Updated as of 24th Dec 2014 2015 FORMULA 1 SINGAPORE AIRLINES SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX SGP RACE OFFICIALS TRAINING CALENDAR (The training dates may be subjected to changes) Targeted at S/ N Training Description 1 General Officials' Module 2 Returning Officials Workshop 3 General Officials' Module (Tentative make-up Session) Dates Length of Session (Estimated) 9th May^ 0.5 day 16th & 17th May^ 0.5 day 27th June^ 0.5 day Trainee Race Officials Specific Role only Returning (regardless of Race Trainee or Officials Returning Officials) √ Remarks Targeted at Trainee Officials only √ Targeted at Returning Race Officials only. Targeted at Trainee Officials who are on the waiting list only √ Targeted at NEWLY appointed Manitou Operators only. Forklift Practical Certification 4 (Theory + Practical) 5 Fire Practical Training Certification (Practical) 4th, 5th, 11th & 12th July 4 days √ All Manitou Operators will need to possess Forklift License before they are allowed to operate the Manitou. This course will be conducted by a professional external body and officials are required to go thru an assessment after the course. Targeted at selected Race Officials allocated to the role of Fire Marshals but do not possess fire certification. 4th July 0.5 day √ This course will equip Race Officials with basic fire fighting knowledge. Updated as of 24th Dec 2014 2015 FORMULA 1 SINGAPORE AIRLINES SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX SGP RACE OFFICIALS TRAINING CALENDAR (The training dates may be subjected to changes) Targeted at S/ N 6 Training Description Specialist Training (Theory) *For officials in new role Dates Length of Session (Estimated) Trainee Race Officials Specific Role only Returning (regardless of Race Trainee or Officials Returning Officials) 25th & 26th July^ (Some of the specialist modules may only have 1 class available) 0.5 days √ √ Remarks Targeted at ALL Trainee Race Officials and Returning officials who have took on new role. Race Officials will be briefed and trained in their specific roles with emphasis on their primary roles and responsibilities. Different types of scenarios or incidents that may happen during race week will be played out in a classroom environment. Note: Fire Marshal and Scrutineer are not required to attend this training, specialist training for Fire Marshals and Scrutineers are scheduled on first weekend of September instead. Targeted at ALL Returning Officials who have the same roles as per previous year. 1st & 2nd August^ 7 Specialist Training (Theory) *For officials in returning role (Some of the specialist modules may only have 1 class available) 0.5 days √ √ Race Officials will be briefed and trained in their specific roles with emphasis on their primary roles and responsibilities. Different types of scenarios or incidents that may happen during race week will be played out in a classroom environment. Note: Fire Marshal and Scrutineer are not required to attend this training, specialist training for Fire Marshals and Scrutineers are scheduled on first weekend of September. Updated as of 24th Dec 2014 2015 FORMULA 1 SINGAPORE AIRLINES SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX SGP RACE OFFICIALS TRAINING CALENDAR (The training dates may be subjected to changes) Targeted at S/ N Training Description Dates Length of Session (Estimated) Trainee Race Officials Specific Role only Returning (regardless of Race Trainee or Officials Returning Officials) Remarks Targeted at ALL Manitou Operators only and newly appointed Recovery Marshals. (Both newly appointed and returning operators) 8 Manitou Familiarization Session (Practical) 15th & 16th August 1.0 day √ Newly appointed Manitou Operators will learn how to operate the manitou, while the returning Manitou Operator will have their refresher. Newly appointed Recovery Marshals will be trained on the recovery protocols and gained practical experience before the training with the track marshals in the following week. Returning Recovery Marshals are strongly encouraged to attend this training. Targeted at all Lead Track Marshals, Manitou Operators, Recovery Marshals and Track Marshals only. 9 Track & Recovery Practical Training 10 Medical Team Specialist Training 11 Fire Specialist Training (Theory & Practical) 22nd & 23rd August+ 0.5 day √ Race Officials will experience hands-on practises with focus on the practical aspect of recovery procedures, working with the Manitou Operators to familiarize themselves with the equipment and signals. 29th August 1.0 day √ Targeted at the all Medical Team personnel only 5th & 6th September 0.5 days √ Targeted at all Lead Fire Marshals and Fire Marshal only. Updated as of 24th Dec 2014 2015 FORMULA 1 SINGAPORE AIRLINES SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX SGP RACE OFFICIALS TRAINING CALENDAR (The training dates may be subjected to changes) Targeted at S/ N Training Description Dates Length of Session (Estimated) Trainee Race Officials Specific Role only Returning (regardless of Race Trainee or Officials Returning Officials) Remarks Targeted at all Scrutineers. 12 Scrutineer Training (Theory & Practical) 5th September 0.5 days The class will most likely be scheduled on the morning of 5th September. More details will be released in due course. Targeted at Manitou Operators, Recovery Marshals and Lead Track Marshals only. 13 Recovery Familiarization Training 14 Medical Team Briefing 15 Recovery Refresher Training (Practical) Support Categories Race Director 16 Recovery Demonstration (Practical) Track Marshals are strongly encouraged to attend. 12th & 13rd September+ 0.5 day 15th September, Evening, (1800 -2200hr)* 0.5 day Race Officials will experience hands-on practises at the Marina Bay Street Circuit with focus on practical aspect of recovery procedures, working with Manitou Operators to familiarize themselves with the equipment and signals. 17th September, Morning, (0830 - 1300hr)* 17th September, Afternoon, (1400 - 1600hr)* √ √ √ Targeted at the all Medical Team personnel only Targeted at Manitou Operators, Recovery Marshals and Lead Track Marshals only. In the morning, Manitou Operators, Recovery Marshals and Lead Track Marshals will familiarize themselves at with the recovery procedures and signals at their allocated sector. 1 day √ In the afternoon, officials will be required to demonstrate a recovery to the Feature Categories Race Director using the Feature Categories vehicles Updated as of 24th Dec 2014 2015 FORMULA 1 SINGAPORE AIRLINES SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX SGP RACE OFFICIALS TRAINING CALENDAR (The training dates may be subjected to changes) Targeted at S/ N Training Description 17 FIA Speed Test 18 2015 FORMULA 1 SINGAPORE AIRLINES SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX Dates Length 1 dayof Session (Estimated) 17th September, Afternoon, (1630 - 2200hr)* 18th - 20th September 3 days Trainee Race Officials Specific Role only Returning (regardless of Race Trainee or Officials Returning Officials) Remarks √ √ SGP Race Officials will concentrate on their allocated roles. √ √ SGP Race Officials will concentrate on their allocated roles. Legend ^Officials are only required to attend a half day session and they may choose their preferred slot. + Officials are only required to attend a half day session, however officials are not able to select their preferred date. The date will be allocated by us base on your allocated sector. * Denote tentative time. Reporting time may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Note: 1. The date listed is confirmed but it may be subjected to changes due to unforeseen circumstances. 2. More details with regards to the training like venue, time and room number will be released when nearer to the training. 3. If you have any enquiry on the training session, please refer to the FAQ section on our portal or alternatively you may email us at race-officials@singaporegp.sg
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