J A N U A R Y - M A R C H 2 0 1 5 Riggs 4 Zambia Review R4Z PUBLICATION ISSUE 01 Dear Pastor and Praying Partners, Furlough News The New Year started off on a sour note. My brother, Mark Riggs, went home to be with the Lord on the >irst Sunday of January, 2015. On his way to preach at his church in Daleville, IN he and his wife, Debbie, stopped at McDonalds to eat breakfast. While eating he started feeling nauseated and had a fatal heart attack. Mark left behind his wife and two grown sons. Debbie is Marcia’s sister and she has been suffering with MS for over 20 years. Marcia stayed with her sister in January and February while I traveled to supporting churches to help her during this trying time in her life. Debbie is settled in New Castle, IN and is doing well. Please pray for her as she is adjusting to life by herself. We have been is some great meeting this winter and it was good to see the Lord working in the hearts and lives of His people. We have caught up with old friends and made new ones along the way. You can keep up with us by going to our website r4z.weebly.com and you can navigate to our FB page from there as well. News From Zambia Agency: BBFI www.bbfimissions.com Furlough needs: • Funds to purchase property and build a building for our 8th church. $100,000 ? • Funds to replace the roof on the pastors house at our youth camp. $5,000.00 • Funds to ships ministry supplies. $1,000.00 Thank you for enabling us to serve Christ in Zambia. Your Missionaries, John & Marcia Riggs John & Marcia Riggs We keep hearing great things from Zambia during our time in the states. Ricky Cuaterno reports that Cornerstone Baptist Church in Northrise is doing well and the mission work they started in Masala area of Ndola is Website: www.r4z.weebly.com growing each week. Bro. Ricky and some men from Cornerstone are meeting on Sunday afternoon in Masala at the home of Jon Nkaka. They have built a temporary shelter to meet under during the rainy season. They started with a good news club for the children, but now they are seeing 20 to 30 adults coming as well. There have been several adults saved as a result of this outreach ministry of Cornerstone Baptist Church. Continue praying for our travels in next three months. We will be returning to Zambia on June 29. Scan and take it with you. Sending Church: Whittier Lane Baptist Church www.whittierlanebaptist.org Our email: riggs4zambia@gmail.com
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