Corporate Responsibility Report 2009 ^ Contents Contents 2 Foreword 3 1. Reporting methodology 4 2. Report 5 2.1. Value of community investments 6 2.2. Sectors in which we invested 7 2.3. Geographical distribution of investments 12 2.4. Type of investments 12 3. Conclusions 13 4. Partners 14 Foreword Foreword Raiffeisen Bank Romania is an important economic actor on the financial services market and an influential factor in the economy. One of the values of the Bank is responsibility and our slogan is "We succeed together!". Our values and slogan state that we are aware of the impact we have on the market and that we understand to take responsibility towards all our stakeholders, be they employees, customers, shareholders, business partners or the communities in which we are present. For this reason we chose to report, starting this year, in an integrated and transparent manner, data regarding our non-financial activity, specifically about the sponsorship projects that have brought added-value to the community. This data is reported according to London Benchmarking Group 1 standards, following the analysis performed by the country facilitator, Asociaœia pentru Relaœii Comunitare (The Association for Community Relations). In the following pages you will find information regarding the methodology for collecting data, about the reporting and analysis criteria. You will also be able to see the geographical distribution and the distribution by theme for the amounts spent. The results reported for 2009 show a significant contribution, of approximately 2% of the net profit for 2009, and that we managed, through our projects, to support a minimum number of 99,580 assisted persons. In the future we wish to extend this reporting activity from sponsorship projects to the rest of the non financial activity, so that we cover the parameters specified by the Global Reporting Initiative 2 (GRI) for financial institutions. We also wish to continue the sponsorship projects and to increase the quality of life in the communities where we are present, creating a more stable and prosper social and economic environment. Corina Vasile Public Relations Director 1 LBG has been developed in 1994 by a group of directors from companies socially engaged in Great Britain. LBG Romania is part of the LBG international network. ACR is the country facilitator for the LBG service in Romania. More details are available at sau 2 GRI is a network organization that has funded the basis for the development of the most used system for sustainable reporting. To provide the highest level of quality, credibility and relevance, the reporting system is approved by consensus between representatives of world wide business environment, of the civil society and professional associations. More details are available at Raportul Conducerii Raportul Diviziilor Situaœii Financiare Consolidate Contact 3 Reporting methodology 1. Reporting methodology The LBG theoretical model takes into account four principles that act as a filter in selecting the reported data: 1. The company takes full responsibility for the motivations behind community projects and the LBG results, because these influence the measuring process; 2. The measured contributions are only volunteer ones, performed from the will to create a change in the community, and not those compulsory by law; 3. If the company is not very sure of the value of a contribution, it is better not to include that contribution in the reported data; 4. The value of the contribution is quantified at the production value, not at the selling value. The key feature of this theoretic model is the neutral positioning against the three types of motivation – charitable, commercial and strategic - supporting the transparent attribution of a project to match company objectives or motivations that generated it. Company’s community involvement business activity charity strategic commercial Besides this criteria, the LBG model also takes into account in the evaluation of contributions the type of invested resources, supported causes and geographical areas reached by the company through its initiatives. Methodology used for data collection mandatary contributions The client's data analysis report is based exclusively on the data provided by the client. ACR has checked together with the client the correctness of the input. This check does not have the quality of an audit of the company data, being based on the information provided by the client, without having access to the source data. economic activity Within the LBG service, ACR does not require an exhaustive evaluation of the company's community engagement programs and projects, but requires the company to clearly state what projects are evaluated and, as much as possible, which percent of the total activity of the company they represent. Based on this request, the analysis report refers exclusively to the projects and objectives mentioned by the client. These are described in detail in the next chapter of the report. The data analyzed through LBG are collected from: 1. Sponsorship or partnership contracts with not for profit partners (non-governmental organizations or public institutions or local authorities), 2. Activity reports and financial reports provided by community partners, press reports etc. The data includes all contracts that refer to contributions in money, goods, services (pro bono or with discount) and time (volunteer). 3. The website (data from the 2009 financial report regarding the number of employees and the net profit of the company). The data analyzed in this report refers to the calendar year 2009. For the data exceeding this interval, specific references are made regarding the period taken into account in the analysis. 4 Principalii indicatori financiari Cuvπnt ønainte æi prezentarea Grupului Repere Responsabilitate corporate 2. Report Raportul Conducerii Raportul Diviziilor Situaœii Financiare Consolidate Contact Report 2. Report 2.1. Value of community investments Value of Raiffeisen Bank investments in community programs The total value of the contributions invested in community programs by Raiffeisen Bank during the calendar year 2009 is of RON 5,119,077.28. This sum includes the value of its own financial sources, contributions in nature, time, management costs and other attracted resources (salary donations). The table below shows the distribution of resources, by type, in absolute value and in percents. The total of financial contribution in the calendar year 2009 (RON) Direct financial contributions Value of the volunteer time Value of in kind contributions Salary donations Other contributions from employees Management costs Total 100 4,815,449.25 15,741.62 31,475.00 223,098.00 4,824.00 28,483.41 5,119,071.28 0.55% 0.09% 80 60 4% Management costs 0.61% Other employees contributions 0.3% Salary donations Value of in kind contributions 40 Value of voluntered time 94% Direct financial contributions 20 0 The financial contributions represent the sums spent in the communities through sponsorship contracts. From the total contribution to the community, they represent 94%. The volunteered time represents the monetary equivalent for the number of volunteered hours by Raiffeisen Bank employees. The monetary equivalent is calculated for an average rough salary of 1,693 RON/month. It represents 0.3% of the total contribution in the community. 6 Principalii indicatori financiari Cuvπnt ønainte æi prezentarea Grupului Repere Report The in kind contributions represent the financial contribution by hosting and maintenance costs provided pro bono at the premises of Raiffeisen Bank for the United Way foundation (total cost for the calendar year of 2009). Out of the total contribution to the community, they represent 0.61%. The management costs represent Raiffeisen Bank's expenses with: planning and managing corporate responsibility projects, costs with consultancy or participation to conferences regarding corporate responsibility. Out of the total contributions to the community, they represent 0.55%. Salary donations, employees’ contribution to the United Way foundation, represent 4% of the total financial contributions, to which add up 0.9%, representing other financial contributions of the employees, amount to 0.09%. 2.2. Sectors in which we have invested Raiffeisen Bank develops and supports corporate responsibility projects that are in line with the corporate responsibility principles of the Bank. We foster long term partnerships with NGOs and other organizations that share our values and treat all their stakeholders with honesty and respect. We encourage team work and volunteering among our employees. We support local and national projects in sectors such as: Romanian art and culture, education, environment, sports, social causes. Distribution of contributions per sectors Table of contributions per sector (without management costs, in RON) Social Art & culture Environment Sport Education Other Total 3,087,577.16 755,952.00 605,922.00 265,855.00 247,858.71 127,450.00 5,090,614.87 100 3% 5% 80 5% 12% Other 60 15% Education Sport Environment 40 Art & culture 60% Social 20 0 Raportul Conducerii Raportul Diviziilor Situaœii Financiare Consolidate Contact 7 Report Art & culture 100% 80% 60% 85% 40% We recognize Romanian art and culture as a field of excellence and with a high potential to increase the quality of life and the education of the Romanian people. We develop and support projects from all types of artistic expression that we think can make a difference for the Romanian public. 20% 0% 15% Art & culture Total Raiffeisen Art Proiect is one of the oldest programs of the bank, the first edition having taken place in 2004. Since than the project has presented to the national public the show "Vis" (“Dream”), by Dan Puric (2004), the volume "Istoria literaturii contemporane" (“The History of Contemporary Literature”) by Alex Ætefånescu (2005), the art book dedicated to the painter Dan Hatmanu (2005). In 2006 Raiffeisen Art Proiect has presented a mix of poetry and jazz "Inside Stories – Jazz Poems" - with lyrics by Vasile Voiculescu and Nina Cassian, interpreted by Teodora Enache and Johnny Råducanu. In 2007 we presented to the Romanian public the modern dance show "OuiBaDa", with a choreography by Gigi Cåciuleanu and in 2008 we have organized an itinerant exhibition with the paintings of Emil Ciocoiu. In 2009 Raiffeisen Art Proiect has presented a series of 3 short plays, in partnership with Teatrul Act. The project has promoted Romanian playwriting by presenting one of the youngest and most talented Romanian play writers, Mimi Brånescu. The three plays - „Flori, filme, fete sau båieœi” (“Flowers, Girls, Movies or Boys”), directed by Vlad Masaci, „Dumnezeul de a doua zi” (“God of the Day After”), directed by Claudiu Goga, „Acaså la tata” (“Home at Father's”), directed by Alexandru Dabija were plaid in the 2009-2010 season. The plays were invited to numerous Romanian Theatre Festivals, generating many positive reactions, both from the public and from the reviewers. 8 Report Social 100% We are aware of the need to complement the public effort to support the less privileged and the disabled ones to live a better life. 80% 60% 40% 61% 20% 39% 0% Social Total United Way Romania For this reason we have closed a partnership with the international organization United Way to rise funds, select and monitor projects that come to meet these needs. In 2009 65 employees have volunteered in selecting and monitoring the projects financed by United Way, in a total of 420 hours of activity. Approximately 1,000 Raiffeisen Bank employees have contributed with salary donations and the sum has been doubled by the bank. Through the financial support provided by Raiffeisen Bank United Way has been able to support over 5,000 persons and 23 NGOs, in the fields of education, health, social and professional integration. In 2009 we launched Raiffeisen Comunitåœi (Raiffeisen Communities). This project gathers up numerous small projects and has two essential components: it addresses local projects and it directly involves our colleagues throughout the country by volunteering and working together with local organizations. In the pilot program rolled out in 2009 we have financed 100 projects, with a total value of over 2,000,000 RON. 100 employees got involved in these projects, in approximately 200 volunteered hours and the estimated number of Distribution investment beneficiaries of 25,000. The chart below presents the distribution of 80% financial resources in percents, by 60% category. 40% 75% 20% 23% 0% Education Raportul Conducerii Raportul Diviziilor Social 2% Sport Situaœii Financiare Consolidate Contact 9 Report Education 100% 80% 60% 95% 40% 20% 0% 5% Education We think that education brings the most added value to the society, helping people reach their professional goals and have a better life. We encourage young people in the communities where we are present to acquire the skills and the knowledge necessary for them to develop in the community. We are active in projects that help the young ones to extend their general and financial education. Total The main project rolled out in 2009 has been Business Plan Competition, organized by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. This competition comes to support the development of entrepreneur skills in high school pupils, by organizing exercise companies. Raiffeisen Bank was involved in this project not only with financial support, but also with volunteers. Representatives of 8 Raiffeisen Bank branches in 6 development regions have participated in the project evaluation committees but also in workshops for pupils, helping them to get familiarized with the day to day banking environment. During the academic year 2009/2010 190 pupils from professional and technical high schools participated to the competition and 16 reached the national phase of the competition. Another project launched in 2009 is the student's book and exercise book "Banii pe înœelesul copiilor" (“Money for children's understanding”). The book is designed for elementary school pupils, aiming to get them acquainted with elements of financial education such as money, Environment cards, ATM machines, etc. 100% 80% 60% 88% 40% 20% 0% 12% Environment 10 Total Our organization is active in urban areas, so our attention is focused on protecting the urban environment. We actively promote, both inside and outside our organization, a culture of responsibility towards the environment. The main risk our company is confronted with in this respect is the use of fules and Report paper. For this reason we have started two projects in 2009: we recycle paper, in collaboration with MediaOrg, through the project Copacul de Hârtie (The Paper Tree)3 and we promote alternative means of transport, specifically the bicycle. For this purpose we have set up bicycle parking places at 5 of our premises in Bucharest, we joined a program that offers 15 bicycles for the use of our employees, starting up a pilot bicycle park and in partnership with the same association, Green Revolution, we started the program I Love Velo, a bike sharing program offering free use of bicycles in 3 parks in Bucharest: Heråstråu, Tineretului and Izvor, with a total of 400 bicycles for the use of those leaving in Bucharest. Sport 100% 80% 60% 95% 40% 20% 0% 5% Sport 3 Raportul Conducerii Total Sport is an essential part of leaving a healthy life. One of the risks in having an office job is sedentarism. For this reason we support such projects that promote sports as a healthy life style, and accessible for everyone. Thus, in 2009 we have been the main partner to the second edition of the Bucharest City Marathon. 4,000 persons participated to the 2009 edition, out of which 1,000 were children. Also in 2009 we supported the 3 to 3 basketball competition Sport Arena Street Ball, that took place during the summer of 2009, to which 4,500 persons participated. The MediaOrg association manages the project Copacul de hârtie. Details available at Raportul Diviziilor Situaœii Financiare Consolidate Contact 11 Report Geographical distribution of investments 2.3. Geographical distribution of investments 100% 80% Raiffeisen Bank projects are present in the urban environment, where our business activity is present. 69% of the value of financed projects was invested at a national level and 31% of the investments went to Bucharest. The project Raiffeisen Comunitåœi (Raiffeisen Communities) is mainly taking place at a national level. 60% 40% 69% 20% 31% 0% Bucharest National Distribution of investments (value) 3.5. Type of investments 100% 80% 60% 4.799.240,8 40% 20% 146.915 0% Strategic Commercial 144.432 Charitable Distribution of investments (%) 100% The criteria by which we select community projects aim for a medium or long term partnership with the beneficiary. For this reason 94% of our projects according to LBG standards are strategic ones. We are also open to charitable situations and isolated events, such as natural calamities and we always offer our support in such situations (3%). We also have a number of commercial initiatives which support a local cause but at the same time promote a banking product connected to the cause. (3%). 80% 60% 94% 40% 20% 3% 0% Strategic 12 Commercial Principalii indicatori financiari 3% The LBG service classifies the motivations behind community initiatives in three classes: charitable, strategic, commercial. Charitable Cuvπnt ønainte æi prezentarea Grupului Repere Raport - Conclusions Charitable projects - usually ad-hoc, without clearly following to generate change in the community or in the organizations. The company that offers resources for charitable reasons is answering to requests from NGOs, not for profit organizations, informal groups, etc, without following its strategic objectives, answering to isolated requests. Strategic investments - long term engagement of the company in community partnerships, answering to a limited number of community needs, chosen by the company so that it will also support its business efforts (strengthening a good image, loyalization of employees, diminishing risks in relation with the community, etc.). The causes and the approach towards strategic investments aims to mutual benefits, for the company as well as for the community. Commercial initiatives - commercial activities associated to a community cause are designed to directly support the company's success, promoting the identity of a brand or for other benefits reflected immediately in the economic evolution of the company. The company benefits have a fundamental role in starting such initiatives. 4. Conclusions In 2009 the bank has contributed in the community with resources representing 2% of its net profit. Through the community programs supported by Raiffeisen Bank a minimum of 99,5804 persons have been assisted. Over 105,8695 persons have been informed about the implication of the company in the community. The largest part of these persons were informed through visual materials generated within the community partnerships of the bank, by participating to events or the partners web sites. Besides the target groups outside the company, another important category of strategic actors of the bank are its employees. During 2009 Raiffeisen Bank has communicated with over 6,000 employees about the opportunities to be active in the community, about the opportunity to become a constant donor or about the project selection for the Raiffeisen Comunitåœi project. 4 This number of beneficiaries has been calculated from the data reported by the partner association. But since not all partners supported by the bank have offered clear reports regarding the results of the financing, we can estimate that the real number of the persons supported through Raiffeisen Bank community programs is larger. 5 This number of beneficiaries has been calculated from the data reported by the partner association. But since not all partners supported by the bank have offered clear reports regarding the results of the financing, we can estimate that the real number of the persons to whom the projects was communicated is a lot larger. The figures taken into account when stating this number was the minimum number o persons directly exposed to the project. Raportul Conducerii Raportul Diviziilor Situaœii Financiare Consolidate Contact 13 4. Partners Partners 4. Partners Bucharest Running Club Association National Center for Professional and Technical Learning Development Sport Promotion Sport Club Association Ethos Association Donors Forum Green Revolution Association Hospice Casa Speranœei Foundation Institute for Sustainable Development Light into Europe Foundation Ovidiu Rom Foundation National Museum of Art Romania Fundaœia Renaæterea Save the Children Association Raportul Conducerii Raportul Diviziilor Situaœii Financiare Consolidate Contact 15 Partners Second Chance Association SONORO Association D'aya Theatre Asociaœia UNICEF United Way Foundation United Way Romania 16 Principalii indicatori financiari Cuvπnt ønainte æi prezentarea Grupului Repere
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