NEWSLETTER March 2015 NO. 22 Dear Parents and Friends of the Schools I think the last half term has been one of the shortest ever but as always action packed. The trip to Kingswood was a great success. The children’s behavior was a credit to themselves, their families and the school and as a consequence we all got some sleep! The activities were challenging and character building. I was very proud of the children’s perseverance and determination. The weather was dry, if a little chilly on the Thursday and the children loved the food. The Middle Years Production of Porridge was the other major highlight of the term with 150 children working together to stage a wonderful performance of this highly amusing play. The actor’s comic timing and intonation was a triumph and the characters they introduced us to were delightful. A galaxy of stars were born, very ably supported by a wonderful choir and a superbly talented orchestra. My thanks to all the talented staff who made putting on a production look easy. Very best wishes to you all for a very enjoyable holiday. Hopefully with some beautiful Spring weather. th We look forward to seeing the children back to on Tuesday 14 April. Best wishes, Caroline Peet Headteacher CLASS ASSEMBLIES th R.1 26 March 2015 th R.2 12 March 2015 th 1.1 5 Feb 2015 th 1.2 19 March 2015 th 2.1 29 Jan 2015 th 2.2 9 July 2015 th 3.1 7 May 2015 th 3.2 4 Dec 2014 TIME 9.10am nd 4.1 22 Jan 2015 rd 4.2 23 Oct 2014 th 4.3 27 Nov 2014 th 5.1 12 Feb 2015 th 5.2 30 April 2015 st 6.1 21 July 2015 st 6.2 21 July 2015 Improving Improving Teaching & Learning Behaviour 1.1 Share and develop effective practice in differentiation 2.1 Develop strategies for managing pupils with challenging behaviour 1.2 Share and develop effective use of the classroom learning environment 2.2 Introduce peer mediation to develop restorative approaches School Development Overview 2014-15 2.3 Promote pupils’ selfbelief and their development of ‘growth mindsets’ Developing Enriching Strengthening Inclusion the Curriculum Leadership 3.1 Sharpen the impact of Pupil Premium spending to accelerate pupil progress* 3.2 Introduce the new SEN Code of Practice* 3.3 Review and strengthen the impact of interventions 3.4 Engage parents in supporting their children’s learning 4.1 Establish strong, progressive curriculum planning in English and Maths 4.2 Continue developing a new and engaging skills-based curriculum 4.3 Review assessment and reporting systems in line with the new curriculum 4.4 Extend the range of extra-curricular opportunities 4.5 Develop the impact of the Sports Premium 5.1 Develop the role of phase leaders and other middle managers 5.2 Review the roles and effectiveness of the Leadership Team 5.3 Develop the roles and responsibilities of the Governing Body 5.4 Continue to develop effective partnership across the Federation * These are our 2013-14 equality objectives, to help us meet our statutory duties under the 2010 Equality Act to: advance equality of opportunity; eliminate discrimination; and foster good relations April 2015 M 13 Tu 14 M 20 F 24 M 27 W 29 Training Day – school closed Start of Term PSFA Meeting PSFA Discos 5pm; Governor Cttee Meetings Management Cttee 7:30 pm 7.30pm 5.30 pm 9:30 am May 2015 M 4 11th – 15th S 16 M 18 25th – 29th Bank Holiday - School Closed KS2 SATs Week Summer Fete Governing Body Meeting 6 pm Half Term SCHOOL MEALS School meals prices for 14th April to 22nd July 2015. The cost of meals is: £ 2.10 per day £10.50 per week Cost for 1st half of Summer Term (29 Days) Cost for 2nd half of Summer Term (38 Days) £60.90 £79.80 TOTAL £140.70 Cheques should be made payable to: “QUEENS’ FEDERATION” All meals should be paid for in advance. If you haven’t already signed up for “Agora” our online payment system for school dinners, please ask the office for a new registration letter. We believe there are pupils who are eligible for FREE SCHOOL MEALS who are not yet claiming them. From September 2014 all children who are in reception, year 1 or year 2 in a state-funded school will be offered a free healthy school lunch. Children in other school years will also be offered a free school lunch if their parent is receiving any of the welfare benefits listed below. Income Support Income-based Jobseekers Allowance Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Support from NASS (National Asylum Support Service) under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The guarantee element of State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit (with no Working Tax Credit) with an annual income of no more than £16,190 Working Tax Credit run-on Universal Credit. Registering for free meals could raise an extra £1,300 for the school, to fund valuable support like extra tuition, additional teaching staff or after school activities. This additional money is available from central government for every child whose parent is receiving one of the welfare benefits listed above. It is therefore important to sign up for free school meals, even if your child is in reception, year 1 or year 2, so that your child’s school receives as much funding as possible. If you are at all unsure whether you qualify please come to the office and talk to Miss Perry. PACKED LUNCHES Please can we remind parents that children are not allowed sweets or bars of chocolate in their lunchboxes. Please do not send any nuts or nut products as we have children in school with severe nut allergies. Children should also only have water in their water bottles. (Juice cartons can be brought in for lunch). Many thanks. WEEK ONE: 13/4/15, 4/5/15, 1/6/15, 22/6/15 and 13/7/15 MONDAY PASTA DAY TUESDAY INTERNATIONAL DAY WEDNESDAY JACKET SPUD DAY THURSDAY ROAST DINNER DAY FRIDAY CREATE YOUR OWN PIZZA DAY MAIN CHOICE Assorted Sauces: Beef Bolognaise, Chicken Curry & Tuna Fish Fingers Chips Baked Beans Toppings: Chilli, Chicken & Mushroom, Curry & Tuna Roasted Beef with Roasted Potatoes Cheese & Tomato Pizza Topping Choices: Tuna, Prawns, Chicken, Spicy Chicken Chips VEGETARIAN CHOICE Assorted Sauces: Baked Beans, Grated Cheese, Veggie Bolognaise & Coleslaw Macaroni Cheese Baked Beans Grated Cheese, Baked Beans, Coleslaw or vegetable Curry Three Cheese & Onion Tart With Roast Potatoes Cheese & Tomato Pizza Topping Choices: Peppers, Pineapple, Sweetcorn, Vegetables Chips VEGETABLES & ADDITIONS Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar Seasonal Salads Seasonal Vegetables Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar SWEETS Apple Crumble & Custard Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Sticky Toffee Pudding & Sauce Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Flapjack Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Lemon Cake Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Chocolate Chip Cookies Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts WEEK TWO: 20/4/15, 11/5/15, 8/6/15, 29/6/15 and 20/7/15 MONDAY PASTA DAY TUESDAY INTERNATIONAL DAY WEDNESDAY JACKET SPUD DAY THURSDAY ROAST DINNER DAY FRIDAY CREATE YOUR OWN PIZZA DAY MAIN CHOICE Assorted Sauces: Beef Bolognaise, Chicken Curry & Tuna Sweet & Sour Chicken Noodles or Sticky Rice Toppings: Chilli, Chicken & Mushroom, Curry & Tuna Chicken with Stuffing New Roasted Potatoes Cheese & Tomato Pizza Topping Choices: Tuna, Prawns, Chicken, Spicy Chicken Chips VEGETARIAN CHOICE Assorted Sauces: Baked Beans, Grated Cheese, Veggie Bolognaise & Coleslaw Vegetable Chow Mein Noodles or Sticky Rice Grated Cheese, Baked Beans, Coleslaw or vegetable Curry Seasonal Crunchy Vegetable Crumble with Fresh Herbs Cheese & Tomato Pizza Topping Choices: Peppers, Pineapple, Sweetcorn, Vegetables Chips VEGETABLES & ADDITIONS Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar Seasonal Salads Seasonal Vegetables Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar SWEETS Homemade Shortbread Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Chocolate Marble Cake & Chocolate Sauce Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Rice Crispy Cakes Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Jam Sponge Pudding Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Chocolate Brownie Cake Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts WEEK THREE: 27/4/15, 18/5/15, 15/6/15, and 6/7/15 MONDAY PASTA DAY TUESDAY INTERNATIONAL DAY WEDNESDAY JACKET SPUD DAY THURSDAY ROAST DINNER DAY FRIDAY CREATE YOUR OWN PIZZA DAY MAIN CHOICE Assorted Sauces: Beef Bolognaise, Chicken Curry & Tuna Lasagne Garlic Bread Toppings: Chilli, Chicken & Mushroom, Curry & Tuna Turkey with Stuffing Roast Potatoes Cheese & Tomato Pizza Topping Choices: Tuna, Prawns, Chicken, Spicy Chicken Chips VEGETARIAN CHOICE Assorted Sauces: Baked Beans, Grated Cheese, Veggie Bolognaise & Coleslaw Vegetable Lasagne Garlic Bread Grated Cheese, Baked Beans, Coleslaw or vegetable Curry Homemade Creamy Cauliflower Cheese with Crusty bread Cheese & Tomato Pizza Topping Choices: Peppers, Pineapple, Sweetcorn, Vegetables Chips VEGETABLES & ADDITIONS Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar Seasonal Salads Seasonal Vegetables Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar Seasonal Vegetables Salad Bar SWEETS Homemade Chocolate Muffins Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Chocolate Sponge & Chocolate Sauce Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Fruit Salad & Ice Cream Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Treacle Sponge Pudding & Custard Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts Cherry Cookies Fresh Fruit & Yoghurts PSFA News March 2015 Changes to the PSFA Committee We are pleased to announce that we elected a new Chair Person and Treasurer at the AGM in February. From September we welcome both Carolyn Warburton as the new Chair and Ali Sanders as the new Treasurer. Carolyn will be working closely with our current Chair, Jacqui Whitmore, and is already helping the committee and learning the ropes! Both Ali and Carolyn will officially take over from September 15. One of the most important meetings of the PSFA takes place in July each year. This is when the PSFA Committee agrees which events will go ahead for the forthcoming year. This meeting is a great opportunity to influence which events take place and we invite you to come along and help the team to plan for 2015/16. The meeting is Monday 6th July, 7.30pm, Queen Edith Staff Room. PSFA Vacancies While it was great news that we were able to recruit to some of the posts, it is unfortunate that we could not vote in a new Vice-Chair and Secretary. Without a full committee to support the organisation of the wonderful events we enjoy at Queen Edith, it simply won’t be possible for some of them to continue. If you think you may be able to offer some of your time to help organise events and therefore keep up the good work of the current PSFA, then please do get in contact as soon as you can. Our email address is VICE-CHAIR:The vice-chair supports the chairperson and offers general help such as photocopying, shopping at the cash & carry or supermarket before events’, coordinating helpers, selling tickets, etc. SECRETARY:The secretary offers administrative support to the committee, prepares letters and posters, takes minutes at meetings, updates the website, and helps at events, etc. This job could be split and taken on by two or more people. Bag 2 School Our Bag 2 School collection took place on Friday 27th March. The PSFA would like to thank all of you who so kindly donated good quality second hand clothing, bags and shoes. We’re delighted the “drop off” was so busy and we hope to have raised just over £300 for the school. Coming up next term: Discos on Friday 24th April! Early Years 5 - 6.30pm, Middle & Later Years 6.45 - 8.15pm Tickets will be available on the door. Summer Fete on Saturday 16th May, 1-4pm. The fete theme this year is 'Once Upon A Time.....', to follow on from the success of the Middle Years' Porridge Production. The fete will be busy with the usual attractions including bouncy castles, assault course, donkey rides and lots of wonderful stalls, plus we are planning exciting activities linked to nursery rhymes and fairytales. Please see the letter sent home recently with details of this year's competitions, plus information on how you can help to make the Summer Fete a big success! Happy Holidays from the PSFA Committee and helpers! Your School Council Representatives Spring Term School Council Reps Year 2 2.1 Benjamin and Ying Fei 2.2 Vatan and Céline Year 3 3.1 Ben and Lillie 3.2 Arthur and Aasiya Year 4 4.1 Ayyildiz and Muhammad 4.2 James and Fredrika 4.3 Edward and Lara Year 5 5.1 Mick and Sumayya 5.2 Franklin and Georgia Year 6 6.1 Hasan and Amber 6.2 Max and Suzannah School Council Spring Term Update Red Nose Day Friday 13th March The children at Queen Edith had a brilliant day helping to raise money for Comic Relief. We dressed up in Red clothes and brought in 50p or more. The whole school from Nursery to Year 6 joined in with this national event. The money raised by schools will be doubled by the Government. Comic Relief hope to raise enough money to help 300 000 children get into education. We raised an amazing………. £334.78 Thank you to everyone who helped make this day possible! In the last week of the Spring Term, classes took part in different Design and Technology activities as part of a special week organised by School Council. There was a wide range of activities including cooking in Nursery and making Easter boxes in Year 2! Many thanks to all the Spring Term School Council Reps for making this possible! Year 1 Year 1 really enjoyed Castle's day. We took part in a dragon hunt, enjoyed some physical training exercises, iced biscuits and made mini flags for a pencil. It was all great fun, and we are say that everyone graduated from Knight School with flying colors. Here are some quotes from the children "I liked playing games in the small hall" Amy "I liked going over the creaky bridge in the Dragon hunt" Chloe Making my biscuit was so much fun, I thought carefully about my design" Isla There will be lots more pictures on the website soon! Eco Monitors Eco Monitors is a new club that has started on Friday lunchtimes. We are a small team, dedicated to helping Queen Edith become more environmentally friendly. This term we have been thinking about making sure we turn off the lights in areas of the school not in use, and keeping doors closed on cold days. We have also been busy helping Mr Gunia by collecting paper recycling from all areas of the school. We are looking forward to the summer term, and thinking of different ways to help around the school. Kingswood Year 5 had a great time at Kingswood last week. During the 3 days they took part in a range of activities including visiting Holy Trinity Church, "Leap of Faith", Zipwire, Mini-Olympics as well as Caving and Rockpooling. “ The leaders at Kingswood made the activities fun by having a shout-out for each activity ” Giorgia “Climbing up the Leap of Faith was my favourite activity” Sienna “I was proud of fact that I made myself try something new despite being nervous“ Jeroen. Middle Years Production – Porridge! The Middle Years children and staff have had an exciting half-term preparing for four performances of “Porridge” which took place in the last week of term. Parents, family and friends who came to watch were astounded at the way the children had learnt all their lines and music. The quality of acting was amazing, with clear loud voices from the large casts of actors, which meant that the many jokes could be clearly heard. The musicians added a skilful and specially written accompaniment to the backing tracks for the songs, and the choir sang their own solo songs as well as helping the rest of the children learn tunes, words and actions. There are lots of tasks involved in putting on such a spectacular show, ranging from scenery and prop creation to musical arrangement and choreography, coaching and directing the actors, singers and musicians, and ensuring everyone is safe and happy on and off the stage. Thanks to the many staff who gave their time to ensure everything ran smoothly. Many thanks are also due to all parents and friends for their support during the production, encouraging children to learn lines and songs and for providing such colourful costumes. Especial thanks to those who provided extra costumes and props, and also for the last-minute repairs made to the stage curtains! The Middle Years Team There are lots more pictures on the website, please do take a look PE Update: Netherhall Pride Football Tournament In the final week of last half term, we went to Netherhall to play in the Pride competition, organised by Year 7 pupils. We had two teams competing in this, one playing as England and one as Portugal. Although I’d tried my best to make sure the two teams were evenly matched, they enjoyed contrasting fortunes, with England – unusually in tournament football – unbeaten throughout the competition and finishing as winners and Portugal struggling against ‘Italy’ and ‘Brazil’ (which sounds slightly more impressive than ‘Fawcett’ and ‘Trumpington Meadows’). It was an enjoyable afternoon and a good opportunity to give a number of players who have been attending after school football regularly a chance to represent the school. It was also nice to pick up our first silverware (or certificates) of the season after coming close in several tournaments this year. We hope to have some more football fixtures in the summer term. Action from England v Portugal Cambridge School Sports Partnership Tag Rugby Tournament Also at the end of last half term (and too late for the last newsletter) we participated in a tag rugby tournament against other Cambridge schools. I accompanied our Year 5 children, who performed brilliantly to finish third in their group: winning three of their games and losing the other two by a single try. It was great to see players improving as the tournament went on. Initially, Matthew was our main threat, making some searing runs and being in the right place after his team mates had been tagged to score vital tries, but by the end of the group matches our support play was brilliant and we defended tigerishly throughout. The Year 5s have been playing rugby in PE lessons in the autumn term, as well as being supported by a coach and, although competing against older teams, showed that they will be a force to be reckoned with next year. In contrast, our Year 6 team had barely picked up a rugby ball all year (we managed a couple of quick lunchtime sessions, but the weather always seemed to be against us whenever I’d ear marked a day for a practice.) They also lost their opening game, but, coached brilliantly by Mrs Butler, recovered to win their remaining games and top their group. Unfortunately, they lost a close semi-final to St Matthew’s, but managed to secure third place (and medals) with a deserved win against Newnham Croft, with Iwan (if memory serves me correctly – which, increasingly, it doesn’t) scoring the decisive try. Again, it was pleasing to see how much progress had made in the course of the competition in attacking and defending as a group. To finish third out of twenty four teams given the lack of preparation was a brilliant achievement and our players were rightly thrilled. Our Year 5 and 6 teams Cambridge School Sports Partnership Hockey Tournament On Thursday 12th March, we took two teams to a hockey tournament at the Abbey astroturf. Year 6 have been learning hockey in PE this term and, like the Year 5s with tag rugby, have benefitted from the support of a coach in lessons. It was also nice to give an opportunity to some of the children who attended the after school club run by Neil O’Donohue. In a recurring theme, both teams improved as the tournament progressed. Our ‘B’ team finished fifth in their group, whilst our ‘A’ team were unbeaten, apart from their final game. Pouring forward after conceding an early goal, they unfortunately conceded a few more and finished third (missing out on a place in the semi-finals on goal difference). Well done to everyone who played! Our hockey teams Under 11s Korfball Tournament We also entered a korfball tournament against local club and school teams. It was a strange competition for us, with two of our players leaving after the first couple of games and others arriving after their morning football commitments, at staggered intervals, to take their place. We won our opening game against Vikings, 1-0, through a lovely running in shot from Asha, but went 1-0 down in our next game against City. Thankfully, Josh, who had only just arrived from football, stepped off the bench to score an equalising goal. Our next game was a 4-0 win against Tigers (goals from Mekhi, Pravishan, Asha and Josh) before we made hard work of our match against Milton Road – eventually winning 2-1 (Pravishan and Josh scoring our goals this time). Those results saw us win the tournament and it was great to see the progress we’ve made since the start of the year, as some of our newer players have gained experience. We again defended brilliantly and our passing was much improved. We were a little impulsive in attack, though (possibly as a result of playing on a much smaller pitch in the large hall, where it’s possible to shoot from anywhere) and need to look to keep the ball for longer before taking our shots. A later incarnation of our korfball team Under 9s Korfball Tournament at Hills Road The following Saturday, we entered four teams into an Under 9s tournament at Hills Road. Unfortunately, there seemed to be a bit of a communication break down and we only had eleven players (not quite enough for three teams – let alone four). This led to lots of frantic to-ing and fro-ing and lots of game time for everyone who came. Our highest placed team was fifth, but it was another great opportunity to give children in Years 3 and 4 an opportunity to play against different school and club teams. As we learn more about the game, we are getting better defensively and creating more opportunities to score goals – although sometimes we need to remember which way we’re attacking! Extra curricular activities organised by outside providers At Queen Edith School Summer 2015 Ballet and drama Ballet Monday to Thursday in the Small Hall from 4.30pm Ballet lessons are taught by Kate Simmons who is a registered Royal Academy of Dance teacher and runs classes for children from the age of 3 up to adult. The syllabus has been designed and graduated to slowly develop the dancer’s technique. Along with this the classes develop social awareness, sharing, group interaction, flexibility, stamina, strength, coordination, self confidence, imagination, and much more. . More information is available from or telephone 01223 292562. Drama Saturday mornings in the large hall ‘Development through Drama’ – encouraging Creativity, Confidence and Communication. Our weekly classes will give you the chance to develop these skills and so much more. Sessions are fast moving and fun. Classes run on Saturday mornings at Queen Edith and students are divided into three age groups: Lower Primary - ages 4 to 7, Upper Primary- ages 8-10 and Youth Theatre 11+ To find out more phone 01462 713406, email or Language tuition Kids Arabic Club takes place at school on Sunday mornings during term time. We aim to give your children an enjoyable, stimulating and high achieving learning experience. Through our modern curriculum and the help of our friendly and experienced teachers, we aim to make children enjoy the beauty of Arabic language. For more information please visit : or call 07718 621264. Italian lessons Mrs Santocchini will be running the Italian club again this year on Tuesday lunchtimes, divided into separate groups for KS1 and KS2. The cost will be £4 per lesson. If you are interested please contact French club is available for Years 1-2 and Years 3-6, at lunchtimes on Thursdays. Clubs at Queen Edith School Years 1-2 French Club: Thursday from 12:45 to 13:15. Fee for Summer term 2014-2015: £45.50 Dates: 16/04/2015 to 02/07/2015 New members also pay a joining fee of £12.50, for which they receive a CD, songbook, and access to the club's BabelZone website. Available for: Year 1 to Year 2 Years 3-6 French Club: Thursday from 12:15 to 12:45. Fee for Summer term 2014-2015: £45.50 Dates: 16/04/2015 to 02/07/2015 New members also pay a joining fee of £12.50, for which they receive a CD, songbook, and access to the club's BabelZone website. Available for: Year 3 to Year 6 Clubs at Queen Emma School Year 1-3 French club: Tuesday from 12:45 to 13:15. Fee for Summer term 2014-2015: £45.50 Dates: 21/04/2015 to 30/06/2015 New members also pay a joining fee of £12.50, for which they receive a CD, songbook, and access to the club's BabelZone website. Available for: Year 1 to Year 3 at or contact Tim Morley with queries on 01223 911575 or Mighty Ninjas of MAUL Tae Kwon Do Club Fridays 6.30-7.30pm This club for years x to x will learn Taek Won Do styles with an emphasis on the philosophy of traditional martial arts. A donation of £2.50 per class is requested to cover kit and insurance. More information is available from Wendi Bacon (2nd Dan black belt) on Steve Fallon Football 3.30-4.20pm Wednesdays The coaches have experience of working with boys and girls of all ages and are first aid trained. Children can have fun learning to play football Lessons cost £3 per week. Contact Steve Fallon on Cambridge 569778 or 07810 526805 Karate -English Wado-ryu Sport Karate Thurs evenings in Large Hall Wado-ryu Sport Karate is one of the fastest growing pastimes in the UK. It is a combination of aerobic exercise with traditional and modern karate and boxing techniques. Join our beginners’ course on Thursday evenings (6.30-7.30pm for children and 7.30-8.30pm for adults) throughout the year, and we will show you all the basics of this very exciting and safe sport. Contact Philip May on 07986 006833 Brownies, Scouts and Cubs Brownies are for exploring, having fun, making discoveries and more!For more information on what makes Brownies special check out the Girlguiding website or phone 0800 169 590 The 40th Cambridge Brownies meet at school on Tuesdays starting th on 11 September in the Large Hall from 6.00-7.30pm. For information please contact Have fun! Play games! Go camping! Take part in outdoor activities, earn badges. The 16th Cambridge Scout Group will continue meeting at Queen Edith. Cubs (aged 8-10 years) meet on Mondays in the Large Hall between 6.30-8pm. Scouts (aged 10-14 years) meet on Wednesdays in the Large Hall between 7-9pm Contact Steve Harrison - Music lessons for Years 2-6 There is a waiting list for most music lessons but contact the teacher to find out about availability or to add your child’s name on the list. Saxophone, clarinet and recorder lessons Mondays during school Alison Hurst, an experienced teacher with over 3 years’ private teaching experience, is now offering saxophone lessons (year 5 up), clarinet (year 4 up) and recorder lessons (year 2 up) to individuals or pairs during the school term. Lessons are open to beginners and to those already studying. Charges depend on length of lesson and numbers involved. Contact Alison for more details on or 07790330282 Flute lessons Tuition after school Rebecca Homewood (a TA at Queen Emma) will be available to teach individual lessons after school with children aged 7 years and above. She is a music graduate who has been teaching the flute and performing in and around Cambridgeshire for the last 5 years. For further details please contact Piano lessons Tuition during the school day to join the waiting list please contact Michele on (01223 47401) Michele Bentley (CT ABRSM) is an experienced piano teacher providing lessons during school hours to children from beginners up to Grade 5. Individual lessons lasting 30 minutes cost £14 a session (for younger students, 20 minutes at £12 a session). Vaida Kalvaitiene is a qualified piano teacher with over 16 years of experience who will teach pupils over 5 years old either for exams from beginner to advanced grades, or just for pleasure. Her tuition rates during the school day are £15 for 30 minutes, £20 for 45 minutes. If you have more questions or if you would like to arrange a free trial lesson, please contact, Violin lessons Tuition during the school day Hilary Crooks is a qualified and experienced teacher and will be teaching violin on Tuesday afternoons for pupils from Year 2 upwards. Children can be taught individually or in small groups. For more information, or to register your child please contact Hilary on 01223 894373 or on Guitar lessons Tuition after school Gordon Scott is a qualified teacher and has taught classical guitar extensively in four schools in Cambridgeshire. He teaches children how to read music and play the guitar together. Lessons cost £10.00 per person in groups of three. They take place after school on Tuesdays and Fridays. For more information call 01638 741905 or 07806 975812 Easter Holiday Optional Homework This year the Queen Edith Summer Fete (Saturday 16th May 2015) will be themed around nursery rhymes and fairy-tales – following on from the success of the Middle Years’ production ‘Porridge’. This optional homework will be linked to the summer fete theme ‘Once upon a time…’. You should write your own short nursery rhyme or fairy-tale. Three winners will be selected (KS1, middle years and later years). The three winners will have their stories published in the Summer Fete programme, as well as receiving VIP passes on the day. To enter a story into the competition, follow these simple rules: No more than one side of A4 (handwritten or typed) You can illustrate your story / nursery rhyme, but drawings must be included on the A4 page You can create a comic-strip story if you prefer Everyone can enter! Please hand your entries to Miss Dean on the first week back after Easter. Children who played in the hockey tournament on 12th March: Fabien Abdi Pravishan Bajee Iwan Barnett Jesse Bidwell Iona Cessford Maxim Demydchuk Henry French Sebby Hutchinson Felix Keller Alexine Macpherson Max Roberson Ella Sparkes Korfballers who won the tournament at Cambridge Regional College on 14th March: Lottie Attle Pravishan Bajee Iwan Barnett Matilda Bentley Asha Bharadwa Nicholas Boyd Lavinia-Marie Harlow Felix Keller Josh Murray Mekhi Osman Talia Stocker Korfballers who played in the Under 9s tournament at Hills Road on 21st March: Ailish Donachie Conor Leedham Frances Milner Rhiannon Monie Jannaht Rahman Catarina Rocha Bethany Sanders Louis Sundhoo Susannah Tankard Hoi Lok Wang Leonardo Wong CATERING ASSISTANT (MATERNITY COVER) REQUIRED at QUEEN EMMA 5 ½hours per day (27.5hours per week) From 1st June 2015 for approx. 1 year Monday – Friday Term time only Scale 1C point 10 £7.43 per hour Please collect an application form from the school office, or telephone C.714300. The closing date for applications is Monday 13th April. Queen Emma School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the well being of all its pupils. All appointments are subject to an enhanced DBS check
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