2015 From Inception to Conception and Beyond CAIRNS GP Masterclass Gain 40 RACGP QI & CPD Points on completion Category 1 Active Learning Module [Pending] Saturday 9 May 2015 Shangri-La Hotel | The Marina Room | Pierpoint Road | Cairns QLD 4870 www.qfg.com.au 1800 111 483 2015 From Inception to Conception and Beyond LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Apply the new early pregnancy screening guidelines for diabetes in pregnancy. 2. Understand the role of metformin in early pregnancy 3. Recognise when to use nuchal translucency ultrasound and non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) when screening for Down’s syndrome and chromosomal abnormalities. 4. Understand diagnosis and management of women with atypical presentations of PCOS 5. Understand hormone replacement therapy prescribing in medically complex peri-menopausal women 6. Recognising abnormal fetal growth on late pregnancy ultrasound 7. Understand approaches to fertility preservation in reproductive aged women with cancer 8. Understand tests of early pregnancy viability 1. Following registration you will be sent a predisposing article and a mini questionnaire. 2. Please complete the questionnaire and either email to claire.ellem@qfg.com.au or hand in the completed questionnaire at the Masterclass. 3. At the conclusion of the Masterclass you will be given a pack containing some post work that needs to be completed and submitted to QFG within 2 weeks. 2015 From Inception to Conception and Beyond PRESENTERS Dr Ron Chang MB BS (QLD) M Repro Med (NSW) FRANZCOG Dr Anne Coffey Dr Phillipa Cuttance MBBS Adel. FRANZCOG, MRMed UNSW MBChB. (Auckland) FRANZCOG Dr Liz Jackson Dr Liz McKenna Dr Anna McLean Dr Robert Miller MBBS(Monash) M Repro Med (UNSW) FRANZCOG MBBS FRANZCOG M Med Sc FRACP Endocrinologist MBBS Adel MBBS (QLD) FRACOG MRMed (UNSW) 2015 From Inception to Conception and Beyond PROGRAM Shangri-La Hotel | The Marina Room Pierpoint Road | Cairns QLD 4870 Saturday 9 May 2015 1030-1050Registration 1050 - 1100 Introduction & Welcome 1100 - 1145 Diabetes in pregnancy: Dr Anna McLean • Early pregnancy screening – who, how, when? • Metformin in early pregnancy 1145 - 1230 Extended early pregnancy screening: • Nuchal translucency ultrasound • Non Invasive Prenatal Testing Dr Liz Jackson 1230 - 1330 Working lunch 1230 - 1330 IVF Case Studies: Treatment decisions in unexplained infertility Dr Anne Coffey 1330 - 1500 30 mins Ultrasound Case Studies: Third trimester growth and wellbeing assessment Dr Phillipa Cuttance Small Group Discussions Hormone replacement therapy case studies: who, how, when? Dr Liz McKenna PCOS diagnostic dilemmas: Case studies Dr Anne Coffey 1500 - 1530 Afternoon Tea 1530 - 1700 30 mins An update on the NHMRC Cervical Screening Guidelines: Case Studies Dr Liz Jackson Small Group Abnormal semen analysis: Case studies Dr Robert Miller Discussions Pregnancy of unknown location, diagnostic dilemmas: Case studies Dr Anne Coffey 1700 - 1740 Fertility preservation options after cancer diagnosis Dr Ron Chang Panel review and questions 1740 - 1800 Wrap up and close 2015 From Inception to Conception and Beyond CAIRNS RSVP by Friday 1 May 2015 We offer 3 convenient options for registration to this event: 1. Register online: Visit qfg.com.au and click the ‘GP Resources’ link. 2. Fax: Complete the form below and fax it to Claire Ellem on (07) 3015 3001. If you would like to register for more than one person in your practice please photocopy this form. 3.Phone: Please phone Claire Ellem on 07 3015 3029. p Sorry I am unable to attend however I would like to receive a visit from a Medical Liaison Officer. Please note, for catering purposes we require at least 24 hours notice should you need to cancel for any reason. Our experienced and caring team have helped over 1200 couples conceive through assisted reproduction techniques, of those around 600 through IVF technology. Queensland Fertility Group Cairns has been helping couples have babies for over 20 years. At QFG Cairns your patients can choose to see either our Clinical Director Dr Robert (Bob) Miller or Dr Anne Coffey – Cairns first female Fertility Specialist. Every aspect of infertility is managed locally including ovulation disorders, insemination, IVF, intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), testicular sperm aspiration, assisted hatching, blastocyst culture and cryopreservation of semen, embryos and eggs. QFG’s scientific leadership puts us at the forefront of advances in specialised techniques to identify embryos for greater pregnancy success. Cairns has our own laboratory, and genetically test all new patients to check if any chromosomal abnormalities may be affecting their fertility. We also offer genetic services and a complete donor program. When you choose refer to Queensland Fertility Group Cairns, you can be sure your patients will receive medical excellence, personalised patient care, experience and success. For more information please contact Claire Ellem on 0413 602 843 or claire.ellem@qfg.com.au The program and speakers are correct at the time of printing, however are subject to change.
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