonials! Papa, Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Mina, Uncle Eddie, Aunt Amy, Aaron, Lauren, Sam, Justin, Sara, Eden & Grace Best of luck to Adam McKinlay & the 2015 PW Colonials! BEST OF LUCK IN THE 2015 SEASON COLONIALS! FROM THE FREELS FAMILY The 2015 Colonials Baseball teams sincerely thank all of the coaches, teachers, parents, family, friends and fans for their continued support during the season and all year long! National Chemical Laboratories proudly supports Plymouth-Whitemarsh Colonials Baseball Best of Luck this season to Dutch Reardon #24 From all at NCL Philadelphia, PA 19123 USA • (800) 628-2436 •
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