Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals Procedures 1. Determine eligibility for SAP Appeal by visiting and page 2 of this guide 2. Begin gathering documentation (see page 2 of this guide for suggested documentation) to support your appeal. 3. Print a copy of your unofficial transcripts from eServices. 4. Write a letter explaining your request using the instructions found on page 3 of this guide. 5. Schedule an appointment with Lyndsay Durham by visiting to discuss your appeal and letter. (Please bring at least a draft letter with you to your initial appointment) 6. Following your initial advising appointment, you will be provided with further instructions. SAP Appeals require 2 appointments minimally: an initial consultation and a follow up appointment. Since a statement from the Academic Advisor is required, a follow up appointment is required. The more prepared you are for your initial appointment, the more successful your appeal will be. The SAP Appeal Deadline for the Fall Semester is October 1 The SAP Appeal Deadline for the Spring Semester is March 1 Therefore: you should make your appointments to meet with Lyndsay WELL PRIOR to these deadlines. Appointments less than 1 week prior to SAP Appeal Deadlines of October 1 or March 15 may result in delay of SAP Appeal to the next semester. FINANCIAL AID SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS APPEAL ACADEMIC YEAR ______________ Federal regulations require students to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in three areas — cumulative GPA, hours earned or completion rate, and maximum timeframe — to be eligible for financial aid. It is the student’s responsibility to stay informed of the university’s SAP standards and to monitor their own progress. A complete description of VCU’s SAP policy for financial aid purposes (including the treatment of W, I, RF, RD, CO, D, and F grades as well as audited, ELP, repeat courses and remedial courses) can be found on the Office of Financial Aid website at (click on “Satisfactory Academic Progress”). Extenuating or Mitigating Circumstances: An appeal can be submitted if a student’s failure to be in compliance with one or more areas of SAP is due to events beyond the student’s control. If such mitigating circumstances can be documented for the specific semester(s) when the deficiencies occurred, the student may submit this completed SAP Appeal, along with all required documentation. Submission of the appeal does not guarantee approval, and students are responsible for dropping all classes by the add/drop deadline if they are unable to pay for classes on their own. Supporting Documentation: To confirm your extenuating circumstance(s), you must attach documentation from an objective third party (e.g. physician, counselor lawyer, social worker, teacher, religious leader, academic advisor, VCU Counseling or Health Center). Documentation must be on official letterhead and verify that extenuating circumstances occurred during the timeframe referenced in your appeal. In cases of death of an immediate family member, provide a copy of the death certificate or obituary. Appeals without supporting documentation will not be reviewed. Reinstatement of Aid: A financial aid staff member will notify you of the decision by email to your official VCU email account. If your appeal is approved your financial aid is reinstated for the current semester. Eligibility is not retroactive to a prior term. If your appeal is denied, you may choose to apply for an alternative loan. All decisions of the Financial Aid SAP Appeal Committee are final and not subject to further appeal. Appeal Deadline: SAP appeals and supporting documentation must be received by the VCU Office of Financial Aid by October 1 for the Fall semester and March 1 for the Spring semester. Appeals received after these dates will be considered for the following semester. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate an appeal before the specified deadline. Name __________________________________________ Last First MI VCU Student Number: V Current Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip ( ) ___________________________ ( ) ____________________________ __________________________ Day Phone Evening Phone VCU Email Address Monroe Park Campus School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing, or Parmacy Please check the term for which you are submitting a SAP appeal. Office of Financial Aid • Fall _____ School of Dentistry Spring _____ Grace E. Harris Hall Student Service Center • 1015 Floyd Ave., 1st Floor • P.O. Box 843026 (804) 828-6669 • Fax (804) 827-0060 • • School of Medicine Summer_____ Richmond, VA 23284-2520 VCU is an EEO/AA institution. ENR1314-121 Name __________________________________________ Last First MI VCU Student Number: V 1. Provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances that led to the SAP violation and why those circumstances are no longer affecting your academic performance. In addition, indicate what you have done to address the problems that have prevented you from maintaining SAP and what you will do in the future to ensure that you will meet the SAP requirements. Please print legibly or type, using black ink. Attach additional sheets if necessary. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Statement from your academic advisor. This statement must be provided from an advisor discussing strategies to improve your academic standing. The advisor should provide his or her opinion of your ability to improve academic performance and the number of credit hours in which you have been advised to enroll during the upcoming semester. The statement must be on VCU letterhead or sent from the advisor’s VCU email account. In addition, it is strongly recommended that you obtain and review a copy of your unofficial academic transcript before you submit your a ppeal (an unofficial copy is available through VCU eServices at https://iserver.adm.vcu. edu/students). 3. VCU Degree Audit Form. If you are not completing at least 67 of the coursework attempted and/or have violated the 150 percent maximum timeframe component of SAP, you must provide a completed VCU Degree Audit Form with this appeal. The form is available online at 4. Certifications and signature. I am requesting to have my financial aid eligibility reinstated. I understand that the VCU Office of Financial Aid may deny without question any SAP appeal that is incomplete or lacks documentation. I am, therefore, submitting my SAP appeal with appropriate documentation. By signing this form, I certify that the information on this form is truthful and accurate. I understand that any false statement or misrepresentation may be cause for reduction and/or repayment of federal, state, or institutional financial aid. Student Signature (Required)____________________________________ Office of Financial Aid • Date ________________________________ Grace E. Harris Hall Student Service Center • 1015 Floyd Ave., 1st Floor • P.O. Box 843026 (804) 828-6669 • Fax (804) 827-0060 • • Richmond, VA 23284-2520 VCU is an EEO/AA institution. ENR1314-121 Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Degree Audit Form A completed Degree Audit form is required of all students who have attempted more than 150 percent of the credit hours necessary to complete their program of study. It is also required for students who are not completing at least 67 percent of the course work that they have attempted. A complete description of VCU’s Satisfactory Academic Progress policy for financial aid purposes (including the treatment of W, I, RF, RD, CO, D, and F grades as well as audited, ELP and remedial courses) can be found on the Office of Financial Aid website at Incomplete forms will not be considered. Name Last VC U St u d ent Nu m ber First D a y phone ( ) Evening phone ( Monroe Park Campus MI V VCU Email address ) School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing, or Pharmacy School of Dentistry School of Medicine Student: Please take this form and a copy of your academic transcript to your academic advisor in your major department. Have your academic advisor complete the remainder of this form. Note that you may be asked by the department to complete a graduation checkout worksheet to assist in determining the remaining courses required for graduation. Advisor: Please complete the remainder of this form for the student indicated above. List all of the courses that the student must complete for his or her program. Sign and date form. List the student’s degree and major, required GPA for degree, total remaining credits needed to complete program, anticipated date of graduation, and the course requirements needed for graduation. Degree and major: Required GPA: Total remaining credits needed to complete program: Anticipated date of graduation: Courses not yet completed that are required for graduation Advisor’s Name Course # Date Semester Year Credits Title Department Telephone Number Virginia Commonwealth University • Division of Strategic Enrollment Management Office of Financial Aid, Harris Hall Student Services Center 1015 Floyd Avenue, P.O. Box 843026 Richmond, VA 23284-3026 (804) 828-6669 • Fax (804) 827-0060 Page 1 of 2 06/2013 Name VC U St u d ent Nu m ber Last First MI Courses not yet completed that are required for graduation Course # V Semester Year Transfer hours that count toward degree requirements Advisor’s Name Date Department Title Telephone Number Virginia Commonwealth University • Division of Strategic Enrollment Management Office of Financial Aid, Harris Hall Student Services Center 1015 Floyd Avenue, P.O. Box 843026 Richmond, VA 23284-3026 (804) 828-6669 • Fax (804) 827-0060 Page 2 of 2 06/2013 Credits
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