Newsletter - Ramsgate Homeowners` Association

Jane Horton, Editor | 843-5073 |
APRIL 2015
board at work
• Because it was two weeks late and rainy, the 2015 Annual Meeting was sparsely attended. The operating budget
of $108,398 was approved. Charles Dammann and David
Raines are new board members, replacing the seemingly
irreplaceable Roseanne Apyan and Chuck Yarbrough. The
PowerPoint presentation shown at the meeting is available on the RHA website.
• Chattanooga Dept of Transportation is repairing the
broken asphalt at Bayswater and Stornoway lanes. It is
a multi-step project because the roadbed first had to be
repaired. Another problem was identified on Stornoway,
and both projects will be completed at the same time. The
winter weather delayed the project by several weeks.
• The board approved a $2500 purchase of weed and
algae control products for the ponds. The purchase will
supply all five ponds for the year. Treatments start in April
by Pond Captains Jim Chastain, Charles Dammann, Roger
Land, and Al Cemel.
• At the Annual Meeting, the problem of children coming
through yards from Windbrook and playing in the ponds
was voiced. We will add “no trespassing” to the “no fishing”
signs that have been ordered.
bunco, anyone?
Several residents are interested in starting a women’s
Bunco group. If you’d like to participate, please contact
Terri Lane (Stornoway) at 847-9260 or jl37343@bellsouth.
net. The group will determine the schedule.
neighborly news
• Philip Champion (Cheswick N) was recently featured on
the cover of Get Out Magazine as part of their coverage
of junior rowing. Philip is a junior at Notre Dame High
School. He’s been a member of the Chattanooga Junior
Rowing Team for four years. Parents David and Patty are
touring colleges for the third time, with Philip planning to
study engineering. Older sister Laura is at the University
of Alabama and was recently named to the President’s List
for her 4.0 GPA. Oldest sib Emily will graduate from UTK
in May with a B.S in Biochemistry, Cellular, and Molecular
Biology. She has been accepted into the Illinois College of
Optometry in Chicago.
• A big Ramsgate welcome to new neighbor Ron Sanders at 6119 Bayswater. The brave man is renovating while
living there. As a TVA employee, he already has several
friends and co-workers in the neighborhood.
• Darrell & Beverely Houchins joined the neighborhood
several months ago, at 6414 Knightsbridge.
• Also, at 6420 Knightsbridge are new neighbors Steve &
Flowerree McDonough.
The Ramsgate Homeowners Association website is now
up and running. Please remember that it’s a work in progress and I am a novice web administrator. That means
don’t be surprised by mistakes, and don’t hesitate to call
them to my attention (gently, please).
• To login, go to You
will be asked to enter a user name and password; you
make these up yourself.
• To view the Directory and Referral sections, use password “RHA1994”. It is case sensitive, so be sure to use
caps for the RHA. Please do not give this password out
to non-residents! Many of us have included cell numbers
and email addresses that we do not want shared with the
general public.
• To change your info in the Directory, contact me (jm. Also contact me to add a business to
our Referral section.
• To change your username and/or password, or to add
info to your profile, first login and then click on Site Ad-
min on the right; click on Profile at upper left; scroll down
to New Password; create your new password; scroll down
and click on Update Profile.
• Newsletters will now be posted to the website instead of
placed in your mailbox. This is your last hard copy newsletter. Karen Chastain is continuing to supplement our
operating budget by selling ads for both the website and
the newsletters. To place an ad, contact Karen at
• The Bulletin section is for comments, questions and suggestions. It’s interactive; all residents can follow the trail
of messages. You can ask to be notified by email when a
response is posted.
• Board meeting minutes can be found under the Board
of Directors heading, with the most recent minutes listed
• The Residents by Address list is at the end of the Directory; either click on the Y at the alpha menu or scroll
through all the names to the end.
• To tell you the truth, we’re not sure how we’re going to
use the News section, but it’s there should we decide we
need it.
Wondering how you’ll know when something new is
posted to the website? In addition to checking it daily,
you can watch for a sign at the front of the subdivision
stating Check Website. By the way, Neighborhood Watch
alerts will continue to go out by email if timeliness is an
feed the hungry
There is some interest by a few residents to volunteer
at the Chattanooga Area Food Bank as a neighborhood
group. We’d most likely work for two hours twice a month.
For example, we might choose to work on the 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays from 10-12noon. The group will determine the
schedule. Contact me if you want to join the fun!
3-1-1 from cell
Some of us, especially Verizon customers, are not able to
access 3-1-1 from our cell phone. Use 423.643-6311 instead.
save the date
Our twice-annual community yard sale is set for Sat, May
16th from 8am--2pm. We’ll put out signs at the entrance
and place ads; you hold your sale in your driveway. Feel
free to put additional signs at your street corner, put up
balloons, sell coffee, etc. We usually have 8-12 families participate.