South Side Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) W e, of South S ide

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South Side Christian Church
3300 South Side Dr.
Lima, OH 45807
Non-Profit Organization
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Permit No. 15
Lima, Ohio
We, of South Side Christian Church encourage, nurture and support spiritual development and
Christ-centered relationships within our church family and community by reaching out through
God’s love.
South Side Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
3300 South Side Dr.
Lima, Ohio 45807-2278
Vacation Bible School
July 5th -9th
For All Children Preschool-4th Grade
Dinner will be provided each night!
Bring your kids, your grandkids, your neighbors kids,
nieces, and nephews for 5 nights to learn about Jesus
in a fun way!!!
Church Picnic
August 9th 11:30 am
Come share the food and the
Please keep Jackie Miller Mack and her
family in your prayers. Jackie’s son,
Michael Hardin, died on June 8, 2015
in Dayton.
Empty Nesters
There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway for
2nd Sunday lunches. If you’re free the 2nd Sunday of each
month come join us for lunch. You can enjoy the company of
other South Siders and have a good lunch, too!
On July 12th we’ll meet at Texas Roadhouse.
Settling In
Thank you all so much for the great send off you gave to Jennifer and me on Sunday, May 24. It was perfect. And we have
benefited from the gas cards. With all the money I'm saving on
gas, I will put it aside and save up for the snow blower I will
need to buy!
We are moved in to our new home in Frankfort, Michigan and
are slowly getting settled. We are able to take bike rides and
walks to Lake Michigan just about every day. It is beautiful
Our address is 611 Day St., Frankfort, MI 49635. I hope you
will keep in touch and that I will be able to stop by South Side
some time.
Tim Murtaugh
Wednesday Night Worship
Services are at 7:00 pm in the
sanctuary. The service is for
anyone who feels the need of a
mid week service and especially for those who are not able to
worship with their congregations on Sunday mornings.
A New Publication
Vegetable Garden
The South Side (???), Lima’s newest publication of church news,
makes its formal bow into your home with the first edition of what
we sincerely hope will become a Friendly Visitor into your home
each succeeding month. It will be our purpose to make this paper
truly reflect and represent the whole work of the whole Church to
the whole people of the Church. It will bring to your home each
month a personal Pastoral call and message. Every member of the
Church and every friend of the Church may keep fully informed as
to the activities of this active, busy Church home. After the paper
gets under way, we shall expect interesting bits of news, plans and
programs of the various organizations of the Church’s life to appear
on its pages. The printing of a paper this size, even once a month,
becomes a heavy responsibility unless sufficient help may be
voluntarily given to bring together the kind of news to make the
paper reflect the entire work of the church. We have a right to
believe that all of you will cooperate fully in helping to make this
new venture a success.
This summer’s garden has been planted. The tomato plants have
some tiny tomatoes on them and more blossoms, the peppers are
growing so good we’ve already picked some, the cucumbers are
a little slower and are just beginning to blossom. The carrots
were planted last and haven’t done much yet.
Last year, just a few people helped. If you are a gardener or just
like to work outside, please call Deb in the church office and let
her know that you want to be part of this project.
I Want A Name
Trustee Update
Our new Church Paper entering your home today comes without a
name. The church office possibly could have found a suitable name
and, like the proverbial brook, it would have gone on forever. But
we thought of our reader’s ability to guide us in this matter. We are
now ready to receive suggested names. Think the matter over a
little while, find a name, write it on a slip of paper and turn it in to
the church office on or before November 10. Your suggestion will
be carefully considered.
A brass plate has been added to a
sanctuary chair as follows:
Little did Rev. Penn know that the Friendly Visitor would still be
going strong in 2015!
Not only does that box have the first copy of the newsletter, it has
copies of all the Friendly Visitors through the March –April 1971
Watch for more articles from these old Friendly Visitors. It will be
interesting to look into our past.
In loving memory of
our beloved father and grandfather
T. Burton Somers
from Craig and Jeanne Somers
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it
is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis
The family of Michael Hardin (Jackie Mack’s
son) would like to thank the church for all their
thoughts and prayers for Michael. A special
thanks to Wanda for all her caring. And thank
you to all the people who helped with the
funeral dinner. I am truly blessed having South
Side as my church family.
Jackie Mack & DeeDee Benedict
South Side Christian Church, Thank you for always being there
to support me! It meant the world to me that you helped me
afford to go to my first ever Advance Retreat. It was a wonderful
experience! Being a college student, it’s a lot harder to afford
these meaningful journeys. Thank you for always being a
community I can count on.
Thanks, Gabriella Nusbaum
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your Director of Music
for the last 14 years. I have loved working with the wonderful
members of our choirs. They are truly special people with great
commitment and devotion to sharing God’s word through music.
I have been very blessed to work with Mary Williams, Charlotte
Apfelbeck, and many other fine musicians. I want to thank our
staff who gave me support and inspiration every week. And it has
been a true privilege to be part of the worship service each
Jim and I are looking forward to spending more time with our
grandchildren and traveling to some places we have been hoping
to visit, but we will be around and active at South Side. God has
blessed us in so many ways and I am grateful for your love and
for the time spent making joyful noise! Amen.
Janet Ottarson
Diabetes Support Group
The Lima Area Diabetes Support Group meets the 1st
Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at South Side.
Open discussion and support for all diabetes conditions
 Learn about resources available in the community
 Family members, friends, and caregivers welcome
For the monthly topic/speaker or more information call
Yoga at South Side
The turn out for yoga has been great! We are continuing on
with both chair yoga and beginners yoga. Shelia Smith is
the yoga certified instructor.
June 22—August 31
Chair Yoga 4:15 pm
Beginners Yoga 5:15 pm
See You There!!!
Have you visited our website
recently? We have pictures
from recent events, weekly
sermons, the calendar of
church events, and now we
have online giving.
Many people do their shopping, pay their bills, reserve
their vacations, and make
donations all online.
The office staff started talking about online giving after
attending our church software conference. It seemed
like something we should be doing. At the end of 2014 we had
everything we needed in place. This week we are “live” on our
website,, and click on the on-line giving button
at the top of the page and make a donation with a credit card. It’s
pretty simple. This is called a “one-time donation.” You click
what fund/funds you want to make your donation to and the
amount. Then fill in the credit card information, and you’re done.
Soon you will be able to make a “recurring gift” through the
bank. You fill out the online form for this type of gift and that
amount will be deducted from your bank account and deposited to
South Side through ACH. Many people are already paying their
monthly bills this way.
There is even more that we can do with online giving and we
will let you know as we move forward and make more things
Freedom is never free. ~Author Unknown
Feeding the Food Box
The Circle of Christian Friends is helping the Christian Action
Committee with the Food Box that sits in the narthex. Our donations are taken to Churches United Pantry (C.U.P.) to help feed
hungry people in our
area. There has been
an increase in their
clients and more
are needed. Our
C.U.P. for many
years and we
that we still want to
help. Our Circle is going
to step-up and help
our church family remember to keep filling the Food Box up. If
each person/family
would bring in one or
two items a month
we would make that Food Box overflow.
Jesus said, “Do you love me?”...Feed my sheep.
John 21: 17
Thank you to everyone who has been donating to the C.U.P. box.
Sometimes the box has to be emptied twice in one month! Keep
up the good work!
July—Shampoo & Bath Soap
Did you know the Upper
Room, a daily devotional, is
available to you in the narthex?
Many of our people have found
that the devotions in this publication are very inspirational. The
scripture passages are selected to
assist us in our spiritual growth
and included are suggested
readings for your devotional time.
The Upper Room is published six times a year and you are
welcome and encouraged to take one. The books are in small or
large print and located on the book shelf inside the front doors. A
donation to cover the cost is accepted, but not required.
Communing with God
After Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, pilot Buzz
Aldrin requested via radio that people pause to give thanks for the
achievement in their own way. When his broadcast ended, Aldrin
read a verse from the Gospel of John and took communion, which
his church had sent to space with him.
“It was interesting for me to think: the very first liquid ever poured
on the moon, and the very first food eaten there, were the communion elements,” the astronaut said. “At the time, I could think
of no better way to acknowledge the enormity of the Apollo 11
experience than by giving thanks to God.”
The Shawl Ministry group is now meeting in the afternoon. We
still meet the first Monday of each month, but now from 2:00—
4:00 pm. We have a
good time talking,
praying, and keeping our fingers
busy. If you like to
knit or crochet,
pick up your yarn,
needles, hooks,
patterns, and whatever and meet us
at the church.
The Shawl Ministry
keeps a supply of
adult afghans, baby afghans, lap robes, and scarves. The ministers
and Elders present these to home members, babies, those who have
lost a loved one, etc. Each piece is blessed before it is handed out.
This is a heart-warming ministry and you can be a part of it!!!
Due to Vacation Bible School there will
be no Prayer Time or Wednesday Worship
on July 8th.
Chancel Flowers
Robert Brown’s Flower Shoppe will prepare your flower donation
from his regular
seasonal selection and deliver it
to the church for
$25.00. An additional fee may
be charged for special orders. The
flowers are yours
and must be removed from the
sanctuary after
the worship service.
The plastic vase
liner may be used
to take your
flowers home, but must be returned to the church within two
weeks. Please do not take the brass vase with you.
We encourage you to use this service in honor/memory of a loved
one, or to mark a special occasion. A sign up sheet for flower donations is posted in the hallway, or you may call the church office.
Flowers must be paid for in advance.
Prayer Time
Please join us on Wednesday evenings at
5:45 pm in the sanctuary for Prayer Time.
It is an hour of prayer and meditation
where the needs of the congregation and
friends are lifted up in prayer.
If you have a prayer request that you would
like the group to pray for, please fill out a
prayer card found in the pew or at the
Welcome Center, or call the church office.
Memorial Gifts Committee
Allie DelVesco
Peyton Wilson
Judy Schaaf
Judy Bechtel
Deb Hyter
Mindy Klingler
Dave Snyder
Duane Ruck
Hannah Stump
Courtney Clemens
Freda Snyder
Jerry Vermillion
Phyllis Boyd
Samantha Klingler
Joanne Blank
Zac Clum
Jean Ansley
Roberta Pauff
Hillarie Bame
Linda Cisco
Janine Douglass
21 Aiden Butler
Scott Sanderson
Angela Smith
23 Joann Barhorst
Myra Moneer
Jim Ottarson
Keith Williams
24 Drew Ambroza
Zach Somers
26 Sirenity Hyter
27 Pam Conine
James Morris
28 Janet Bohmer
Deb Stover
Carol Strange
30 Greg Douglass
Riley McDermitt
31 Dawn Iiames
June 10, 2015
The following people have given money in memory of the following
love ones: Burton Somers: Joan Shaw; Jack and Betty May; Jean
Penhorwood, Scott & Bev Penhorwood and Family, Jill & Matt
Staley and Family, Kathy and Keith McClintock and Family; Erle
and Carol Jackson; Chuck Siferd; Rosalie Dalton; Sue Chivington;
Bob and Judy Thompson; Jane Barnes; Rick and Linda Somers;
Carol Strange; Deerfield Neighbors; Randy and Anne Johnston,
Gavin Bailey Sr and Susan Morris; Nancy Somers; Becky and
Donald Shaw; Gene Youngpeter; Rick and Barb Robinson; Steve and
Bev Driver; Dick and Ruth Vermillion; Wanda Werking; Dave and
Lee Snyder; Pat Nigh.
Jean Mack, Lee Snyder and
Jean A. Ansley Memorial Gifts Committee Chair
On June 21, 2015 Roger LeMar
joined our South Side family.
Roger attended here as a child. He
and his mother, Joan, are happy to
be back at South Side.
More and more information is on South Side’s website.
We are working very hard to keep it updated with all
the information that is important to our church family.
Is it easier for you to give your offering online? Check
out our website...
Bill & Brenda Horvath
Mike & Tami Foley
Jay & Elizabeth Waggoner
Danny & Patsy Lamb
Roy & Paula Shrader
Mike & Beth Kleman
Wilbur & Diane Logan
Fred & Karen Barrington
Gary & Sandy Weaver
Joe & Cheryl Nagy
Keith & Mary Williams
Otto & Charlotte Apfelbeck
Shannon & Tracy Hibbard
Jack & Joy Miller
Roger & Shirley Bixel
Rich & Lynda Hensley
Mike & Audra Keiber
Eric & Shelley Ambroza
The Paradox of Perfectionism
There is nothing wrong with striving to do the best you can. The
key is in knowing your limitations. The flexible person says, “I’ll
aim for perfection and give it my all, but if it’s not perfect, so be
it.” The perfectionist strives for 110%, and says, “I must perform
well, and if I don’t, I am a failure.” When perfection eludes him,
he starts to feel great disappointment. The irony is that the time
and energy put into doing the perfect job is likely to exhaust him to
the point of burn out and may result in a job that is poorly done.
Striving for perfection can be hard on the body and the spirit.
Instead, learn to work within your limitations. Perfectionists often
expect everyone around them to be perfect, and they become angry
when others are not. This leads to arguments, broken relationships
and more stress. The paradox of perfectionism is that perfectionists often under-perform in all areas of life. Flexible thinkers, on
the other hand—those who say “I’ll aim to do my best, but if I
don’t achieve it, the world will go on—tend to be more successful,
happier and more balanced.
Communing with God
After Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, pilot Buzz
Aldrin requested via radio that people pause to give thanks for
the achievement in their own way. When his broadcast ended,
Aldrin read a verse from the Gospel of John and took communion, which his church had sent to space with him.
“It was interesting for me to think: the very first liquid ever
poured on the moon, and the very first food eaten there, were the
communion elements,” the astronaut said. “At the time, I could
think of no better way to acknowledge the enormity of the
Apollo 11 experience than by giving thanks to God.”
What a Surprise!
Someone brought a box into the church office. On the end of the
box is written Friendly Visitor in purple marker. Inside the box is a
copy of the very first Friendly Visitor, dated November 1937. It is
Volume I, Number 2 because Number I is nameless. Rev. Penn
(Rev. E.J. Penhorwood) started the newsletter without it having a
name. On the following page are two articles from that first, nameless newsletter, dated October 1937 that address the new
newsletter and it being nameless.
Lee Snyder
Rich Hensley
Pam Conine
Tarry Moneer
Greg Douglass
Jodi McDermitt
Barb Hollar
Keith Boyd
Jim Penhorwood
Jim Ottarson
Jodi McDermitt
Greg Douglass
Shannon & Tracy Hibbard
Jason & Nikki Bowers
Ginny Stump, Amanda Cochensparger
Jean Oliver, Carol Jackson
The Elders serve Home Communion on the
3rd Sunday of each month, July 19th.
Jason & Nikki Bowers, Ruth Boyd, Amanda Cochensparger,
Rosalie Dalton, Shannon & Tracy Hibbard, John Hyter, Carol
Jackson, Yvonne Jones, Ginny Stump, Wade & Sandy Long,
Jean Oliver, Dick Warren
Youth, Ruth Boyd, Tracy Hibbard, Shannon Hibbard
7/12 John Hyter, Nikki Bowers, Jason Bowers
7/19 Yvonne Jones, Ginny Stump, Jean Oliver
7/26 Sandy Long, Wade Long, Carol Jackson
Month to Date
Year to Date
Sirenity Hyter
Samantha Klingler
6/7 = 204
6/14 = 168
6/21 = 180
6/28 =