Volume 24 Issue No. 23 - June 01 2015

V. 24 • No. 23 • June 1, 2015
Ho‘olo¯kahi (ERP) Launched!
Rob Nobriga, EVP & CFO.
THE ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)
project generated a lot of buzz and excitement at its recent kick-off with higher
than expected turnout. Many people who
came are involved in the project; others
came to find out how it would affect their
work. It’s safe to say that everyone was
trying to wrap their arms around the massive revamping of QHS’s finance and supply chain processes into a streamlined
superhighway that will bring efficiency,
improved internal customer service, increased productivity, reduced costs, and
better, faster decision-making.
The kick-off event’s purpose was to explain all of the above, and also to announce
the shedding of the project’s technical
“ERP” moniker in favor of a new name that
would capture the essence of the project’s
scope. A QHS systemwide contest was
held to come up with a name. Zak Shimose, Imaging CT Tech at North Hawai‘i
Community Hospital, submitted the winning name: Ho‘olo¯kahi. Actually, accolades
for the new name belong mostly to Zak’s
daughter Moani, 9, who attends Ka ‘umeke Ka¯‘eo Hawaiian language immersion
Ho‘olo¯ kahi project team members.
school on Hawai‘i Island. Both father and
daughter flew to O‘ahu to be at the kickoff. When QHS/QMC President Art ushijima heard about the $100 gift card prize
and Moani’s winning entry, he immediately
bumped it up by adding an iPad.
Ho‘olo¯kahi means “becoming one; to
become whole.” The selection of the
name is explained by the backstory of
why the finance and supply chain processes are being revamped. Currently,
there are five finance systems (the largest is over 30 years old and runs on a
mainframe), and 12 supply chain systems, three of which are considered past
end-of-life. These systems require a lot of
manual work and are decentralized with
work performed at every QHS company,
each with its own set of policies and
procedures. Ho‘olo¯kahi will transform all
of these systems into one standardized,
unified system. A tagline has also been
added: “Process Innovation+Technology
Integration.” (See design above.)
Zak Shimose with daughter Moani and QHS/
QMC President Art Ushijima.
“[Ho‘olo¯kahi] supports the work of the
people who take care of patients,” said
Art. Rob Nobriga, Executive Vice President and Chief financial Officer, emphasized that QHS’s current systems will hinder our ability for future growth. The vision
of Ho‘olo¯kahi, he said, is to develop the
premier system of its type in Hawai‘i. ultimately, Ho‘olo¯kahi will improve efficiency
and quality of service; provide information
and analysis for good decision-making; improve cash management; and allow QHS
to expand without adding proportional
(Continued on page 2)
NHCH Nurses Recognized for Excellence
NuRSES WEEK DID NOT go unnoticed
at North Hawai‘i Community Hospital
(NHCH). Queen’s Nursing Excellence
Awards and Preceptor Awards were given out at a beautiful recognition ceremony held on Nurses Week. The Nursing
awards were given out for exceptional
nurses who have demonstrated compassion, leadership, and spirit with a focus on
patient care and safety. The winners are:
Carolyn Thomas, RN, Emergency
Department, Nursing Excellence Clinical
Practice and Preceptor Award.
Laura Reed, RN, family Birthing unit,
Nursing Excellence Performance Improvement Award and Preceptor Award
Stephanie Landers, RN,
House Coordinator,
Nursing Excellence Education
Toni Kalauli, RN, Med/Surg Nurse
Manager, Nursing Excellence Leadership
Ho‘olo¯kahi Launched
(Continued from page 1.)
cost. These in turn will provide “high quality, data-driven, responsive administrative
services that support our health care delivery functions, our patients, and our communities.” He said, “It will be a catalyst for
creating the culture to which we aspire—
customer service oriented, with a support-
Carolyn Thomas, RN, accepts her Nursing Excellence and Preceptor Award.
Jennifer Rabalais, RN,
Infection Prevention Coordinator, Nursing
Excellence Nursing Leadership Award
Desi Hanohano, RN, Emergency
Department, Preceptor Award
ive and effective working environment.”
Pat forster, PwC implementation partner with the Ho‘olo¯kahi project, helped
explain how the endeavor is more holistic than just a software implementation.
Ho‘olo¯kahi involves three areas, he said,
that include technology (seamless integration, sharing of information, standardized data, improved compliance); people
(changing the way we work, encouraging
Pat Forster, PwC implementation partner with the Ho‘olo¯ kahi project.
Renae Kendron, RN,
Med/Surg, Preceptor Award
Louise Ragas, RN,
Med/Surg, Preceptor Award.
collaboration); and processes (consistent policies and procedures, adoption of
leading practices).
Phase 1 of the project, which will
take approximately one year beginning
from now, involves “implementing the
core.” Pat explained that the core is like
the plumbing, wiring, and walls of a
building, but with
no furniture or other
elements. Phase 2,
“Extend the Enterprise,” involves the
go-live period from
the spring of 2016 to
Cori Chang
the end of that year.
If it’s still difficult to wrap your arms
around Ho‘olo¯kahi, more information is
on its way via videos, fAQs, posters,
the Queen’s Intranet, the Print Connection, emails, meetings, and “road shows.”
“Communication is important,” assures
Cori Chang, Manager, Change Management, Communication & Training Ho‘olo¯kahi. “We want to be sure people
are kept informed.” If you have any questions about Ho‘olo¯kahi, please contact
Cori at corchang@ queens.org.
QMC-WO Thanks Physicians for Support
Erin Capps, MD, Randy Lau, MD,
Terri Pacheco, NP, and Carl Hodel, MD
A PHYSICIAN RECEPTION capped off first
anniversary celebrations at Queen’s –
West O‘ahu. QHS/QMC President Art
ushijima thanked the medical staff and
nurses for an extraordinary first year. He
recognized Queen’s physician Rob Hong,
MD, for engaging the participation of
other physicians, and Al Ines, MD, as a
strong supporter who envisioned Queen’s
– West O‘ahu as a great hospital. finally,
Art thanked West O‘ahu physicians. “We
envision a long-term commitment to this
community,” he said. “We thank you for
your support.” Susan Murray, QHS Sr. VP,
West O‘ahu Region & COO, also warmly
thanked physicians for their support, saying, “You’ve made our patients feel better
every day with everything you do.”
Susan Murray
Aaron Kaichi, MD, Deborah McCaffrey, Russell Kelly, MD, Alfred Ines,
MD, and Scott McCaffrey, MD.
Hawai‘i Broadway star
Kristian Lei performs
MDs Caesar Ines
and Llilian Kanai
Irminne Van Dyken, MD, Beata Summer Brason, MD, and Michael Bier
In acknowledgment of many years of continued service, the Queen’s ‘ohana congratulates those who are marking
an anniversary. Mahalo to all for your dedicated service. Employees work at QMC Honolulu unless noted.
5 years
Carol Bayudan
Hiyasmin Celebre
James Conway
Kristin Cootey
Diana Davids
Ryan Fujiyoshi
Alfonso Garay
JoAnna Glaser
Rae Hoopii
Lorene Ikemoto
Leslie Kawamoto
Voranitha Knapp
Cortney Midla
Paul Okazaki
Abigail Rico
Jeth Rigoroso
Sara Robertson
Janet Santos
Mylene Simangan
Steve Young
May 2015
15 years
Kimberly Apo
Rene Condon
Tasha Kipapa
Oscar Querido, QMC-WO
Alan Terada
Joy Tokunaga
10 years
Shawn Dunn
Leilani Duquez, QMC-WO
Elvie Fuentes
Jennifer Galarse-Pancoast
Gisele Ige
Wainani Kanae, QMC-WO
Carolina Mateo
Gregoria Redempta Miguel
Shannon Segi
Allison Taylor Shykowski
20 years
John Castillo
Cristina Goslin
Johnny Moy
Susan Salvador
25 years
Shirley Arakaki
Debora Chan
Robin Chen
Nancy Chun
Philip McCann
David Mench
Gloria Sebastian
Ann Zakimi
Rachel Coel, MD, Jeffrey Miles, MD, and
Alyson Miles.
30 years
Lolita Agcaoili
Jeamuel Criste
Jocelyn Guitang
35 years
Wendy Hunter
Diane Paloma, PhD, Director of QHS Native
Hawaiian Health, performs the hula accompanied by Ka ‘Eha¯.
June 1-15
Your opinions are very important.
Please complete the survey by June 29, 2015.
is the road to a premier organization that you will be proud to
call your employer of choice. Take the confidential OCA Survey
and set Queen’s on the road to a better workplace.
f Choi
Access the survey from any browser at:
or via the Queen’s Physician Portal in the
“Your DEADLINES” section.
STEP 1: Visit the Queen’s Intranet and click “2015 OCA SURVEY” OR visit
STEP 2: Enter your employee ID number in the 6 digit field. (Enter zeros
in front of your ID number if necessary; NHCH employees enter 20 or 200 in
front) and start the survey!
NO COMPUTER ACCESS? Complete a paper survey from your manager and
place in the postage-paid envelope and mail. Or visit the HR Service Center
for access to a computer.
Upon completion, you will automatically be entered in the drawing.
Number of awarded gift cards dependent on company size.
For assistance with navigation
or logging in:
• NHCH - Call HR at ext. 44410
• MGH - Call HR at ext. 120
• All other employees call HR
Service Center at 691-4627.
eY suppor
For surv
ntact our
please co
e at
support lin
or call
option 1
Your password is your first initial, last initial,
2-digit birth month and your 2-digit birth year.
For example: If your name is Jon Smith and your
birthday is June 1968, your password is JS0668.
Please be assured that your responses are
strictly confidential.
You will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win...
Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-watt juice extractor
Fitbit Charge Wireless Activity Wristband, Black, Large
Keurig 2.0 K350 Brewing System – Black
Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7, 7” HD Display, Wi-Fi, 16 GB-Black
Bose Quiet Comfort 15 Acoustic Noise Cancelling Headphones
for y ou
partic our
For regular full-time and part-time employees of QMC, QMC-WO, QDC, QHS, QEL, MGH and NHCH.
The annual Queen’s Cancer Survivorship
and Clinical Trials Celebration will be held
on Thursday, June 4, from 10:30 am – 1:30
pm in the Kamehameha Lounge and Auditorium. Guest speaker psychologist Graham Taylor, MD, will speak on the “Power
of Choice, the Opportunity for Growth.”
Also included: art therapy, pet therapy,
healing touch, aromatherapy, mindfulness
meditation, music therapy, exhibit/info tables, prize drawing. All are invited to attend. Register by calling 691-7117.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surgical and non-surgical weight
loss options will be discussed at a free information session presented by the Queen’s
Comprehensive Weight Loss Management
Program on Wednesday, June 3, from
5:00 – 7:00 pm in the teacher’s lunch
room at Kapolei High School. Visit 222.
queens.org/weightloss to preregister.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Michelle Motas, RN, is now the Clinical Operational Manager of Tower 7 Ewa
and Diamond Head. Michelle began her
nursing career as a KCC nursing student on QET 7 Ewa in 2000 and became
All doctors at QMC Punchbowl, QMC – West O‘ahu and QHCC are encouraged to participate in this survey.
permanent staff on
QET 7 later in that year. She earned her
BSN from Hawai‘i Pacific University in
2002. Michelle has focused her expertise
on chemotherapy, telemetry, ICU training
and oncology.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Licenses for some APRNs, RNs, and
The Queen’s Print Connection is pubLPNs will expire on June 30, 2015. To enlished by Creative Services. If you have
news or wish to opine, call 691-7532 or
sure that renewals are completed on a
email jkimura@queens.org. The news
timely basis, please renew ASAP through
deadline is Monday prior to publication.
the online renewal service provided by
the DCCA-Professional & Vocational Li QHS/QMC Pres. . . . . . . . Art Ushijima
censing Division at https://pvl.ehawaii.
gov/mypvl. Online confirmation will be
Publisher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keala Peters
available within three business days. For
Editor/Writer. . . . . . . . . . Jason Kimura
those who prefer to renew via hardcopy application, processing takes ap Assist. Ed./Writer. . . . . Glee Stormont
proximately 2 to 3 weeks, so please plan
accordingly. In compliance with The Joint
The Queen’s Health Systems consists of The
Commission requirements, if QHS HuQueen’s Medical Center, The Queen’s Medical
man Resources is unable to validate your
Center – West O’ahu, The Queen’s Health Care
Centers, Queen Emma Land Company, Queen’s
renewal with the State Licensing Division
Development Corporation, Queen’s Insurance
by June 30, 2015, you will be unable to
Exchange, Inc., Moloka‘i General Hospital and
work after midnight on June 30, 2015. HR
North Hawai‘i Community Hospital, and has
must be able to verify your renewal online
ownership interests in CareResource Hawai‘i,
Hamamatsu/Queen’s PET Imaging Center, and
via the DCCA website; a receipt of payDiagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc.
ment will not suffice as proof of renewal.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Correction: Kenneth Graham is
now permanent president of North
The Queen’s Health Systems is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation
Hawai‘i Community Hospital.