CLASS IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK Hey kids! Have a happy ,happening break Here are a few interesting activities to keep you going through summer break. Little bit of research and lots of imagination will make your holidays fruitful and add colours to your creations. Get Set, go….. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. All the work has to be done on A4 size interleaf coloured sheets. 2. Sheets have to be punched, tied in the form of a booklet separately for each subject and put them in one folder. 3. All the sheets should be properly labeled with name, class, roll no. and subject. 4. Submit your holiday homework to your class teacher on 3rd July 2015 positively. 5. Revise all FA1 syllabus. ENGLISH 1. Write a short story on “United we stand-divided we fall” on an A4 size sheet and paste pictures related to it. 2.Compose a Poem “Sounds of the morning” of your own using these rhyming words… sing-ring, frying-crying , splash-dash , makes-brakes. HINDI 1£ panaI kI bacat krnao ka kao[- ek trIka bataato hue ek paosTr banaaAao AaOr ]sasao saMmibaQat ek naara ila#aao . 2£naIcao ide ica~ kao do#akr ek kivata banaakr ila#aao . MATHS 1) Activity 1 Take out electricity bills of your home for last four months. Take help of your parents and find out the amount of bill paid in each month( for example- 550 rupees in month of May). Arrange the bills in ascending order as per the amount of bill paid in each month. Find out the name of month in which highest and lowest amount is paid. Write few ways by which electricity bill can be reduced. 2) Activity on Roman numbers Step 1-Fix five friends with whom you wish to complete the assignment. Step 2-Find out their Age, Height and weight. Step 3- Prepare a table in following manner Table Friend-1 Friend-2 Friend-3 Friend-4 Friend-5 NAME PHOTO AGE WEIGHT HEIGHT Complete the table and write age, weight and height in Roman numbers. Find out the person with- 1) Greatest age 2) Heighest weight 3) Largest height 3) Do chapter 1(i.e. “Revision”) in a rough notebook. SOCIAL STUDIES 1) Pick out any 2 states from North India, 2 from South, 2 from East and 2 from West India. Paste pictures of the dresses the people wear in those states, their folk dances and their common festivals on A4 sheet. 2)Collect information and paste pictures of any 1 freedom fighter of your choice. Also write few lines under the picture you paste on the A4 sheet. You may collect information from the internet, magazines, newspapers. SCIENCE 1.What are the different home remedies we can use for the treatment of(a)Stomach ache (b)Fever (c)Cough and cold (d)Headache (e)Cuts and wounds (f)Insect bite Do it on A4 size sheet. 2.On an A4 size sheet ,Paste the pictures of people with different jobs they do. Ex-Policeman, Doctor etc. and describe their roles in our daily life.
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