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Islam teaches us to utilise our time, our money and our
knowledge for the sake of Allah. As Muslims we should not stay
idle. We can do things to help improve our conditions, The
intentions should be for the sake of Allah.
We should endeavour to read the Holy Qur’an and its translation
daily, read hadith, seek knowledge and simply implementing what
we have learnt in our daily lives. Islamic scholars would travel the
lengths of the world to gather hadith and learn knowledge, we
should also spend our time reading Islamic books, attend bayaan
programmes and taleem; as this will help us increase in
Choose good company – Prophet Muhammad  said: “The
example of a good companion and a bad companion is like that of
the seller of musk, and the one who blows the blacksmith’s
bellows. So as for the seller of musk, either he will grant you
some, or you buy some from him, or at least you enjoy a pleasant
smell from him. As for the one who blows the blacksmith’s
bellows then either he will burn your clothes or you will get an
offensive smell from him.” It is encouraged by the Prophet to
accompany those who do good, who have noble manners, piety,
knowledge and good culture (the muskseller) and he  forbade us
to sit with those who do evil, commit a lot of sins and other bad
deeds, as well as those who innovate, backbite, and so forth.
Give charity, help the needy and make dua, seeking Allah’s help –
The importance of asking Allah for guidance and help is
tantamount to the success of the believers, in this life and in the
hereafter. We are powerless and Allah is the Powerful, He knows
what we know not, and He plans for things that we know not.
Without His mercy, we have nothing; thus only from Allah do we
seek guidance.
Message For The Youth
02 - 03
Rules Concerning a New Born Baby
The Wood Cutter
Practical Tips To Wake Up For Fajr
The Majlis Of Mufti Moosa Badat
Seeing the Prophet  in A Dream
Kids Zone
In Praise of the ‘Homemaker’
Urdu Page
15 - 16
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Issue 59
May / June 2015
Allah  through his infinite grace and mercy
has granted us all the opportunity once again
to organise and participate in this 22nd annual
youth conference of the Islamic Dawah
Issue 59
be placed under the shade of the throne of
Allah  . They will be granted Jannah without
May Allah  grant us all acceptance and make
this gathering a means of forgiveness,
guidance, soul purification and a means of
acquiring the everlasting salvation in the
The hadith recited as part of the khutba, gives
3 very important instructions:
1. Tie the bond of kinship with those relatives
who break this tie, be good to relatives and to
those relatives who do not behave correctly
with you. The prophet  has said in a hadith
"The one who breaks the tie of kinship this
person will not enter Jannah." that means
even if he leaves this world with Imaan he will
not enter into Jannah without first going into
Today friends are more important than family
and relatives, the friends circle keeps
changing because we are selfish and we are
looking for enjoyment and change friends to
True friends will remain together until they
depart this world, but on the day of
judgement friends will become enemies in
front of Allah  blaming each other for
wrongs committed in the world, only those
friends will be beneficial who are friends
based on Deen. Their friendship is dependent
on the pleasure of Allah  . These friends will
Let us learn to love each other for the
pleasure of Allah  .
2. Forgive that person who wrongs you. To
forgive a person who wrongs you is a very
courageous action it is not easy. The Qur’an
says the person who practices patience when
a person abuses him, takes away his right,
during such time to exercise patience and
forgive such a person, this is an action that
requires a lot of courage.
The prophet  has left Madinah to liberate
Makkah Mukarramah, he meets two of his
cousins who are staunch enemies and have
left no stone unturned to cause harm to the
prophet  come and ask forgiveness from the
prophet , the prophet turns his face away,
the blessed wife of prophet  says to the
prophet  will you turn these people away
who are your cousins?
Ali  advices the cousins to go to the prophet
 and do what the brothers of Yusuf did.
The person who abstains from sins and
remains steadfast in the face of adversity
May / June 2015
becomes Muhsin, a Wali of Allah  , They said to Yusuf
 you have been chosen by Allah  above us to guide
whilst performing Tawaaf a person who had accepted
Islam in hypocrisy, accepted Islam again after seeing the
way prophet  forgave the people. He came with the
intention of assassinating the prophet  and asked
The cousins went to the prophet  and said, Allah 
chose you above us and we have made an error of
judgement, forgive us, the prophet  smiled and forgave
became cool and accepted Islam. Let us learn to forgive
and forget.
The prophet  on returning to Makkah made an
announcement that all who remain in their homes or
enter the masjid will be forgiven.
We should never violate the rights of the creator or the
creation so we never need to apologise, but if we do
violate these rights we need to ask for forgiveness and
make sure that they are happy with us too.
If anyone oppresses you forgive them The prophet 
said one who swallows his anger when he has the ability
to punish the wrongdoer then Allah  will call him in
front of everyone on the day of judgement and will say to
this person from all these hoors of Jannah take
whichever you want. "One who forgives when he has the
upper hand is most beloved to Allah  ."
One who wishes to elevate their status in the hereafter
they should forgive the person who oppresses you. On
returning to Makkah Mukarramah prophet  sees all
those who forced him to go into exile and caused him so
much hardship and trouble, he  says "what do you
expect from me today" they replied you are a noble
brother and the son of a noble brother, the prophet 
said may Allah forgive you, you are free all of you go,
Issue 59
Fuzala what is in your heart? He replied Allah is in my
heart, I am remembering Allah in my heart the prophet
 placed his hand on his heart and Fuzala’s heart
3. Be good to that person who does evil to you, not only
forgive but be good. Shaykh Shibli  was once
persecuted by some people, he had to leave the town, he
went out into the jungle and was tired, exhausted and
was fatigued, he reclined on the trunk of a date palm,
Allah  gave the date palm the ability to speak. The date
palm said, "Oh Shibli become like me," People hit me
with stones yet I throw fruits at them, may Allah  give
us all the Tawfeeq.
3 Main Messages
1.Tie the kins of friendship, let us be good to our family.
2. Forgive those who oppress us.
3. Be good to those people who do bad to us.
If we adopt these 3 lessons we will be successful in our
grave and the hereafter but also in the Dunya we will find
peace in our heart, these actions will soften the hearts of
the people you associate with.
May Allah  enlighten our hearts with the knowledge of
the Qur'an and Hadith.
May / June 2015
Rules Concerning a New Born
Part 3
By Aarif Billah, Hadhrat Moulana Abdur Rauf Sahib D.B.
The wish of Allah  surpasses all
The Noble Qur'an clearly states that the heavens and the earth are
under the influence of Allah . His ownership extends beyond the
heavens and the earth. Allah  states in the Noble Qur'an:
‘To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He
creates what He wills.
He grants females to whom He wills, and grants males to whom
He wills. Or He combines for them couples, both males and
females and makes whom He wills barren.
Surely, He is All-Knowing, Very-Powerful.’
(Surah Shura: Aayah 49 & 50)
Allah  has the power and will to give as He pleases. He gives a
daughter to whomsoever He wills and a son to whom He wills. To
some, He may grant both; and if He chooses, He may not give any at
all. His decision will be due to His limitless knowledge and foresight
which we are unable to perceive. He is the Only One who knows
what is best for each individual. As it is His will, we should remain
happy whether we are granted a daughter, a son or even none at all.
Nevertheless, if a couple has not been granted any offspring, it will
still be right for them to seek permissible means of treatments, cures
and solutions to their wish for offspring. Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat,
Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi R.A has authored a Kitaab entitled
‘Aa’maal-e-Qur’aani’ and it contains verses of the Noble Qur'an
intended to be used as a means of cure for many different ailments.
Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat R.A would never have written such a
book if such means of cure would have been impermissible in any
way. Hence, any form of permissible Wazeefah, cure or treatment
may be adopted; however, we must attribute the final outcome to
Allah  and be happy with whatever He decides for us. Surely, if it
is good for us then Allah  will grant us offspring; and if it is not
ultimately good for us then only will He choose not to give.
Coincidentally, Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat R.A. had two wives and
yet he did not have any children at all. This was despite the fact that
many people benefited from having children after practising upon the
Wazeefah which he himself drew people’s attention to in his literary
works. So, instead of being despondent and devastated upon not
being able to conceive, we must always remain happy with whatever
Allah  decides for us. It is especially important that the elders in
the family refrain from taunting the couple and passing snide
remarks, or from concocting theories as to why the couple have not
conceived a child yet despite having been married for a certain
amount of time. After all, it is not really fair to punish them for what is
beyond their power. Allah  gives to whomsoever He wills and thus,
the mother-in-law, father-in-law and grandmother-in-law etcetera
should understand this. Children are a blessing from Allah ;
whether He decides to give or not give, His decision will surely be the
Issue 59
best for all concerned. The term used for being happy and content
with whatever Allah  ordains for us is ‘Radha-bil-Qadha’. To
conclude, there is no harm in trying out medication or any other type
of permissible treatment. If Allah  wills, then we will surely benefit
from it; and if He does not will it, then all forms of treatment will be
Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat, Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi R.A.
Hadhrat Haji Imdadullah Sahib R.A, the Shaikh of Hadhrat Hakeemul
Ummat R.A, was a very pious person. He had travelled from India to
Makkah Mukarramah and it was there that he passed away. He lays
buried in Jannatul Maa’la. Both of these illustrious people had no
children of their own. Once, when Haji Sahib R.A was still in India,
he had an opportunity to stay in Thana Bhawan (the hometown of
Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat R.A.). The Aunt of Hadhrat Hakeemul
Ummat R.A. requested Haji Imdadullah Sahib R.A to make Dua that
Allah  endows Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat R.A. with children. In
response to this request, Haji Imdadullah Sahib R.A later remarked
to Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat R.A, “I have been requested to
supplicate for offspring on your behalf, however, my wish is that you
remain as I am (i.e. childless)”. When relating this incident, Hadhrat
Hakeemul Ummat R.A. added, “At this point, I accepted the fact that I
will remain childless”. This remark may have been due to the fact
that Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat R.A. has contributed to a lot of work
for Deen. He has authored numerous books and orated many
lectures; and this would certainly have been affected if he had
become busy with children. Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat R.A was a
Mujaddid. He has authored near to a thousand Kitaabs and has
given services to numerous people on a daily basis. He was visited
by people from all over; some to ask Masaa’il; some for rectification;
and some just to attend his Khanqah. He himself also travelled to
many places. The foundation for the building which currently houses
Jamia Islamiyyah Talimuddeen, was also laid by Hadhrat Hakeemul
Ummat R.A.
We owe a great debt to Hadhrat Hakeemul Ummat R.A. His
literature contains such a great volume of knowledge and wisdom
that people are awestruck by it. His Kitaab, ‘Bahishti Zewar’ is
especially a useful instrument for women. It has been widely
accepted and has been translated into many different languages. It
is highly unfortunate that sisters nowadays have no time to read such
quality literature; they have plenty of time for gossip and idle talk.
The least one could do is read the stories and incidents from it. It
contains plenty of stories which relate to pious women and contains
guidance on how to live with one’s husband, how to bring up children
and numerous other excellent forms of advice. Hadhrat Hakeemul
Ummat R.A. has formed a collection of such good content that just by
reading it, we become more aware of how Allah  has ordained for
us the best of His commandments. May Allah  enable us to
remain happy with His decisions at all times and may He make it
easy for us to follow His commands. Aameen.
May / June 2015
Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber
merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and so was the work
condition. For those reasons, the woodcutter was determined to do his
His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he supposed to
The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees.
“Congratulations,” the boss said. “Go on that way!”
Very motivated by the boss’ words, the woodcutter tried harder the next
day, but he could only bring 15 trees. The third day he tried even harder,
but he could only bring 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less
“I must be losing my strength”, the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss
and apologised, saying that he could not understand what was going on.
“When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the
boss asked.
“Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been
very busy trying to cut trees…”
Our lives are like that. We sometimes get so
busy that we don’t take time to sharpen the
“axe”. In today’s world, it seems that
everyone is busier than ever, but less happy
that ever.
Why is that? Could it be that we have
forgotten how to stay “sharp”? There’s
nothing wrong with activity and hard
work. But we should not get so busy that
we neglect the truly important things in
life, like our personal life, taking time to get
close to Allah Most High., our Creator,
giving more time for our family,
We all need time to relax, to think and
meditate, to learn and grow. If we don’t
take the time to sharpen the “axe”, we will
become dull and lose our effectiveness.
A NASEEHA for ME and YOU!!
One of the hardest tasks in this 21st
century is to spend 30 minutes without
"touching" our phones!
Almost everyone is now a phone addict.
It's the last thing we touch before you sleep at night.
network, perhaps to get
Some are so addicted to phones, they even chat when they are in the
Some chat in the exam halls while waiting for the paper.
Some play games with their phones in the Masjid.
It's the first thing we touch when we wake up.
Some even put earpiece on their ears overnight.
Some stay awake at night to download films, but they can't wake up
for Tahajjud or Fajr.
Some are always "online" chatting.
As early as 6 am they are online and they remain online till midnight.
They have thousands of friends online whom they chat with but they
can't relate with their families at home.
Some watch films in the Masjid. Astaghfirullah!!!
They isolate themselves in their rooms.
Some argue till midnight about Aqeedah issues, yet by Fajr time, they
are sleeping and snoring.
Immediately after the Salam in Salat, you see people pressing their
phones again, no time for Istighfaar or Adhkaar! As if all their past and
future sins have already been forgiven!
When accidents happen, instead of saving lives, you see people
snapping the victims with their phones.
When a house is burning, instead of doing something, you see people
snapping so as to be the first to upload it on social network.
When a person loses a loved one, instead of thinking about the funeral
issues, the first thing the person does is to upload the news on social
Many divorces happen on Facebook or due to Facebook.
Some use Suratul Asr to hasten their Salat because of their phones,
not knowing that Suratul Asr is talking about spending time in
righteous deeds.
Many are those whose phones have made them "hypocrites".
Many are those whose phones are leading them to hellfire.
Because of your phone, you are the last person to come to Jumu'ah
and you are the first person to leave!
Allah said, 'Closer and closer to mankind comes their judgement, yet
they don't take heed, and they turn away' (Surah Al-Anbiyaa vs 1)
May Allah guide us on the right path and forgive our numerous sins,
Issue 59
What a fitnah befalling the Ummah.
Along the road, some keep pressing their phones, until perhaps they
narrowly dodge an accident or until a banana peel slips them.
Even when we have guests, we still concentrate on our phones rather
than our guest.
Some ignore their spouses because they are chatting with "mere
friends" on Facebook!
May / June 2015
Issue 59
May / June 2015
From The Majlis of
Mufti Moosa Badat (D.B.)
On 01.02.15
Translated from Urdu by Brother Zameer Dabhad
Taqwa, based on the lectures of Hazrat Mufti Taqi Usmani DB
Previously regarding the explanation of Surah Hujarat we had
'Inna Akramakum 'IndAllahi Atqakum.
Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the one who is
most deeply conscious (i.e. fearful) of Him.
Again and again we find in the Qur’an and Ahadith that Taqwa is
mentioned profusely, for example we have:
Uu iddat lil mutaqeen
That Jannat has been prepared or those of Taqwa
In a hadith it is mentioned that two items will lead to large
numbers of people entering Jannah, firstly Taqwa and secondly
good character (Husne Akhlaq). Whilst two items will lead to a
large numbers of people into Jahannam , firstly the tongue and
secondly the private parts, may Allah  protect us.
In the explanations we find an amazing link between Taqwa and
Husne Akhlaq. Taqwa is to adopt good dealings with people for
the sake of our creator, in other words good society will be
created when we have good dealings with the creation for the
sake of Allah alone, this is Akhlaq and both these items will lead
to large numbers entering into paradise.
Thirdly we have that Taqwa where a person saves himself from all
actions that are doubtful or confusing, you may even have a
ruling from a Mufti granting its permissibility, but your heart is
not content, to save oneself from even those actions is Taqwa
and this is the highest form.
In the hadith we find:
Sins are those that create restlessness in your hearts,
That what I just did was it correct or incorrect and in our
temperament we find that a barrier is created to that action,
even though the ruling states it is permissible for you, if this is the
case then give up that action.
In another hadith we have
That item regarding which there is doubt with regards to it
being Halal or Haraam then give it up and regarding that which
there is no doubt keep hold to it.
Nabi  mentions: Many items are Halal and their being halal is
clear, whilst many items are such that regarding their being
Haraam is also clear.
For example, the meat of Sheep and Lamb is Halal and everyone
is aware of this, whilst Pork is Haraam , however between these
you have items that are doubtful and unclear.
There is a hadith that is narrated by Sulaim bin Jabir Juhainee ,
he mentions that he once arrived in the presence of Nabi  and
that Nabi  was resting and had a shawl draped over his foot, I
asked Nabi  kindly please give me some advise.
Nabi  mentioned that whoever wishes to keep his faith pure
should refrain from those actions that are doubtful and this is the
third level of Taqwa.
Nabi  first advise was on Taqwa, that adopt the path towards
the fear of Allah and acquire Taqwa. He explained Taqwa is to
adopt the awe and respect of Allah at all times and to be fearful
that it should not be that we adopt any actions that are means of
angering Allah . This fear and thought, if it is created in man
and that at all times decisions are made accordance to this; then
this is the sign of Taqwa i.e. our talking and bodily actions should
not be against the wishes of Allah.
“The halal is clear and the haram is clear...” (Bukhari, Muslim)
Three levels of Taqwa have been explained by our pious elders:
Firstly, Alhumdulillah all believers posses this which is to avoid
Shirk and Kufr due to the recitation of Shahadah
Secondly we have that level, which requires all believers that they
refrain from committing all sins, this is desired from all believers.
When the first level is achieved and we are saved from disbelief,
we are saved from everlasting punishment. However, after this if
we are unable to save ourselves from sin and disobedience, then
for a duration of time we will be punished due our shortcomings.
Yes, after the punishment a person will be sent by Allah ’s
mercy into paradise., however the requirement of the second
level of Taqwa is that we save ourselves from all sins.
Issue 59
Just yesterday Hadhrat Mufti sahib was asked regarding a biscuit
or sweet in which there is no mention of Pork, but wordings in
the ingredients leads to suspicion as to whether it contains pork
gelatine, to this I replied leave that which is doubtful.
Recently a Jamat came and one of the brothers was from Preston,
he mentioned to me that he had worked in a leather factory for a
number of years, as a result of which he can identify leather and
which animal it is from. He mentioned that a number of shoes
have pig skin used in their manufacturing. He asked regarding the
ruling on this, I explained that if a person wears socks whilst
wearing these shoes, then his Salah will be valid, however if he
was to pray the Janazah prayer with his shoes on his Salah would
not be valid. He then took me to the shoe rack area and showed
me shoes which had been made using pig skin, where small dots
were visible he explained that this was pig skin leather.
For the non-Muslims the use of pig skin is permissible, whilst for a
Muslim it is impermissible but due to lack of knowledge the
Muslim is unaware. He then asked that should I tell people of this
or not, I explained that when you know this is the case then you
should make people aware of this. Continued in next issue…
May / June 2015
Hazrat Sheikh Moulana Zakariyya
(Rahmatullahi Alaihi) mentioned:
Once a person wrote a letter to me asking,
“What is the sign that pride no longer remains
with a person?”
I replied that if any person finds fault with you,
then you are not overcome by anger.
Instead you begin to examine within your heart
whether what the person has said is true or not.
If after pondering and reflecting over the
situation, your heart tells you that the statement
the person made was correct and you suffer from
that weakness, then you are immediately prepared
to accept your mistake and correct yourself.
If this is your condition, then this is a sign that
pride has left you. However, on the converse, if
after hearing the statement of that person, you
are overcome by rage and anger without even
taking a moment to think whether what was said
was correct or not, then this is a clear sign of you
having pride.
Hazrat Moulana Abdullah Sahib Kapaudri
Sahib ‫ حفظه هللا‬has said that there are
two perspectives with regard to time.
In English; we say; "Time is money" or
"Time is gold" whereas in Arabic it is said:
‫ الوقت هوالحياة‬TIME IS LIFE
Understand that money and gold are items that come and go; if they get finished, a person can work hard and
regain them. But life is something which can never be retrieved once it is finished. If just one portion of one's life
passes, it cannot be brought back.
The Arabic saying is much more eloquent. Hazrat Ibrahim bin Adham  has said that time is like a block of ice
melting away. It is therefore our choice that we use the block of ice (TIME) effectively or we allow the block of
ice (TIME) to waste away.
Hazrat Mufti Shafi Sahib  has compared time to liquid capital. Hazrat says that time is flowing all the time and
it is thus up to us to use time appropriately. In another incident,
Hazrat Ibrahim bin Adham  shared an incident where an ice seller pleaded: "Purchase my ice or I will be
destroyed." This is the reality and the sooner we acknowledge it the better. May Allah  allow us all to use the
bounty of time in such a manner that Allah  is pleased with us. Aameen
Issue 58
/ August
// June
Seeing The
Prophet 
In A Dream
Every Muslim has the desire to see the Holy Prophet  in a
dream. The desire increases more and more due to the love
and affection. Many great saints have written various
exercises and deeds out of their own experience, which may
help, in seeing the Holy Prophet  in a dream.
seeing the Holy Prophet  is the desire of the heart,
abundant Durood Shareef and refraining from sins. May
Allah enable us to see the Holy Prophet  in our dream
and give us the true understanding of Deen, Aameen.
One of the students of Darul Uloom asked our Patron,
Hadhrat Moulana Yusuf Motala sahib, "Why do I not see
the Holy Prophet  in my dreams even though I pray
Durood Shareef regularly." Hadhrat replied, "It is our duty
According to the book ‘Virtues of Durood
to keep reciting and it is not right for us to call him to our
Shareef" (written by Hazrat Sheikh Zakariya sahib
dream. If he wishes he will come. It is not right to try and
rahmatullahi alaihe). Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dahalwi force a king to visit your home. Similarly we should just
rahmatullahi alaihe writes that if a person offers two
keep up our rituals and hope that one day the rituals will
rak`aah’s nafl Salah and recites twenty five times Surah
prove faithful and we will achieve our goal."
Ikhlas after Surah Al-Fatiha in each rak’aah thereafter
recites one thousands times the following Durood,
O Lord! Shower thy Blessings and send eternal peace in
‫صلى هللا على النبى االمى‬
he will (Allah willing) see the Holy Prophet  in his dream.
upon Thy Beloved (Prophet  ) who is the best of all
However, it should be kept in mind that the main cause of
I would like to mention one way which will assist in seeing
the blessed Prophet  in a dream.
for us to direct ourselves to it.
Hadhrat Moulana Shah Wasiyyullah Sahib  used to say,
"Just as we make Taqleed of his opinions, we ought to
make Taqleed of his spiritual condition." History bears
testimony to our Akaabir showing us how to fear Allah .
It has been mentioned that Hadhrat Imam Abu Haneefa 
performed Isha Salah and the Imam read Surah Zilzaal in
it. After Salah, the Imam of the Masjid departed but
Hadhrat Imam Abu Haneefa  held his beard and
continued saying this until the morning: "O the Being who
will give reward for a good deed even if it equals an iota,
and will mete out punishment for an evil deed even if it
equals an iota! Save this servant, Nu'maan (referring to
himself), from the Hell-fire."
This was obviously Hadhrat Imam Sahib's  spiritual
condition which is worthy of emulation. There is a need
Issue 59
Once an Imam read: ‫ان بطش ربك لشديد‬
Burooj) - Hazrat Moulana Shah Wasiyyullah Sahib 
screamed out as if the roof was about to fall!
Such was the condition of our Akaabir; but we do not
possess these qualities nor do we have a yearning to
developing this noble traits. No doubt, we have deprived
ourselves of purity and reformation because of our
May Allah  inspire us to acquire the sublime qualities of
our Akaabir so that we may be granted salvation in this
world and the Aakhirah. Aameen.
May / June 2015
Submitted by a Student of Al-Markazul Ilmi, Dewsbury
Has this ayah ever echoed through your mind. Travelled through
your body?
Have you ever just stopped. Paused your life and read.
Contemplated through this one ayah.
"every soul shall taste death"
No sound of chatter. No breaks of laughter can be heard amongst
us today.
All I hear is hitched breathing consolidating reality.
Hold tight!
Before I begin this journey with you. My greeting are upon you O
slave of Allah.
Now. I wish for you to imagine. Close all the doors behind you
Erase the worldly thoughts out of your brain for these few minutes.
Clear your mind
Relax! And enjoy the ride.
My fingers curl around the door, no hesitance for I am sure.
The sound echoes throughout room.
I see you tossing
Eyes pierced to the phone
Ears filled with the whispers of the devil.
My heart aches.
Seeing you in this state when you were warned.
Though it is time.
Time for me
You call for your family
No reply accept your own echoing cries.
I grip you side by side.
Tightening your soul with my grasp.
Issue 59
“Until, death comes to one of them, he says My Lord! Send me back
so that I may do good in that which I have left behind. No! It is but a
word that he speaks, and behind them is a Barrier until The day
when they will be resurrected.”
You scream Gaudily '' let me go"
I chuckle whispering "I'm sorry my beloved you are no more"
All I hear is now is silence.
No sound. No scream.
No cackle. No grin
Just an eclipse of silence.
Faintly I leave the room, your poor soul in my arms.
Ringing the signal to your household.
Picture this
Your body sprawled on the cold floor.
Your eyeballs are risen to the sky.
Your lips part a little to the side
I hiss harshly the words of Allah towards your Lifeless body.
“And if you could see when the angels take away the souls of those
whom disbelieve (at death), they smite their faces and their backs,
(saying): Taste the punishment of the blazing Fire. This is because
of that which your hands had forwarded. And verily, Allah is not
unjust to His slaves.”
And that is the end. The end of you now. Dragged away towards
your final abode.
I am deeply Sorry for any Inconvenience I may have caused.
Though now your files of the Dunya are closed.
So my dear sisters. Take heed begin to pray.
Don't let it be that the first time you think about death is when the
angel pulls your soul away.
May / June 2015
Abu Hurairah’s  Mother
Abu Hurairah  was from the tribe of Daws. After he accepted Islam he went
and met Prophet Muhammad . After a short while he moved to Madinah to
be close to Muhammad  and learn from this great teacher of piety.
Abu Hurairah  was a very pious Muslim but the one thing that troubled him
most was that his mother would not accept Islam. He would pray for her so
much and hoped that she would become a Muslim as well.
One day he was telling his beloved mother about Allah and His messenger
when his mother uttered some words. This made Abu Hurairah  feel very
Abu Hurairah  went to see our Prophet  with tears still flowing from his
eyes. When the Prophet  asked him why he was so upset, Abu Hurairah 
related the whole story. Abu Hurairah  then asked our Prophet  to make
Dua for her.
Abu Hurairah  was very pleased when prophet Muhammad  made Dua for
his mother. He was sure that his mother would accept Islam one day soon.
When Abu Hurairah  got home, he heard the splashing of water and then
his mother told him to come into the house. When Abu Hurairah  entered,
his mum said, “La-ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasoolullah” which means
she had accepted Islam.
Last Issue’sCompetition
The tears began to flow from Abu Hurairah’s  eyes but
this time they were tears of joy!
Muhammad Jet (Age 6)
Taahirah Khalifa (Age 7)
Maariyah Ugradar (Age 11)
You should receive your prizes
very soon!
Issue 59
May / June 2015 11
For the nine months I carried you while you were growing
inside me: No Charge
For all the nights that I've sat up with you, doctored and
A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening
prayed for you: No Charge
while she was fixing supper, and handed her a piece of paper
that he had been writing on. After his Mum dried her hands on For all the trying times, and all the tears that you've caused
through the years: No Charge
an apron, she read it, and this is what it said:
For all the nights that were filled with dread, and for the
worries I knew were ahead: No Charge
For the toys, food, clothes, and even wiping your nose: No
Son, when you add it up, the cost of my love is: No Charge.
mother’s love
When the boy finished reading what his mother had written,
there were big tears in his eyes, and he looked straight at his
mother and said, "Mum, I sure do love you." And then he took
the pen and in great big letters he wrote: "PAID IN FULL".
- You will never know how much your parents are worth till
you become a parent
- Be a giver not a taker, especially with your parents. there is a
lot to give, besides money.
Well, his mother looked at him standing there, and the boy
could see the memories flashing through her mind. She picked
up the pen, turned over the paper he'd written on, and this is
what she wrote:
The Messenger of Allah  said: “One who pleases his parents
has verily pleased Allah, and one who has angered his parents
has verily angered Allah.”
Kanzul `Ummal, Volume 16, Page 470
Q1. Is Tahaara (Purification) a pillar of Islam?
a) Yes
b) No
Q2. What is the Arabic term for ablution?
a) Ghusl
b) Wudhu
c) Salah
Q3. What is meant by Ghusl?
a) Bathing of the whole body b) Purity (state of cleanliness)
Q4. Is Wudhu compulsory for performing Salah?
c) To perform ablution
a) Yes
b) No
c) yes, only on Friday
Q5. With which foot should a Muslim enter the Toilet?
a) left
b) right
c) any
Q6. For which action is Wudhu compulsory?
a) To perform Salah b) Entering the Masjid c) Reciting the Qur'an from memory
Q7. What is the first act that we will be questioned on the Day of Judgement?
For your chance to WIN, simply
send your poster with your Name,
Address and Age (Age Limit 11) to;
Al-Islah Competition,
13 Wayne Close, Batley,
West Yorkshire, WF17 0EU or
a) Salah
b) Wudhu
c) Hajj
Q8. When is the Witr Salah performed?
a) Last prayer at night
b) Midday
c) After sunrise
All Entries Must Be Submitted By 30/05/2015
Issue 59
May / June 2015
In praise of the
It's an icy cold winter's morning sitting in the comforts of my
home and enjoying a hot cuppa coffee. Suddenly feelings of
inner contentment and serenity engulf me. It dawns on me far too many women feel unimportant, unrecognised and
apologetic for being full-time housewives. I prefer the term
'homemaker' - an infinitely better description of a
tremendously important role. And so, as an occasion arises
with its heavy demands on women, let us reflect upon the
vital art of homemaking.
How special you feel in a home that is always open with a
warm welcome. The kind of old-fashioned home with enough
love to spare for outsiders, which beckons you to sit down
and relax. In it you'll find a wise blend of order and flexibility.
A mother who doesn't fuss if her children and friends run in
and out... who is never too busy to sit down for a chat with a
friend, a confused teenager or a lonely widow. Not that she
isn't busy or creative. She probably is, but she recognises one
of the advantages of being the Queen of the Home; of having
flexitime, which allows her to set aside plans in order to help
someone in need, or to rush into the garden to share a small
wonder with a child.
Lifestyles and options are changing. Many women need, or
prefer to work. But full-time home making is a career option,
which allows you to make of it what you will. It requires many
skills ranging from communication and management to
cookery and economics. She'll find time to listen to her
family, to friends young and old, rendering invaluable
emotional "first-aid."
A good homemaker knows the home is the heart of society a place where family and friends can be nurtured. In swiftly
changing times it can be provide a sense of security and
continuity where children soak up happy experiences and
memories that will affect their whole lives.
If you're a bride, anticipate your career as a homemaker with
joy. If you're a mature woman who has spent years learning
the art of home-making, never be apologetic about being
'only a housewife.' Glow with pride at having chosen such a
vital role.
I have come to value this 'way of life' through the will and
grace of ALLAH  by blessing me with a stay-at-home mother
who showered me with guidance, compassion, generosity
and love. And I in turn will do the same to my kids.
May ALLAH  give us all women the faith of Aasiyah ,
purity of Maryam , love of Khadija , affection and
knowledge of Aa'ishah , and the favour of being with them
in Jannah. Aameen
There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn
not to judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest,
in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance
away. The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring,
the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.
When they had all gone and come back, he called them together
to describe what they had seen. The first son said that the tree
was ugly, bent, and twisted. The second son said no it was covered
with green buds and full of promise. The third son disagreed; he
said it was laden with blossoms that smelled
so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he
had ever seen. The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it
was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfilment.
The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but only one season in the tree's
life. He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are and
the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.
If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfilment of your
fall. Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don't judge life by one difficult season. Persevere
through the difficult patches and better times are sure to come some time or later.
Issue 59
May / June 2015 13
Answered by Rabetah Iftaa Panel
Question: Please kindly explain custody rights of the
Answer: According to Shariah, the mother has the right of
custody of her female child from birth until puberty. The
father has the right of custody from puberty until marriage.
With regards to a male child, the mother has the right of
custody from birth until the age of seven while the father has
the right of custody from age seven until puberty. (Hidayah)
A mother loses the right to custody if she marries a nonmahram relative of the child. In this case the right to custody
will move on to the maternal grandmother.
Question: Will the wife have to pay Zakaat on her own or
can her husband pay on her behalf?
Answer: Zakaat is liable on the owner. The owner is the
person who bought it, was gifted it or inherited it.
Therefore, if the wife owns the wealth, she is responsible to
pay the Zakaat on it. However, the husband may pay its
Zakaat on her behalf.( Fatawa-i-Qazi Khan)
Question: I would like to know if it is correct to give Zakaat
and take a receipt. Then submit the receipt as a donations
tax and receive a rebate?
Answer: It is permissible for one to give Zakaat and submit
the receipt as donations tax and receive a rebate. The Zakaat
will be discharged. (Mufti Ebrahim Desai)
Question: Regarding the proceeds, doesn’t the money have
to be in your possession for a year before it is Zakaatable?
Answer: Zakaat becomes compulsory on a Zakaatable asset
that is equal or more than the Nisaab, once it has remained
in one’s possession for over a lunar year. However, this is for
Issue 59
a person who did not possess a Nisaab prior to acquisition of
this Zakaatable asset.
If one’s nett savings were equal to the value of Nisaab at the
beginning of the lunar year, and thereafter he acquired
another Zakaatable asset, then the value of this newly
acquired Zakaatable asset will be added on to his savings. He
will not have to wait for a year to pass on this newly acquired
asset in order for it to be considered for his zakaat
calculations. At the end of the current year, if he still
possesses the nett savings equal to value of Nisaab, then he
will simply give out 2.5% of his nett savings as a zakaat for
this year, regardless of the fact that the acquired asset was in
his possession for less than a year.
Question: Someone who is eligible to take Zakaat owes me
some money. I understand that it is not going to be
returned to me. I also give my Zakaat to that person. Can I
adjust some Zakaat to that person without giving?
Answer: The Zakaat will not fulfilled by forgiving the debt. If
you want to recover your debt, one way would be to give
your Zakaat money to the debtor who is eligible for Zakaat,
thereafter you can recoup your debt from him. In this
manner your Zakaat will be fulfilled and your debt will be
recovered. (Ahsan Ul Fataawaa)
Question: Do I have to pay Zakaat on the market value or
investment value of shares?
Answer: One is obligated to pay Zakaat on the current value
of the shares that one owns in a company and the dividends
that accrued thereof. (Nurul Izzah)
And Allah Knows Best.
May / June 2015
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