Assembly and Operation of RANGER Running Gear To ensure optimum survey results and long service life of your survey tool, you must always assemble it inside an approved running gear pressure barrel before you start surveying. Follow the instructions and advice and you will get long, trouble-free service not only from your RANGER running gear, but also your Survey Tool. 1 Choosing an assembly configuration You have a choice of five assembly configurations Open Hole Surveys – measurements in open holes. Reverse Circulation Surveys – measurements from inside RC drill rods. Diamond Drill Surveys with Pin/Spear Type Landing Collars – measurements below diamond bit. Diamond Drill Surveys with Box Type Landing Collars – measurements below diamond bit. Orientation Surveying – measurements to set wedges or down hole motors (DHM). Maintenance – whatever configuration you use, preventive maintenance is the key to long life. 2 Vital points to be aware of 2.1 Brass Barrel has identical threads at either end to enable it to be reversed; this optimises its working life. 2.2 Only use minimal amounts of a petroleum jelly or O-ring grease on O-rings and threads. 2.3 Do not use pipe wrenches on brass barrel joints. Use an AusMine approved barrel wrench; these provide full support to the barrel’s circumference. 2.4 O-rings have a dual function. In addition to their retaining action, they seal the barrel from ingress of drilling fluid. Continually check O-ring condition. 2.5 Always use correct barrel size for your specific drilling conditions. If you’re in doubt about size to use, contact us at <>. 3 Open Hole Surveying 3.1 Assemble running gear bottom section - using pipe and open end wrenches, attach one (1) aluminium spacer bar between bottom sub shock assembly and bottom sub body (see Fig 1 and 2). Fig 1 3.2 Fig 2 Assemble bottom sub and brass barrel, then tighten firmly with open end and barrel wrenches (Fig 3). Fig 3 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Attach swivel assembly and top sub assembly to another aluminium spacer bar (Fig 4). Attach wireline cable to swivel eye. Assembly is now ready to accept survey tool. Retract safety collar on top sub assembly; fit survey tool T-joint to instrument hanger (Fig 5). Release safety collar. Slide survey tool into brass barrel; firmly tighten joint with open end and barrel wrenches (see Fig 6). Fig 5 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 4 Fig 4 Fig 6 Prior to lowering running gear into hole, mark wireline cable to ensure that surveying assembly does not hit hole bottom. Lower it into hole. Keep assembly absolutely still at station measuring depth. When measurement completed, retrieve from hole and remove survey tool from barrel to recover survey results. Repeat steps 3.6 to 3.11 to make additional surveys. Reverse Circulation Surveying 4.1 Assemble running gear bottom section - using pipe and open end wrenches, attach three (3) aluminium spacer bars between bottom sub shock assembly and bottom sub body (Fig 1 and 2). 4.2 Assemble bottom sub and brass barrel, then tighten firmly with open end and barrel wrenches (Fig 3). 4.3 Attach swivel assembly to top sub assembly (Fig 4). 4.4 Attach wireline cable to swivel eye. 4.5 Assembly is now ready to accept survey tool. 4.6 Retract safety collar on top sub assembly; fit survey tool T-joint to instrument hanger (Fig 8). 4.7 Release safety collar. 4.8 Slide Survey tool into brass barrel; firmly tighten joint with open end and barrel wrenches (Fig 6). 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 5 Prior to lowering running gear into hole, mark wireline cable to ensure that it cannot hit top of RC hammer. Lower it into hole. Keep assembly absolutely still at station measuring depth. When measurement completed, retrieve from hole and remove survey tool to recover survey results. Repeat steps 4.6 to 4.11 to make additional surveys. Note 1 Surveys made inside RC Drill Rods only give inclination measurements. For magnetic surveys, where azimuth and inclination are needed, insert a minimum of nine (9) metres of non-magnetic (stainless steel) drill rods directly above RC Hammer. When using RC surveying assembly and procedures, SensIT tool is at midpoint of the non-magnetic section of the drill string, when running gear is lowered to top of RC Hammer. Note 2 Use assembly described in paragraph 5 to make magnetic surveys. If you only need an inclination survey you may omit spacer bars from the assembly. Diamond Drill Surveying with Pin/Spear Type Landing Collars 5.1 Using pipe and open end wrenches, join three (3) aluminium spacer bars together (Fig 1). 5.2 Attach pin/spear type landing collar to box end of spacer bar assembly (Fig 7). Fig 7 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 Using pipe and open end wrenches, assemble top sub to one end of spacer bars assembly (Fig 4). Assemble bottom sub and brass barrel, then tighten firmly with open end and barrel wrenches (Fig 3). Assembly is now ready to accept survey tool. Retract safety collar on top sub assembly; fit survey tool T-joint to instrument hanger (Fig 5). Release safety collar. Slide survey tool into brass barrel; firmly tighten joint with open end and barrel wrenches (Fig 6). Prior to lowering system into drill hole, raise drill bit minimum seven (7) metres from hole bottom. Pick up running gear with overshot assembly; raise it into drill rig mast and lower into drill rods. When running gear reaches drill bit, the landing collar will seat on inside taper of drill bit and protrude below drill bit. This allows survey to be made in an environment free from drill string’s magnetic field. Keep assembly absolutely still at station measuring depth. When measurement completed, retrieve from hole and remove survey tool to recover survey results. Repeat steps 5.6 to 5.12 to make additional surveys. 6 Diamond Drill Surveying with Box Type Landing Collars 6.1 Using pipe and open end wrenches, join three (3). aluminium spacer bars together. Fig 1). 6.2 Attach a box type landing collar to box end of Spacer bar assembly (Fig 8). Fig 8 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 7 Using pipe and open end wrenches, assemble top sub to one end of spacer bars assembly (Fig 4). Assemble bottom sub and brass barrel, then tighten firmly with open end and barrel wrenches (Fig 3). When the survey is to be made, break joint apart at top of overshot jar bar using pipe wrenches; threads at this joint are compatible with landing collars. Attach a box type landing collar to the top section of overshot jar bar pin thread. Assembly is now ready to accept survey tool. Retract safety collar on top sub assembly; fit survey tool T-joint to instrument hanger (Fig 5). Release safety collar. Slide survey tool into brass barrel; firmly tighten joint with open end and barrel wrenches (Fig 6). Prior to lowering system into drill hole, raise drill bit minimum seven (7) metres from hole bottom. Pick up running gear with overshot assembly; raise it into drill rig mast and lower into drill rods. When running gear reaches drill bit, the landing collar will seat on inside taper of drill bit and protrude below drill bit. This allows survey to be made in an environment free from the drill string’s magnetic field. Keep assembly absolutely still at station measuring depth. When measurement completed, retrieve from hole and remove survey tool to recover survey results. Repeat steps 6.8 to 6.14 to make additional surveys. Orientation Surveying with Down Hole Motor (DHM) 7.1 Attach mule shoe sleeve directly behind DHM. 7.2 Place three (3). non-magnetic (stainless steel or similar). drill rods above mule shoe sleeve; attach to drill rod string. 7.3 Lower drill string to hole bottom. 7.4 Using pipe and open end wrenches, join three (3). aluminium spacer bars together (Fig 1). 7.5 Using pipe and open end wrenches, attach bull plug assembly to top of spacer bars (Fig 9): attach orientation mule shoe at bottom of spacer bars (Fig 10). Fig 9 7.6 Fig 10 Load and secure a lead tell tale at base of mule shoe cam. Fig 11 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 8 Fig 12 Using pipe and open end wrenches, assemble a swivel assembly and top sub assembly. Attach brass barrel to top sub assembly and tighten firmly with open end and barrel wrenches (Fig 3). Assembly is now ready to accept SensIT tool. Retract safety collar on top sub assembly; fit Survey tool T-joint to instrument hanger (Fig 5). Release safety collar. Slide survey tool into brass barrel; firmly tighten joint with open end and barrel wrenches (see Fig 6). Pick up running gear with overshot assembly; raise it into drill rig mast and lower into drill rods. When running gear reaches the Mule Shoe Sleeve the locating pin inside the sleeve will orientate the Mule Shoe into a constant position. This can be confirmed when system is retrieved from hole by examining lead tell tale and ensuring the locating pin has marked the telltale. Keep assembly absolutely still while located in the Mule Shoe Sleeve at bottom of hole. When measurement completed, retrieve from hole and remove survey tool to recover survey results. Prior to taking another survey refit the Lead Tell Tale ensuring a new mark will be left by the locating pin when the system is again lowered into the rods. Repeat steps 7.6 to 7.17 to make additional surveys. Keeping your RANGER Running Gear in top trim • Inspect and check O-rings on top sub assembly and bottom sub. Replace if necessary. • Clean all threads on top sub assembly, bottom sub, and barrel with wire brush and degreasing agent. • Clean internal diameter of pressure barrel. • Regrease all threads after cleaning. • Clean barrel exterior and pack into carrying case. • Instal barrel plugs to protect threads from damage. Fig 13 Your best insurance against any failure of your RANGER Running Gear is regular preventative maintenance and servicing. Make sure you don’t neglect it! Contact Us for any further information RANGER is continually developing and improving its products. Prices and specifications are therefore subject to alteration without notice.
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