the event information and spring newsletter

GEA Living Farm Museum Newsletter
Spring Plow Show
The Good Earth Association - Living Farm
Museum has scheduled the Spring Plow Show for
May 23th. The show will be at the Kilo Vista
fann museum site located at 320 Kilo Vista Road
in Birdell. The site is accessed from Highway 62
by Rogers Road. There is a Tractor Race
scheduled for 10:00 A.M. The winner will be the
slowest tractor, the one that finishes last. The Kilo
Vista site will be open to the public at 7:00 A.M.
There will be music and concessions as well as
craft and other exhibits. Anyone wishing to
participate in any demonstrations or crafts,
exhibits or provision of concessions or music is
welcome to come and join us. Please Call:
Garland at 870-919-3251 or Don at 870-378-0285
for information or to reserve a place for you to set
up. In formation can also be obtained from GEA's
Fax: 870-892-9545 or E-mail:
refrigerate. Should be made up fresh daily. To use
mix the prepared base half & half with water or to
taste and drink hot or cold. Use at a rate of 6 - 7
cups or 4-5 glasses daily. Note: this was taken
from a recommendation by a rheumatoid arthritis
sufferer from Illinois. Caution is recommended if
you have lupus or other auto-immune disorders as
Alfalfa has been known to aggravate these
Fall Harvest Event
The Good Earth Association, Inc.
Living Farm Museum of the Ozarks
Has announced the 2015 Good Harvest Event at
the Kilo Vista site, 320 Kilo Vista Road, Birdell.
Scheduled for Saturday, October 17 tho Grounds
will be open for visitors at or before 7:00 A.M.
There will be a grist mill demonstration grinding
corn meal. The sorghum and honey makers will
be exhibiting their skills in the production of sweet
Spring Membership Drive
syrups. Historical farm equipment will be
We need to recruit new members particularly those displayed. Arts & Crafts, concessions, music, and
who are willing to work at the Kilo Vista site.
other activities or exhibits may be available.
There is still a lot of flood recovery work that
Anyone interested in providing historical fann or
other demonstrations or exhibits, displaying crafts,
needs to be done and very few members able or
willing to help. We are all getting older and less
operating concessions, playing music or otherwise
able to do what we used to. Members need to tell participating in the fall show should contact Don
others about Kilo Vista and the up coming Plow
at 870-378-0285.
Show and encourage their participation in GEA
The community garden project has been delayed
Herbal Hint
due to the weather. The rain has kept our
Alfalfa can be used to relieve the pain of arthritis.
equipment either out of the fields or made it
It can be sprouted and eaten in a salad or taken in necessary to replant them. Each year a vegetable
tablet or capsule form. However, it takes a lot of it garden is planted to be worked by volunteers with
the produce to be shared by volunteer workers and
to be effective. (9 - 18 tablets a day) The most
effective form is thought to be a tea taken at a rate others in the community needing fresh produce.
Volunteers are always needed to help work the
of 4 to 5 glasses daily. The tea needs to be made
from the alfalfa seeds not the leaf tea, To make the garden. If you want to help or otherwise
tea: use one ounce of alfalfa seed (uritreated) with participate call one of the contact numbers or visit
one and Y4 pints of water. Do not boil but cook for the Kilo Vista site at 320 Kilo Vista Road ( take
Y2 hour in a glass or enamel pan with a lid. (do not Rogers Road off Hwy 62 just before the bridge) in
use a metal pan) After cooking, strain and squeeze the Birdell community.
or press seeds dry. Add honey to taste. Cool and
The Good Earth Association (GEA)
Living Farm Museum of the Ozarks
Directory of Sponsors
The Good Earth Association Appreciates the
generous support of our sponsors. Please
patronize & thank these businesses.
Above & Beyond Home Care, 400 W. Marr,
Pocahontas, AR (870) 609-1906
Barnes Signs & Graphics i Barnes-Bucket
Truck Service, 1806 Old County Road,
Pocahontas, AR (870) 892-Signs (7446)
Don Brown, Hwy. 62 West, Pocahontas, AR
(870) 892-0313
Burgess Auto Body (870) 248-0091
Hwy 67 S., Pocahontas. AR 72455
Patrick W. Carroll, PDS, 301 Country Club
Road, Suite A, Pocahontas, AR 72455
(870) 892-4413
City Pharmacy, 606 S. Park, Pocahontas, AR
(870) 892-5517
Integrity First Bank, Member FDIC, 1 Bank
Plaza, Pocahontas, AR 72455 P.O. Box 467
(870) 892-6813 or toll free (877) 992-5286
NAP A Auto Parts, 727 Hwy. 67 S. Pocahontas,
AR (870) 892-5268
Opera House Jewelry, 207 Pyburn Street
Pocahontas, AR (870) 892-5026
Orscheln Farm & Home Supply, 1966 Hwy. 62,
Pocahontas; AR (870) 248 .•0602
Pinnacle Propane, Hwy. 67 N., Pocahontas, AR
(870) 892-2517 & Hardy, AR (870)856-3455
Pocahontas Glass~ 1420 Hwy. 67 South, East
Pocahontas, AR (870) 892-7676
Pocahontas Posy Patch, 877 Hwy.67 South,
Pocahontas, AR (870)892-4431
Prichard Furniture & Appliances, 300 S.
Bettis, Pocahontas, AR (870) 892~0293
Randolph County Nursing Home, 1405
Hospital Drive, Pocahontas, AR 72455
(870) 892-0677
(870) 892-5214
Competition Towing, Steve Winebaugh,2890
Hwy. 67 S., Pocahontas, AR (870)892-8019
Randolph County Veterinary Clinic, Michael
Davis, DVM, 2584 Thomasville, Pocahontas,
AR (870) 892-3636
County Glass, 1428 Hwy. 62 W., Pocahontas,
AR(870) 892-4921
67 Pawn & Antiques, 1823 Hwy. 67 S.
Pocahontas, AR (870) 892-3R81
DeClerk Insurance Agency, Inc., 209 Pyburn,
Pocahontas, AR Keith DeClerk (870)892-4332
TLC Home Medical Equipment & Supplies,
103 Country Club Road, Pocahontas, AR
(870) 892-3037
D- Vet Automotive, LCC. 205W. Pyburn.
Pocahontas, AR (870)609-1908
Stonebridge of Pocahontas, Assisted Living,
311 Camp Road, Pocahontas, (870)892-8556
Trammel Family Charity, Pocahontas, AR
Wal-Mart Super Center, 1415 Highway 67 S.,
Pocahontas. AR (870) 892-77(:;}
~Williams & Morris Accounting & Tax Service.
LLC .• Sheila Williams. CPA. 5552 Hwv ~.J
Imboden. AR 72434 -- (87-0) 869-2200 '
PAX; (870) 869-2201
* * * * * * * * * **-**** * * * * ~
31st Annllai Farm Show
'he Good Earth Association / Living Farm Museum of the Ozarks
i\1ay23,.- 201:-5
Satur day, -"
The Spring Historical Farm Event has been planned to be bigger and better than ever. However. due
to the wet weather, some of the regular-demonstrations/displays
may notbe possible, We are
,_:cuing to filI:iu with some new and different things that may be interesting. There will be antique farm
equipment and other displays, music, animals, demonstrations, concessions, food, etc.
Anyone interested in participating by exhibiting, concessions, demonstrating and/or displaying a
craft or other skill, playing music, etc. is welcome to come and set up. Please Contact: Garland at
870-919-;3251or Don at 870-S79-0285 for further information,
The show will be at the Kilo Vista site of the Living Farm Museum. 320 Kilo Vista Road. Located on
the-spring River and accessed off Rogers Road by the bridge at Imboden.
The Good Earth Association is a non-profit umbrella organization consisting of several small farm
related projects. The largest is the Living Farm Museum of the Ozarks which presents a spring and
fan show each year. The museum displays an extensive collection of antique farm equipment and
implements as well as items that could be found in farm homes in years past. The Ozark Gardens of
Yester-year provides community Garden each year and a seed exchange. Rock Crescent Ridge Farm
is a food and sustainable agriculture research project for smaIl farms and gardens,
The founder of the oraanization is Donald Waterworth. a retired U.S. Air force veteran. He would
like to interest other retired people in volunteerina as advisors, instructors, workers, recruiters,
fund raisers. etc. Anyone interested in learning more about the good Earth association or receiving
the Good Earth Association/Living Farm Museum of the Ozarks Newsletter should write the Good
Earth Association, Inc. at 6io N. Marr Street, Pocahontas, AR 72455~28qq.
Reg rsRd -