ARTICLE IN PRESS Applied Radiation and Isotopes 64 (2006) 333–336 Microfluidic technology for PET radiochemistry J.M. Gilliesa,, C. Prenanta,b, G.N. Chimona,b, G.J. Smethursta, B.A. Dekkera, J. Zweita,b a Cancer Research-UK/University of Manchester Radiochemical Targeting and Imaging Group, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Manchester, M20 4BX, UK b School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Sciences, University of Manchester, P.O. Box 88, Manchester, M60 1QD, UK Received 8 December 2004; received in revised form 30 August 2005; accepted 30 August 2005 Abstract This paper describes the first application of a microfabricated reaction system to positron emission tomography (PET) radiochemistry. We have applied microfluidic technology to synthesise PET radiopharmaceuticals using 18F and 124I as labels for fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and Annexin-V, respectively. These reactions involved established methods of nucleophilic substitution on a mannose triflate precursor and direct iodination of the protein using iodogen as an oxidant. This has demonstrated a proof of principle of using microfluidic technology to radiochemical reactions involving low and high molecular weight compounds. Using microfluidic reactions, [18F]FDG was synthesised with a 50% incorporation of the available F-18 radioactivity in a very short time of 4 s. The radiolabelling efficiency of 124I Annexin-V was 40% after 1 min reaction time. Chromatographic analysis showed that such reaction yields are comparable to conventional methods, but in a much shorter time. The yields can be further improved with more optimisation of the microfluidic device itself and its fluid mixing profiles. This demonstrates the potential for this technology to have an impact on rapid and simpler radiopharmaceutical synthesis using short and medium half-life radionuclides. r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: PET radiochemistry; Radiosynthesis; Microfabrication; Microfluidics 1. Introduction Positron emission tomography (PET) allows the study of in vivo biochemistry and biology underlying disease and therapeutic intervention (Gambhir, 2002, Massoud and Gambhir, 2003, Reader and Zweit, 2001). This unique capability allows a rational assessment of, for example, anti-cancer drug development in early clinical trials. Current practice involves the manipulation of macroscopic quantities of material in the synthesis of various radiopharmaceuticals. Nanotechnology, the miniaturisation of macroscale processes and devices, offers distinct advantages to PET radiochemistry. In particular, intrinsic reduction in resources and logistics is required for PET radiochemical preparations. Microfluidic technologies are capable of controlling and transferring tiny quantities of liquids which allow chemical and biochemical assays to be Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 161 446 3150; fax: +44 161 446 3109. E-mail address: (J.M. Gillies). 0969-8043/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2005.08.009 integrated and carried out on a small scale. In the first place, radiochemical reactions on-chip can be easily shielded and will not require the space and resources required for conventional hot cell synthesis. Secondly, it provides a scope for an integrated total system (synthesis, separation and analysis). Thirdly, due to the efficient and rapid mixing in miniaturised reactors (Regenfuss et al., 1985), the speed of radiochemical synthesis and purification can be accelerated. Finally, the photolithographic fabrication of the microfabricated device allows the manufacture of complex, yet relatively inexpensive and disposable devices (Mitchell, 2001; Ramsey, 1999). We demonstrate the rapid radiosynthesis of the PET metabolic tracer 2-[18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (2-[18F]FDG) and the radioiodination of the apoptosis marker, [124I]Annexin-V (Dekker et al., 2005a, 2005b; Keen et al., 2005) using a simple microreactor. Radiolabelling using the microreactor demonstrated considerable improvements in speed of reaction while using reduced reagent volumes and concentrations in comparison to conventional radiosynthesis. ARTICLE IN PRESS J.M. Gillies et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 64 (2006) 333–336 334 Here, we show the first application of a microfabricated reaction system to PET radiochemistry, we term ‘‘microfluidic PET’’. 2. Experimental The design and fabrication of a simple microfluidic reactor, to generate adequate mixing and transfer of reactants, is shown in Fig. 1 (Stuernstrom and Roeraade, 1998; Lin et al. 2001; Tsai and Lin, 2001). The microreactor was constructed from three layers of thermally bonded soda-lime glass plates (15 15 1 mm) using standard photolithographic techniques. The microreactor disc (Fig. 1) was 10 mm in diameter and 0.1 mm deep. The middle and bottom plates were etched using 50% HF solution to form two 10 mm diameter 100 mm deep discs, in which the reagents mixing would take place (Fig. 1). This gave a total internal volume of 16.0 mL. The top plate had three 1 mm holes drilled to form the inlets. The central mixing disc was connected via 0.1 mm channels to the three inlets. The inlets were connected, via fused silica capillaries, to external reagent reservoirs (PEEK HPLC loops, 200 mL) linked to a nitrogen gas manifold (51.4 mL min 1 flowrate). This generated a back pressure of 6.0 104 Nm 2 which was enough to drive the contents of the three reagent reservoirs through the microreactor at a flowrate of 250 mL min 1. The middle and bottom plates were then aligned and a hole (1 mm diameter hole 5 mm deep) was drilled horizontally into the interface between the middle and bottom plates, to act as placement for the outlet. Detection and imaging of apoptosis involves the highly specific binding of Annexin-V to phosphatidylserine (PS) that appears on the extracellular membrane of cells undergoing apoptosis (Tokita et al., 2003). Direct methods for the radiolabelling of Annexin-V have been developed using 124I-iodine (Dekker et al., 2005a, 2005b; Keen et al., 2005). This method was used in conjunction with the microfabricated device. In the radioiodination of AnnexinV described here, reservoir 1 contained unlabelled Annexin-V (10 mL in 200 mL PBS at pH 7.0). Reservoir 2 contained 124I, 5 mL (20 MBq) in 200 mL PBS at pH 7.0 and reservoir 3 contained the oxidising agent iodogen (40 mg in 200 mL acetonitrile). The reaction on the microfabricated device was carried out by flushing all three of the reagent reservoirs (under a stream of nitrogen) through the microfabricated device at the same time, at a total flowrate of 250 mL min 1. The reaction product generated from this continuous flow was sampled and analysed over a range of time points (0–100 s) during the course of the reaction, until all the reagent reservoirs were completely empty. The unpurified reaction mixture appearing at the outlet of the chip was analysed by radioTLC at various time points (10–120 s) (Fig. 2) with a mobile phase 5% trichloroacetic acid and analysed using an Instant Imager electronic autoradiography system (Packard, USA). The labelling efficiency refers to the proportion of radioactivity that is incorporated into the compound as a fraction of the total radioactivity used. After 2 min, a 4075% labelling efficiency was obtained for both the microfluidic and conventional reactions (Fig. 2). 3. Discussion To demonstrate ‘‘proof of principle’’, we have investigated the radioiodination of small and large molecular weight molecules using the microfluidic device. These reactions involved the direct radioiodination of the apoptosis marker Annexin-V, and the radiofluorination of the PET radiotracer 2-[18F]FDG. Top Plate Fitting Inlets 15 mm 3 mm Middle Plate Etched mixing discs (10 mm diameter,100µm deep) Vortex Mixer (0.2 mm diameter) Bottom Plate Fitting Outlet Fig. 1. Three-dimensional diagram representing the construction of the microreactor incorporating a three tier system of inlets, reactor and outlet. Fig. 2. On-chip radiolabelling of [124I]Annexin-V. Labelling efficiency assessed over the first 120 s of the reaction. Samples were analysed using radioTLC. This graph shows that both the conventional and microfluidic reactions are almost instantaneous and reach the maximum labelling efficiencies within 120 s. Labelling efficiency was determined as percentage of radioactivity incorporated/total radioactivity used. ARTICLE IN PRESS J.M. Gillies et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 64 (2006) 333–336 Fig. 3. Schematic of the experimental set-up for the production of 2[18F]FDG. FDG was synthesised according to the method of Hamacher et al. Fluorine-18 was produced from proton bombardment of [18O]H2O target. In this reaction, two microfabricated devices were linked in sequence using lengths of fused silica capillary connecting the outlet of device 1 to inlet of device 2. Reagent reservoirs 1 and 2 connected to device 1 were primed with the following solutions, respectively, [18F]KF/K2.2.2./ K2CO3 in 200 mL DMF and mannose triflate (25 mg in 200 mL DMF). Inlet 3 of both devices were blocked off. A third reagent reservoir was primed with sodium methanolate in MeOH and connected to inlet 2 of device 2. The total volume of reactants passed through the chip within 6 s of the start of reaction and were collected and analysed by radioTLC (silica gel 60F254: 90% acetonitrile). The second PET tracer selected for production using the microfabricated device was 2-[18F]FDG. The current method of 2-[18F]FDG synthesis is based on the approach developed by Hamacher et al. (1986). A modification of the Hamacher reaction was carried out using two microfabricated devices linked together in sequence (Fig. 3). The first microfabricated device was designed to carry out the [18F]fluorination of the protected mannose triflate precursor. This was followed by deprotection on the second microfabricated device using sodium methanolate in methanol. Device 1 produced a reaction between 18F(500 MBq)/ KF/Kryptofix.2.2.2/K2CO3 in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and mannose triflate in DMF. This resulted in the production of the 2-[18F]fluoro-tetra-O-acetyl-mannose (Fig. 3). The 2-[18F]fluoro-tetra-O-acetyl-mannose was then pumped onto the second chip where it mixed with a solution of 10% sodium methanolate in methanol resulting in the production of 2-[18F]FDG. Fifty percent of the available F-18 radioactivity was incorporated as 2[18F]FDG within 6 s. This was determined by analysing a fraction (1 mL) of the total volume collected at the outlet of the device. Fig. 4 shows a radiochromatogram of this unpurified 2-[18F]FDG fraction. The amount of 2[18F]FDG incorporated F-18 radioactivity was 450%, with approximately 20–30% of the radioactivity associated 335 Fig. 4. RadioTLC analysis of the products generated from the multichip synthesis of 2-[18F]FDG. with the unhydrolysed 2-[18F]fluoro-tetra-O-acetyl-mannose and a further 10–20% was unreacted [18F]F . The unreacted [18F]F is present due to the incomplete reaction within device 1 and 2-[18F]fluoro-tetra-O-acetyl-mannose is present on the radioTLC from the incomplete hydrolysis of products produced in device 2. The radiochemical purity that could be expected using this technology will exceed the 495% specification stipulated by the European Pharmacopia.. As mentioned earlier, one advantage of microfluidic PET radiochemistry is the feasibility of an integrated system incorporating synthesis, purification and analysis. In this context, a miniaturised radioHPLC can be incorporated into the system for on-line analysis. For the purpose of demonstrating proof of principle, the amount of 18 F used was only 500 MBq. Since the method is based on continuous flow of reactants, much higher amounts (tens of GBq) of 18F can be utilised in the reaction. Taken together, these preliminary results demonstrate the feasibility of microfluidic radiochemistry, and the preliminary data presented here indicate similar reaction yields of the two methods. Further studies based on modelling and experimental validation are necessary for optimisation of the device. Acknowledgements This work is funded by Cancer Research UK. Thanks to Dr. Graham Cowling for proof reading the manuscript. References Dekker, B.A., Keen, H.G., Shaw, D., Disley, L., Hastings, D., Hadfield, J., Reader, A., Allan, D., Julyan, P., Watson, A., Zweit, J., 2005a. ARTICLE IN PRESS 336 J.M. Gillies et al. / Applied Radiation and Isotopes 64 (2006) 333–336 Functional comparison of annexin V analogues labeled indirectly and directly with iodine-124. Nucl. Med. Biol. 32, 403–413. Dekker, B.A., Keen, H.G., Lyons, S., Disley, L., Hastings, H., Reader, A.J., Ottewell, P., Watson, A., Zweit, J., 2005b. 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