THE NEW QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE PARISH PARISH SITE: QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE WORSHIP SITE: IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 2443 TRENTON ROAD, LEVITTOWN, PA 19056 5201 EMILIE ROAD, LEVITTOWN, PA 19057 Parish Website: Parish Email: PREP Email: Rectory: 215-945-8750 Fax: 215-945-0413 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturdays: Sundays: 9:00 AM Parish Site 4:00 PM Immaculate Conception Worship Site 5:30 PM Parish Site 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM Parish Site 1:00 PM (Spanish Mass) Parish Site 5:00 PM Parish Site Holy Days: Daily: 8:30 AM, Noon, & 7:00 PM Parish Site 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM Parish Site RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 PM REGISTRATION: All Catholics are requested to be registered in a parish. If you live within the boundaries of Q.U. Parish, please stop by the Rectory Office to register. Rectory Office hours are: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. For registration on Saturday or Sunday, please call 215-945-8750 for an appointment. MOVING: If you are moving out of the parish, please notify the Rectory immediately so that we may discontinue your envelope mailings. BAPTISMS: Baptism is celebrated on the First and Third Saturdays of each month. Parents are required to complete the Baptism preparation program prior to scheduling the Baptism. An interview with the Parish Services Coordinator or one of the Parish Priests is necessary before beginning the Baptism sessions. MARRIAGES: Archdiocesan Regulations require that notice of intended marriage be made six months prior to the date of the marriage. Pre-nuptial instructions are required for marriage. Contact the Rectory for location. CARE OF THE SICK: Communion to the sick and Anointing of the Sick will be given upon request of someone who is ill, having surgery, or preparing for death. Emergency sick calls for the dying may be made at any time. Third Sunday of Easter Sunday, April 19, 2015 PRAYER & WORSHIP Third Sunday of Easter April 19 4:00 PM (IC) Deceased Members of the Negler and Moran Families 5:30 PM Robert Pett 7:30 AM Deceased & Living Members of The Parillo & Cooper Families 9:30 AM Gloria Fidanzo 11:30 AM John & Marie Mohan 1:00 PM La Misa en Español 5:00 PM Parishioners of QU Monday 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Weekday William Mauer Ellen Weels April 20 Tuesday 6:30 AM 8:30 AM St. Anselm April 21 Chester Hanko Wednesday 6:30 AM 8:30 AM Weekday Thursday 6:30 AM 8:30 AM St. George Friday 6:30 PM 8:30 AM Weekday 9:00 AM 4:00 PM (IC) 5:30 PM April 22 Helen Kruba April 23 Chester Hanko St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen Please pray for all those in our parish who are ill at home, nursing homes, in hospitals and especially for: Mary Albright, John Bebey, Steve Belin, Ellen Berdomas, Gloria Bullebush, Angela Calpin, Veronica Caponigro, Deb D'Aulerio, Kathy Darden, Christine Elliott, Theresa Esposito, Julie Fannin, John Fitzgerald, Michael Florian, Betty Frawley, Patricia Gates, Marianne Gormley, Kevin Gottschalk, Marianne Gowaskie, Barry Greb, Lisa Grosso, Greg Gulick, Patrick Haney, Maria Haniman, Marie Hastry, Helene Hollenczer, Amy Huffnagle, Grace Insogna, Mary Kloss, Tom Kloss, Kenneth Kneeshaw, Kellen Krajcer, Pauline Kull, Larry Lynch, Caroline Maltz, John Marcella, Ronald Marczak, Brenda Martinez, Geraldine McCarty, Peg McGovern, Luz McMillan, Robert Menhart, Isabel Menichella, Joe O’Brien, Robert O'Konski, Kathleen Pecura, Rita Pett, Patrick Quinlisk, Jose Quintero Jr., Marion Ragsdale, Evan Russell, Charlet Sinon, Stella Skwirut, Kathleen Tellado, Tony Tenaglia, Mary Ann Underwood, Ann Van Arsdale, Jennifer Vare, Bob Walsh, Dick Walsh, Pat Walsh, Martina B. Warner, Peggy Weed, Marlene Wydro NOTICE: At the beginning of every month, the sick list will be updated. An updated prayer list means continuing adding the names of people needing our prayers. Please contact the rectory if someone is to remain or to be added to the monthly prayer list in the bulletin. April 24 Fritz Hanko St. Mark, Evangelist April 25 Geraldine & Richard Spock Jeanette Fanaro Parishioners of QU Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26 7:30 AM Jerry & Jay Mladjen 9:30 AM Joseph G. Pollack 11:30 AM Soul of Ed Barr and the health of Teresa Barr 1:00 PM La Misa en Español 5:00 PM John Robert Brinkheide Vigil Lights - Week of April 19 - April 25 Church: In Loving Memory of : Robert Pett Chapel: In Loving Memory of : The Bakalar & Katolick Families Prayer for our Military “Heavenly Father, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.” We pray for all military, especially the family and friends of our parish community: Anthony Angelo, Ryan Berk, Andrew Bragg, Patrick Bresnahan, Joe Chrobak, Jr., Kristina Chrobak, Rachael Paz Carroll, Joseph Chapin, Ryan Check, Ashley Cisneros, Joseph Cradle, Daniel Colon, Gina Copello, John Cumberland Sr., Zachary Cumberland, Ed Daly, Christopher Deese, Dave Di Belius, Tim Di Pietro, Derek Donahue, Trevor Draut, Andrew Dwyer, Daniel Erick, John Gattone, Richard Good, Timothy Grauel, Dwight Gregory, William Graeff, Bobby Gulla, Esteban Gutierrez, Paul Hallman, Christopher Harrington, Samantha Harris Helias, Douglas Jordan, Theresa A. Judge, Ryan Keegan, Daniel Kervick, James N. Kline,III, Michael Kovalcik, Paul Liberatore, Keven Loughnane, Ryan A. Molina, Timothy Murray, Richard Patterson, Jay Pike, Dillon Rink, Peter Saragnese, Mark Sohaney, Jimmy Schmidt, Kathryn Sinon, Malina Spatafore, Salvatore Spatafore, Steven Thompson, Justin Wetterhall, Troy Wiedenmiller, Jose L. Vera, Brian Youngberry. PARISH LIFE/ACTIVITIES THIS WEEKEND! Queen of the Universe Fashion Show and Vendor Expo “Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace to you.’ But they were startled and frightened.” - LUKE 24:36-37 Throughout the day we have many opportunities to “see the face of Jesus” in others and provide some “peace” in their lives. Just because the person is a stranger, maybe looks different than us or is someone we don’t particularly care for doesn’t let us off the hook. Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015………...……... $20,991.69 Envelopes 828 Electronic Giving Palm Sunday March 29, 2015…......................... $1,883.82 Electronic Gifts 63 Sunday, April 19 at the Immaculate Conception Hall Doors open @ 1:30 PM Show begins at 3:00 PM Tickets are available at the door! Tickets $10 Includes door prizes, refreshments, DJ and much more! Spend the afternoon and shop with our vendors! Raffles, 50/50 drawings! Sunday, April 5, 2015 (Regular Collection)….$13,747.79 Envelopes 433 Electronic Giving April 5, 2015………………...$3,615.01 Electronic Gifts 87 Easter Collection Envelopes and Electronic Gifts………...……..$44,633.93 Thank you for your generosity. Confirmation Practice Sacrament of Confirmation Confirmation Practice will be held on Monday, April 20 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Please meet in the Large Hall at 6:00 PM. Pick up will be in Church at 8:00 PM. Sunday, April 11, 2015 Ruari Emmanuel Allen Queen of the Universe Welcomes Bishop Martino Wednesday, April 22nd at 4:00 PM 94 Children will receive Confirmation Please pray for the children, their sponsors and their families during this special time! Please pray for those who have died, members of our family and friends and in particular: Anthony D'Alo John Gallen Doris Hayden Clara Slusarczyk Parking Reminder! Please remember to be respectful of the parking attendants, follow their direction and remember that they are volunteering their time to help the make parking for Mass a bit easier for all of us! PARISH LIFE/ACTIVITIES Mon. April 20 Confirmation Practice 6:00 PM (LH) PREP 6:45 PM Tue. April 21 PREP 6:45 PM Women’s Gospel Group 9:30 AM (PC) Cross Train Team 7:00 PM (PC) Wed. April 22 Confirmation 4:00 PM (Church) Cross Train Your Faith 9:30 AM and 7:00 PM (PC) St. Mary Community Outreach Noon - 2:00 PM (PC - St. Mary Offices) Pre-Cana 7:00 PM (PC) RCIA 7:00 PM (PC) Thu. April 23 Prayer Group 7:00 PM (Chapel) Fri. April 24 Men’s Gospel Group 7:30 AM (PC) St. Mary’s Farm to Families 12:30 - 5:30 PM (PC) Sat. April 25 HFRCS 8th Grade Car Wash Noon to 4:00 PM (Behind School) Reconciliation 4:00 PM (Church) Father-Daughter Dance 7:00 PM (IC Hall) Please Save the Date for the Following Events: Wednesday, April 22 Confirmation Saturday, April 25 Father-Daughter Dance Tuesday, April 28 First Holy Communion Practice Saturday, May 2 First Holy Communion Monday, May 11 PREP Closing Prayer Service Saturday, May 16 St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive A very special thank you to all those who helped to decorate the churches for Easter. Both sites looked beautiful thanks to your dedication! Also, thanks to those who helped with parking during all the Easter Masses and those who greeted our parishioners at the doors of the church before each Mass. We truly appreciate you! PARISH LIFE/ACTIVITES St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive Queen of the Universe Parish will be hosting a clothing drive to benefit The Society of St.Vincent de Paul, Saturday, May 16th from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be using the services of GreenDrop to support their clothing drive. Look for the GreenDrop truck in the church parking lot where an attendant will be available to assist you with your donations. Please place your donations of usable men's, women's and children's clothing in plastic bags or boxes. Household items such as: kitchenware, games/toys, small appliances under 50 pounds, electronics, sporting goods, books, CDs & videos are also accepted. Unfortunately, furniture, large appliances, TVs or computer monitors cannot be accepted. For a full list of acceptable items visit Mary’s Cupboard The monthly food collection for Mary’s Cupboard is the Second Sunday of every month. Thank you for your constant generosity and support. Pilgrim Fatima Statue To have the Pilgrim Fatima Statue at your home call Dolores Gillespie 215-486-5192 or sign up at the church entrance. Statues will be at the following homes for the week of April 19: William & Dolores Carroll and Ann VanArsdale HOLY FAMILY REGIONAL SCHOOL Summer Camp at Holy Family Regional Catholic School! June 15-August 21, 2015 Ages 5-12 Weekly, monthly and seasonal openings available! Discounts for monthly and seasonal campers. Family discounts available Weekly Themes include Independence Day, Mad Scientist and Super Heros, Catholic Vacation Bible School, Drama, Dance, Music, Arts & Crafts Lacrosse and Baseball Clinics at St. Frances Cabrini Parish For more information, contact Eileen Doyle at 215-2699600 or Visit for weekly schedule, registration forms and camp fees PARISH DIRECTORY FAITH FORMATION Aid For Friends Fran Giaccio 215-946-4173 Altar Servers Mary Gast 215-945-8750 Charismatic Prayer Helen Howe 215-943-4686 Meeting Madeline Anderson 215-785-6952 Cub Master Pack 124 David Souder 215-741-5830 Chartered Organization Representative Jim Simon 215-945-1967 Scout Master/ Boy Scouts Frank Daniels 215-945-6392 Scout Venture Crew Mark Wassum 215-547-3743 Extraordinary Ministers Diane Bednarski (h) 215-547-3756 & Lectors (c) 215-460-6553 Food Collection Marion Slack Ann Hyjurick 215-943-1608 Health Ministry Gloria Neuman, RN 215-757-4888 Hospitality Robin Kemmerer 215-949-0810 Marriage Preparation Maria & Tom Miller 215-946-1988 Music Ministry David Westawski 215-946-8539 Prayer Line Requests Joan McHale 215-945-6349 Ann Van Arsdale 215-945-7932 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Cheryl Murray 215-869-8853 Regional CYO Dave Cunningham 215-380-6423 Rosary Noreen Zilinski 215-945-8858 Sexton Bill Breeman Youth Group Sue Raffin 215-547-4436 April 2015: All Love Bears Fruit Not everyone is called to marriage. But every life is meant to be fertile. Every life has the power and the need to nurture new life — if not through bearing and raising children, then through other vital forms of self-giving, building and service. The Church is an extended family of different vocations, each distinct but each needing and supporting the others. Priesthood, religious life and the celibate lay vocation to enrich, and are enriched by, the witness of the married state. The different ways of being chaste and celibate outside of marriage are ways of donating one’s life to God’s service and the human community. Archbishop Chaput: Five Ways To Get Involved with World Meeting of Families! 1. Attend 2. Host a Family 3. Volunteer 4. Donate 5. Pray For more information or to register for updates, visit MYPARISH APP Have You Downloaded Our Parish App Yet? Don’t forget to share the App with your family and friends and let us know what you think! We have been using the App to keep our parishioners up to date on events, mass schedules, sacrament retreat information and much more! *Available for iPhone and Android Phones. iPhone users visit the App Store, search for myParishApp and install. Android users should visit the Play Store, search for myParishApp and install. Once you have installed the App, you can set it to Queen of the Universe Parish and start exploring! If you have any questions, email Nicole Kinniry at or call the Parish Center at 215-945-0215. Cross Train Your Faith This week, Jeff Cavins discusses “The Meaning of Love”, “The Importance of Love”, and “Walking in Love” using Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church quotes St. Thomas Aquinas – “To love is to will the good of another.” Did you ever think of love this way? Jeff Cavins leads us to better understand what love really means, in ways we probably have never thought. He opens our eyes to passages of Scripture that many of us have never realized are speaking of love. You can still join us for this program. All Cross Train Your Faith programs take place on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM and 7:00 PM in the Parish Center and are free. Come join your neighbors and friends for these Catholic learning experiences. “Cross Train Your Faith” is part of the Adult Faith Formation Program here at the Queen where we provide programs of study and present information of Catholic learning for the adults of Our Parish Family. If you have suggestions for future programs please let us know by contacting John Murray in the Parish Center at 215-945-0215 AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE PARISH STAFF Reverend Michael F. Hennelly Pastor Have you Ever Seen the Inside of a Convent? Come to Our Open House! Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament 1663 Bristol Pike Bensalem, PA 19020 Sunday, April 26, 2015 1-4 PM Join us in celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life. There will be an opportunity for a tour of the convent, meet and greet the sisters, and make new friends. There will also be a craft table for kids. All are welcome! Mothers of Children with Disabilities Retreat: Monday, May 4, 2015 at Malvern Retreat House, Bishop Timothy Senior will direct a retreat for mothers who are raising children with disabilities and also those who have adult children with disabilities. There will be time to pray, reflect, and chat with other mothers. To register or for more information please contact Malvern Retreat House at 610-6440400, or Sr. Kathleen Schipani at 215-587-3330, or email Catholic is updated every day with local Catholic news and Catholic teaching. Stay informed of events in the Archdiocese, read Archbishop Chaput’s weekly column and learn more about your faith at Sign up for our free, weekly email newsletter at Calling All Little Flower Alums! Little Flower Alums, Family and Friends come celebrate the school’s 75th Anniversary on Sunday, April 26, 2015 from 1 pm – 5 pm for an Open House and Re-Dedication of the school to St. Therese. Villa Victoria is an independent, private, Catholic academy for girls in grades Pre K through 12. Please join us at one of our information sessions/shadow days this spring, on th Thursday April 16 or Thursday May 7th. To RSVP or for more information, please contact Christina Scordia, Director of Advancement, at 609-882-1700 ext. 20 or International Students Need Host Families Global Student Services of America invites American families who are interested in hosting an international student for this upcoming school year. We seek qualified host families. If you are a loving family and have a spare room in your home for an international student for please contact us. The family must be a native speaker of English and treat the student like their own family. Participating families will be offered compensation. All students come with their own insurance and spending money. If you would like to join this opportunity, please request an application to GSSA at 215-547-3179 or Do you have a Facebook account? If so, make sure you “like” the Queen of the Universe page! We use the Facebook page to post pictures and important parish information. Search “Queen of the Universe” to find, “like” our page and “share” with your friends. Reverend John J. Farry Senior Priest Reverend John F. Wackerman Parochial Vicar Reverend Paul A. Wiedmann Pastor Emeritus Deacon Joseph Upcavage, Retired Rectory Phone: 215-945-8750 Fax: 215-945-0413 Parish Secretary Joanne Joyce Business Manager Mary Harrington Bulletin Editor Nicole Kinniry Director of Music David Westawski Parish Center Phone: 215-945-0215 Coordinator of Parish Services John Murray Parish Religious Education Phone: 215-945-2704 Administrator Sue Raffin Coordinator Gerry Fedor Parish App Holy Family Regional Catholic School 2447 Trenton Road Levittown, PA 19056 Pre-K 3 through 8th Grade The Parish School of Queen of the Universe and Saint Frances Cabrini Parishes. Phone: 215-269-9600 Fax: 215-269-9609 The School Website: Serving NJ, PA & DE 10% d Foo Great Food, OFFw/ AD .......................☛ 215.639.8500 Drink & Service .................................... SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 FUN & AFFORDABLE .................................... (215) 970-5412 1033 S. Bellevue Ave. DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS • FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: Ray & Tracey Crouse, Owner/Operator Langhorne, PA 19047 KENNETH G. HARRISON, ESQUIRE ATTORNEY AT LAW Family Law • Bankruptcy • Real Estate Wills • Accidents • Estates • Free Consultations 752-5950 5 Neshaminy Interplex, Ste. 115 Follow us on: Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA NO JOB TOO SMALL OR BIG Paluch Partners - a simple way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Easily access your parish’s latest bulletin and all the sponsors who advertise. Their contribution allows parish bulletin communication to be free of charge for your parish. Support them by taking advantage of the services they provide. n nal Companio o s r e P r Your Praye through 2030 Lic# PA-008631 Designed to be Free Estimates 267-980-3308 Jesus A to Z In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE TALK Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Readings • Reflections • Prayers PUSH Paul Krut General Contractor • Kitchens & Baths • Doors & Windows • Vinyl Siding • Additions • Drywall • Painting $39.95 Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC 800-566-6150 • book for kids and families! Includes a Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! 24/7 HELP $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! email: ................... ................... Call Julia Zuccarelli 800.524.0263 Introductory Offer $49.95 215.752.7900 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made *First Three Months MASSAGE AND FACIAL SPA 512 OXFORD VALLEY ROAD LANGHORNE, PA 19047 1 FREE MONTH 511474 Queen of the Universe Church (B) HAND & STONE Massage or Facial $19.95*/Mo. + TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 800-566-6150 BILL WORRELL’S AUTO BODY INC. Complete Collision Service 6524 New Falls Rd., Levittown 943-6558 943-6568 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 Serving Bucks and surrounding Counties for over 20 years FREE Quotes on New Roofs MICHAEL P. MALLOY ACCOUNTING, TAX & FINANCIAL SERVICES INDIVIDUALS, ESTATES, BUSINESSES Securities Offered Through H. D. Vest Investment Securities Inc. 945-7903 Member NASD & SIPC Jason S. Barrett, Pharm D. Doctor of Clinical Pharmacy Harry A. Morris, CPhT Certified Pharmacy Technician • New Roofs & Gutters • Roof & Gutter Repair • Siding & Windows Oxford Valley Pharmacy Free Winter Weather Inspection Diocese Member 215-752-6145 • “Your Personal Care Pharmacy” 403 South Oxford Valley Rd. Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Phone: 215-269-7900 Fax: 215-269-9418 JAMES J. DOUGHERTY FUNERAL HOME, INC. 2200 Trenton Rd., Levittown, PA 19056 PrePlanning Specialists 215-943-7240 Grief Support Groups Our only location to conveniently serve our community Family owned and operated since 1972 with personalized service James J. Dougherty 1917-2009 Miriam A. Dougherty, President John J. Bonner Jr., Supervisor Robert J. Mahan, Funeral Director Jeffrey A. Stroup, Funeral Director Rocco Doto III, Funeral Director Non-Medical In-Home Healthcare DR. JOHN H. GALLAGHER, JR., D.C. Quality Chiropractic Care Since 1982 Now In Our New Location Next To The Dougherty Funeral Home Psalm 90:17 2222 Trenton Road, Ste. 1B, Levittown, PA 19056 215.949.2202 Licensed, Insured, and Bonded in PA & NJ THE CUTTING CREW Mark W. George 215.943.0201 Grass Cutting, Mulching & More Free Estimate 215-416-3107 Martin J. Burns Funeral Home, Inc. • Assistance with Personal Hygiene, Meal Preparation & Eating • Comforting Companionship and Care • Mobility Assistance • Light Housekeeping • Respite Care Offering a Break and Peace of Mind for Family Caregivers • Up to 24 Hour Care Finn Plumbing Service/Repairs Complete Bath Remodeling Licensed and Insured 215-547-5424 Parishioner Ceramic Tile Bathrooms • Foyers 1514 Woodbourne Rd. • Kitchens 215-547-3040 Levittown, PA Levittown Resident • Insured Dependable Personal Service Bob Olkowski • 609-933-5700 Robin Kemmerer Assoc., Inc. REAL ESTATE FOR ALL YOUR HEATING, COOLING & SECURITY NEEDS “Four Generations of Superior Service” “Comfort Year Round” 206 Otter St. • Bristol, PA 19007 215-788-4596 1 DEEP DALE DRIVE EAST LEVITTOWN PENNSYLVANIA 19056 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! (215) 949-0810 Fax: (215) 949-0812 DAVIS ACURA 215-943-7000 800-566-6150 • 7400 New Falls Road (215) 946-7600 George M. Hanitz Supervisor Roofing & Siding 215-357-2700 GUTTER CLEANING 215-322-7400 FREE EST. • Lic. & Ins. PA 080483 Cowan & Kelly Lic. & Ins. PA030067 PHILIP BRAZIL 2051 E. Lincoln Hwy, Langhorne, PA J A PA N E S E ✦ T H A I CHINESE CUISINE Dine In and Take Out ROOFING & SIDING DELIVERY (Min $15) William M. Cowan, Jr., Esq. 215-486-5922 Seamless Gutters Wills • Estates • Business • Personal Injury OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 215-486-5275 Free Estimates • Fully Insured 402 Middletown Blvd., Suite 202 215-741-1100 215-946-7066 • Parishioner 1251 Woodbourne Rd., Levittown, PA 19057 Langhorne, PA • 511474 Queen of the Universe Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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