Orvieto Italy Yoga and Cultural Retreat
By Radiance Yoga,
March 17 – 21, 2016
5 days, 4 nights - Prices start at $1125*
(*if deposit paid by Aug 1, 2015)
Retreat held at Istituto San Lodovico, Piazza Ranieri – The convent of San Lodovico is located at the edge of the richly
panoramic cliffs of Orvieto in Umbria. It is easily accessible on the primary rail line from Rome and Florence.
Included – 4 x nightly lodging at the convent, breakfast included
5 x mixed level Iyengar blend yoga class led by JoAnn Edwards
Orvieto city tour led by former professor Janet McCarty
Extensive cultural, art, architecture, historical and Italian language context provided by Janet McCarty
Use of public convent spaces for socializing, meditation, reading, etc.
Not Included – Airfare, ground transfer to/from Orvieto, lunches and dinners
“A la carte” options
urban sketching/art group (price/schedule to be announced)
local winery tour (price/schedule to be announced)
local cooking class 120 euro (2-6 participants), 110 euro (7-12 participants)
Price *$1125 per person, double occupancy, if deposit is paid by Aug 1, 2015 (*10% discount for early registration)
$1250 per person, double occupancy, if deposit is paid after Aug 1, 2015
*$1260 for a private room, one person, if deposit is paid by Aug 1, 2105 (*10% discount for early registration)
$1400 for a private room, one person, if deposit is paid after Aug 1, 2015
50% deposit due by Aug 1, 2015 to receive 10% discount, or by Oct 31,2015 for non discount rate
All remaining balances due by February 15, 2016
See full details online or
More information - Radiance Yoga 619.299.1443 1612 West Lewis, San Diego, CA 92103
Janet 720.771.8662
JoAnn 619.253.2551 Email:
Or if you prefer to pay by check, fill out below:
Registration Form: Mail or drop off at Radiance Yoga, 1612 West Lewis, San Diego CA 92103
Name______________________________________________ Phone ________________
Address___________________________________City_____________State_____Zip _______
Email _____________________________________________________________________
** ____ I have read and understand the full terms and conditions, found at
I’m signing up for the Orvieto Italy Yoga and Cultural Retreat, March 17-21, 2016
Accommodations requested, Please check one:
Private room, total for one person ______ $1400 (*$1260 if paid by August 1, 2015)
Double Room, total for two people, two beds ______ $1250 (*$1125 if paid by August 1, 2015)
Double room, total for two people, one bed _______ $1250 (*$1125 if paid by August 1, 2015)
Enclosed is my check, 50% deposit, payable to Radiance Yoga, in the amount of (circle one below):
Early registration deposit: $630/private or $562/double
After Aug 1: $700/private or $625/double