Rain City Rock Camp for Girls 2015 Summer Camp Information

Rain City Rock Camp for Girls
2015 Summer Camp Information
Rain City Rock Camp for Girls Summer Camp is a day camp for female-identified youth
ages 8-17. Campers come for a weeklong crash course in playing an instrument,
songwriting, social justice and empowerment workshops and more! At the end of the week,
campers get to perform their original song with their band at a local live music venue.
Campers do not need to have any prior music experience, and instruments will be provided.
Session I: July 20 – July 24 (July 25 Showcase)
Session II: July 27 – July 31 (Aug. 1 Showcase)
(Campers are required to be at camp all hours, all days, including Saturday)
Times: Monday - Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Camp Location:
Billings Middle School
7217 Woodlawn Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115
Saturday Showcases:
The Crocodile
2200 2nd Ave
Seattle, WA 98121
**Please do not call Billings Middle School or The Crocodile for information about camp or the application process and do
not send any application materials to Billings. Application materials sent to Billings will not be considered.
Any female identified youth who will be ages 8-17 during the camp session may apply. No experience is necessary, and you don’t
have to live in Seattle or Washington State to apply (please see below for more information on out-of-town campers).
$400 (Includes application and processing fees) is due at time of application. If you have any questions or need to set up a
payment plan, please contact michelle@raincityrockcamp.org.
Tuition assistance is available. Please answer the corresponding questions on the camper application for consideration.
When you receive your email confirmation of your spot in camp, we will also confirm your financial aid request.
**Rain City Rock Camp for Girls is a nonprofit organization. This means that all donations made are tax deductible, and
much appreciated! Tuition, however, is not a donation, and therefore is not tax deductible.
Camper applications will be posted: April 1, 2015
Notification emails will be sent upon receipt of application and tuition payment.
Express Yourself Piece is due within two weeks from application date.
At camp, you can choose to study guitar, bass, drums, or vocals. Please indicate your first, second, third and fourth choices
of instrument on the application. Although we do our best to accommodate everyone’s preferences, some campers will not
get their first choice of instrument. Due to the need to acquire gear in advance, you cannot change your selection after you
send in your application and you cannot change during the camp session. Instruments will be provided for use during
the camp week. Please note that Rain City Rock Camp for Girls does not accept liability for personal instruments.
If you are coming from out of town and would like more information about the Seattle area, please contact us at
info@raincityrockcamp.org. We do not provide lodging or accommodations, and we are unable to give campers any
personal information of other participants. We do, however, encourage campers and families to network with their peers.
Campers are asked to bring their own lunches each day, and Rain City Rock Camp for Girls will provide an additional
snack in the afternoons. If you are eligible for free or reduced lunch at school and would like free lunch at camp, please let
us know on your application, and we will make arrangements for lunch to be provided for your camper.
Our theme for the year is Power Up: Activate! which is about how we can power up together to activate change!
The Express Yourself Piece (EYP) component of the Summer Camp application is also related to our theme for the
year, so get ready to think about what the theme means to you! To read more about the theme, check out our latest
blog post: http://raincityrockcamp.org/power-up-activate/
We are asking that all potential campers create something that exemplifies who you are and what Power Up:
Activate! means to you personally. This can be in any format you choose, such as a painting, song, video, collage,
etc. The more creative, the better! We are so excited to see what you come up with and may even feature your EYP
on the RCRC Instagram page!
Completed Application? Paid Tuition? Due at time of application. Checks can be made out to Rain City Rock Camp for Girls and
sent to 117 E Louisa St #445, Seattle, WA 98102 or paid online.
Sent Express Yourself piece? Please include your name and either send by mail to 117 E Louisa St #445,
Seattle, WA 98102, or in an email to: michelle@raincityrockcamp.org
** Please note that all submitted materials become property of RCRC and cannot be returned.
** Please note that tuition is due at time of application.
Where to send it:
Rain City Rock Camp for Girls
117 East Louisa St #445
Seattle, WA 98102
We look forward to receiving your application!