WHY BIRTHRIGHT? When a woman is faced with an unplanned pregnancy, sbe frequently feels alone. She might be panic stricken ... scared ... fearing the uncertainty. the unknown. These feelings are perfcctly nalural. After all, she is only human. She may even feel that no one cares. But we do_ WECARE Because Louise Summerhill, a Canadian bousewife. cared. she founded Birthright, now an international organization with over 650 chapters. Mrs. Summerhill believed thai Birthright volunteers should serve by making themselves readily available to listen. to talk, to guide the girl or woman, not only to Lhe best medical care, but 10 me discussion of [he girl's whole problem and Lbe solution to iL. She said: "TIle essence of our service is love. We should not underestimate the power of love ... We in Birthright rely on intuition, and a loving attitude, free from judgmenL. Judgment vanishes with love." BIRTHRICHT "The right ofevery mother to give birth------the right ofevery child to be born. " WE NEED COMMUNITY SUPPORT Since Birthright opened its doors in Alhu querque in 1971. trained volunteers have sOOfed our center to oITer personal, confiden tialhclp 10 the pregnant mother. whether she is single or married, regardless of age, race. or religion. Together, they explore alternalives available so the woman can make choices that are best for herself and her baby. Birthright services are free. Binhright is a non-profit charitable organiza tion largely supported by private contribu tions. We arc a 501 (C)(3) Corporation and aIL donations are lax deductible. Birthrigbt is complelely private. indepen dent, interdenominational and non-poULica!. By its chiU1er. Birthright is forbidden to engage in any political activity or lobbying, or (rom approaching pregnant women who do not first contaclthcm. Birthright is a service agency. existing solely to help women with crisis pregnancies. Birthright is funded only through donations from the community in which we serve. OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: .. Free pregnancy testing • Maternity clothing as available • Crisjs confidential help • Community refeaals • Layettes for the newborn .. Education through speaking engagements An International Pregnancy Service If you would like to help, please fill OUI this card. Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Adddre~s ___________________________ CilY SI.1IC____Zip'_______ Phone ________________________~ Enclosed is my gift of $,___________ (' f would like 10 pledge $ monlbJy. Please send the Birthright Newsletter. :::J I would like 10 volunteer at Birthright. I would like to donate: o o o Maternity clothes o Office equipment Office supplles Baby clothes You can playa vital part in reaching OUI with love and suppor1lO women in crises.
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