Rainier League of Arts May 2015 NE WSLETTER Web site: http://www.rainierleagueofarts.com President: Sherrie Lindhe (all 253) 588-4640 Vice Pres.: Open Secretary: Marcie Grindley Treasurer: JoAnn Hayden 531-7532 Newsletter: Carlene Salazar carlene.salazar@gmail.com Librarian: Liz McDevitt 539-1165 Sunshine: Bill Havens 535-1954 Our next monthly meeting will be Tues, May 19, 2015, 7PM at the Mid-County Community Center, 10205 44th Ave. E., Tacoma, WA (Behind Central Avenue Elementary on 104th St. E.) Upcoming Events and Announcements Refreshments: May: Elizabeth Allison & George Zantua June: Carlene Salazar & Open Sept: Sherrie Lindhe & Marci Grindley Oct: Doreen Allen & Chrystine Westphal Revised! Previous demo list is for June. May 2015 Demo! Tanya Lemma ; Watercolor! Tanya will demonstrate watercolor techniques this month. She loves to com- bine spontaneity and control to produce luminescent watercolor paintings of realistic subjects and mixed media. She handles a variety of subjects superbly, and sells her work regularly, as well as prints through Fine Art America.See her works in the South Hill Artists Show where she won honorable mention and will be featured in a calendar for sale next year. 1 The mini-show : Last Months Mini Show went to Sandie Hawkins 1st place on the Lion done in Pastels. Bill Haven took 2nd. This Month Mini show again went 1st place to Sandi Hawkins In Pewter & Plums in Pastel. 2 Nd place was a tie with Carol Adkisson's Mountain scene & Chrystine Westphal’s Mt Rainier. Check out DVDs or VHS tapes from our video library. A variety of subject matter, watercolors, colored pencil, oils, etc., view for a month, return the following meeting...3rd Tuesday. Check your own tapes to see if ours joined your family. I might have to send out reminders, unless they are "buying" ($25), donation to RLA. Questions: Ask Liz McDevitt or e-mail Mcdevitt5@juno.com. "Our club, Rainier League, is getting ready for elections in May. A nominating committee is forming, and anyone who wants to help is welcome. Please consider running for the open offices which are President and Vice president. Our secretary and treasurer are staying on in office. If you would like to run for office please contact Sherrie or Sue Stewart. Soon phone calls will also be made asking if members would consider running. Our club needs you." Watercolor Painting by Tanya Lemma Spring is here! We will be painting it! Please bring your reference photos Mondays 10 AM to 1 PM; @25 Please call for further information: Tanya 253-460-2841 Call for artists for the 17th Annual Proctor Arts Fest Juried Art Show: August 1st & 2nd – Mason United Methodist Church, 2710 North Madison St, Tacoma, WA 98407 Current Categories: Oils & Acrylics, Watercolors, Photographs, Pastels, Drawings, Prints, Mixed Media, Three Dimensional, “Community” depiction may be in any art form. Must be a positive display of ‘sense of community.’*Artists may enter a maximum of 2 art pieces BUT each piece must be in a different category. Entry Fee: $10 each piece; if submitted on or before June 11, 2015. $15 each piece; if submitted on or after June 12, 2015. Application and Fees: Due on or before July 15, 2015. Make check payable to: Proctor Arts Fest: for more information contact: Bonnie Cargol at bonniecargol@gmail.com Karen Petrillose received 1st place for "Nisqually Fall" and People's Choice award for "A road Less Taken" at the Lakewood Arts Fest at Pierce Count Community College on May 3rd. Marjorie Mankin received "Juror's Choice". Welcome new members: Sadie Reneau, 4811-C 110 Ave Ct.E, Edgewood 98372, 253-841-3996, sadi.hawkins@hotmail.com. She is already hanging her artistic photography at Steilacoom Com. Center along with 6 others, including JoAnn Hayden and George Zantua, Carol, Marci, and Harry. Drive down and check out the show. Welcome back Trudy Orzio, 7012 86 St. SW, Lakewood, 98499, 253-468-7202, trudear14u@gmail.com. Also check out the PGA member show hanging through May at Tacoma Nature Center. (no call or appointment needed). Open 9-4 weekdays, Sat. Blue Poppy Day will be Saturday, May 16, 2015 from 10 A.M. through 4 P.M. at the Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden, 2525 S. 336th St., Federal Way, WA. RLA members participating will be Paul Langston (who has already sold his Blue Poppy painting, though will have it on display), Helena Poortvliet and Barbara Waid. Come out to enjoy the day wandering through the gardens, looking at the Blue Poppies and, of course, looking at the art. RLA members Liz McDevitt and Barbara Waid have again entered the Square Foot Show out of Bismarck, ND, Last year Liz sold one of her two entries. It may be a long way away but is kind of "fun". Carol Atkinson was at a Chinese Restaurant ordering food. While she was sitting looking at her painting on her tablet, a person come up and said wow! Is this your painting? She said yes. So this person wanted & bought it on the spot. Applications are now being accepted for Peninsula Art League's annual open show, which will take place Sept.12-Oct.16 at the Harbor History Museum. The two-page prospectus is attached. Apply via onlinejuriedshows.com. Questions? Contact Sandy Newhouse at sincolor@comcast.net Aletha Deul, Paul Langston and Irene Neal are showing at Premier Gallery June - August. The show is titled, "The Three Amigos" There will be about 60 paintings in the show and hand designed jewelry. Rainier League of Arts new Blog: http://www.rainierleagueofarts.blogspot.com I was a prominent Mexican painter. My large wall works in fresco helped establish the Mexican Mural Movement in Mexican art. I become involved in the government sponsored Mexican mural program planned by Vasconcelos. My art also tells stories. Who am I? Answer will be in next month’s newsletter. Anyone with an interesting Artist they would like to share this way, please email your suggestions to me. carlene.salazar@gmail.com I will share one in the newsletter each month. Answer to last month’s: Gustav Klimt 2
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