STC Assignment Form PART A - MANDATORY DECLARATION Please complete in full and return to Quantum via the details below, or go to to complete online Email: Post: PO Box 553, STRAWBERRY HILLS, NSW 2012 Fax: 02 9699 3009 MANDATORY DECLARATION I am the owner of the installation mentioned in this STC Assignment form and I agree to assign my right to create STCs to Quantum Energy Technologies Pty Ltd (the Agent). I have not previously assigned or created any STCs for this installation. I understand that the System is eligible for these STCs; I will receive from the Agent: STCs and, in exchange for assigning my right to create Point of Sale discount of $________________ Monetary Payment via Direct Deposit (amount to be confirmed) To calculate your STCs visit or call Quantum on 02 9699 7444. BANK DETAILS FOR DIRECT PAYMENT: • BSB: • Account number: • Account name: GST DECLARATION - I declare that I am registered for GST: (If you or your business generally includes GST in the price of most goods and services and anything else it sells) No Yes (you must then provide a tax invoice as requested by Quantum Energy Technologies) I have read and understand all the terms and conditions on page 4 of this form and am aware that penalties apply for providing misleading information under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000. Owner of Installation Witness Signed: Signed: Name: Name: Date: Date: STC Assignment Form MANDATORY FORM FIELDS OWNER DETAILS First Surname Postal Address City State Postcode Telephone Fax Mobile Email INSTALLATION DETAILS Address of installation1 City State Postcode Yes No Is there more than one Solar Water Heater (SWH) or Quantum Heat Pump at this address? If yes to above, please describe where this system is installed in comparison to previous SWH systems at the address: (e.g., New SWH services kitchen , New SWH services floors 3 and 4, New SWH is middle unit in bank of 3) Type of Dwelling: Single Storey Multi-storey 1 The address of the installation must be sufficient to allow an officer of the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) to visit the installation without requesting additional information. The CER requires the following information as part of the installation address: If a street number is not available for the location, the CER may accept one of the following groups of information: • Lot number; • Property name, and distance and direction from the nearest town/intersection/landmark also included in the address; • Latitude and Longitude; or • Roadside Mail Box (RMB) number or Roadside Delivery (RSD) Number. If none of the information listed above is available, please contact the RET division of the Clean Energy Regulator for further advice. DATE OF INSTALLATION (DD/MM/YYYY): / SYSTEM BRAND: Quantum Energy SERIAL NUMBER (e.g. SUZ123456): SUZ / . . SYSTEM MODEL (Please tick as appropriate): 150-08ACW-134 270-11AC3-134 340-11AS4-134 200-08ACW-134 270-11AS4-134 340-17ACW-134 SYSTEM MODEL (if not listed above): 270-11AC4-134 340-11AC3-134 Other (note below) 340-17ASW-134 340-11AC4-134 . STC Assignment Form Which of the following categories does the SWH installation fit into? 1 SWH is installed as part of a new building 2 SWH replaces an electric hot water system 3 SWH replaces a solar water heater (including boosted solar water heaters and heat pumps) a. Did the replaced unit have certificates claimed for it previously? Y / N b. How many certificates were claimed for the replaced unit? _________ c. What is the tank size of the replaced unit? _________ d. Tank serial number of replaced unit if known? __________ 4 SWH is the first installation of a water heater at an existing building 5 SWH replaces a gas hot water system 6 Other INSTALLER DETAILS Name First Surname Company Company Name ABN Postal Address Contact Numbers City State Telephone Fax Postcode Mobile Email STC ELIGIBILITY To calculate the number of STCs your system is eligible for, please refer to the STC Calculator at the website below, or contact Quantum Energy on 02 9699 7444: Be aware that: • the Calculator does not take into account all of the variables which may affect the calculation of the STCs for an installation, • the Calculator is based on data which may be updated from time to time and therefore results using the Calculator may vary over time, and • you should not use the Calculator as the basis for making any decision or embarking on any course of action STC Assignment Form PART B – STC GUIDELINES (Information only do not return PART B to Quantum) STCs are managed by the Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator: Heat Pump systems (SWH) must be listed in the Clean Energy Regulator Registry of Solar Water Heaters in order to be eligible for STCs. For more information, please contact: Australian Government Clean Energy Regulator GPO Box 621, Canberra ACT 2601 11111111111111 T 1300 553 542 To generate Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs): • • You must be the owner of the STCs, either by having installed an eligible system at your property or by having the STCs correctly assigned to you by the original owner of the STCs You must create STCs within 12 months of the system being installed Before you start be aware of the following: • • • • Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs) are not a rebate, and completing this creation process is not an application for a Government rebate. You will not qualify for any Government-based financial recompense at the completion of this process. The Clean Energy Regulator cannot manage any of these processes for you and cannot intervene in any process outside of STC creation. It can provide advice only. The number of STC’s that may be created for a particular solar water heater or heat pump water heater is set in the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulation 2001. STC’s have a value determined by the market in which they may be traded. The financial value of a STC is dependent on the supply of and demand for STC’s and may vary between buyers and sellers from day to day. Your system must comply with all the requirements listed below in order to be eligible: • • • • • • • • • • You must be the owner of the system at the time it is installed to be entitled to assign or create STCs In some circumstances where the system is installed in a new building the owner can be the builder or property developer of the building rather than the eventual householder Check ownership of the system before you create STCs Once the owner of a water heater has assigned their right to create STC’s no other STC’s can be created with respect to that heat pump water heater Quantum Energy Technologies is registered to act as an Agent--you cannot create STCs if you have already assigned them to another Agent If you have signed an STC Assignment Form and supplied it to a retailer, installer or someone else connected with your system, you may already have assigned your STCs--contact them to check before using this process You may need to inform your supplier/s that they will not be assigned the STCs against the system when you make your purchase. All parts of the system are installed and demonstrated to be capable of supplying hot water to the property. This includes panels, pumps, tanks, wiring, electrical connection, etc. STCs can only be created once for a solar water heater or heat pump and are calculated for the life of the system which is deemed to be 10 years. Any instance of improper creation of STC’s, under Section 24 of the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000, may result in referral for prosecution regardless of the reason for the improper creation. Providing false or misleading information under Part 11A of the Act is a criminal offence.
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