ninj a ninj a ninja SH URI KEN SHURIKEN SHURIK EN ninja + Ninja ninja + Ninja ninja + Ninja Draw 1 Card, then toss it to any other player Draw 1 Card, then toss it to any other player Draw 1 Card, then toss it to any other player ninj a ninja ninj a SH U RI KEN SHURIKEN SHURIK EN ninja + Ninja ninja + Ninja ninja + Ninja Draw 1 Card, then toss it to any other player Draw 1 Card, then toss it to any other player Draw 1 Card, then toss it to any other player ninj a ninja pirat e SH URI KEN SHURIKEN buried tre asu re ninja + Ninja ninja + Ninja pirate + pirate Draw 1 Card, then toss it to any other player Draw 1 Card, then toss it to any other player Place any card From your hand on the bottom of the DRAW PILE p irate p i rat e pirat e bu ri e d tr easu re buried treasure buried tre asu re pirate + pirate pirate + pirate pirate + pirate Place any card From your hand on the bottom of the DRAW PILE Place any card From your hand on the bottom of the DRAW PILE Place any card From your hand on the bottom of the DRAW PILE p irate p i rat e pirat e bu ri e d tr eas u re buried treasure buried tre asu re pirate + pirate pirate + pirate pirate + pirate Place any card From your hand on the bottom of the DRAW PILE Place any card From your hand on the bottom of the DRAW PILE Place any card From your hand on the bottom of the DRAW PILE p irate lu c had or l u c had or bu ri e d tr eas u re body slam body sl am pirate + pirate luchador + luchador luchador + luchador Place any card From your hand on the bottom of the DRAW PILE Slap the table and yell BODY SLAM! The last player to slap the table draws 2 cards Slap the table and yell BODY SLAM! The last player to slap the table draws 2 cards luch a d or lu c had or l u c had or bo d y slam body slam body sl am luchador + luchador luchador + luchador luchador + luchador Slap the table and yell BODY SLAM! The last player to slap the table draws 2 cards Slap the table and yell BODY SLAM! The last player to slap the table draws 2 cards Slap the table and yell BODY SLAM! The last player to slap the table draws 2 cards luch a d or lu c had or l u c had or bo d y slam body slam body sl am luchador + luchador luchador + luchador luchador + luchador Slap the table and yell BODY SLAM! The last player to slap the table draws 2 cards Slap the table and yell BODY SLAM! The last player to slap the table draws 2 cards Slap the table and yell BODY SLAM! The last player to slap the table draws 2 cards sumo wrestler sumo smash sumo wrestler sumo smash su mo wrestle r sumo sm ash sumo wrestler + sumo wrestler sumo wrestler + sumo wrestler sumo wrestler + sumo wrestler The opponent with the least amount of cards Draws 2 The opponent with the least amount of cards Draws 2 The opponent with the least amount of cards Draws 2 sumo w rest le r su m o w rest l er su mo wrestle r sumo s m ash sumo smash sumo sm ash sumo wrestler + sumo wrestler sumo wrestler + sumo wrester sumo wrestler + sumo wrester The opponent with the least amount of cards Draws 2 The opponent with the least amount of cards Draws 2 The opponent with the least amount of cards Draws 2 sumo w re st le r su m o w rest l er V ampire sumo s m ash sumo smash MESMERI ZE sumo wrestler + sumo wrester sumo wrestler + sumo wrester vampire + vampire The opponent with the least amount of cards Draws 2 The opponent with the least amount of cards Draws 2 Choose any player to skip their next turn Va m p ire V a mpire V ampire M E S M E RIZE MESMERIZ E MESMERI ZE vampire + vampire vampire + vampire vampire + vampire Choose any player to skip their next turn Choose any player to skip their next turn Choose any player to skip their next turn Va m p ire M E S M E RIZE V a mpire MESMERIZ E vampire + vampire vampire + vampire Choose any player to skip their next turn Choose any player to skip their next turn Va m p ire w e rewol f V ampire MESMERI ZE vampire + vampire Choose any player to skip their next turn w erewol f M E S M E RIZE howl how l vampire + vampire werewolf + werewolf werewolf + werewolf Choose any player to skip their next turn The next player draws 2 cards The next player draws 2 cards w ere w ol f w e rewol f w erewol f howl howl how l werewolf + werewolf werewolf + werewolf werewolf + werewolf The next player draws 2 cards The next player draws 2 cards The next player draws 2 cards w ere w ol f w e rewol f w erewol f howl howl how l werewolf + werewolf werewolf + werewolf werewolf + werewolf The next player draws 2 cards The next player draws 2 cards The next player draws 2 cards zo m b ie zo mb ie X z omb ie X X o ut break outbreak outbreak zombie + zombie zombie + zombie zombie + zombie Every other player draws 1 card Every other player draws 1 card Every other player draws 1 card zo m b ie zo mb ie X z omb ie X X o ut break outbreak outbreak zombie + zombie zombie + zombie zombie + zombie Every other player draws 1 card Every other player draws 1 card Every other player draws 1 card zo m b ie zo mb ie rob ot X X X o ut break outbreak reboo t zombie + zombie zombie + zombie robot + robot Every other player draws 1 card Every other player draws 1 card the direction of Play reverses and the skipped player draws 1 ro bo t X ro b ot X rob ot X re bo ot reboot reboo t robot + robot robot + robot robot + robot the direction of Play reverses and the skipped player draws 1 the direction of Play reverses and the skipped player draws 1 the direction of Play reverses and the skipped player draws 1 ro bo t X ro b ot X rob ot X re bo ot reboot robot + robot robot + robot robot + robot the direction of Play reverses and the skipped player draws 1 the direction of Play reverses and the skipped player draws 1 the direction of Play reverses and the skipped player draws 1 reboo t ro bo t lu mb erj ac k l u mb erj ack X re bo ot log splitter log spli tter robot + robot lumberjack + lumberjack lumberjack + lumberjack the direction of Play reverses and the skipped player draws 1 The next player draws 1 card, The previous player draws 1 card The next player draws 1 card, The previous player draws 1 card lumberj ac k lu mb erj ac k l u mb erj ack l o g sp l it t er log splitter log spli tter lumberjack + lumberjack lumberjack + lumberjack lumberjack + lumberjack The next player draws 1 card, The previous player draws 1 card The next player draws 1 card, The previous player draws 1 card The next player draws 1 card, The previous player draws 1 card lumberj ac k l o g sp l it t er lu mb erj ac k log splitter l u mb erj ack log spli tter lumberjack + lumberjack lumberjack + lumberjack lumberjack + lumberjack The next player draws 1 card, The previous player draws 1 card The next player draws 1 card, The previous player draws 1 card The next player draws 1 card, The previous player draws 1 card bigf oot b i g foot b igf oot f u z z y p i ct u re f uz z y picture f uz z y pictu r e bigfoot + bigfoot bigfoot + bigfoot bigfoot + bigfoot Choose a player to reveal their hand to all Choose a player to reveal their hand to all Choose a player to reveal their hand to all bigf oot b i g foot b igf oot f u z z y p i ct u re f uz z y picture f uz z y pictu r e bigfoot + bigfoot bigfoot + bigfoot bigfoot + bigfoot Choose a player to reveal their hand to all Choose a player to reveal their hand to all Choose a player to reveal their hand to all bigf oot b i g foot f u z z y p i ct u re f uz z y picture bigfoot + bigfoot bigfoot + bigfoot Choose a player to reveal their hand to all Choose a player to reveal their hand to all u nicorn rainbow p o w er pick aNY color, the color must be played next or another Unicorn may be played u ni corn u n i corn u nicorn ra i n b o w po wer rainbow power rainbow p o w er pick aNY color, the color must be played next or another Unicorn may be played pick aNY color, the color must be played next or another Unicorn may be played pick aNY color, the color must be played next or another Unicorn may be played u ni corn u n i corn u nicorn ra i n b o w po wer rainbow power rainbow p o w er pick aNY color, the color must be played next or another Unicorn may be played pick aNY color, the color must be played next or another Unicorn may be played pick aNY color, the color must be played next or another Unicorn may be played u ni corn ra i n b o w po wer pick aNY color, the color must be played next or another Unicorn may be played
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