Please Join Quantum Sports Center for the Annual Festival of

Please Join Quantum Sports Center for the
Annual Festival of Soccer Outdoor Tournament
June 20th-21st, 2015
@Trace Fork Soccer Complex and Schoenbaum Soccer Stadium
*WVSA Sanctioned Tournament
Age Groups Accepted will be both Boys and Girls :
U8-U18 "Recreational" Teams played on June 20th and June 21st, 2015
U8-U18 "Travel" Teams played on June 20th and June 21st, 2015
Open Adult Division will be played on June 20th and June 21st, 2015 and First Place Winner will
receive a $1,000 Cash Prize.
Applications are invited from teams affiliated and in good standing with respective state and national
associations, including recreational teams from other states.
The maximum number of players on any, individual team for each division is as follows.
- U8B, U8G, U9B and U9G U10G, and U10B teams will use their league/state association approved
roster up to 12 players(3 guest players for travel division) 6v6 including goalies
-U11B, U11G, U12G, and U12B will use their league/state association approved roster up to 14
players(3 guest players for travel division) 8v8
-U13 Boys and Girls - U18 Girls and Boys will use their league/state association approved roster up to
18 players (3 guest players for travel division)
Adult Open can have 18 players per Roster Max
We reserve the right to split or combine any divisions.
Entry Forms MUST BE RECEIVED with Tournament Fee BY Friday, June 2nd 2015.
Acceptable form of mail in payment are as follows.
-Check or Money Order
-in the amount of
-U8 and U9 $400($424 + tax)
-U10-18 and Adult Division $500($530 + tax)
All methods must be made payable to Quantum Sports Center
*Team fee's are due in full at time of application for any team to be considered for acceptance into
the Festival of Soccer
-Teams will be notified via email of acceptance no later than Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015.
The entry fee of teams not accepted will be returned.
Upon acceptance, the entry fee is non refundable.
To register, complete the entry form and return to
Quantum Sports Center
3548 Teays Valley Road
Hurricane, WV 25526
To return by email and or fax:
For Email: please send PDF to and contact for over the phone
Fax number 304-562-3689. Please contact for over the phone payment.
Phone number 304-562-1020. Keep in mind registration is not complete without approved payment.
Accepted phone methods of payment.
*or drop the completed application off at either of our indoor facilities.
For additional information on the tournament, division, location, brackets, ruling, etc... Please contact
whichever method is most convenient for you:
Cody Freas
You can find a tournament application for this event at either quantum facility now OR Print and tear
below. THANK YOU!!!
Festival of Soccer
Outdoor Soccer Tournament
Youth June 20th and June 21st, 2015
Adult June 27th and June 28th, 2015
Complete Entry form and return to:
Quantum Sports Center
3548 Teays Valley Road
Hurricane, WV 25526
fax 304- 562-3689
Age Group (circle one) U8B rec
U8G rec U8B Travel
U8G Travel
U9B rec
U8G rec U9G Travel
U9G Travel
U10B Rec U10G Rec
U10B Travel U10G Travel
U11B Rec U11G Rec
U11B Travel U11G Travel
U12B Rec U12G Rec
U12B Travel U12B Travel
U13B Rec U13G Rec
U13B Travel U13G Travel
U14B Rec U14B Rec
U14B Travel U14G Travel
U15B Rec U15G Rec U15B Travel U15G Travel
U16B Rec U16G Rec U16B Travel U16G Travel
U17B Rec U17G Rec U17B Travel U17G Travel
U18B Rec U18G Rec
U18B Travel U18G Travel
Adult Open
Including Coaches, how many participants are on your team? _____
Team Name ______________________ ________Coach : ______________________________
League Name______________________________State Association ______________________
Contact Name _____________________________ ___Home Phone ____________________
Work Phone___________________________________
Contact address
Cell phone____________________ email __________________________________________
*The tournament committee reserves the right to combine or splite divisions and brackets as needed
according to age. Please sign below to indicate you understand our policy.
Contact name signature
Please include any additional information that will be helpful in the selection and bracketing process.
Tournament Registrar
Cody Freas -
Quantum Sports Center 304-562-1020
Deadline for Application is 06/2/15
For office use only
Date Received:____________Amount of Check __________ Check #________
Locations in Hurricane and Kanawha City