Queensland Gymnastic Association Inc. 866 Main Street WOOLLOONGABBA QLD 4102 Ph: 07-3036 5600 Fax: 07-3391 3357 Annual General Meeting 7.0 ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS: BOARD OF DIRECTORS Nominations are called for the following Board of Management positions as per Section 13 of the Constitution: Elected Directors x 2 Standing Nominee Standing Nominee - 1 year term Vicki Flamsteed Daren Wolfe Elected Directors x 3 Standing Nominee Standing Nominee Standing Nominee - 2 year term Tracie Brooks Deborah Dixon Trevor Dowdell N.B – You do not complete a postal voting form if you/your club’s voting delegate are attending the Annual General Meeting in person. Postal Votes must be received by the CEO not less than 72 hours prior to the start of the AGM (by 4pm Tuesday 7th April 2015). Please return to: Gymnastics Queensland 10/866 Main Street Woolloongabba Qld 4102 Fax: 3391 3357 Email: kdowdell@gymqld.org.au Queensland Gymnastic Association Inc. 10/866 Main Street WOOLLOONGABBA QLD 4102 Ph: 07-3036 5600 Fax: 07-3391 3357 GQ Annual General Meeting Postal Voting Form 7.1 Board of Directors 8.1.3 Elected Director x 1 Year Term (2 Positions available) Please indicate your vote of confidence by placing a tick in the box provided Vicki Flamsteed Daren Wolfe 8.1.3 Elected Director x 2 Year Term (3 Positions available) Please indicate your vote of confidence by placing a tick in the box provided Tracie Brooks Deborah Dixon Trevor Dowdell Date: _____________________________________ Name of Club: __________________________________________________________ Name of Voting Representative: ____________________________________________ Signature of Voting Representative: _________________________________________ Postal Votes must be received by the CEO not less than 72 hours prior to the start of the AGM (by 4pm Tuesday 7th April 2015).
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