General Editors: James P. Carwana, B.A., LL.B., and Bruce Hutchison, B.A., LL.B. Consulting Editor: Justice Marvin A. Zuker, Ontario Court of Justice VOLUME 12, NUMBER 4 Cited as 12 R.M.C.E. MAY 2012 • CURE FOR THE HANGOVER: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION ISSUES FOR TEACHERS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS — PART 3• Brian A. Vail, Q.C., Field LLP IV POST-INVESTIGATION/CRIMINAL TRIAL CONSIDERATIONS A. Introduction Sooner or later, the criminal proceedings will come to an end, by any one of a number of different routes: 1. The police may conclude their investigation and (perhaps with consultation with the Crown) decide not to lay any charges. 2. Once charges are laid, the Crown can withdraw them. If this is done before the • In This Issue • CURE FOR THE HANGOVER: CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION ISSUES FOR TEACHERS AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS — PART 3 Brian A. Vail, Q.C................................................61 In association with Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario plea or the calling of any evidence, the Crown can withdraw the charge unilaterally; otherwise the consent of the accused 94 is required. 3. Where the accused elects to be tried by the Court of Queen’s Bench and undergoes a preliminary inquiry, he or she could be discharged after the preliminary inquiry if the Provincial Court judge concludes that there is insufficient evidence upon which a properly instructed Queen’s Bench jury 95 could convict. Given that this very low threshold is easy to meet, this very rarely occurs. Even then, the Crown has the power to file a direct indictment to continue the proceedings in the Court of Queen’s Bench if the direct indictment is signed by the Attorney General or the Deputy Attorney 96 General. Indeed, this occurred in the only teacher case I defended where my client was discharged after preliminary inquiry. Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 RISK MANAGEMENT IN CANADIAN EDUCATION 4. Risk Management in Canadian Education is published four times during the school year by LexisNexis Canada Inc., 123 Commerce Valley Drive East, Suite 700, Markham, Ontario L3T 3W8. Design and compilation LexisNexis Canada Inc. 2012. Unless otherwise stated, copyright in individual articles rests with the contributors. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act. ISBN: 0-433-43063-0 ISBN: 0-433-44395-2 (Print & PDF) ISBN: 0-433-44702-8 (PDF) The Crown can enter a stay of pro97 ceedings at any point. Technically, the proceedings are suspended for up to a year after which the stay becomes permanent if the Crown does nothing further about them. In practice, this is usually the end of the proceedings. (a) The Crown can then re-activate the same proceedings without filing a new Information or Indictment, as the case may be, by filing a notice within one year of entering the stay. ISSN: 1496-1431 (b) The Crown’s discretion to enter a stay is virtually unfettered in that it is not subject to judicial review absent “conspicuous evidence of improper motives or of bad faith or an act so wrong that it violates the conscience of the community, such that it would genuinely be unfair and 98 indecent to proceed”. In effect, the Crown retains the ability to “take its ball and go home”. Subscription rates: $145 per year (Print or PDF) $215 per year (Print & PDF) Please address all editorial inquiries to: Boris Roginsky, Journals Editor LexisNexis Canada Inc. Tel. (905) 479-2665; Toll-Free Tel. 1-800-668-6481 Fax (905) 479-2826; Toll-Free Fax 1-800-461-3275 Internet e-mail: EDITORIAL BOARD GENERAL EDITORS James P. Carwana, B.A., LL.B., Coutts Pulver LLP, Vancouver and Bruce Hutchison, B.A., LL.B., Genest Murray LLP, Toronto CONSULTING EDITOR The Hon. Mr. Justice Marvin A. Zuker, Ontario Court of Justice (c) Unfortunately, this option can deprive the accused (whose name and reputation have been tarnished by the laying of the charge in the first place) of the opportunity to call evidence to respond to the allegation or clear him or herself in criminal court. EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Bonnie Ozirny, General Counsel, Saskatchewan School Boards Association Teresa Drijber, Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange Kevin P. Feehan, Q.C., Fraser Milner Casgrain, Edmonton Noella Martin, Wickwire Holm, Halifax Keith Thomas, Manitoba Association of School Trustees, Winnipeg. Note: This newsletter solicits manuscripts for consideration by the General Editors, who reserve the right to reject any manuscript or to publish it in revised form. The articles included in Risk Management in Canadian Education reflect the views of the individual authors. This newsletter is not intended to provide legal or other professional advice and readers should not act on the information contained in this report without seeking specific independent advice on the particular matters with which they are concerned. (d) In my experience, Crown prosecutors tend to prefer entering a stay, as opposed to withdrawing the charge or asking the court to dismiss, be62 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 support a termination. See Adams v. Board of Trustees of the Taber Roman Catholic School 101 District No. 54. A teacher of approximately cause there may be a possibility of further evidence coming forward in the future and/or to avoid the clear result of an acquittal in the context of a possibility of civil action by the accused against the complainant, police or Crown for malicious prosecution and/or negligent investigation. 16 years’ experience with no prior record of problems was found guilty after a criminal trial of assaulting a student. The judge granted him an absolute discharge. The Board of Reference found that the criminal judge “apparently had no difficulty determining that the assault upon [the student] was not of a serious nature” because “had he felt otherwise, he would not have 102 granted a discharge to Adams”. After his termination, Adams did not seek reinstatement as he found employment as a teacher elsewhere. Nonetheless, the Board of Reference held that the district did not have reasonable grounds to terminate the teacher’s employment: (e) In my experience, the prosecution almost never files to re-activate proceedings once they have been stayed by the Crown. 5. The court can enter a stay of proceedings in the event of an abuse of process or extremely egregious breach of an accused’s charter of rights. Judicial stays are extremely rare and are only to be entered in the 99 clearest of cases. Unlike the situation where Assaults of any nature by a teacher upon a student are regrettable and unfortunate, but they do occur occasionally. In cases where the assault was of a substantive or serious nature, or consisted of a cruel, unusual, or sadistic act, or the student was held up to ridicule or abuse in the incident, or the teacher has completely lost face and credibility as a result of it, the Board of Reference has not hesitated to uphold a board of trustees decision to terminate on those grounds. But that is not the case here, it is my finding that it would be unreasonable to uphold the board’s termination of Adams’ employment on the meagre grounds that the Board has established. For that rea103 son the termination cannot be upheld. the Crown enters the stay of proceedings, a judicial stay brings the matter to an end completely. 6. The accused can be acquitted or convicted after trial, which may be upheld on appeal. Where the accused is convicted, the situation is usually rendered academic. If a teacher is convicted of an indictable offence, the district is 100 entitled to terminate without notice. Additionally, a finding of guilt for even a summary conviction offence against a student often provides the district with grounds to terminate, such that a resignation is submitted and the district need not investigate or litigate further. Damages were awarded against the district. For the balance of this section of the article, I will be discussing the situation where the teacher is acquitted. Upon acquittal, the teacher has just very publicly been through the meat grinder. The landscape of his or her life, even after a victory in criminal court, will have been devastated as if by a nuclear attack. A teacher will have ex- However, it should be noted that not every assault on a student for which a teacher is found guilty in summary conviction proceedings will 63 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 pended a great deal of economic, physical and psychological resources. In these situations, the teacher is often left emotionally devastated. He or she may have an understandable fear of going back into the classroom because he or she knows that, even though innocent, they can be charged and put through this process. The teacher appreciates that it can happen again. action brought against him or her and the district by the complainant. It should be noted that teachers who are acquitted may have remedies of their own to pursue, including the following: 1. A criminal charge can be brought against the complainants for public mischief 105 (falsely initiating a criminal charge), per106 jury (for lying in court), giving inconsistent 107 108 evidence, fabricating evidence, or 109 obstruction of justice. Even with an acquittal, the teacher’s agony is not necessarily over for good. From a practical point of view, acquittals can be of various types, falling anywhere on a continuum. On one extreme, there are cases where the court acquits, indicating that although there appears to be something to the allegations, they have not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt and the benefit of that reasonable doubt must be given to the accused. On the other extreme of the continuum are cases where the court acquits the teacher in language that totally exonerates the teacher and 104 proclaims his or her innocence. Acquittals can be expressed such that they fall anywhere between the two extremes. In jury trials, the jury’s acquittal is not accompanied by reasons of any kind and, unless the matter is appealed and commented upon by the appellate court, the world is left to speculate as to the basis of the jury’s acquittal. (a) Unfortunately, Crown all too often neglects or refuses to pursue any of these options. (b) Although the teacher can lay a private charge, by appearing before a justice of the peace and swearing out a private 110 Information, once the private Information is issued, how the charge proceeds (if at all) is beyond the ability of the teacher to control. In the first place the court determines whether or not the accused complainant should be compelled to an111 swer in court by the issue of process. Even then the continuation of a prosecution against the complainant is within the discretion of the Crown, as is the case with charges brought by the police. Accordingly, for all but the “total exoneration” acquittal, the teacher may still be called upon to litigate to maintain or re-acquire his or her employment status with the district by way of a termination hearing and/or board of reference, defending professional misconduct proceedings before the Alberta Teachers’ Association (“ATA”) or similar body, or defending a civil 2. The teacher may also pursue civil actions for malicious prosecution and/or negligent investigation against the complainant, district, police or Crown (as discussed in more detail below). A civil action may also be brought for defamation against any of these parties who have defamed the teacher’s character. 64 Risk Management in Canadian Education B. May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 tioning the teacher. In pursuing or trying to defend a termination, the district must prove, on a balance of probabilities at the board of reference (or arbitration), what the Crown could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt at the criminal trial and, further, that termination is reasonable. Although, as noted above, the fact of an acquittal cannot, in and of itself, be admitted into evidence in civil proceedings, that fact will usually become known to the trier of fact in civil proceedings. The acquittal is often part of the narrative of events for civil tribunals (board of reference, arbitrators, or court) to consider. Indeed, it is an element that must be proven in civil actions for negligent investigation and malicious prosecution. Although the fact of acquittal may be technically inadmissible in some civil proceedings, from a practical standpoint it will become the “elephant in the civil courtroom” that nobody wants to talk about. That works in favour of the teacher. Settlement is always an option, especially in cases where neither side is sure what the outcome will be after a hearing before a board of reference (or arbitrator). Dealing with the District Where a teacher has been cleared, he or she will still have to deal with the district regarding the employment situation. The teacher may seek to be assigned back to duty or reinstated after suspension. Usually, the district will have to finish its own investigation after an acquittal, taking into account what came out in the police investigation and/or the criminal proceedings. As noted above, school districts often suspend their own internal investigations at some point during the criminal proceedings to allow the police to proceed and await the outcome of those criminal proceedings. After an acquittal, the district’s conclusion of its own investigation may be short and sweet. It will have been appraised of a wealth of facts from the police investigation and criminal proceedings such that it should be left with little, or nothing, to do in completing its own investigation. Few, if any, stones will have been left unturned. The strength of a resounding acquittal is also of great assistance in convincing the community that the teacher is innocent and any reinstatement justified, especially in a smaller 112 community. In R. v. Dubas, the district administration was present and observed all of the criminal proceedings. They observed the witnesses first hand and were in a position to conclude their investigation and reinstate Mr. Dubas very shortly after the acquittal. Assuming that the district accepts that the teacher is innocent, or alternatively, it concludes that a termination cannot be justified, the goal of both the teacher and district should be to reintegrate the teacher back into the classroom. This involves either re-assigning the teacher to duties (if he or she has been unassigned to duties) or reinstating him or her after a suspension. The teacher is not necessarily put back into the school or position that he or she was in prior to the criminal proceedings. Often, the teacher wants to go back to his or her previous position. On the other hand, if the acquittal is based on reasonable doubt, the district may still have a realistic option of terminating or otherwise sanc65 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 The very fact of such a return proclaims his or her innocence to the world. However, return to the same position is sometimes not practical. Notwithstanding even the best kind of acquittal, there will be some in the school community who continue to nurse the notion that the teacher is guilty, and to openly advocate that, blaming the acquittal on “those damn judges” or “those damn defence lawyers”. Certainly, the complainants and their families may take this position after an acquittal. The fact is that a teacher recovering from the criminal battle may have to do more than just return to the classroom. He or she may have to deal with difficulty from the school community in the process. In such cases, we often negotiate the teacher’s return to a different school, where the parental community has less hostility and resistance. When false allegations have been made, the complainant has done a very bad thing and often his or her parents have as well. They have falsely accused a teacher of criminality. Allowing the fact of this culpable act to go unnoticed is bad for teacher morale at the school in general. It is also dangerous in the sense that it sends a message to other students (and their parents) who might consider making false allegations against teachers that there is no downside in pursuing such a course. Unfortunately, more and more we have been finding that districts are letting teachers down in the post-acquittal phase of a criminal matter. We have seen this occur even where the district has been supportive of the teacher (as opposed to just being neutral) throughout the criminal investigation and/or proceedings. This is especially the case where the police clear the teacher and close their file without laying any charge at all. In reintegrating the teacher back into the school, messaging is critical. The goal of both the teacher and the district should be to maximize the odds that the teacher will be accepted back by the school community. From a practical standpoint, the school community (staff, students and parents) have to be satisfied that the teacher is innocent and fit to return to work. As noted above, the teacher’s placement back in school after being cleared speaks volumes for his or her reputation. It also evidences the district’s resolve that the teacher should be returned to teaching. This is to the advantage of the district as much as it is for the teacher. Unless the district can satisfy the community, its personnel will suffer, and will go through grief in dealing with that community, just as much as the teacher will. The parents of the complainant often want to turn back the clock and go back to the “good old days”. They want their child to return to the classroom as if nothing had ever happened. Realistically, once the teacher has been falsely accused of a crime, they cannot get that genie back into the bottle. The child has seriously misbehaved, causing problems for both the teacher and the district and, accordingly, it is unfair and unrealistic for the parents of the complainant to insist that things go back to the way they were. I submit that for the district to allow this to happen is both unfair and unwise. All too often, once the teacher is acquitted the district shifts from a neutral or even supportive 66 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 mode to an appeasement mode. There is sometimes an overweening desire on the part of the district to appease and accommodate the parents at almost any cost. We have an increasing number of cases where the district focuses on “making peace” at the school without consideration for the teacher’s interest, let alone the long term interests of the district. situation. The district had been supportive of the teacher throughout the criminal proceedings (and had not removed her from her position at the school). Once the investigation was concluded, the parents insisted that the child be able to return to school as if nothing had ever happened. Fortunately, the child was not enrolled in any of the teacher’s classes, and accordingly, she did not have to be in continual interaction with the student thereafter. However, the district actually insisted that the teacher speak with the child to indicate that “there were no hard feelings” with respect to the false allegation so that the child would not feel any shame or reluctance in returning to school. I was once involved in a southern Alberta case where the teacher was cleared of an allegation that he had non-consensual intercourse with a teenage student during the lunch break. At the time, the student was a ward of the province and had been enrolled in the teacher’s special education class. When the forensic evidence (from a gynecologist) established that the teacher could not possibly have been guilty of the allegation, the government wanted the child to be able to re-attend the teacher’s class and the district was prepared to allow that to happen, noting that the teacher’s class was the only program offered for that student in the district. It was only when the teacher’s union threatened to launch a grievance that the government and the district backed down, and the child was moved to another municipality to attend a special education program there. In another central Alberta case, a teacher stepped in to stop what appeared to be a child abduction in process at a school field trip. The parent had signed authorizations for her child to attend field trips in the past and must have known that a special waiver form had to be filled out if the family was to arrange transport for the student back from the field trip, as opposed to the child returning on the district bus. School administration was aware that there was a marital dispute in process among the parents in that family. A relative was sent to pick up the child without the proper waiver having been signed. The young man sent to pick up the student was told by the complainant’s teacher that the complainant would not be released to his care for security and liability reasons. When he did not accept this, the supervising teacher became involved to reinforce this verbal message. Later, when a parent noted that the student was being led away by a stranger, the supervising In a recent central Alberta case, a teacher was falsely accused of groping an elementary school student during a school field trip. Once the police became involved, the student acknowledged the true details of what happened and everyone (including the child’s parents) were satisfied that the teacher had not misconducted herself. Indeed, the parents acknowledged to the district and police that they had over-reacted to the 67 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 teacher intervened and was injured in the process. Police became involved and conducted a full investigation, after which they concluded that his actions had been entirely appropriate and, indeed, laudable. They concluded that the supervising teacher had every reason to believe that a child abduction was taking place and had acted appropriately. However, the teacher’s problems with the district continued when the school principal took the position that the teacher ought to have allowed the third party to take the student away from the field trip, even though the principal acknowledged that the school had policies in place to prevent noncustodial parents from removing the child from school. The school went to great lengths to appease the parent and, as a result, encouraged her to continue to agitate against the teacher. This forced the school to continue to deal with this “bleeding Kansas” for quite some time. (b) Any district comments to the media should be to the same effect. 3. Where there have been false accusations, I respectfully submit that serious consideration should be given to disciplining the complainant for having advanced a false complaint against a teacher. (a) Surely, making false criminal accusations against a teacher is an offence capable of attracting sanction for a student at the school level. The discipline of students in these situations is important in two respects. (i) It underscores for the community that the teacher has been exonerated. (ii) It deters other students from falsely accusing teachers — it shows them that there is a downside to such a course of action. It is submitted that the following are steps that should be considered: (b) This is a step that is necessary to protect the teacher in question and, indeed, all teachers in the school from future false complaints. To discourage false complaints also serves to insulate the district from having to go through the same process in the future. 1. The teacher should be returned to school, the same school as before if that is practical. 2. The district should undertake messaging so that the school community is informed of the teacher’s return and of the district’s support for that. 4. The student should be re-assigned so that the teacher does not have to teach that student again. (a) One means of messaging is a district or school letter home to parents. The district can take this opportunity to indicate that the teacher has been cleared and that the district has concluded that he or she should be returned to the classroom. The fact of an acquittal can be emphasized. (a) It is almost always best to take the position that the teacher should not have to teach the offending student again. Teaching is stressful enough these days 68 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 without the teacher having to watch his or her back on top of that. even after an acquittal, the district can at least, “read the Riot Act” to them if necessary. (b) The complainant presents an obvious risk to the teacher if placed back in his or her class. Students have learning curves and the complainant will have just had an object lesson as to his or her mistakes in fabricating one complaint such that he or she should not be afforded an opportunity to try it again with the benefit of that experience. (b) At the very least, it must be made clear that after the false complaint the student’s school situation cannot go back to what it was beforehand. Their child must live with the consequences of his or her acts. (c) I submit that it is in the district’s best interests that the complainant’s parents be dissuaded from keeping the pot boiling. Otherwise, the school community can continue to be distracted from pursuing legitimately live issues in the operations of its schools. (c) Sometimes the complainant’s parents are only too happy to agree that the student should be placed elsewhere but this is not always the case, especially where the complainant is in a special program that is only available with the teacher or at the school in question. (d) As previously noted, the district may, if necessary, consider issuing cease and desist letters pursuant to s. 27 of the School Act, to preclude the complainant’s parents or others from causing problems for the school and the teacher. (d) To the extent that this causes hardship or inconvenience, it should be remembered who is to blame for that — the complainant (and often his or her parents as well) and not the teacher or the district. If any party has to suffer for this, it should be the offender and his or her parents. It is, I submit, unfair to the teacher for a district to pursue appeasement policies. Districts cannot expect teachers’ representatives such as the ATA to sit idly by and allow the teacher to be lost in the shuffle or thrown to the wolves after being cleared of a false criminal allegation. If the district will not protect the teacher and other ATA members teaching in the school from the complainant and others like him or her, the ATA will be forced to do so. If the district is not prepared to negotiate a fair resolution with the ATA, they cannot expect to have any input into what courses of action the ATA or the teacher pursue thereafter. 5. It should be made clear to the complainant’s parents that the teacher has been exonerated and that “whisper campaigns” or other rabble-rousing against him or her in the school community will not be tolerated. If necessary, consideration may be given to issuing cease and desist letters. (a) Although it can be difficult to persuade the parents that the teacher was innocent, 69 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 I submit that an appeasement policy sets the district up for further trouble in the future. By not sending a clear message that the teacher has been exonerated and has the confidence of the district to continue, the issues surrounding that teacher will not die and the district will have to continue to deal with it. Children learn by example and will realize that there is no downside risk in falsely accusing the teacher. This is not to say that in these situations the appeasing district has intended to hurt the teacher. It is more accurate to say that these districts pursue an illusory peace with the complainant and his or her parents without taking into account or caring how that might affect the teacher. It is not that they are “out to get the teacher”, it is just that they are oblivious as to whether or not this might put the teacher in a difficult position. It is submitted that this is unwise. C. and been allowed to continue at school with no sanctions being imposed upon them by the district. To the extent that the teacher is put back in that school, he or she is at continual risk with respect to further false allegations from that student and so are fellow teachers. In such cases, while many members of the school community may know who the complainant is and that the teacher has been exonerated, the risk posed by such a student to teachers of the school will not be fully appreciated by all members of the school community since publication bans are almost always imposed with respect to the identity of a complainant in the course of the crimi113 nal proceedings. Indeed, even if the Crown takes the unusual step of successfully prosecuting a complainant for offences involved in making the false complaint against the teacher, the complainant is almost always a minor and there are severe restrictions on the publication of his 114 or her identity. In all the circumstances, there may well be some teachers at the school who do not appreciate the risk that such a complainant poses. At the very least, consideration may be given to apprising all members of teaching staff of a risk posed by that student. The Teacher’s Options If the teacher and/or the ATA perceive that the district is not sufficiently supporting the teacher’s reinstatement back in the school environment, they have options available to protect the teacher and seek redress from those who have done him or her wrong. All of these options have the potential to disrupt the operations of the school and the district, including relations between the district or school and the parental community. The ATA would prefer to avoid these options for that very reason. However, if the district is not going to protect the teacher, the ATA will. 1. Defamation Actions Complainants, parents and their supporters can be sued for defamation of character where they have published statements that damage the character of the teacher in the eyes of right thinking people. The ATA has shown itself willing and able to support a teacher’s case through to a successful judgment in defamation against 115 parents. There have been cases where the students have made false criminal allegations against a teacher 70 Risk Management in Canadian Education 2. May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 the form of a deliberate and improper use of the office of the Attorney General or Crown Attorney, a use inconsistent with the status of “minister of justice”. In my view, this burden on the plaintiff amounts to a requirement that the Attorney General or Crown Attorney perpetrated a fraud on the process of criminal justice and, in doing so, has perverted or abused his office and the process of criminal justice. In fact, in some cases this would seem to amount to criminal conduct: see, for example, breach of trust, s. 122; conspiracy re: false prosecution, s. 465(1)(b); obstructing justice, ss. 139(2) and (3) of the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46. Malicious Prosecution An exonerated teacher may have a cause of action for the tort of malicious prosecution against the complainant, the district, the police and the Crown. The locus classicus case setting out the elements 116 of malicious prosecution is Nelles v. Ontario: [42] There are four necessary elements which must be proved for a plaintiff to succeed in an action for malicious prosecution: The limited scope of the tort of malicious prosecution has been reiterated, in spades, by the Supreme Court in a malicious prosecution case 117 against a prosecutor Miazga v. Kvello Estate. (a) the proceedings must have been initiated by the defendant; The Court upheld the elements for the tort as set 118 out in Nelles. The Court held that the malice involved required establishing an improper subjective intent on the part of the prosecutor that goes beyond the prosecutor’s personal disbelief 119 in the guilt of the accused. Malice cannot be inferred from an absence of belief by the prosecutor where there is reasonable and probable 120 cause to prosecute. See also Alevizos v. Mani121 toba Chiropractors Assn.; Franklin v. Toronto 122 123 Police Services Board; Lucas v. Faber; 124 Whatcott v. Schluff; Wilson Fuel Co. v. 125 Canada (Attorney General); Wong v. Toronto 126 Police Services Board. (b) the proceedings must have terminated in favour of the plaintiff; (c) the absence of reasonable and probable cause; (d) malice, or a primary purpose other than that of carrying the law into effect. (See John G. Fleming, The Law of Torts, 5th ed. (Sydney: Law Book Co., 1977) at 598.) [43] The first two elements are straightforward and largely speak for themselves. The latter two elements require explicit discussion. Reasonable and probable cause has been defined as: “an honest belief in the guilt of the accused based upon a full conviction, founded on reasonable grounds, of the existence of a state of circumstances, which, assuming them to be true, would reasonably lead any ordinarily prudent and cautious man, placed in the position of the accuser, to the conclusion that the person charged was probably guilty of the crime imputed.” (Hicks v. Faulkner (1881), 8 Q.B.D. 167 at 171, Hawkins J., aff’d 46 L.T. 130 (C.A.)). [44] This test contains both a subjective and objective element. There must be both actual belief on the part of the prosecutor and that belief must be reasonable in the circumstances. The existence of reasonable and probable cause is a matter for the Judge to decide, as opposed to the jury. Accordingly, until Hill v. Hamilton-Wentworth 127 Regional Police Services Board came along, the only answer that defence counsel could give to a criminal client asking about compensation for an unjust prosecution has been “the universe is unfair — suck it up!” [45] The required element of malice is, for all intents, the equivalent of “improper purpose”. It has, according to Fleming, a “wider meaning than spite, ill-will or a spirit of vengeance, and includes any other improper purpose, such as to gain a private collateral advantage” (Fleming, op. cit., at p. 609). To succeed in an action for malicious prosecution against the Attorney General or Crown Attorney, the plaintiff would have to prove both the absence of reasonable and probable cause in commencing the prosecution and malice in 3. Negligent Investigation Fairly recently, the Supreme Court of Canada has recognized a tort of negligent investigation, 71 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 theft by employees and commissioned a private investigator to investigate. The private investigator erroneously named the plaintiff employee as a thief, by confusing him with another individual. The defendant employer terminated the plaintiff’s employment and turned the matter over to the defendant police for criminal investigation. The police did not conduct an investigation of their own independent of the employer’s investigation. They relied on the employer’s investigation to arrest and charge the plaintiff. The charges were dropped four months later when the plaintiff’s defence counsel established to police that the plaintiff had been misidentified as the thief. The plaintiff sued his employer, the private investigating firm and the police for various torts, including wrongful dismissal and negligent investigation. holding that the police owe a private law duty of care to identified suspects to take reasonable care in conducting investigations against them. A complete analysis of this tort is beyond the scope of this article, however, a few points 128 should be emphasized. An acquitted teacher may be able to sue the police and other entities which have been involved in the investigation giving rise to the criminal proceedings against him or her. The advantage that this cause of action has over that of malicious prosecution is that the plaintiff teacher need not prove that the police acted maliciously or with evil intent, merely that they were negligent. The Crown cannot be sued for negligent investigation. In another context, the Supreme Court has held that it is not the Crown’s role to investigate. Rather it is duty of police to investigate and turn their results over to the Crown which, in turn, conducts the prosecution and determines what portions of the police investigation results are relevant to the case and must be disclosed to 129 the defence. The defendants (except the police) applied for summary dismissal of the claims against them (except for wrongful dismissal simpliciter) as against the employer. The motions judge dismissed the plaintiff’s claims for negligent investigation. He appealed. An employee may have an action for negligent investigation against his or her employer, where such investigation plays a role in forcing the employee to successfully defend a criminal prosecution. Certainly, private investigators are agents of the employer and are exposed to liability in such cases. An Ontario case held that employers do not owe a duty of care to employees to take reasonable care in investigating them as a general rule. The Ontario Court of Appeal reversed the dismissal of the case against the private investigator, but upheld the dismissal of the case for that tort as against the employer. The court applied the two-part test of determining whether or not a duty of care exists in any given situation pursuant to the case: [19] The test for determining whether a person owes a duty of care to another as laid down in Anns v. Merton London Borough Council, [1978] A.C. 728 (H.L.) has been accepted by the Supreme Court of Canada in a number of decisions including Kamloops (City) v. Nielsen, [1984] 2 S.C.R. 2. The test involves two questions: In Correia v. Canac Kitchens, a Division of 130 Kohler Ltd. the defendant employer suspected 72 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 (1) Does the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant disclose sufficient foreseeability and proximity to establish a prima facie duty of care? Wallace where the reason for the dismissal was an allegation of criminality. We can see no principled reason for so doing. [74] The second reason that we would not recognize a duty of care on Canac lies in the potential chilling effect on reports of criminality by honest citizens to the police. Unlike Aston [the private investigator], Canac was not in the business of investigation. It was in many ways in the same position as any other citizen who reports criminal activity to the police. Public policy favours encouraging the reporting of criminality to the police. Someone not in the business of private investigation who honestly, even if mistakenly, provides information of criminal activity should be protected: see Mirra v. Toronto 133 Dominion Bank, [2004] O.J. No. 1804 (S.C.J.). (2) Are there any policy considerations that should neverthe131 less negate or limit that duty of care? The court held that the argument for recognizing a duty of care on the part of a private investigator is even stronger than with respect to po132 lice. It was held that the proximity and foreseeability in this employer/employee case established a prima facie case against the employer but that public policy conditions (considered under the second part of the Anns test) dictated that such a duty of care should not be recognized because Canadian courts lack the jurisdiction to order reinstatement of an employee in a wrongful dismissal suit and the employer’s situation was considered analogous to that of a private citizen, such that recognition of such a duty of care would have a “chilling affect” on reports of crime by honest citizens: However, the same result would not necessarily follow with respect to a teacher termination in Alberta. The Correia case may be distinguish134 able on the basis that under the School Act a board of reference does have the power to order reinstatement of a teacher who has been wrongfully dismissed. In addition, a more recent British Columbia decision has held that the public policies relied on by the Ontario Court of Appeal in the Correia 135 case do not apply with respect to a district’s actions against the teacher other than dismissal. [72] The fundamental premise of the employer-employee relationship in Canada is the right, subject to contractual terms to the contrary, of either party to terminate the relationship. Thus, in Wallace [v. United Grain Growers Ltd., [1997] 2 S.C.R. 701], the Supreme Court of Canada rejected the submission that an employer must have good faith reasons for dismissal or that there could be an independent action or head of damages for breach of such alleged duty of good faith, either in contract or in tort. In our view, it would be inconsistent to nevertheless recognize a duty on an employer not to conduct a negligent investigation regarding an employee. To do so would be to do indirectly what the Supreme Court expressly rejected in Wallace. 136 In Hildebrand v. Fox the teacher was alleged to have assaulted a teaching assistant. The district retained a private investigator who produced a report. Based on that report, the defendant superintendent issued a discipline letter against the teacher without first allowing the teacher to respond to the investigator’s report. The teacher sued the superintendent for issuing the discipline letter and for refusing to refrain from sending a copy to the British Columbia Teacher’s Federation. The motions judge granted summary dismissal of the claim against the superintendant. [73] The Supreme Court, for policy reasons explained in Wallace, has refused to recognize an action in tort for breach of a good faith and fair dealing obligation. In this case, Canac fired the plaintiff for cause. It concedes that it was wrong in doing so and it may have been negligent. But, in our view, to recognize a tort of negligent investigation for an employer would be inconsistent with the holding in Wallace. It would, in effect, carve out an exception from the broad holding in 73 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 The teacher’s appeal was allowed and her action against the superintendent was reinstated. The court held that while the Correia case does stand for the proposition that an employer does not owe a duty of care to employees for negli137 gent investigation leading to a termination, this does not necessarily mean that a district does not owe a duty of care to investigate properly with respect to other sanctions (such as the issuance of a discipline letter), as opposed to a 138 termination. solve the employment issues between them and they will both face the potential for civil action. It is in the interests of both to exploit the common ground that they enjoy throughout the process by opening and maintaining candid communication in good faith. This also enables them, particularly the district, to keep their options open so as to be able to conduct a full and complete defence to any companion civil action they might ultimately face. V. favour of the teacher, the dust does not completely settle. The district must conclude its investigation of the matter and the parties must address the teacher’s reintegration into the school environment (absent settlement). I respectfully submit that the interests of both the district and the teacher are best served by district support of the teacher, as opposed to a policy of appeasement with respect to the complainant or others. Even where the criminal matter is completed in CONCLUSION Criminal investigation, and even more so a criminal prosecution, devastates a teacher’s life, regardless of whether or not the criminal matter ends in the teacher’s favour by way of closure of a police file, the withdrawal of charges, a stay of prosecution or an acquittal. Even with the most resounding acquittal, teachers rarely recover their reputation completely. The very process of an investigation or, worse yet, a criminal trial, is a difficult ordeal for teachers. Even with respect to less serious offences (such as non-sexual physical assaults), the teacher’s career is on the line. This requires the sending of a clear message that the teacher has been exonerated and that the district supports his or her reintegration into the school. This message is not fully sent by the mere reinstatement of the teacher, but also requires sanctioning the complainant student for having brought the false complaint. If such a message is not clearly sent, controversy in the school community surrounding the teacher will not die (and will remain a headache for the district) and other students may bring false complaints based on a perception that there is no downside in doing so. Throughout the process of a criminal investigation and any subsequent criminal court proceedings, the interests of the teacher and the employer district will not be identical on many points. However, throughout the process there are many issues upon which the best interests of the teacher are on the same ground as the best interests of the district. Additionally, at the conclusion of a criminal investigation or prosecution, the teacher and the district will have to re- Every competent educator knows that when a student challenges the teacher’s authority in the 74 Risk Management in Canadian Education May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 96 classroom, a failure to deal firmly, but fairly, with the infraction at the outset only leads to confusion in the minds of students as to the parameters of classroom conduct and invites continuing problems for the teacher in the future. The same principle applies with respect to the school community and the complainant in particular, following a teacher’s acquittal regarding a criminal allegation. If the district does not send a clear message in such circumstances, it may be viewed as encouraging the conduct that led to false allegations. 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Additionally, the teacher has remedies against those who are responsible for the initiation and prosecution of a false complaint against him or her. The complainants face the possibility of criminal prosecution. Those who have maligned the teacher’s reputation may be liable in defamation. There have been recent changes in the case law to recognize the tort of negligent investigation for which the police and private investigators retained by the district may be responsible, over and above the long-recognized tort of malicious prosecution pursuant to which complainants, districts, police and Crown prosecutors may be exposed to civil liability. 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 [Editor’s note: This article is based on a paper presented at a Lorman Education Services Seminar: Teacher Appraisals and Dismissals in Alberta, Edmonton • 28 April 2011. 123 Brian A. Vail, Q.C. is a partner, practising 128 124 125 126 127 in the Edmonton office of Field LLP.] 94 95 R. v. Blasko, [1975] O.J. No. 1239, 29 C.C.C. (2d) 321 (H.C.J.). 129 United States of America v. Shepherd, [1976] S.C.J. No. 106, [1977] 2 S.C.R. 1067. 131 130 75 Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46, s. 577. Criminal Code, s. 579 (under applicable summary conviction matters by s. 795). R. v. Power, [1994] S.C.J. No. 29, [1994] 1 S.C.R. 601, at para. 12. R. v. Conway, [1989] S.C.J. No. 70, [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1659. School Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. S-3, s. 109(2). Unreported (July 11, 1985), per Yanosik J. (Board of Reference). Ibid., at p. 19. Ibid., at pp. 27 – 28. See R. v. Nawrot, unreported (October 25, 1989), docket no. C0150104882, per Murray P.C.J. (Alta. P.C.); R. v. Inglis, unreported (November 29, 1989), docket no. 8901 1179-C1, per Quigley J. (Alta. Q.B.); R. v. Dubas, unreported (September 17, 2010), docket no. 091322875P1, per Fraser P.C.J. (Alta. Prov. Ct.). Criminal Code, s. 40. Ibid., s. 131. Ibid., s. 136. Ibid., s. 137. Ibid., s. 139. Ibid., s. 504. Ibid., s. 507.1. R. v. Dubas, supra, note 104. See for example Criminal Code, s. 486.4. Youth Criminal Justice Act, S.C. 2002, c.1, s. 110. Angle v. LaPierre, [2006] A.J. No. 304, 2006 ABQB 198; affd [2008] A.J. No. 298, 2008 ABCA 120. [1989] S.C.J. No. 86, [1989] 2 S.C.R. 170. [2009] S.C.J. No. 51, 2009 SCC 51. Ibid., at para. 4. Ibid., at paras. 79-80. Ibid., at para. 86. [2009] M.J. No. 154, 2009 MBQB 116, at para. 63. 2008 CarswellOnt 7837, at para. 36. [2008] S.J. No. 15, 2008 SKQB 25, at para. 20. [2009] S.J. No. 69, 2009 SKQB 56, at para. 29. [2009] N.S.J. No. 314, 2009 NSSC 215, at para. 89. 2009 CarswellOnt 7412 (S.C.), at paras. 81-85. [2007] S.C.J. No. 41, 2007 SCC 41. For those interested in following up on this tort, see B.A. Vail, “Police Civil Liability to Suspects for Negligent Investigation after Hill”, Criminal Trial Lawyers’ Association Short Snapper Seminar, January 30, 2010. R. v. McNeil, [2009] S.C.J. No. 3, 2009 SCC 3. [2008] O.J. No. 2497 (C.A.). Ibid. Risk Management in Canadian Education 132 133 134 135 May 2012 Volume 12, No. 4 136 Ibid., at paras. 37-39. 137 Ibid., at paras. 72-74. 138 R.S.A. 2000, c. S-3, s. 138(1)(c)(i). [2008] B.C.J. No. 2076, 2008 BCCA 434. Ibid., at para. 35. Ibid., at paras. 28-40. Supra, note 130. 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