TRUE NORH MARINE RACE TO THE BORDER 2015 SAILING INSTRUCTIONS May 30th 2015 MAY 28, 2015 UPDATES ARE HIGHLIGHTER IN GREEN 1. GENERAL The True North Marine Race to The Border Regatta is open only to yachts that agree to abide by these Sailing Instructions. The race is under the management of Race To The Border, Galveston Bay Cruising Association Race Committee and Laguna Madre Yacht Club and such Committees shall have full powers to interpret the rules and conditions governing this race, to provide for any deficiencies in these conditions, to decide protest and eligibility, and to correct any inequities that might later become apparent. The Race Committee may change the Sailing Instructions by notice, in writing if practical and otherwise by voice or radio contact, not later than the preparatory signal of any class. 2. RULES The Regatta will be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2013-2016 including US SAILING Prescriptions, the current Offshore Racing Council (ORC) Special Regulations for Category 3, the International Rules for Prevention of Collision at Sea (COLREGS), PHRF of Galveston Bay rules, the Notice of Race and these Sailing Instructions. 2.1 No luffing is allowed between sunset and sunrise. This does not prohibit a leeward yacht from maintaining her proper course; a weather yacht shall keep clear. This instruction is intended to prohibit luffing at night. This modifies RRS 11. 2.2 OWNER’S AND SKIPPER’S RESPONSIBILITIES The safety of a yacht and her crew is the inescapable responsibility of the owner and/or her skipper, who must ensure that the yacht is fully found, thoroughly seaworthy, and manned by an experienced crew. The entrant and the skipper are responsible to be fully knowledgeable of the requirements and skills of offshore sailing, and the skipper is responsible to decide whether to start or to continue the race. The skipper is responsible to ensure that all necessary equipment for safe offshore cruising is carried. All boats MUST obey all maritime RULES OF THE ROAD when encountering other vessels. This is especially important when dealing with ship and other commercial traffic. The Racing Rules of Sailing do not apply to general maritime traffic. Interference with commercial traffic may result in disqualification from this and from future events. 3. ENTRIES Eligible boats have completed registration with the organizing authority as described by the Entry Form. 4. RACE AREA, COURSE LENGTH The race area will be the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The official course length is 240 nautical miles from start to finish. 5. STARTING LINE All boats starting at Galveston must contact the Race Committee boat on VHF Channel 68 prior to their start to check in. The Starting Line will be in Bolivar’s Road, between an orange flag or tetrahedron on the South Jetty and Marker # 11. Boats should minimize their traffic in the ship channel. Page 1 of 23 6. STARTING 6.1 Starting Sequence. Starts will take place in the order of the scheduling chart below. Further, pursuant to Rule 26, there will also be one long sound (horn) when the preparatory flag is lowered one minute before each start. the Race Committee may give a ten (10) second countdown on VHF Channel 68 to the raising of each signal flag. Should it becomes necessary for the race committee to postpone a start to allow safe passage of a ship, the race committee will sound two short blasts on the horn and raise the postponement flag; as a courtesy, it will try to notify boats by VHF channel 68. Modifies RRS 26 Warning Gun Class Flag UP Preparatory Gun Prep Flag UP Prep Flag DOWN Starting Gun Class Flag DOWN Class Flag Fleet/Class 13:50 14:00 13:56 14:06 13:59 14:09 14:00 14:10 Light Blue Green PHRF spinnaker PHRF Non-spinnaker and Cruising class 6.2 After each start, the Race Committee may attempt as a courtesy only to notify "over early" individual yachts on Channel 68 VHF. A yacht that is called over early by not more than one of her boat lengths may (after clearing the starting line) exonerate herself by completing two 360-degree turns in the same direction, in succession, without fouling any other yachts sailing. The turns must be started within 10 minutes of her start, make note of a yacht observing turns. Yachts more than one boat length over the line must restart in accordance with the rules. 6.3 Only Boats within their starting sequence are permitted in the starting area. All other boats should keep clear. Boats are reminded that the Racing Rules require that all classes be under sail alone, without engine, no later than five minutes before a class start. 6.4 General Recalls. In the event of a general recall, all yachts in that start will have their Warning Signal five (5) minutes after the last scheduled start. If there is more than one general recall, the starts will be in the order of the recalls. 6.5. The Race Committee will remain on station for thirty minutes after the last start if radio notification is received of a delayed boat proceeding in the Houston Ship Channel. Boats starting after this time shall contact and receive verbal permission for starting after the thirty-minute time limit. This late start provision will allow for a boat with problems on the way to Galveston. If you have problems reaching the race committee by VHF you can call 713-459-3110. Using a cell phone to communicate with the Race Committee doesn’t exonerate a vessel from following proper check-in and communication procedures. 7. COURSE From starting line go east and turn south leaving marker # 5A at the end of the south jetty to starboard. The following markers should be left to starboard: Freeport Sea Buoy, RW "FP" Mo (A) WHIS Racon Aransas Pass Sea Buoy RW "AP" Mo (A) WHIS Racon South Padre Sea Buoy RW "BS" Mo (A) WHIS at Brazos Santiago Pass. 8. FINISH LINE The finish line in South Padre Island is a straight line inside the jetties extending from the monument of Christ on the north shore at a location 26° 04.164N 097° 09.469W to the south jetty on a bearing of 25°. The Page 2 of 23 Statue of Christ is visible from the water and it is lit at night. (See Appendix 9) You must remain in the channel as you cross the line. 9. FINISHING PROCEDURES Yachts are required to report to the Race Committee 2 miles before reaching the sea buoy on the Brazos Santiago Pass, on Cell phone 713-206-5367 or 713-459-3110. In the event that you are finishing and cannot reach the race committee by VHF Channel 68 or cell, Yachts shall continue to the finish line and take their own finishing time. If finishing at night, vessels should shine a light on the sail number. A diagram of the finish line is included as an Addendum to these sailing instructions. As you approach the finish line, call the race committee. Clear the finish line as soon as possible and proceed to South Point Marina in Port Isabel. A diagram with approaches to South Point and contact information is enclosed with these instructions. NOTE: When finishing stay clear of the starboard side of the finish line which lies in a shoal 10. PROTESTS AND PENALTIES Protests must be given verbally to the Race Committee as soon as possible after finishing and must be filed in writing within six hours after the finish of the protesting yacht. At the discretion of the Race Committee, infractions of the rules may result in the assessment of time penalties rather than disqualification. The Race Committee will be located at La Copa Inn Hotel in South Padre Island. 11. WITHDRAWING PROCEDURES The Race Committee places high priority on accounting for every boat that starts this regatta. Boats that cannot be accounted for after reasonable delays in arrival in South Padre could be subject to search and rescue efforts. For this reason it is imperative that any boat withdrawing from the race makes its best and most persistent efforts to notify other parties of such withdrawal at the earliest opportunity. Withdrawing boats should first make an effort to contact other nearby boats to communicate the withdrawal. Any boat receiving information of a withdrawal should immediately report such information to the Race Committee upon arrival in South Padre. In addition, it is mandatory that any withdrawing boat, phone the Race Management at the first opportunity to report the withdrawal. The phone number is 713-206-5367 or 713459-3110, Finally, any withdrawing boat should also report such withdrawal to the Skipper's emergency contact as indicated on the Emergency Contact List. Proper reporting of a withdrawal should include; boat name, boat sail number and skipper's name. Boats withdrawing from the Regatta and not reporting such withdrawal may be barred from future participation in events sponsored by the Race To The Border. 12. DOCKING FEES AND DEPARTURE Your docking fee for the duration of this event has been paid with your registration. (Except those boats who had prior arrangement) All boats should depart the docking area by Thursday June 4. 2015. Any vessels wishing to remain beyond that time must make arrangements and move the boat to the marina. You must give the RC The Marina Declaration (See Addendum 11) upon arrival or turn-in to the RC at LMYC. NOTE: Docking Fees do not include shore power 13. ABANDONMENT/TIME LIMIT The Regatta will be concluded as of 1200 hours, Central Daylight Savings Time (Texas time), Tuesday, June 2nd, 2013. Boats finishing after this time will be scored DNF. Modifies RRS 35 Page 3 of 23 14. RADIO COMMUNICATIONS The Regatta working channel will be VHF channel 68. This channel will be used at the start, for working communication to nearby boats offshore and for the finish is if not making contact by cell phone. Recommendations for in route communication procedures are included in an Addendum to these Sailing Instructions. 15. RACING WITH SPINNAKER AND WITHOUT SPINNAKER FLEETS RESTRICTIONS, WHICH APPLY TO THE CRUISING CLASS WITHOUT SPINNAKER FLEET: WHISKER POLES A. Maximum pole length is 102% of “J” dimension. A telescoping pole may be used, but it must be used at the proper length. Telescoping poles should be banded at maximum length to avoid protest. B. Pole lifts and down hauls may be used. C. Only one whisker pole may be used at a time. D. A permanent club-footed jib or staysail boom, as long as it is less than “J” length, is not considered a whisker pole. HEADSAILS AND STAYSAILS A. Spinnakers, Cruising Spinnakers, Flashers, Bloopers, Gennakers, etc., are not allowed. B. Yachts may not use headsails, foresails, or oversized jibs, greater than the largest jib rated on entry. C. Drifters or Reacher type sails are allowed as long as they are smaller than the largest measured headsail and attached to the forestay. D. Two headsails may not be carried at the same time, except that while changing headsails, the replacing sail may be set and trimmed before the replaced sail is lowered. E. Staysails are not allowed except on yachts that are provided with a permanent inner forestay to which the staysail is hanked on. 16. AUTOPILOTS The use of autopilots is PERMITTED ONLY FOR THE CRUISING CLASS AND THE NON SPINNAKER CLASS 17. CREW LIST A written Emergency Contact List is required. See Addendum 6. RTTB will accept the emergency crew contact list by email xavier@ and a copy to prior to 08:00 a.m. on the day of the race from any yacht properly registered and sailing in The True North Marine RACE TO THE BORDER. Failure to provide your Emergency Contact List may, at the discretion of the Race Committee, be grounds for disqualification from the regatta. Race to the Border recommends that each yacht file her own float plan with friends, or relatives. 18. SCORING The Race Committee will score the race using the performance handicapping racing formula, time on time, for each yacht, as determined by the Race Committee. The Course length is 240 nautical miles. Page 4 of 23 PHRF Scoring Method - The PHRFGB Bay ratings will be used for each boat as taken from that boat's current Certificate. - The official distance for scoring will be 240nm. - Time on time scoring will be used to convert actual elapsed time for each boat to corrected time. - Per the US Sailing recommendation the Time Correction Factor (TCF) will be simply multiplied by the elapsed time to get a corrected time. - TCF is defined as follows: Where: TCF = A/(B+PHRF) A is an arbitrary coefficient not having any effect on corrected finish order B is a coefficient that is a measure of how "fast" the race was overall and indirectly accounts for average wind strength and sailing angle. PHRF is the rating for a particular boat. - The B coefficient will be calculated after the race according to the following formula: B = ((3600 - (VMG avg) (PHRF avg))/ VMG avg Where: VMG avg is the average speed over the course for all of the boats in a given class PHRF avg is the average PHRF rating for all of the boats in a given class Please note that this scoring method is totally defined prior to the race and leaves no room for subjective determination of average wind conditions, etc. after the race is completed. Once you have the B factor, plug it in the next formula. A TCF = -----------------B + PHRF The denominator, B + PHRF, is the number of seconds it takes to sail a nautical mile in the expected conditions. Another way to look at it is that the denominator divided into 3600 is the average rhumb line boat speed in knots. Here are some commonly used B factors: B Factor 480 550 650 When used Heavy air or all off the wind "Average" conditions Very light air or all windward work There are no hard and fast rules for selecting the B coefficient. Basically, the lower you select it, the more favorable it will be to the slower boats. The numerator, A, is merely a coefficient that makes a “nice” looking TCF. Select it so that the TCF for the middle of the fleet is about 1.000. The A coefficient has absolutely no effect on the corrected finish order. Changing it will only affect the various margins. Thus if your middle Page 5 of 23 handicap is about 100 and your conditions are average, then the TCF formula would look like the following: 650 TCF = -----------------550 + PHRF To get the corrected time, simply multiply the elapsed time by the TCF. TOT scoring is not a cure-all for all the inequities of handicapping. TOT scoring will not turn a fleet upside down. It usually does not affect the top boats. It usually moves the boats in the middle around a little. If the handicap spread in a class is large, it will tend to tighten things up a bit. Page 6 of 23 ADDENDUM TO SAILING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Regatta Classes/Scratch List 2. Motor/Autopilot Class Rules 3. * Engine Log 4. Communication Procedures 5. * Declaration of Completion 6. ** Emergency Contact List 7. Estimated Time of Arrival Form 8. Schedule of Events 9. Finish Line photo 10. Marina procedures 11. * Marina Declaration 12. Illustration charts * THESE ITEMS MUST BE TURNED IN AFTER THE RACE ** EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST MUST BE TURNED IN BEFORE THE RACE Page 7 of 23 ADDENDUM NO. 1 REGATTA CLASSES/SCRATCH LIST DANELAW WITHDREW FROM THE RACE PHRF-SPINNAKER FLEET SAIL NUMBER BOAT NAME SKIPPER BOAT RATING 12039 Aeolus James Liston J 120 48 10312 Danelaw Roy Olsen Morgan 42 MK 2 105 584 Big D Jim Foster Peterson 34 126 176 Owl William T. Straker Hallberg Rassy 46 138 301 Good Leif Hedda Flage Kahl Ericson 38 138 1 PHRF SPINNAKER 2 PHRF SPINNAKER 3 PHRF SPINNAKER 4 PHRF SPINNAKER 5 PHRF SPINNAKER CRUISING NON-SPINNAKER SAIL NUMBER FLEET 1 NON-SPINNAKER BOAT NAME SKIPPER BOAT RATING Nauti Girl Shannon Hicks Beneteau 473 93 Seute Deern Hans Knickrehm Trintella 42 129 1 CRUISE NON-SPIN 24 Cimboco Phil Pierce Island Packet 38 199 2 CRUISE NON-SPIN 514 Morning Sun Todd Johnson Westsail 32 254 2 NON-SPINNAKER 1152 We have combined the PHRF Non-Spin with the Cruising Non-spin to have a better class. Boats will race under the Cruising class rules. Page 8 of 23 ADDENDUM NO. 2 MOTOR RULES FOR MOTOR USE GENERAL This class is for boats that for unforeseen circumstances choose to engage the engine. Any vessel under sail that engages the engine will automatically enter the Jalapeño Class. EXCLUSIONS If you engage the engine for safety reasons, a proper engine log, including position, time and duration of the occurrence must be file with the race committee upon arrival. When you engage the engine, the boat must not move in any direction which advances the boat along the course line. See Addendum # 3 STEAMING LIGHTS Boats running under power are reminded that the proper display of running lights includes the steaming light. Page 9 of 23 ADDENDUM NO. 3 ENGINE LOG YACHT NAME ___________________ SAIL NUMBER ______________________ NOMINAL CRUISING RPM__________ ENGINE ON HOUR 15 MIN 33 ENGINE OFF COURSE 210° HOUR 16 MIN 00 COURSE 215° TOTAL ENGINE TIME SAMPLE _________HRS__________MIN We certify that the above engine hours are correct and that we did not travel in the direction of the course line. Captain/Skipper_____________________________ Watch Captain/Crewman_____________________ Watch Captain/Crewman_____________________ Page 10 of 23 ADDENDUM NO. 4 COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES The official communication channel for the Regatta is VHF Channel 68. Communications during the start and finish will be as stated in the Sailing Instructions. Communication at the finish will be conducted by VHF channel 68 or cell 713-206-5367 Communications in route should be tailored to your situation. If you want to communicate at any time, please do so; if you wish to remain silent, that's your choice. Communications other than starting and finishing are for your convenience and utility. It is difficult to maintain a contact schedule due to the rapid separation of the boats within the fleet and the varying ranges of radios. If you have a satellite phone, we want to hear from you. There are many arm-chair sailors who want to follow the race. Any information that we receive we will try to post on the website. Please call the RC 713-206- 5367 Single Side Band Communications Recommended SSB communication times are one hour before sunrise to 3 hours after sunrise on the 2 or 4 KHZ bands. Recommended SSB Channels are as follows: Time of Day Channel # Ship Tx Ship Rx After sundown to 0830 LMT (before sunrise 25-500 mi down to 25 mi by 1200 LMT) 278 282 Alternate 2704.0 2830.0 Simplex Simplex After sunrise to sundown (to 500mi at sunrise to 100 mi by 1300 LMT) 451 453 Alternate 4125.0 4419.4 Simplex Simplex After noon to sundown (carries well 24 hrs) 651 606 Alternate 6218.6 6215.5 Simplex 6521.9 Page 11 of 23 ADDENDUM NO. 5 DECLARATON OF COMPLETION TRUE NORTH MARINE RACE TO THE BORDER REGATTA - 2015 This Declaration should be completed by your navigator after crossing the Finish Line. This form must be turned in to the Race Committee at your earliest convenience. As Skipper/Captain of ____________________(boat name), an entrant in the True North Marine Race To The Border, I certify to the following facts: - The correct finish time for our vessel was _______hours, ______seconds (e.g. 1531 hours, 30 seconds, or 3:31:30 pm), Central Daylight Savings Time (Texas time) on the _____day of _____, 2015. - To the best of my ability, I identify the yacht finishing ahead as ___________________, and the yacht finishing behind as ___________________. (leave blank if you don’t know) CERTIFIED TO: _______________________ Signature of Skipper/Captain Page 12 of 23 ADDENDUM NO. 6 EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST Must be turned-in before the start of the race YACHT NAME: ________________ SKIPPER NAME: __________________ SAIL NUMBER: ________ OVERALL LENGTH: __________ RIG TYPE: _____________ HULL COLOR: _______ DECK COLOR: _______ CREW NAME CONTACT NAME RELATIONSHIP DAYTIME PHONE OTHER PHONE SKIPPER: _____________________________________________ ________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: ______________________________________________________________________________________ CREW: Page 13 of 23 ADDENDUM NO. 7 ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL To be eligible for the NAVIGATOR trophy, you must turn in this form at the Skippers Meeting or phone in your ETA to RC at 713-206-5367 by noon. on the day of the race. ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL CENTRAL DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME - TEXAS TIME YACHT NAME:_______________________ SKIPPER:__________________________ ESTIMATED FINISH TIME: DATE:____________ HOUR:____________ MINUTE:__________ SECOND:__________ __________________________ SKIPPER SIGNATURE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Page 14 of 23 ADDENDUM NO. 8 SCHEDULE OF REGATTA EVENTS Saturday, May 30th. Start of Race, Bolivar Roads - Marker # 11 at 14:00 Monday June 1st 17:30 -Welcome party at Laguna Madre Yacht Club in South Point Marina. Tuesday June 2nd Noon – Lunch, Black Dragon Port Isabel 17:00 - Sunset dinner and Intergulf Barn Burner Bon Fire party. Sand dunes at north side of island. Information will be hand out during lunch Wednesday June 3rd 10:30- Brunch at Port Isabel convention Center 18:00 - Banquet and Trophy presentation. LMYC Thursday June 4th Bon voyage Return to Galveston Event cards will be available at the skippers meeting and South Padre. Each card cost $30. With each card you will be entitle to all the activities in South Padre including, the welcome party on Monday, the lunch on Tuesday, Pizza and Rum at the bonfire party, Brunch party and the Banquet on Wednesday. Single event cards are $12 but the trophy event remains at $30. Page 15 of 23 ADDENDUM 9 FINISH LINE The finish line is inside the jetties, about 2.75nm miles after you round the Sea Buoy. Look for a Statue of Christ on the north side located at 26° 04.164N 097° 09.469W. The RC will be there with a displayed flag. REMEMBER TO CALL THE RC 1 TO 3 MILES BEFORE YOU REACH THE SEA BUOY. The RC will be on channel 68 on your VHF. Or call 713-206-5367 After you finish, continue on the Brownsville ship channel for about 2.6 NM and turn right on the intracostal waterway around marker 26. See map below. Page 16 of 23 FINISH DOCK ON THE BULKHEAD Page 17 of 23 ADDENDUM 10 MARINA PROCEDURES SEA RANCH MARINA II After the finish, continue on the channel towards Brownsville about 2.5NM After you pass marker # 26, you will take a right turn in the Intracoastal Waterway, between markers #1 and # 2. DO NOT GET TOO CLOSE TO THE STARBOARD SIDE OF THE CHANNEL. You can reach the Docking crew at 713-206-5367 Continue North about 1NM, the Marina will be on your port side. Not for Navigation Diagram 1 Page 18 of 23 Continuation Addendum 10 Marina Procedures Once you reach South Point Marina, you will continue around the marina towards the shrimp basin. You will be instructed by the RC on channel 68 or by cell 713-206-5367 where to go, however, if you receive no instructions, use the bulkhead by the basin. If there is no one to help you tie up your boat, make sure to use the least amount of bulkhead as possible, so we can put as many boats as we can against the bulkhead. NOTE: Docking fee does not include short power. Make sure to have fenders and use spring lines. Diagram 4 Laguna Madre Yacht Club South Point Marina docks Page 19 of 23 ADDENDUM 11 RACE TO THE BORDER 2015 MARINA DECLARATION Vessel Name________________________________________________ Documentation Number ______________________________________ Port of Hail _________________________________________________ LOA ____________ Draft ____________ Beam ___________ Owner/Captain ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ City ___________________________ State __________ Zip ___________ Email ________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Page 20 of 23 EMERGENCY CHARTS ENTRANCE TO PORT O CONNOR (For illustration only, not to be use for navigation) Page 21 of 23 ENTRANCE TO PORT ARANSAS (For illustration only, not to be use for navigation) Page 22 of 23 ENTRANCE TO PORT MANSFIELD (For illustration only, not to be use for navigation) Page 23 of 23
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