RANDOLPH RAIDER NEWS May 2015 Randolph Raider News May 2015 OUR SCHOOL IS SO BEAUTIFUL IN THE SPRING! RAIDER PROUD! PRINCIPAL- KAREN WILLIAMS KWILLIAMS@TPS501.ORG RANDOPLH ELEMENTARY *1400 S.W. RANDOLPH* TOPEKA, KANSAS 66604 * 785-438-4480 From the Principal by Karen Williams This is the final newsletter of the 2014-2015 school year! How did we get here so fast? As I Iook back over this year I am so proud to be a part of such a wonderful school. Our kids work hard, treat each other well, and care about our school. Our teachers and staff are invested in our school and community and are willing to go above and beyond to make our school great and to ensure that our students are learning at a high level. Our parents and community members value education and our school, tirelessly supporting the efforts of your students and the staff, and volunteering and supporting the school in so many ways. I am often reminded of how lucky I am to get to work at such a great place that I enjoy going to everyday. Along with the end of the school year comes end of the year assesssments. Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students just completed the state assessments. This year, we hope to have results in the fall. As we transition to the common core assessments the state assessment system is still developing. We appreciate how hard our students worked on these assessments. We are now taking the Scantron Assessments. All students 1st -5th grade take the Scantron Assessments. The Scantron is a nationally normed assessment that allows us to monitor student growth, as well as see how are students are performing compared to a normed peer group. We use these assessments to evaluate our curriculum and programing, and to evaluate our effectiveness in meeting our school improvement goals. While we know that testing can seem tedious. It is important that we continue to monitor our progress. Thank you for encouraging your student to give their best effort on these assessments. We still have a few very special events left this school year. May 5, 2015 we will recognize the many volunteers who have supported Randolph this year with an assembly at 2:00 PM and a reception following. Friday, May 8th is Movie on the Lawn night, May 13th is our field day and cook out, May 19th is our final spirit assembly at 9:45, and May 26th is 5th Grade Promotion. I hope to see you there. Thank you for a great year! At Randolph Elementary School, our mission is to promote and facilitate learning in a safe and caring environment. Thank you, Debbie Wagner This fall, Debbie Wagner, grandparent of a 2nd grade Raider, spent a lot of time in our flowerbed. She planted tulips and mums so we can have blooms in the spring and the fall. We were so excited to see the beautiful tulips bloom! Thank you so much for making our school beautiful! Major Saver Limo Ride Twenty-four students rode to Cici’s Pizza in style this month as a reward for selling the most Major Saver Cards. Major Saver is a district fundraiser for the Topeka Public Schools Foundation. Teachers can apply for $500 classroom grants or $1,000 school-wide grants. This year two TPS Foundation Grants were given to Randolph for multicultural books and character education books. RANDOLPH RAIDER NEWS May 2015 Kindergarten and First Grade Music Concert Our kindergartners and first graders wowed the crowd this month with their animal themed music concert. There were cute monkeys, alligators, and many other zoo animals. They did a fabulous job singing, dancing, and keeping a steady beat. Great job young Raiders! Secretary’s Day in April We celebrated Secretary’s Day at the end of April. We love Ms. Sandy and Mrs. Dean! They are so helpful and always willing to listen and help wherever needed. They had a very decorative and fragrant office for a few days. Thanks to everyone who brought flowers and stopped in to tell them thanks. We hope that we made them feel as special and appreciated as they truly are. Thank you for all that you do Ms. Sandy and Mrs. Dean. You are the best!! Cub Scout Pack 10 and Fidelity State Bank & Trust Donate Tree Anderson Chandler of Fidelity State bank and Trust started donating red bud trees to schools and students after the tornado of 1966 when so many of Topeka’s trees were damaged. This year Randolph was the recipient of a red bud tree. Cub Scouts Pack 10 planted the tree. Many of the Cub Scouts were Randolph students. It was a very special event. Thank you to all who were involved in making the tree planting a success. Stay Connected Scan the QR Codes below to access Randolph’s Facebook page, the school website, and the PTO Facebook page. There are pictures from events and updates posted regularly. Be sure to like the pages to get the updates in your newsfeed. On the school webpage, you can see this newsletter in color. Due to budget reductions the newsletter will no longer be printed in color. Randolph Facebook Randolph Website PTO Facebook The Topeka Public Schools, Unified School District No. 501 is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity. No person shall, on the basis of age, race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, disability, national origin, or ancestry be denied lawful access to any appropriate educational service, program, or activity provided by the school district. The Title IX compliance coordinator is the executive director of administration. The Section 504 compliance coordinator is the general director of special services. For employment, the EEO/AA officer is the general director of human resources. All compliance coordinators may be contacted at 624 SW 24 th Street, Topeka, Kansas, 66611-1294, (785) 295-3000. The clerk of the Board of Education has been designated to receive and redirect or handle inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies, regulations and procedures. The clerk may be contacted by calling (785) 295-3045 or by writing to 624 SW 24th Street, Topeka, Kansas, 66611-1294. RANDOLPH RAIDER NEWS | May 2015 3 Field Day 2015 – Wednesday, May 13 ***Remember Raiders, the date for Field Day 2015 has been changed to Wednesday, May 13 Alaskan Summers Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades, 9:15-11:25 a.m. 3rd, 4th and 5th grades, 1:10-3:10 p.m. A hot dog cookout for lunch will be in the parking lot in back of the school Field Day Lunch Times: Kindergarten – 11:35 – 11:55 a.m. Fifth Grade – 11:38 – 11:55 a.m. First Grade – 12noon to 12:20 p.m. Third Grade – 12:03 – 12:20 p.m. Second Grade – 12:25 – 12:45 p.m. Fourth Grade – 12:28 – 12:45 p.m. ***Guests, you must have your ticket in advance to be able to eat the hotdog lunch with your student. End of Year Library News from Ms. Burjes: Parents, please remind your students to look for library books that need to be returned. Students will be returning books for the final time during library classes May 11-15. All student books are due by Friday, May 15. If you need to pay for a lost book, stop by the library for help. Thanks for getting our library books back! Have a safe and fun summer, Raiders!!! RANDOLPH RAIDER NEWS | May 2015 4 PTO News Did you know that when you joined Randolph Elementary PTO and donated to fundraisers throughout the year, YOU would make such a difference? We have been able to host some extraordinary events for our children, purchase items for the school, show appreciation to our wonderful staff and enrich our students’ educational experience. Without your generous fundraising contributions and volunteer hours, our school and children would not have the following opportunities. Please continue to support our PTO because together, as a TEAM, we made a difference! Technology: Kindergarten iPads, purchased scholastic reading app for iPads on loan from Washburn University’s Mabee Library. Classroom and School Enhancements: Randolph merchandise, bricks, yearbook, school assessment test snacks, antibullying curriculum, monthly newsletter, and Dairy Queen treat money for kindergarteners. Cultural Arts Programs: Cover ticket prices for classes to attend TPAC events and field trips; covered transportation costs for music students to attend various musical events including choir community service concerts at area nursing homes. Fun Student Events: Math Night, Pizza-Bingo Night, P.E. Night, Thanksgiving Luncheon, Senior Prom, Art and Ice Cream Night, Field Day bottled water, 5th Grade Royals Trip tickets and transportation, 5th grade t-shirts, 5th grade Graduation, kindergarten orientation kickoff, Box Tops prizes, and Spirit Day snacks. Thank you, Raider families! Shelley Bearman, PTO president A Note from the Office: The end of this school year is quickly approaching! Please make sure that your student’s lunch and RAP accounts are paid. Accounts are not to carry into the next school year. These unpaid fees will follow your child through their school career. Please make sure that the office has your current mailing address. Report cards and the July newsletter will be mailed to your home address during the summer. Also, make sure that you have returned your student’s “Intent to Return” letter. This letter reserves your student’s spot at Randolph Elementary for the next school year. If you have not returned your letter and are unable to locate it, please contact me and I will provide one for you. Enrollment for 2015-2016 will be Wednesday July 29th. The first day of school will be Wednesday, August 12th. The school office will remain open until June 9th if you should need any assistance after school is out. Have a safe and fun summer! Sandy Doblin sdoblin@tps501.org 785-438-4482 SAVE THE DATE! 2015-16 Elementary Enrollment: Wednesday, July 29 First Day of School: August 12
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