Selection of a Third Party Agency for monitoring implementation of K-KISAN Project by the Service Provider Request for Proposal Department of Agriculture Selection of Agencies for Implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Tender Document April 2015 Department of Agriculture Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru – 560 001 DISCLAIMER Telephone: 080-22242746, Fax: 080- 22294231 e-mail: Department of Agriculture Page 1 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka INDEX Particulars Page No 1 Notice Inviting tenders 2 Introduction 1- 2 3 Volume I :Instructions to Bidders inclusive of General and specific terms and conditions 3-46 4 Volume II :Terms of Reference 47-58 5 Volume III :List of soil health Centres 59-60 7. Checklist 61-62 Department of Agriculture Page 0 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Soil is a non renewable living resource. Every effort must be made to enrich this natural resource for maximizing its productivity on one hand and to conserve this resource with minimal degradation for the prosperity, sustaining productivity of soil. In Karnataka, there are 78,32,189 farm holdings. Soil testing is a tool to assess the available nutrient status of a soil. Interpretation of test results and making recommendation for nutrient management may be appropriate to achieve sustainable yields on long term basis. 1.1.2 In view of the above, it is proposed to implement the soil testing programme on a mission mode for three years in the form of Soil Health Mission by analyzing the soil samples based on grid and issuing soil health cards to all the farm holdings covered under the grid with the following objectives Ø issue soil health cards to all farmers in Karnataka over a period of three years, so as to provide a basis to include nutrient deficiencies in fertilizer recommendation Ø develop crop specific nutrient management in the districts for enhancing nutrient use efficiency. Ø promote soil test based balancing of nutrients to manage fertility related risks for higher production. 1.1.3 Implementation of Soil Health Mission (SHM) includes collection of soil samples, analysis of soil samples for macronutrients and micronutrients, distribution of soil health cards. The fertility status and crop specific nutrient recommendation of farmer's land holdings will be linked to K-Kissan software in the form of farmer passbook/soil health card which shall be issued to all the farmers of Karnataka. 1.1.4 To achieve this task, The Department of Agriculture (“DOA” or “Authority”) has invited tenders for selection for Implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka to issue soil health cards to all the farmers in the state through a competitive bidding process in accordance with the procedure set out herein. 1.1.5 Proposals submitted by the Bidders, would be evaluated on the basis of the evaluation criteria set out in the tender document in order to identify the successful Bidder for the Project (“Successful Bidder”). 1.1.6 The Successful Bidder would then have to enter into an Agreement with DoA, and perform its obligations as stipulated therein in respect of the Project. 1.1.7 The Successful Bidder would be required to perform the following task(refer Terms of Reference (TOR): · Collection of soil samples · Sample coding · Soil analysis · Generation of soil health cards · Providing soil analysis based recommendations · Linking of soil fertility status to K-Kisan software · Preparation of Soil fertility maps · Timely submission of all the deliverables in specified formats sought by DOA. Department of Agriculture Page 1 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 1.2 Brief description of Bidding Process: 1.2.1 DoA invites eligible Bidders to submit their Proposals for the Project electronically through unified e-procurement platform of GoK viz. (the “E-Procurement Website”). DoA has adopted a single stage process (referred to as the "Bidding Process") for selection of the Bidder for award of the Project. 1.2.2 The Bidders would need to submit the following documents: Documents relating to technical requirements of the Project (“Technical Proposal”), and & 1.2.3 Financial proposal (“Price Proposal”) for the Project. The evaluation of the Proposals would be carried out in two stages. The stages of evaluation are briefly provided below: a. In the first stage, the Technical Submissions of the Bidders that are found to be substantially responsive relating to their experience, financial capability and understanding of the project would be evaluated with all technical parameters. b. In the second stage, the Price Proposals of the Technically Qualified Bidders would be opened. The Bidder who quotes L1 price shall be identified as the Preferred Bidder. Note: L1 price is identified for each district and the bidder who quotes L1 price for a district shall be awarded to undertake the project for that particular district only. 1.3 Tender Inviting Authority and Tender Accepting Authority 1.3.1 Director of Agriculture is the Tender Inviting Authority 1.3.2 Commissioner for Agriculture is the Tender Accepting Authority Department of Agriculture Page 2 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Volume I 2. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS A. 2.1 2.1.1 GENERAL Eligible Bidders A Single entity company/consortium/joint venture is allowed to participate and submit the bid.But incase of consortium/joint venture , responsibility for any defective services would lie with all the partners of the consortium/joint venture. 2.1.2 Consortium or joint venture would be allowed only in case of single company is not in a situation to handle different responsibility under the project. 2.1.3 The Agency shall be carrying out its business with respect to soil testing for macro and micro - nutrient contents in India for a minimum period of 3(three) year as on the close of the latest financial year. 2.1.4 The following documents shall be submitted by the Bidders along with the Qualification Submissions as proof of being a registered Company a. A copy of Certificate of Registration; b. Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association; 2.1.5 Any entity which has been barred by DoA, GoK, any other SG in India, or GoI, or any of the agencies of GoK/SG/GoI as on the Proposal Due Date, would not be eligible to submit a Proposal. The Bidder shall execute an undertaking to this effect as per the format enclosed in Appendix E 2.2 Number of Proposals 2.3 Each Bidder can submit only one proposal per district . However,any bidder can bid for more than one district. Any Bidder who submits more than one Proposal for a single district shall be disqualified from further evaluation of their proposal for that district. Proposal Preparation Cost The Bidder shall be responsible and shall pay for all of the costs associated with the preparation of its Proposal and its participation in the bidding process. DoA will not be responsible or in any way be liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 2.4 Project Inspection and Visit to sites: 2.4.1 DoA has established 29 Soil Health Centres (one per district) in the state having an approximate capacity to analyze 10000 samples per lab per year. However , out of these 29 labs, the labs in Yadagiri, Udupi Chickbalapur ,Chamarajanagar and Ramanagar are yet to begin soil analysis. Department of Agriculture Page 3 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 The Bidder may utilize these centres for analyzing the soil samples in addition to his facilities. Bidders are encouraged to submit their Proposals after visiting to these soil testing labs and ascertaining for themselves the location, surroundings, utilities and existing systems of DoA. It would be deemed that by submitting the Proposal in response to the tender, the Bidder has: a. made a complete and careful examination of the tender; b. received all relevant information requested from DoA; c. made a complete and careful examination of the various aspects of the Project including but not limited to: the Project sites; existing facilities and infrastructure and other utilities available with DoA; the conditions of utilities in the vicinity of the Project sites; conditions affecting transportation, access, disposal, handling and storage of materials, travel and access by personnel; clearances obtained by DoA for the Project; and d. all other matters that might affect the Bidder's performance under the terms of the tender. 2.4.5 DoA shall not be liable for any mistake or error on the part of the Bidder in respect of the above. 2.4.6 Progress Monitoring Software (PMS): The bidders should have their own functional software for tracking the various activities involved in soil health mission implentation.The samples are to be tracked right from the date of collection of samples, transportation to lab, analysis of soil sample, generation of soil health card and final distribution of soil health card pertaining to the sample. In case the selected agencies doesnot posess the PMS, the selected agency should develop the PMS within 30 days after obtaining the LOA. 2.5 Right to Accept or Reject any of the Proposals 2.5.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in the tender, DoA reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal or to annul the bidding process or reject all Proposals, at any time without any liability or any obligation for such rejection or annulment, without assigning any reasons. DoA reserves the right to invite revised Proposals from Bidders with or without 2.5.2 Department of Agriculture Page 4 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 2.5.3 amendment of tender at any stage, without liability or any obligation for such invitation and without assigning any reason. DoA reserves the right to reject any Proposal if: a. at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or discovered, or b. the Bidder does not respond promptly and diligently to requests for supplemental information required for the evaluation of the Proposal. 2.5.4 Rejection of the Proposal by DoA as aforesaid would lead to the disqualification of the Bidder. If such disqualification / rejection occurs after the Proposals have been opened and the Preferred Bidder gets disqualified / rejected, then DoA reserves the right to: a. either award the work to next best bidder to carry out the work OR b. either invite the next best Bidder to match the Proposal submitted by the Preferred Bidder; OR c. take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of DoA, including annulment of the bidding process. 2.5.5 Any relevant information sought by DoA as per the tender document is not being furnished ,bidder will be summariliy rejected. B. Documents: 2.6 Contents of Tender: Tender comprises of the contents as listed below, and would additionally include any Addendum issued in accordance with Clause 2.7. S. No. 1. 2. Contents Notice Inviting Tenders 3. Volume I - Instructions to Bidders inclusive of General and specific Terms and Conditions Volume II - Terms of Reference 4. Volume III- List of soil health centres 2.7 Amendment of Tender 2.7.1 At any time prior to the Proposal Due Date, DoA may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by a Bidder, modify Tender by the issuance of Addendum/ corrigendum. Any Addendum/ corrigendum thus issued will be uploaded in the e-Procurement Website and the same shall be binding on the Bidders. In order to provide the Bidders a reasonable time to examine the Addendum/ 2.7.2 2.7.3 Department of Agriculture Page 5 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka corrigendum, or for any other reason, DoA may, at its own discretion, extend the Proposal Due Date. Extension, if any, of the Proposal Due Date will only be uploaded on the E-Procurement Website. 2.7.4 DoA shall endeavour to respond to the questions raised or clarifications sought by the Bidders. However, DoA reserves the right not to respond to any question or provide any clarification, in its sole discretion, and nothing in this Clause shall be taken or read as compelling or requiring DoA to respond to any question or to provide any clarification. 2.7.5 DoA may suo moto, if deemed necessary, issue interpretations and clarifications to the Bidders and the same will be uploaded on E-Procurement Website. All clarifications and interpretations issued by DoA shall be deemed to be part of the Tender. Verbal clarifications and information given by DoA or its employees or representatives shall not in any way or manner be binding on DoA. 2.7.6 Bidders may note that DoA will not entertain any deviations to the Tender at the time of submission of the Proposal or thereafter. The Proposal to be submitted by the Bidders would have to be unconditional and unqualified and the Bidders would be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the Tender with all its contents. Any conditional Proposal shall be regarded as non-responsive and would be liable for rejection. 2.7.7 DoA will endeavour to hold the pre-Proposal meeting as per Bidding Schedule. 2.7.8 Attendance of the Bidders at the Pre-Proposal meeting is not mandatory. 2.7.9 All correspondence / enquiries should be submitted to the following in writing by fax/registered post / courier: ATTN. OF: The Director, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, ADDRESS: Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru 560001 Ph: 080-22242746 Fax: 080-22294231 e-mail:agrish 2.7.10 No interpretation, revision, or other communication from DoA regarding this solicitation is valid unless it is in writing and is signed by a person not less than the rank of the Commissioner for Agriculture and Director of Agriculture. C. Preparation and Submission of Proposal 2.8 Language and Currency 2.8.1 The Proposal and all related correspondence and documents should be written in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder with the Proposal may be in any other language provided that they are accompanied by appropriate translations of the pertinent passages in the English language. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, may not be considered. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Proposal, the English language translation shall prevail. For the commercial bid, all the Department of Agriculture Page 6 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka amounts should be given in Indian Rupees (INR). 2.9 2.9.1 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) The Proposals would need to be accompanied by a EMD for an amount for each district as per Annexure 2: Table 1 of the Specific Terms and Conditions of this tender. 2.9.2 The EMD shall be paid through any one of the following e-payment options only. 1. Credit Card 2. Direct Debit 3. National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) 4. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) 5. Over the Counter (OTC) – designated ICICI Bank branches located across the country The EMD paid under any of the above options shall remain valid for a period of 6 (Six) months from the Proposal Due Date, or beyond any period of extension subsequently as determined by DoA from time to time. The Proposal shall be summarily rejected if it is not accompanied by the Bid Security. For further details regarding e-payment, please refer to e-Procurement Website. 2.9.3 The EMD shall be returned to the unsuccessful Bidders within a period of eight (8) weeks from the date of announcement of the Successful Bidder. The EMD submitted by the Successful Bidder shall be released upon furnishing of the Performance Security in the form and manner as stipulated in the Agreement. 2.9.4 The EMD shall be forfeited in the following cases: a. If the Bidder modifies or withdraws its Proposal except as provided in Clause 2.14; b. If the Bidder withdraws its Proposal during the interval between the Proposal Due Date and expiration of the Proposal Validity Period; c. If the Successful Bidder fails to provide the Performance Security and execute the Agreement with DoA within the stipulated time or any extension thereof provided by DoA; If any information or document furnished by the Bidder turns out to be misleading or untrue in any material respect. 2.10 Validity of tender Proposal (Finalisation of Tender process): The validity shall be for a period of not less than 3 (three) months from Proposal Due Date (last date for tender submission). In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original Proposal Validity Period, DOA may extend the Proposal Validity Period for a specified duration. 2.11 Format and Signing of Proposal 2.11.1 The Bidder shall provide all the information sought under the tender in electronic Department of Agriculture Page 7 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka mode. DoA reserves the right to evaluate only those Proposals that are received in the required format and is complete in all respects. 2.11.2 The Bidder shall submit the scanned copy of the following documents in the correct slots as provided in the E-Procurement Website, on or before the Proposal Due Date. a. Technical Submission, consisting of the following: · Letter of Proposal as per Appendix A. · Power of Attorney as per Appendix B, authorising the signatory of the Proposal to commit the Bidder · Letter of Commitment as per Appendix C · Details of Bidder as per Appendix D · Anti-Collusion Certificate as per Appendix E · Letter of Undertaking from Bidder as per Appendix F · Earnest Money Deposit( as per Annexure 2 :Table 1) · Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the Company · Undertaking of being an agency involved in soil testing for microand macro nutrients as per Appendix G · Format for Experience as per Appendix H( formats IA, IB, IIA IIB) · Statement of Financial Capability as per Appendix I · Undertaking with respect to availability of Key Personnel and their Qualification as per Appendix J format III b. Price proposal as per the format set out in Appendix K, and Appendix L1, L2 and L3 2.12 All the documents of the Proposal submitted in electronic mode under the Tender shall be uploaded on e-Procurement Website using digital signature. Further, DoA reserves the right to seek copy of the documents submitted under the e-Procurement platform or original documents for verification of any of the documents submitted in electronic mode or any other clarification documents with respect to already submitted documents in e-Procurement upon opening of the Proposals. 2.13 Proposal Due Date 2.13.1 The Proposals, in electronic mode in the e-Procurement Website shall be Department of Agriculture Page 8 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka submitted on or before 1500 hours IST on the Proposal Due Date as specified in the Tender. 2.13.2 DoA may, in its sole discretion, extend the Proposal Due Date by issuing an Corrigendum/ Addendum in accordance with Clause 2.7 uniformly for all the Bidders. 2.14 Modifications/ Substitution/ Withdrawal of Proposals The Bidder may modify, substitute, or withdraw its Proposal after submission and prior to the Proposal Due Date. No Proposal shall be allowed to be modified, substituted, or withdrawn by the Bidder after the Proposal Due Date. Provided that the Bidder may withdraw the Proposal prior to Proposal Due Date only if a written notice of withdrawal is submitted to DoA. 2.14.1 Any alteration/ modification in the Proposal or additional information supplied subsequent to the Proposal Due Date, unless the same has been expressly sought for by DoA, shall be disregarded. D. Evaluation of Proposal 2.15 Proposal Opening 2.15.1 DoA would open the Technical Submissions at the time and date indicated in the Bidding Schedule for the purpose of evaluation. 2.15.2 DoA would subsequently examine and evaluate Proposals in accordance with the criteria set out in Section 3 of the Tender. 2.16 Confidentiality Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and recommendation for the Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person not officially concerned with the process. DoA will treat all information submitted as part of Proposal in confidence and would require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. DoA will not divulge any such information unless it is ordered to do so by any authority pursuant to applicable law or order of a competent court or tribunal, which requires its disclosure. 2.17 Clarifications To facilitate evaluation of Proposals, a set of hard copy of documents uploaded through eprocurement website as per the checklist should be submitted to DoA. DoA may, at its sole discretion, seek clarifications in writing from any Bidder regarding its Proposal and may request any Bidder to provide hard copy of the documents provided as part of the Proposal through e-Procurement Website. 2.18 Technical Proposal Evaluation 2.18.1 The Technical Proposals of the Qualified Bidders would be evaluated by Tender Department of Agriculture Page 9 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Evaluation Committee1 as per the Tender Evaluation Criteria set out in Section 3. 2.18.2 The bidders should have minimum eligibility criteria as per Annexure 2 to be Technically Qualified bidders. 2.18.3 The Price Proposal of the Bidders who do not qualify in the evaluation of Technical Proposal would not be opened. 2.19 Price Proposal Evaluation Price Proposal of only the Technically Qualified Bidders would be opened in the eProcurement Website by DoA and evaluated as per process set out in Section 3 to identify a Preferred Bidder. 2.20 Declaration of Successful Bidder 2.20.1 DoA at its discretion, may either choose to accept the Price Proposal of the Preferred Bidder or invite him for negotiations. 2.20.2 Upon acceptance of the Price Proposal of the Preferred Bidder with or without negotiations, DoA shall declare the Preferred Bidder as the Successful Bidder (the “Successful Bidder”) .With in 7working days from the date of declaration of successful bidder, the selected bidder should submit the MOU as per terms and conditions of the tender. 2.21 Letter of Award by DoA As soon as MOU is submitted and signed by the both the parties, a Letter of Award (the “LoA”) shall be issued, in duplicate, by DoA to the Successful Bidder . The bidder is required to undertake the services as specified in the tender document with in 7 days from the issuance of Letter of Award. 2.22 Performance Security 2.22.1 The Successful Bidder shall furnish Performance Security by way of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for an amount equal to 5 % of the cost of the project (contract price) issued by a scheduled bank in India in favour of the DoA, along with the MOU. (as required under the Agreement: refer Specific Terms and Conditions and Appendix M for the format) 2.22.2 Failure of the Successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of Clause 2.22.1 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the LoA, and forfeiture of the EMD. In such an event, the DoA reserves the right to take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of the DoA, including annulment of the Bidding Process. 1 An expert committee constituted by the DoA. Department of Agriculture Page 10 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 3. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS 3.1 Tests of Responsiveness: 3.1.1 Prior to evaluation of Proposals, the DoA will determine whether each Proposal is responsive to the requirements of Tender. A Proposal shall be considered responsive if the Proposal: a. is received/deemed to be received by the Proposal Due Date including any extension thereof pursuant to Clause 2.7; b. is accompanied by the EMD as stipulated in Clause 2.9; c. is accompanied by the Power of Attorney, the format for which is specified in Appendix B; d. contains all the information as sought in the Tender; e. f. contains information in formats same as those specified in the Tender document As per Checklist; and mentions the validity period as set out in Clause 2.10. 3.1.2 DoA reserves the right to reject any Proposal which is non-responsive and no request for alteration, modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be entertained by DoA in respect of such Proposals. A. Evaluation of Technical Proposals: 3.2 Evaluation Parameters 3.2.1 The competence and capability of the Bidder is proposed to be established by the following parameters (supporting information should be provided as per Appendix H): Experience in terms of: · Soil testing / analyzing for Macro and Micro nutrient content. · Man power on their pay roll Financial capability in terms of: · Annual Turnover.(as per Annexure 2) Availability of Key Personnel.(as per Appendix J) Evaluation Parameters as set out in Annexure-1 3.2.2 On each of these parameters, the Bidder would be required to meet the evaluation criteria as detailed in this Section 3. Department of Agriculture Page 11 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 3.2.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in the event that the Proposal Due Date falls within three months of the closing of the latest financial year of the Bidder, it shall ignore such financial year for the purposes of its Proposal and furnish all its information and certification with reference to three years or two years or one year as the case may be, preceding its latest financial year. For the avoidance of doubt financial year shall, for purposes of the Proposal hereunder, mean the accounting year followed by the Bidder in the course of its normal business. 3.3 Minimum Experience in the Field of soil testing. 3.3.1 For the purpose of qualification for a single district, Bidders shall have experience as on the Proposal Due Date for all the criteria mentioned below: S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Experience Criteria Should have been in soil testing business for Macro and Micro nutrient content for at least 3 years preceding the Proposal Due Date as per Format I of Appendix H. Should own lab or in collaboration with other labs with a capacity to analyze at least 5000 soil samples per year .(If the bidder is going to analyse the samples in collaboration with other labs,then such agency should furnish the NOC from the concerned. Should have well qualified personnel with minimum 3 years experience in soil testing (Soil Analyst , Lab/ Field assistants and data entry operators as per Appendix J and format III) Should have manpower to generate and print soil health cards in the specified time Should have a aleast one vehicle per district for Bulk transportation with a capacity of carrying a load 2.5 tons with one driver and one helper for loading and unloading .(as per Annexure 2) The bidders should have their own functional software for tracking the various activities involved in soil health mission implementation.The samples are to be tracked right from the date of collection of samples, transportation to lab, analysis of soil sample, generation of soil health card and final distribution of soilhealth card pertaining to the sample.Or otherwise the agency concerned should develop the PMS within 30 days after obtaining the LOA. Department of Agriculture Page 12 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 3.4 Details of Experience 3.4.1 3.5 3.5.1 The Bidder shall furnish evidence to support its claim as per Appendix H (Format IA, IB,IIA, IIB). Financial Capability The financial capability (the “Financial Capability”) of the Bidders would be evaluated on the basis of the following: Annual turnover for the last three completed financial years (Ref. Appendix I) as per minimum turnover details provided in Annexure 2. 3.5.2 The Bidder shall submit the evidence to support its Financial Capability as per format set out in Appendix I. 3.5.3 The Proposal must be accompanied by the audited annual financial statements of the Bidder for the latest 3 (three) completed financial years preceding the Proposal Due Date. 3.6 Qualification Criteria for Financial Capability 3.6.1 For the purpose of qualification, a Bidder should have the Financial Capability as per Specific terms and conditions of this tender. 3.7 Availability of Key Personnel: The bidder should provide following key personnel with respective qualification as below for analyzing the soils per district as per specific terms and conditions of this tender. Key Personnel Soil Analyst Length of Responsibility Experience Minimum 3 Shall undertake the analysis of soil years samples and generate reports Lab Assistants Educational Qualification Degree in agriculture or science with specilisation in soil science /chemistry from the recognised University. Pass in PUC from recognized college. Field Assistants Pass in SSLC Standard. /10th Minimum 3 years Data Entry Operators Pass in any degree from recognized college/ university with computer knowledge Minimum 1 years Minimum 3 years Shall collect the samples from the field and transport it to the labs He/ she should assist the soil analyst in analyzing samples Shall collect the samples from the field and transport it to the labs Shall upload the soil test results in the software and generate soil health cards Note: The Agency who are submitting proposals for more than one district should provide the key personnel as per specific terms and conditions (Annexure 2) Department of Agriculture Page 13 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 3.8 Short Listing of Technically Qualified Bidders 3.8.1 The Technical Proposals of the Qualified Bidders; which are found in conformance with the Applicant’s experience and the experience of Key Personnel,financial capacibility and the understanding of the project as mentioned in Annexure 2 of this Tender; shall be shortlisted for opening of the Price Proposal ("Technically Qualified Bidder"). B Evaluation of Price Proposal Evaluation: 3.9 Evaluation Parameters 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3 3.9.4 The Bidders shall quote cost per soil sample as part of the Price Proposal as per the specimen format set out in Appendix L-1,L-2 and L-3. For evaluation of the Price Proposal, the cost per soil sample indicated in the Price Proposal, shall be considered. The cost per soil sample quoted by the bidder will be applicable for 3 years, inclusive of all costs, duties and taxes applicable. Preferred Bidder: The preferred bidder will be decided based on L1 criteria. The bid with the lowest cost per soil sample as per terms of this tender for each district shall be awarded contract for that district. In the event that two or more bidders quote the same price (L1) for a district (("Tie Bidders"),projectwork shall be equally distributed among them. Department of Agriculture Page 14 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 4. SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT General Provisions 4.1 Definitions Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever used in this Contract have the following meanings: (a) “Applicable Law” means the laws and any other instruments having the force of law in the Government’s country. (b) "Aggregate Damages" means aggregate of all the delays in collection, analyzing, digitizing and issuing soil health cards. (c) “Contract” means the Contract signed by the Parties, to which these Conditions of Contract are attached, together with all the documents as part of this tender; (d) “Effective Date’ means the date on which this Contract comes into force and effect; (e) “SC” means these Specific Conditions of Contract; (f) “Government” means the Government of Karnataka; (g) “Local currency” means the Indian Rupees; (h) “Agency” wherever mentioned in this Contract Agreement means the “Agency selected for implementation of Soil Health Mission” and includes sub-Agencies engaged by the primary Agency. (i) “Party” means the Authority or the Agencys, as the case may be, and Parties means both of them; (j) “Personnel” means persons hired by the Agencies or by any Sub-Agencies and as Employees and assigned to the performance of the Services or any part thereof; (k) “Foreign Personnel” means such persons who at the time of being so hired had their domicile outside the Government’s Country, (l) “Local Personnel” means such persons who at the time of being so hired had their domicile inside the Government’s Country; and Department of Agriculture Page 15 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka (m) ‘Key personnel’ means the personnel referred in this tender. (n) “Project” means Implementation of Soil Health Mission in the State of Karnataka inclusive of but not limited to Creating awareness; Collection of soil samples; Sample coding; Soil analysis; Generation of soil health cards; Providing soil analysis based recommendation; Linking of soil fertility status to K-Kisan software and Preparation of Soil fertility maps. (o) “Project Agreement” means the agreement executed between the Authority and the Service Provider for implementation of the Project. (p) "Services" means the work to be performed by the Agency's pursuant to this contract, as described in this tender. (q) "Sub-Agency" means any entity to which the Agencys subcontract any part of the Services in accordance with the provisions of this tender; and (r) "Lab" means soil testing lab either static or mobile with all standard equipments needed for soil analysis. All terms and words not defined herein shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning assigned to them in the Tender. 4.2 Relation between the Parties Nothing contained herein shall be construed as establishing a relation of master and servant or of principal and agent as between the Authority and the Agencies. The Agencies, subject to this Contract, have complete charge of Personnel and Sub- Agencies, if any, performing the Services and shall be fully responsible for the Services performed by them or on their behalf hereunder. 4.3 Governing Law and Jurisdiction This Contract, its meaning and interpretation, and the relation between the Parties shall be governed by the Applicable Law and the courts at Bengaluru shall have exclusive jurisdiction over matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement. 4.4 Taxes and Duties Unless otherwise specified, the Agencies, Sub-Agencies and Personnel shall pay such taxes, duties, fees and other impositions as may be levied under the Applicable Law. Authority shall reimburse only service tax on production of specific proof of payment of service tax. Department of Agriculture Page 16 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 4.5. Commencement, Completion, Modification and Termination of Contract 4.5.1 Effectiveness of Contract This Contract shall come into force and effect on the date on which the Authority issues notice to proceed to the Agency to commence the Services as per this tender (the "Effective Date"). This notice to proceed shall confirm that the effectiveness conditions, if any, listed in the SC have been met. 4.5.2 Termination of Contract for Failure to Become Effective If this Contract has not become effective within such time period after the date of the Contract signed by the Parties as shall be specified in the Tender, either Party may, by not less than 15 days written notice to the other Party, declare this Contract to be null and void, and in the event of such a declaration by either Party, neither Party shall have any claim against the other Party with respect hereto. 4.5.3 Commencement of Services. The Agency shall begin carrying out the Services at the end of such time period after the Effective Date as shall be specified. 4.5.4 Expiry of Contract Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Clause 4.5 hereof, this Contract shall expire when Services have been completed and all payments have been made at the end of such time period after the Effective Date as shall be specified in the Tender. 4.6 Entire Agreement This Contract contains all covenants, stipulations and provisions agreed by the Parties. No agent or representative of either Party has authority to make, and the Parties shall not be bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth herein. However, that the obligation of the Agency arising out of the provision of Tender shall continue to subsist and shall be deemed to form part of this Agreement. 4.7 Modification Modification of the terms and conditions of this Contract, including any modification of the scope of the Services, may only be made by written agreement between the Parties as the case may be, has been obtained. Department of Agriculture Page 17 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 4.8 Force Majeure 4.8.1. Definition (a) For the purposes of this Contract, "Force Majeure" means an event which is beyond the reasonable control of a Party, and which makes a Party's performance of its obligations hereunder impossible or so impractical as reasonably to be considered impossible in the circumstances, and includes, but is not limited to, war, riots, civil disorder, earthquake, fire, explosion, storm, flood or other adverse weather conditions, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action (except where such strikes, lockouts or other industrial action are within the power of the Party invoking Force Majeure to prevent), confiscation or any other action by government agencies. (b) Force Majeure shall not include (i) any event which is caused by the negligence or intentional action of a party or such Party's Sub-Agencys or agents or employees, nor (ii) any event which a diligent Party could reasonably have been expected to both (A) take into account at the .time of the conclusion of this Contract and (B) avoid or overcome in the carrying out of its obligations hereunder. (c) Force Majeure shall not include insufficiency of funds or failure to make any payment required hereunder. 4.8.2 No Breach of Contract The failure of a Party to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder shall not be considered to be a breach of, or default under, this Contract insofar as such inability arises from an event of Force Majeure, provided that the Party affected by such an event has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures, all with the objective of carrying out the terms and conditions of this Contract. 4.8.3 Measures to be taken (a) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all reasonable measures to remove such Party's inability to fulfill its obligations hereunder with a minimum of delay. (b) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the other Party of such event as soon as possible, and in any event not later than fourteen (14) days following the occurrence of such event, providing evidence of the nature and cause of such event, and shall similarly give notice of the restoration of normal conditions as soon as possible. (c) The Parties shall take all reasonable measures to minimize the consequences of any event of Force Majeure. Department of Agriculture Page 18 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 4.8.4 Extension of Time Any period within which a Party shall, pursuant to this Contract, complete any action or task, shall be extended for a period equal to the time during which such Party was unable to perform such action as a result of Force Majeure. 4.8.5 Payments During the period of their inability to perform the Services as a result of an event of Force Majeure, the Agencies shall be entitled to be reimbursed for additional costs reasonably and necessarily incurred by them during such period for the purposes of the Services and in reactivating the Services after the end of such period. 4.8.6 Consultation Not later than thirty (30) days after the Agencies, as the result of an event of Force Majeure, have become unable to perform a material portion of the Services, the Parties shall consult with each other with a view to agreeing on appropriate measures to be taken in the circumstances. 4.8.7. Suspension The Authority may, by written notice of suspension to the Agencies, suspend all payments to the Agencys hereunder if the Agencies fail to perform any of their obligations under this Contract, including the carrying out of the Services, provided that such notice of suspension (i) shall specify the nature of the failure, and (ii) shall request the Agencys to remedy such failure within a period not exceeding fifteen (15) days after receipt by the Agencys of such notice of suspension. 4.9 Termination 4.9.1 By the Authority The Authority may, by not less than fifteen (15) days written notice of termination to the Agencys (except in the event listed in paragraph (h) below, for which there shall be a written notice of not less than fifteen (15) days), such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of the events specified in this Clause 4.9, terminate this Contract. (a) (b) if the Agencies fail to remedy a failure in the performance of their obligations hereunder, as specified in a notice of suspension pursuant to Clause 4.8.7 hereinabove, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of such notice of suspension or within such further period as the Authority may have subsequently approved in writing; if the Agencies become insolvent or bankrupt or enter into any agreements with their creditors for relief of debt or take advantage of any law for the Department of Agriculture Page 19 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 4.9.2 benefit of debtors or go into liquidation or receivership whether compulsory or voluntary; if the Agencies fail to comply with any final decision reached as a result of arbitration proceedings pursuant to terms and conditions of this tender; if the Agencies submit to the Authority a statement which has a material effect on the rights, obligations or interests of the Authority and which the Agencies know to be false; any document, information, data or statement submitted by the Agency in its Proposals, based on which the Agency was considered eligible or successful, is found to be false, incorrect or misleading; if, as the result of Force Majeure, the Agencies are unable to perform a material portion of the Services for a period of not less than thirty (30) days; if the Agency, in the judgment of the Authority has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Contract. For the purpose of this clause: "corrupt practice" means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the selection process or in contract execution. "fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a selection process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Borrower, and includes collusive practice among Agencys (prior to or after submission of Proposals) designed to establish prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Borrower of the benefits of free and open competition. if the Authority, in its sole discretion and for any reason whatsoever, decides to Terminate this Contract. By the Agencies The Agencies may, by not less than thirty (30) days' written notice to the Authority, such notice to be given after the occurrence of any of the events specified in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this Clause 4.9.2, terminate this Contract: (a) if the Authority fails to pay any money due to the Agency's pursuant to this Contract and not subject to dispute pursuant to clause 4.9.2 hereof within forty-five (45) days after receiving written notice from the Agencys that such payment is overdue; (b) if the Authority is in material breach of its obligations pursuant to this Contract and has not remedied the same within forty-five (45) days (or such longer period as the Agencies may have subsequently approved in writing) following the receipt by the Authority of the Agencys' notice specifying such breach; Department of Agriculture Page 20 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka (c) (d) if, as the result of Force Majeure, the Agencies are unable to perform a material portion of the Services for a period of not less than sixty (60) days; or if the Authority fails to comply with any final decision reached as a result of arbitration hereof. 4.10. Obligation of the Agencys 4.10.1 Standard of Performance The Agencies shall perform the Services and carry out their obligations hereunder with all due diligence, efficiency and economy, in accordance with generally accepted professional techniques and practices, and shall observe sound management practices, and employ appropriate advanced technology and safe and effective equipment, machinery, materials and methods" The Agencies shall always" act, in respect of any matter relating to this Contract or to the Services, as faithful advisers to the Authority, and shall at all times support and safeguard the Authority's legitimate interests in any dealings with Sub- Agencies or Third Parties. 4.10.2 Terms of Reference The scope of services to be performed by the Agency is specified in the Terms of Reference (the “TOR”) of this Agreement. The Agency shall provide the Deliverables specified therein in conformity with the time schedule stated therein. 4.10.3 Law Governing Services The Agencies shall perform the Services in accordance with the Applicable Law and shall take all practicable steps to ensure that any Sub- Agencies, as well as the Personnel of the Agencies and any Sub- Agencies, comply with the Applicable Law. The Authority shall advise the Agencys in writing of relevant local customs and the Agencies shall, after such notifications, respect such customs. 4.11 Confidentiality The Agencies, their Sub-Agencies and the Personnel of either of them shall not, either during the term or within 1 (one) year after the expiry of this Contract, disclose any proprietary or confidential information relating to the Project, the Services, this Contract or the Authority 's business or operations without the prior written consent of the Authority. 4.12 Liability of the Agencies 4.12.1 The Agency’s liability under this Agreement shall be determined by the Applicable Laws and the provisions hereof. Department of Agriculture Page 21 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 4.12.2 Agency’s liability towards the Authority The Agencies shall, subject to the limitation specified in Clause 4.12, be liable to the Authority for any direct loss or damage accrued or likely to accrue due to deficiency in Services rendered by it. The Parties hereto agree that in case of negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Agency or on the part of any person or firm acting on behalf of the Agency in carrying out the Services, the Agency, with respect to damage caused to the Authority’s property, shall be liable to the Authority: (i) for any indirect or consequential loss or damage; and (ii) for any direct loss or damage that exceeds (a) the Agency Fee of this Agreement, or (b) the proceeds the Agency may be entitled to receive from any insurance maintained by the Agency to cover such a liability, whichever of (a) or (b) is higher. (iii).the agencies shall make necessary arrangemants to insure labs/lab equipments/keypersonnels against all accidents and natural calamities. This limitation of liability shall not affect the Agency’s liability, if any, for damage to Third Parties caused by the Agency or any person or firm acting on behalf of the Agency in carrying out the Services. 4.13 Reporting Obligations The Agencies shall submit to the Authority the reports and documents specified in the Tender hereto, in the form, in the numbers and within the time periods specified in the tender document . 4.17 Documents Prepared by the Agencies to be the Property of the Authority All plans, drawings, specifications, designs, reports, other documents and software prepared by the Agencys (or by the Sub-contractors) for the Authority under this Contract shall become and remain the property of the Authority, and the Agencies shall, not later than upon termination or expiry of this Contract, deliver all such documents to the Authority, together with a detailed inventory thereof. 4.18 Equipment and Materials Furnished by the Authority Equipment and materials made available to the Agencies by the Authority, or purchased by the Agencies with funds provided by the Authority is any, shall be the property of the Authority and shall be marked accordingly. Upon termination or expiry of this Contract, the Agencies shall make available to the Authority an inventory of such equipment and materials and shall dispose of- such equipment and materials in accordance with the Authority 's instructions. While in possession Department of Agriculture Page 22 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka of such equipment and materials, the Agencys, unless otherwise instructed by the Authority in writing, shall insure them at the expense of the Agencies in an amount equal to their full replacement value. 4.19. Accuracy of Data The Agency shall be responsible for accuracy of the Collection of soil samples; Sample coding; Soil analysis; Generation of soil health cards; soil analysis based recommendation; Linking of soil fertility status to K-Kisan software and Preparation of Soil fertility maps - collected by it directly or generated through sub-contractors subject to the provisions of this Tender, it shall indemnify the Authority against any inaccuracy in its work which might surface during implementation of the Project, if such inaccuracy is the result of any negligence or inadequate due diligence on part of the Agency or arises out of its failure to conform to good industry practice. The Agency shall also be responsible for promptly correcting, at its own cost and risk including any re-sample collection and analysis. 4.20. Obligations of the Authority 4.20.1 Assistance for Agencies Unless otherwise specified in the tender, the Authority shall use its best efforts to ensure that the Government shall: (a) provide the Agencies the necessary information to perform the services . However DoA shall not be responsible for any sub contract made by the agencies. The agencies concerned shall be solely responsible for the sub contracts. 4.21 Payment In consideration of the Services performed by the Agencys under this Contract, the Authority shall make Payment to the Agencys as per Terms and Reference of this Tender. 4.22 Settlement of Disputes 4.22.1 Amicable Settlement The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract or the interpretation thereof. 4.22.2 Arbitration Arbitration: In the event of any disputes arising between the parties, the parties agree to use their best efforts to resolve all disputes in prompt, equitable and good faith. In the event ,if the parties are unable to do so then such dispute shall be finally resolved by arbitration. The arbitration shall be in Bengaluru. The Arbitrator shall be appointed by the Commissioner for Agriculture, Government of Karnataka . Department of Agriculture Page 23 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 4.22.3 Dispute Settlement Any dispute between the Parties as to matters arising pursuant to this Contract which cannot be settled amicably within thirty (30) days after receipt by one Party of the other Party's request for such amicable settlement may be submitted by either Party for settlement in accordance with the provisions specified in the SC. 4.23 Minimum Service Levels: 4.23.1 Sample Collection, sample analysis , soil analysis report generation and farmer pass book /soil health card preparation and generation of soil fertility maps should be done as per the time bound Schedule submitted by the selected agencies .Any diviations in implementation will attract the penalty in the following manner, Delay in soil sample collection analysis , soil analysis report generation, farmer pass book /soil health card preparation and generation of soil fertility maps beyond 15days from the schedule date will attract penalty of 1% cost for each of the activity per sample per day. 4.23.2 Event of Default: In the event that the aggregate damages at any point of time exceeds 25% of the total fees to be paid by the department to the agency, under such conditions contract shall be terminated and PBG shall be forfeited. Department of Agriculture Page 24 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka BIDDING SCHEDULE DoA would endeavour to adhere to the following schedule: Bid Stage Estimated Date 1. Date of publication of tender in e- 23-04-2015 Procurement platform 2. Last date for receiving pre-Proposal queries 6 -05-2015 3. Pre-bid meeting 6-05-2015 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Proposal Due Date (Last date for submission of tender) Opening of the Technical Proposal Opening of Price Proposal 23-05-2015 26-05-2015 As per the Bidding Process Signing of the Agreement Within 7 days of selection of bidder Validity of Proposals 3 (three) months from the Proposal Due Date Letter of Award (LoA) Immediately after Signing of MOU. The time and venue for the pre-Proposal meeting shall be as follows: Time : 1130 hours Venue : Office of the Director, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru Department of Agriculture Page 25 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka ANNEXURE -1 Technical Evaluation Parameters Eligibility Criteria Parameter Criteria Applicant’s Relevant Experience Minimum 3 years experience in the soil testing business. Relevant Experience of Key Personnel Soil Analyst Lab Assistants .Field Assistants Data Entry Operators Funtional Software for tracking various activities involved in soil health mission implementation. The samples are to be tracked right from the date of collection of samples, transportation to lab, analysis of soil sample, generation of soil health card and fianal distribution of soil health card pertaining to the sample. Qualification Experience Degree in agriculture or science with specilisation in soil science /chemistry from the recognised University. Pass in PUC from recognized college. Pass in SSLC/10th Standard. Pass in any degree from recognized college/ university with computer knowledge The agency should own functional software for Progress monitoring or should be in a position to develop the functional software for Progress monitoring within 30 days after abtaining the LOA. Minimum years Minimum years 3 1 Note :1. The agency shall provide a declaration regarding the ownership of the Funtional Software (PMS)/or for developing the software within 30 days after abtaining the LOA on the agencys’letter head. Department of Agriculture Page 26 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka ANNEXURE -2 Table1:Technical Evaluation Parameters 1 2 I II 30,558 56,974 1.50 2.00 Financial Annual Turnover /district ( Rs in Lakhs) 25.00 50.00 3 III 91,128 3.50 75.00 8 24 24 3 59 3 4 IV 1,84,672 7.00 150.00 15 45 45 4 109 4 Sl No . Categ ory of Distri ct EMD per district (Rs in lakhs) Average sample size (No) Note : Minimum Key personnel (No)/district/shift Vehicles /district lab assistants field assista nts Data Entry Operator Total 3 5 9 15 9 15 1 2 22 37 1 2 Soil Analysts 1.The bidder is required to produce aggregate EMD, have aggregate turn over, key personnels for the districts for which the proposals are being submitted. 2. Details of districts in each category is given in the table below 3. If a bidder wishes to participate for one or more districts with in the category or outside the category he should according have the capability and also quote accordingly. 4. Vehicle: vehicle is mandatory for transportation of soil sample from farmer’s field/village to soil testing lab concerned on time. Vehicle should be a bulk transport vehicle with a minimum capacity to carry 2.5 tons. 5. Each vehicle should have one driver and one helper for loading and unloading of soil samples from farmer’s field to soil testing labs Categorization of districts based on soil sample numbers. I (upto 40,000) II (40,001 to 75000) III (75,001 to 1,20,000 Kodagu Bangaluru Uttarakannada Ramanagar Chikaballapura Dharwad kolar Dakshina Kannada Chickmagaluru gadag Chitradurga Yadagir Mysuru Davanagere Hassan Udupi Haveri Ballari Chamarajanagar Bidar Bagalkote Mandya Kalburgi Shivamogga Raichur Koppal Tumakuru Department of Agriculture IV (>1,20,000) Vijayapura Belaghavi Page 27 Driver + Helper 1+1 2+2 3+ 3 4+4 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Department of Agriculture Page 28 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Table 2:Details of Category wise Districts and District wise year wise allocation of soil samples Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Remarks Number of samples Districts Belagavi Bagalkote Vijayapura Kalburgi Bidar Raichur Koppal Gadag Dharwad Uttarakannada Haveri Ballari Chitradurga Davanagere Shivamogga Udupi Chickmagaluru Tumkur kolar Bangaluru Department of Agriculture Year 1 Rainfe d Irrigated Total Rainfed Irrigated Total Rainfed 47381 169821 217202 15794 56607 72401 15794 24961 70544 95505 8320 23515 31835 8320 65909 86233 152142 21970 28744 50714 21970 84392 21695 106087 28131 7232 35362 28131 40208 19732 59940 13403 6577 19980 13403 49860 62262 112122 16620 20754 37374 16620 29435 44857 74292 9812 14952 24764 9812 32556 17283 49839 10852 5761 16613 10852 27871 16921 44792 9290 5640 14931 9290 11264 19071 30334 3755 6357 10111 3755 30691 26235 56926 10230 8745 18975 10230 33640 58974 92614 11213 19658 30871 11213 45164 34937 80101 15055 11646 26700 15055 25016 58488 83504 8339 19496 27835 8339 10576 59978 70553 3525 19993 23518 3525 9285 26131 35416 3095 8710 11805 3095 21901 27866 49767 7300 9289 16589 7300 50647 67443 118090 16882 22481 39363 16882 24892 21720 46612 8297 7240 15537 8297 12345 17039 29384 4115 5680 9795 4115 Page 28 Year2 Year 3 Irrigate d Total Rainfed Irrigated Total 56607 72401 15794 56607 72401 23515 31835 8320 23515 31835 28744 50714 21970 28744 50714 7232 35362 28131 7232 35362 6577 19980 13403 6577 19980 20754 37374 16620 20754 37374 14952 24764 9812 14952 24764 5761 16613 10852 5761 16613 5640 14931 9290 5640 14931 6357 10111 3755 6357 10111 8745 18975 10230 8745 18975 19658 30871 11213 19658 30871 11646 26700 15055 11646 26700 19496 27835 8339 19496 27835 19993 23518 3525 19993 23518 8710 11805 3095 8710 11805 9289 16589 7300 9289 16589 22481 39363 16882 22481 39363 7240 15537 8297 7240 15537 5680 9795 4115 5680 9795 Micronutrie nts Zn,Bo,Fe Zn,Bo Zn ,Bo Zn,Bo Zn,Bo Zn,Bo Zn,Bo Zn,Bo,Fe,Cu Zn,Bo Zn,Bo Zn,Bo,Cu Zn,Bo Zn,Bo,Cu Zn,Bo Zn,Bo Zn,Bo Zn,Bo,Cu Zn,Bo,Cu Zn,Bo Zn,Bo Zn,Bo Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Sl. no 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Remarks Number of samples Total Districts Mandya Hassan Dakshina Kannada Kodagu Mysuru Chamrajanagar Ramanagar Chikaballapur Yadagir Total Year1 rainfed 18788 32555 7689 14074 Irrigated 49580 53228 40961 648 Total 68368 85784 48651 14723 rainfed 6263 10852 2563 4691 Irrigated 16527 17743 13654 216 Total 22789 28595 16217 4908 rainfed 6263 10852 2563 4691 Year2 Irrigate d 16527 17743 13654 216 Year3 20766 16394 16084 18585 28227 61985 19356 17556 16071 53459 82751 35750 33640 34656 81686 6922 5465 5361 6195 9409 20662 6452 5852 5357 17820 27584 11917 11213 11552 27229 6922 5465 5361 6195 9409 20662 6452 5852 5357 17820 27584 11917 11213 11552 27229 6922 5465 5361 6195 9409 20662 6452 5852 5357 17820 27584 11917 11213 11552 27229 851159 1240074 2091234 283720 413358 697078 283720 413358 697078 283720 413358 697078 Total 22789 28595 16217 4908 rainfed 6263 10852 2563 4691 Irrigated 16527 17743 13654 216 Total 22789 28595 16217 4908 Micronutrie nts Zn,Bo,Cu Zn,Bo Zn,Bo,Mn Zn,Bo Zn,Bo,Fe,Cu, Mn Zn,Bo Zn,Bo,Cu Zn,Bo Zn,Bo Note 1. Details of Talukwise,Hobliwise samples to be collected will be given by District Joint Directors after signing the Agreement 2.Total no of samples to be collected may vary to an extent of 2% 3.The above data is based on Agricensus 2010-11. 4.Micronutrients shown in the remarks column should be analysed apart from regular parameters (pH,EC,N,P,Kand S) 5. From district /taluk/hobli 1/3 rd of total number of samples would be taken in each year but at the village level entire village would be taken for sample collection and analysis at a time. Number of villages are to be taken in such a manner so that 1/3 of the hobli level samples are taken in each year for soil sample analysis. Department of Agriculture Page 29 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix A: Format for Letter of Proposal (On the Letter head of the Bidder) Date: To, The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru 560 001. Sir, Re: Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of _________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Bidder/ Agency”), and having reviewed and fully understood all of the Proposal requirements and information provided, the undersigned hereby submits the Proposal for the Project referred above. We confirm that our Proposal is valid for not less than three (3) months from ________________ (Proposal Due Date) Yours faithfully, ___________________________ (Signature of the Authorised Signatory of Bidder) ___________________________ (Name and designation of the Authorised Signatory of Bidder) Department of Agriculture Page 30 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka APPENDIX B: Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of Proposal (On stamp paper of appropriate value) Power of Attorney Know all men by these presents, we _________________________________ (name and address of the registered office) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorise Mr. / Ms. ______________ ______________________________________________ (name and residential address) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of _____________________________ as our or attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our bid for the project envisaging Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka including signing and submission of all documents and providing information / responses to DoA, representing us in all matters before DoA, and generally dealing with DoA in all matters in connection with our Proposal for the said Project. We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us. For ___________________________ ___________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Name, Title and Address) Accepted ___________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Name, Title and Address of the Attorney) Note: 1. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure. The Power of Attorney should be on a stamp paper of appropriate value. 2. Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents and documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in favour of the Person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder. Department of Agriculture Page 31 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix C: Format for Letter of Commitment (The Letter of Commitment is to be submitted by the Bidder/ each of the Consortium Members) Date: To, The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru 560 001 Sir, Re: Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka This has reference to the Proposal being submitted by ____________________________ (name of the Bidder/ Agency), in respect of the abovementioned Project. We hereby confirm the following: We _________________________________have examined in detail and have understood and satisfied ourselves regarding the contents mainly in respect of the following: 1. The Tender document issued by the Department of Agriculture (DoA); 2. All subsequent communications between DoA and the Bidder/ Agency, represented by __________________________________(name of the Bidder/ Agency); Dated this the _______ Day of _______20__ For ___________________________ (Name and designation of the person(s) signing on behalf of the Bidder) Department of Agriculture Page 32 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix D: Details of Bidder 1. Name 2. Address of the office(s) 3. Date of incorporation and/or commencement of business. 4. Brief description of the Company including details of its main lines of business. 5. Name, Designation, Address and Phone Numbers of Authorised Signatory of the Bidder: Name : c. 1. Designation : 2. Company : 3. Address : 4. Telephone Number 5. Fax Number : 6. Mobile Number : 7. E-Mail Address : : 6. Details of individual (s) who will serve as the point of contact / communication for DoA within the Company: d. Name : e. Designation : f. Company : g. Address h. Telephone Number : i. Fax Number : j. Mobile Number : k. E-Mail Address : : Signature, name and designation of the authorised signatory with seal Department of Agriculture Page 33 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix E: Format for Anti Collusion Certificate (On the Letterhead of the Bidder) We hereby certify and confirm that in the preparation and submission of our Proposal for Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka, we have not acted in concert or in collusion with any other Bidder or other person(s) and also not done any act, deed or thing which is or could be regarded as anti-competitive. We further confirm that we have not offered nor will offer any illegal gratification in cash or kind to any person or agency in connection with this Proposal. Dated this _______ Day of __________, 20__ ________________________ (Name of the Bidder/ Agency) ________________________ (Signature of the Authorised Person) ________________________ (Name and designation of the Authorised Person) Department of Agriculture Page 34 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix F: Format for Undertaking (On the Letterhead of the Bidder) Date: The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru 560 001 Sir, Re: Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka We confirm that we are not barred by Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka (GoK), any other State Government in India (SG) or Government of India (GoI), or any of the agencies of GoK/SG/GoI from participating in infrastructure/computerisation projects (BOT or otherwise) as on __________________________(Proposal Due Date). Yours faithfully, ___________________________ (Signature of Authorised Signatory) ________________________ (Name and designation of the Authorised Person) Department of Agriculture Page 35 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix G: Format for Undertaking for Soil Testing Company/ Agency (On the Letterhead of the Bidder) Date: The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru 560 001 Sir, Re: Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka We confirm that we have been in the business of testing of Soil Samples for Macro and Micro Nutrient content. Yours faithfully, ___________________________ (Signature of Authorised Signatory) ________________________ (Name and designation of the Authorised Person) Department of Agriculture Page 36 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix H: Format for Statement of Experience FORMAT IA Format for Certificate from the Statutory auditors regarding experience of the Applicant (On the letter head of Statutory auditors) Date: Based on the books of account and other published and relevant documents/informations authenticated by it, this is to certify that M/s _______________[Name of the Applicant] been engaged in Soil Testing business for Macro and Micro Nutrient content for the ________ [Provide number of years] preceding the Proposal Due and have a Lab capacity to analyze atleast _____________ soil samples per year. Name of the audit Firm Seal of the Audit Firm Signature, name and designation of the authorised signatory FORMAT IB Format for No Objection Certificate regarding Capacity of Labs in collaboration (On the letter head of Concerned Lab) Date: This is to certify that I ,M/s _______________[Name of the Concerned ] been engaged in Soil Testing business for Macro and Micro Nutrient content for the ________ [Provide number of years] preceding the Proposal Due and I have no objection in collaborating my ------------------------- lab [ name and address of the lab]which has the capacity to analyze atleast _____________ soil samples per year to shri/M/s ………………………..for the purpose of analysis of the soil samples for the project concerned.. Name of the Lab Seal of the Lab Signature, name and designation of the authorised signatory Department of Agriculture Page 37 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka FORMAT IIA S.No Name of the Vehicle with registration Number Capacity( in terms of tonnes) 1 2 Signature, name and designation of the authorised signatory with seal Department of Agriculture Page 38 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka FORMAT II B2 Format of certificate from Agency (On the letterhead of the Agency) Date: We certify that M/s ________________[Name of the Applicant] has ________________ Vehicles with the capacity of ……………….tonnes for bulk transportation. Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with seal of the agency 2 To be provided for each of the Vehicle listed in Format IIIA Department of Agriculture Page 39 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka APPENDIX-I Financial Capacity of the Applicant Annual turnover of the Agency/ Bidder. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Instruction: 1. The Applicant shall attach copies of the balance sheets, financial statements and Annual Reports for 3 (three) years preceding the Proposal Due Date. The financial statements shall: (a) reflect the financial situation of the Applicant; (b) be audited by a statutory auditor; (c) be complete, including all notes to the financial statements; and (d) correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted). 2. Annual turnover shall mean the total revenues as indicated in the audited annual balance sheet. 3. Year 1 will be the latest completed financial year, preceding the Proposal Due Date. Year 2 shall be the year immediately proceeding year 1 and so on. 4. The Applicant shall provide an Auditor’s Certificate3 specifying the annual turnover and also specify the methodology adopted for calculating the same. 5. If the Agency or bidder is submitting proposals for more than 1 district, Such agency is required to have aggregate turn over for the districts where the proposals are being submitted.( Turnover for Districts as per Annexure 2) Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with seal of the agency 3 In case the Applicant does not have a statutory auditor, it shall provide the certificate from its chartered accountant that ordinarily audits the annual account of the Applicant. Department of Agriculture Page 40 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka APPENDIX-J Particulars of Key Personnel Sl. No . (1) 1. 2. 3. Designati on of Key Personnel Name (2) Soil Analyst Field/lab Assistants Data entry operators (3) Educational Qualification (4) Length of Professional Experience (soil testing) (5) Present Employment Name of Firm (6) Employ ed Since (7) Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with agency's seal Department of Agriculture Page 41 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Format III Format of certificate from Agency (On the letterhead of the Agency) Date: We certify that the information provided in Appendix J on the Particulars of Key Personnel correctly describes the qualification, experience and other information relating to the Key Personnels listed therein. Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with agency's seal Department of Agriculture Page 42 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix K: Format for Price Proposal (SPECIMEN COPY ONLY – SUBMITTED ONLY THROUGH EPROCUREMENT WEBSITE) Date: To The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru 560 001 Sir, Re: Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka I/We have reviewed the Tender including Instructions to Bidders and the Terms of Reference and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions therein. I hereby submit our Price Proposal and quote a Price of Rs. ______________ (Rupees ____________________(in words) in accordance with the Tender. Note 1: Scanned copy of Appendix L and Appendix L-1forming part of the Price Proposal to be on the letter head of the bidder and signed by the authorized signatory and the same to be uploaded on the e-Procurement Website. Note 2: The Bidder/ Agency should submit separate price proposals for each district, if and only if applying for more than one (1) district. Yours faithfully, Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with seal of the agency Department of Agriculture Page 43 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix L-1: List of Districts for which the bidder has submitted the proposals 1 2 3 4 Name of the district Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with seal of the agency Department of Agriculture Page 44 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix L-2 – Componentwise breakup of cost per soil sample SUBMITTED ONLY THROUGH E-PROCUREMENT WEBSITE (On the letterhead of the Bidder) Sl. no Particulars Unit of operational area is District District Name : Cost per sample Lumsum amount for (Rs ) entire project of a particular district(Rs ) 1 Soil sampling cost (collection using GPS cordinates , labelling , packing material and transportation to soil test labs ) 2 Soil sample analysis cost (cost of consumables, Manpower for soil analysis and miscellaneous expenditure) 3 ICT Expenditure (for PMS and generation of soil health cards.) 4 Printing of multicolored soil health Card. 5 Preparation of Soil Fertility Maps (District /Taluk/ hobli/Gram Panchayat Levels) 6 Organizational service charges TOTAL(Rs.) Per sample cost in Rs. Taxes Per sample cost (inclusive of all taxes in Rs.) This format should be uploaded along with the Financial bid format. Bidder has to furnish this details separately for each district.. Yours faithfully, Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with seal of the agency Department of Agriculture Page 45 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix L3 Financial Bid Format SUBMITTED ONLY THROUGH E-PROCUREMENT WEBSITE (On the letterhead of the Bidder) Name of the District Cost per sample inclusive of all taxes 1 Note:Bidder has to furnish this details separately for each district. Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with seal of the agency Department of Agriculture Page 46 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Volume II. TERMS OF REFERENCE Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. General Objective Scope of Services Deliverables Payment Schedule Working Team Completion of Services Department of Agriculture Page 47 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 1.1.1 1.1.2 General Soil is a non renewable living resource. Every effort must be made to enrich this natural resource for maximizing its productivity on one hand and to conserve this resource with minimal degradation for the prosperity, sustaining productivity of soil. In Karnataka, there are 78, 32,189 farm holdings. Soil testing is a tool to assess the available nutrient status of a soil. Interpretation of test results and making recommendation for nutrient management may be appropriate to achieve sustainable yields on long term basis. In view of above, it is proposed to implement the soil testing programme on a mission mode for three years in the form of Soil Health Mission by analyzing the soil samples based on grid and issuing soil health cards to all the farm holdings covered under the grid with the following objective: Ø issue soil health cards to all farmers in Karnataka over a period of three years, so as to provide a basis to include nutrient deficiencies in fertilizer recommendation Ø develop crop specific nutrient management in the districts for enhancing nutrient use efficiency. Ø promote soil test based balancing of nutrients to manage fertility related risks for higher production. 1.1.3 In pursuance of the above, the Authority has now decided to carry out a bid process for Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission. The Successful Bidder would be required to perform the following task: Collection of soil samples Sample coding Soil analysis Generation of soil health cards Providing analysis based recommendations Linking of soil fertility status to K-Kisan software Preparation of Soil fertility maps 1. Objective The objective of this Implementation of Soil Health Mission in the State of Karnataka inclusive of but not limited to Creating awareness; Collection of soil samples; Sample coding; Soil analysis; Generation of soil health cards; Providing soil analysis based recommendations; Linking of soil fertility status to K-Kisan software and Preparation of Soil fertility maps. Department of Agriculture Page 48 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 2. Scope of Services The Authority will select the districtwise agency to undertake the implementation of Soil Health Mission. The selected agency shall extend their co-operation for the following activities to be undertaken by the department . a. Creating awareness: Creating awareness among the farmers regarding methodology in collection of the samples and recommendations of crop specific nutrients based on the soil test results. The awareness programmes will be carried out at village level by the agriculture department extension staff through various mass media methods (Jhathas/Streetplays / using print and electronic media). b. Training to Farmers: Two training programme for 2 days each will be organized by the Agriculture department for a group of 50 farmers at taluk level . One regarding soil sample collection and the other for recommendations of soil test results c. Training to Technical staff/Analyst : The department of agriculture will organize technical trainings as mentioned below a. One-week hands-on orientation training to soil chemists for soil analysis and fertilizer recommendation . b. 2 days training to field assistants/ lab assistants regarding soil sample collection and sample analysis . The selected agencies have to depute their analysts and other staff to the trainings which will be intimated by District Joint directors. The selected Agency shall undertake the implementation of the project as below: a. Collection of soil samples: Criteria of samples to be taken: (i) Irrigated area – at 2.5 ha grid for marginal and small holdings. (ii) Irrigated area – one sample each holding for semi-medium, medium & large holdings (Irrigated Area/Av.size). (iii) Rainfed area – at 10 ha grid for marginal, small, semi-medium & medium holdings. (iv) Rainfed area – one sample each holding for large holdings (Rainfed Area / Av.size). (v) samples collected should represent all the farmers holdings in that grid if that grid contains more than one farmer. The sample should be collected from all 4 (four)corners and 1(one) in the centre of the grid. The Soil samples should be collected in presence of concerned farmers and department extension functionaries. GPS co-ordinates should be recorded at the time of soil collection. Information of farmers as per Annexure 3should be collected at the time of sample collection. Soil sampling procedure for agriculture and horticulture crops as per Laboratory manual of Department of Agriculture Depth of the soil sample should be considered for the major crop in particular survey number as specified below. Annual crops - 0-30cm Department of Agriculture Page 49 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Plantation crops(Horticulture) - 0-30cm and 30-60cm, 2 samples should be collected and analysed separately. The collected soil samples along with farmers inventory sheet (as per Annexure 3) should be transported to the respective soil testing laboratories.The districtwise and yearwise allocation of soil samples to be drawn is given in Annexure 2: Table 2 b. Sample coding: The collected soil samples are registered and maintained in a separate register. Unique code number should be allotted to each and every soil sample received during the year. This number should be unique. K-Kisan coding procedure of DoA should be followed .This unique code which includes the following details 1. District 2. Taluk 3.Hobli 4 Grampanchayat 5. Village { Farmers name ,Survey No,Gender, Category(SC/ST/General) details also should be included to this code by the Agency} c. Analysis of soil samples: Soil samples should be analysed by following the standard procedures followed in static and Mobile soil laboratories as per as per Laboratory manual of Department of Agriculture. (Manual will be provided to the successful bidder by the DoA) I. II. III. IV. Qualitative parameters: pH and EC. Major Nutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium Secondary Nutrients: Sulphur Micronutrients : Zinc, , Iron,Copper,Manganese and Boron After analysis of the soil samples the remaining portion of the sample should be preserved until the third party check. e. Programme Monitoring Software : The samples are to be tracked right from the date of collection of samples, transportation to lab, analysis of soil sample, generation of soil health card and fianal distribution of soil health card pertaining to the sample.However , the results of analysed soil samples are to be fed to the Bhoophala Software available with the DoA . d.Providing soil health information: After analyzing of soil samples in Soil testing labs soil health cards should be distributed to all the farmers holdingswise of that particular grid from where the soil samples are collected. One copy of Soil health Card per holding farmer should be submitted to the concerned RSKs.The soil health cards will be distributed to farmers by the departmental extension functionaries.The selected agency should also assist in the process. The fertility status and crop specific nutrient recommendation should to be linked to KKisan software by the selected agency . Department of Agriculture Page 50 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka e.Generation of Soil Health Maps :Preparation of GIS based Digital multicolored soil fertility maps of state, district, taluks, hoblis and gram panchayts should be prepared to the standard Scale.(1:100000 for district level and 1:50000 for Taluk, 1:25000 for hobli and 1:4000 for Grampanchayat level.). one copy of such maps should be handed over to the District joint Director of Agriculture. 3. List of Deliverables 1. Timely progress reports should be submitted in the specified formats provided by the DoA 2. Soil health cards hard copies and soft copies to be submitted to the concerned District Joint Directors within the specified time. 3. Grampanchyat/Hobli/taluk/District level multi coloured soil fertility Maps ( one copy) generated to the Joint Director concerned are to be submitted both in hard copies and soft copy along with source code 4. On expiry or termination of the contract, the DoA labs ,equipments or any other resources of the Authority should be handed over to the Authority in as was form. Any damages to the said properties shall attract penalties in the form of forfeiture of the PBG partially or in whole. 4. Schedule of payment The Agency shall deliver the above deliverables (the “Deliverables”) during the course of the agreement(three years) period as per the formats provided by the authority . Accordingly the activitywise payments shall be as follows. All payments will be made through the District Joint Directors. Key Date No KD1 Description of Timeline Payment Deliverables Soil sample As per schedule 50% of the amount as per the collection(along with submitted by the price finalized by DoA for the GPS coordinates) , coding selected agency purpose of Soil sample of soil samples,packing collection ,packing , coding of and transportation to soil soil samples and transportation testing labs of samples to soil testing labs will be paid within a month after the agency submits the detailed work done report on soil sample collection , coding of soil samples,packing and transportation to soil testing labs. Remaining 50% will be paid within a month after obtaining the verification / work completion report by the third party. Department of Agriculture Page 51 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Key Date Description of Timeline Payment No Deliverables KD2 Analysis of the soil As per schedule 50% of the amount as per the samples as per terms of submitted by the price finalized by DoA for the purpose of soil analysis will be this tender selected agency paid within a month after the agency submits the work done report regarding soil analysis. Remaining 50% will be paid within a month after obtaining the verification / work completion report by the third party. KD3 ICT Expenditure (for Monthly submission of 50% of the amount as per the PMS and generation of bills accompanied by price finalized by DoA for the soil health cards.) reports are to be purpose of ICT will be paid within a month after the agency submitted submits the work done report on ICT. Remaining 50% will be paid within a month after obtaining the verification / work completion report by the third party on ICT. KD4 Generation of Soil Generation of soil 50% of the amount as as per the Fertility Maps fertility maps at District/ price finalized by DoA for Taluk/ Hobli /Gram generation of Soil Fertility Maps Panchayat levels within will be paid with in a month two months after after the agency submits the completion of analysis detailed work done report on of soil samples of generation of soil fertility maps. District/ Taluk/ Hobli Remaining 50% will be paid /Gram Panchayat within a month after obtaining the verification / work completion report by the third party on the progress on generation of Soil Fertility Maps All the deliverables should be submitted as per the formats provided by the authority after signing of Agreement. Further one set of hard copies and soft copies in CDs of all the final Deliverables shall be submitted to the the District Joint Director as per key dates. Agencies should maintain backup information in electronic form to be kept separately and handed over to the department officials as per further intimation. Department of Agriculture Page 52 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 5. Working Team The Agency shall form a multi-disciplinary team (the “Consultancy Team”) for undertaking this Assignment. The following Key Personnel whose experience and responsibilities are briefly described herein would be considered for evaluation of the Technical Proposal. Key Educational Qualification Length of Responsibility Personnel Experience Soil Degree in agriculture or science Minimum 3 Shall undertake the Analyst with specilisation in soil years analysis of soil samples science /chemistry from the and generate reports recognised University. Lab Pass in PUC from recognized Minimum 3 Shall collect the Assistants college. years samples from the field or Field and transport it to the Assistants labs He/ she should assist the soil analyst in analyzing samples Data Entry Pass in any degree from Minimum 1 Shall upload the soil Operators recognized college/ university years test results in the with computer knowledge software and generate soil health cards 6. 6.1 6.2 Completion of Services All the outputs including primary data shall be compiled, classified and submitted by the Agency to the Authority in soft copy apart from the reports indicated in the Deliverables. The study outputs shall remain the property of the Authority and shall not be used for any purpose other than that intended under these Terms of Reference without the permission of the Authority. All activities as per schedule should be performed by the selected agency,if in any case the agency concerned fails to perform and in case such activities is performed by the DoA, accordingly the payment to the agencies shall be deducted activitywise. Director of Agriculture and Tender Inviting Authority Department of Agriculture Page 53 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Annexure-3 Information collected at the time of collection of soil sample 1.Sample code: 2..Farmer’s Name a………………area in ha …… Survey No. b. ……………… area in ha …… Survey No ………. c……………… area in ha …… Survey No. d……………… area in ha ………… Survey No …. 3.Village:…………………..Taluka:………………………District:………………… 4.Information of Land Holding: 5. GPS reading of said Survey no: 1. Latitude::……………………….. Longitude …………………….. 2. Latitude::……………………….. Longitude …………………….. 3. Latitude::……………………….. Longitude …………………….. 4. Latitude::……………………….. Longitude …………………….. 5. Latitude::……………………….. Longitude …………………….. 5 .Area of Grid: 6. Name of Farm: 7. Topography of Land: Levelled / undulated /Low line Irrigated – (Well/Tube Well/Canal) / Unirrigated: 8. Crop grown in Last Season: Kharif:………….Rabi:……………Summer:……….. 9. Crop to be taken in next season: Kharif:…… Rabi:……………Summer:……... . 10.Main Crop of this particular area: 1……………………………………2……………….3………………………….4…… 11.Date of sampling …………………………. Signature of soil sample drawer Name:…………………………… Designation:……………………. Farmer’s Signature: KSDA extension staff’s Signature Note :1. All the names of farmers in the particular grid should be mentioned along with the holding size. Names of farmers should be mentioned according to the area of the holding (larger to smaller holding). 2. Soil sample should represent the soil from all the farm holdings coming under the particular grid. Department of Agriculture Page 54 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Appendix M FORMAT FOR PERFORMANCE SECURITY To The Director for Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Government of Karnataka, Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru 560 001 WHEREAS______________________________________________________________ [Name and address of the Agency] (hereinafter called “the Agency”) has undertaken, in pursuance of Contract No. _____________________________________________dated _________to provides the services on terms and conditions set forth in this Contract _________________________________________________ [Name of contract and brief description of works) (hereinafter called the “the Contract”). AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by the Authority in the said Contract that the Agency shall furnish to the Authority with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with his obligations in accordance with the Contract; AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Agencys such a Bank Guarantee; NOW THEREOF we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to the Authority, on behalf of the Agencys up to a total of ___________________________________[amount of Guarantee] _______________________________________________________________________ [in words], such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the Consultancy Fee is payable, and we undertake to pay to the Authority, upon Authorities first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of _______________ [amount of Guarantee] as aforesaid without the Authority needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for the Authority’s demand for the sum specified therein. We hereby waive the necessity of the Authority demanding the said debt from the Agencys before presenting us with the demand. We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract or of the services to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between the Authority and the Agencys shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification. Department of Agriculture Page 55 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka The liability of the Bank under this Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the Agencys or of the Bank. Notwithstanding anything contained herein before, our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs.__________________ (Rs.______________) and the guarantee shall remain valid till _________. Unless a claim or a demand in writing is made upon us on or before _____________________ all our liability under this guarantee shall cease. This guarantee shall be valid until 2 months beyond the expiry of Contract. Signature and Seal of the Guarantor ________________ In presence of Name and Designation _________________________ 1.________________________________ (Name, Signature & Occupation) Name of the Bank ______________________________ Address _____________________________________ 2.________________________________ (Name & Occupation) Date ____________________________ Department of Agriculture Page 56 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Calender of events for First Year Sl. no Activity 1 Selection of villages 2 Collection of samples and transportation Analysis of samples Generation of Soil Health Card handing over the Soil health Cards to the RSKs Preparation of Soil fertility maps 3 4 5 6 A p r May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Name and Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with seal of the agency Department of Agriculture Page 57 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Calender of events for Second Year and Third Year Sl.n o Activity 1 Selection of villages Collection of samples& transportation Analysis of samples Generation of Soil Health Card handing over the Soil health Cards to the RSKs Preparation of Soil fertility maps 2 3 4 5 6 Ap r Ma y Jun Jul y Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with seal of the agency Department of Agriculture Page 58 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Volume III List of Soil Testing Laboratories Sl.n o 1 Location of Soil Testing Laboratories Soil Health Centre, Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru (Rural). And Micronutrient Laboratory O/o DDA(Soil Health), Sheshadri Road, Bengaluru Soil Health Centre, Near JDA Office, Ramanagar Soil Health Centre, Kagati, Chikkaballapur Soil Health Centre, Near D.C office, Kolar Soil Health Centre, RMC Yard, Davangere-577 003. Building Macro facility facility Yes Yes Micro facility Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Soil Health Centre, Near District Court, Tumakuru-572101 Yes Yes Yes 7 Soil Health Centre, Near JDA Office, Chitradurga Yes Yes Yes 8 Soil Health Centre, Near D.C office, Mandya-571 401. Yes Yes Yes 9 Soil Health Centre, Nanjanagud-571 301, Mysuru district. Yes Yes Yes 10* Soil Health Centre, Near JDA Office, Chamarajnagar Yes Yes Yes 11 Soil Health Centre, Kudige, Kodagu District. Yes Yes Yes 12 Soil Health Centre, Jilla Panchayath compound, Mangalore-575 001, Dhakshina Kannada District. Soil Health Centre, Near JDA Office, Udupi Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soil Health Centre, Santepet, Hassan. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soil Health Center, Old Thirthahalli Rd, Shivamogga district - 577 202. 16 Soil Health Centre, Joint Director of Agriculture compound, Chikkamagaluru-577 101. 17** Soil Health Centre, Gokak, Belagavi district - 591 307 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 2* 3* 4 5 13* 14 15 Department of Agriculture Page 59 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 18 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soil Yes Yes Yes Health Centre, Near District Agriculture training centre, Dharwad580 008. 19 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soil Yes Yes Yes Health Centre, DATC, Devihosur, Haveri district. 20 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soil Yes Yes Yes Health Centre, APMC Yard, Gadag582 101. 21 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soil Yes Yes Yes Health Centre, Sirsi, Uttara Kannada District - 581402 22** Soil Health Centre, Near Krishik No Yes Yes Samaj, Vijayapura 23 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soil Yes Yes No Health Centre, Jamkhandi, Bagalkot district - 587 302 24 Soil Health Centre, Kotnur, Yes Yes No Kalburgi-585 103 25 Soil Health Centre, Bhalkhi, Bidar Yes Yes Yes district-585 328 26 Soil Health Centre, Krishi sankirna, Yes Yes Yes Raichur- 585401 27 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soil Yes Yes Yes Health Centre, Vaddarhatti Camp, Gangavathi, Koppal district. 28* Soil Health Centre, Yadagiri. Yes Yes No 29 Assistant Director of Agriculture, Soil Yes Yes Yes Health Centre, APMC Yard, Ballari583 101. * SHC Yadagir, Udupi, Chikkaballapur, Chamarajnagar and Ramanagar laboratories analysis work has not been started. ** SHC Gokak and Vijayapura Building are in Rental basis. Department of Agriculture Page 60 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka Checklist 1 2 3 4 Particulars Certificate of Registration, Memorandum of Association and articles of association Annual Audited Reports for the past 3years Letter of Proposal as per Appendix A Power of Attorney as per Appendix B, authorising the signatory of the Proposal to commit the Bidder 5 Letter of Commitment as per Appendix C 6 Details of Appendix D 7 Anti-Collusion Certificate as per Appendix E 8 Letter of Undertaking from Bidder as per Appendix F 9 Earnest Money Deposite Bidder as Enclosed/not enclosed per Undertaking of10 being an agency involved in soil testing for macro and micro-nutrients as per Appendix G 11 Format for Experience as per Appendix H(format IA,IB,IIAand IIB) 12 Statement of Financial Capability as per Appendix I 13 Undertaking with respect to availability of Key Personnel and their Qualification as per Appendix J(Format III) 14 Declaration on PMS 15 Format for for Price Proposal as per Appendix K Department of Agriculture Page 61 Selection of Agencies for implementation of Soil Health Mission in Karnataka 16 17 18 19 List of Districts for which bidder has submitted proposals Appendix L1 Componentwise breakup of price proposal Appendix L2 Financial Bid Format Appendix L3 Schedule of Activities. Note : The Checklist format should be filled and uploaded in the eprocurement website sequentially as above only. Signature of the authorized signatory and designation with seal of the agency Department of Agriculture Page 62
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