MARCH 2015 Information for our parent and student community Dear Parents and Caregivers, It has, as always, been a whirlwind February at school. Both the Swimming Sports and Athletic Sports were wonderful events; delivering records, great sportswomanship (a good word as I am writing this on International Women’s Day!) and typifying just what is so special about Rangi Ruru. Student leadership was very much to the fore on these days, especially from the clan leaders. It was probably all a bit bewildering to see that giving up something now doesn’t mean it has gone forever from your life. We endeavour as much as possible to support girls in these processes, counselling against too many things, and encouraging them to plan, to weigh up the pros and cons and to look at their year not in isolation to the rest of their lives! Sometimes it is simply not possible to do everything one might want to do and keep a healthy sense of balance and control. at first for some of the newcomers, but they all joined The theme of this year, Be the Best You Can Be, is not in with the Rangi ‘give it a go’ spirit. I think that Christ’s about spreading oneself so thinly that enjoyment College regard us with a degree of bafflement, as girls of the moment and in a simple achievement is lost. in bizarre and often very unathletic costumes display Quite the opposite – it is about quality rather than remarkable talent, along with a lot of laughter. quantity. Rushing around being busy with a full diary Going on at the same time are the many sporting, cultural and academic events, and the summer/winter changeover for sport in March always makes it a challenging time, not only for girls but for the parents who are so often helping them juggle transport, food requirements, clashes and just normal life! The secondary years are ones when often difficult choices is no longer seen as something to be desired, but rather questioned, as more and more we examine what indeed is a fulfilled life. As a school, it a delicate balance, to encourage participation and excellence, but it is a very achievable balance when, as is our aim, wellbeing is put at the centre of everything. have to be made, and especially as girls move into the Julie Moor senior school. It’s sometimes a long stretch for them Principal Generations’ Day Monday 30 March 2015 If you are a Rangi Ruru old girl with a descendant in their first year, we warmly invite you to join us to celebrate Generations’ Day on Monday 30 March at 10.40am in St Andrew’s at Rangi Ruru church. Following the service you are invited to stay for morning tea and have a family photo taken. Please RSVP to the school office, phone 03 983 3700 or email by Wednesday 25 March. Rangi. For Life.® From the Deputy Principal are always worn in public. This includes to and from Swimming and Athletics Sports for formal occasions. If we are experiencing very warm Attendance These were both wonderful school events and it was great to see the participation and support of almost the whole school population. Thank you. We are noticing that many girls are missing classes, or even days, for appointments and events outside school. Please consider the marked impact this has on your daughter’s learning and assessment preparation and school, in the mall, at the supermarket etc as well as weather, shirt-sleeves are a reasonable alternative or on rainy days, the navy school jacket or any plain navy or yellow raincoat are an optional garment. These may be worn to and from school when the weather requires it, or on sports trips and other school-related events where they are the agreed uniform wear. They are not worn inside and do not replace the blazer. The only jewellery permitted (unless a letter of approval has been signed by Ms Moor) is a single small, plain avoid non-attendance at school wherever possible. gold, silver or pearl stud in each ear lobe, and a watch. Dances assist us in checking and maintaining these standards We organize school dances for Years 12 and 13, Year pride. 11 and Year 9. We also support certain other schools’ junior dances by having a Rangi Ruru presence there. In this case permission, contact and transport details are requested from parents. In all other cases, girls will attend dances as an individual and responsibility for care remains solely with parents and caregivers. No other piercings are acceptable with uniform. Please and encourage your daughter to wear her uniform with Shop Hours The Uniform Shop will be open over the school holidays, For hours, please check Ultranet. On Friday 27 March, the shop will be open, but Nicki will not be available. For further information on any matter relating to School Opening and Closing Times Please be aware that in term time the school is open between 8.00am and 5.00pm and there are staff members on site. We are aware that a number of girls uniforms, contact Nicki Pooley at or call the Uniform Shop on (03) 983 3785, or the School Office on (03) 983 3700. Stephanie Barnett are at school outside of these times and we cannot take Deputy to the Principal responsibility for their well-being when this is the case. Cyber Safety Speaker For students waiting to be collected after 5.00pm when the Gibson Centre closes, the Boarding House offers a Susan McLean, one of warm, dry, safe environment rather than girls waiting on Australia’s most popular and the street. experienced speakers on cyber safety, will be visiting Winter Uniform us on Tuesday 26 May. Just a reminder that the girls will return for the second She will be speaking in the term in their winter uniforms, or beforehand if the weather turns early. Please ensure that winter uniform Helen Kitson Function Centre at 7.30pm, and will be focusing on the positive benefits of technology as well items are all named, clean and in good repair, that as the issues to be aware of. skirt and kilt lengths are correct (the skirt is required More information about the evening will follow in due to be worn just below the knee and the kilt, midway course. between the knee and ankle) and that they do still fit. The soft-collared winter shirts are specially designed to be comfortably worn buttoned at the neck. Shoes always love to be given the nourishment and attention of a good clean! Whatever you may hear to the contrary, we have clear rules around the following: blazers are compulsory and 2 Rangi Ruru Girls' School • Information for our Parent and Student Community NZQA Scholarships Learning Progress Interviews. You will receive an email We congratulate these girls on their NZQA access further copies through Ultranet. Scholarships. The Scholarship examinations test high level critical thinking in addition to specific subject knowledge, and we admire the recognition of this combination of attributes. You may have already read of some of these amazing results in the newspaper. Scholarship Awards 2014 with the report attached and instructions on how to For the parents of Boarders, Learning Progress Interviews are on the last day of Term 1, Thursday 2 April 1.00pm - 3.30pm. For Daygirl parents, interviews are Week 1 Term 2, Wednesday 29 April 4.00pm - 8.00pm and Tuesday 5 May 4.00pm -9.00pm. There will be no separate From the 2014 Scholarship exams the girls gained 22 designation for Juniors and Seniors, parents can Scholarships including four Outstanding Scholarships (O). choose the evening that suits and make bookings. You will receive an email containing a link that will Student Subject(s) Sylvia Barnett Drama Lauren Beckett Physical Education Amy Lee Music (O), English Hanseul Nam Chemistry (O), English (O), out. If this is not the case, please contact Tim Jones, Statistics (O), Biology, Calculus, Physics Madeleine Newman Biology Maisie O’Donnell English Jenny Park Music Sylvia Robinson Painting, Printmaking Holly Smith English, Painting Siyu Sun Music Elley Wagner Printmaking Maria Walker Art History, Design, English allow you access to book a slot with your daughter’s teachers. A notice will go up on Ultranet when these emails are sent. If you don’t receive the email, please check your junk box as some of your ISPs filter us Juliet Collins Curriculum Manager Music Tuition Awards 2015 Congratulations to Year 8 girls Abby McBreen and Amelie Spinks who have each received a 2015 Music Tuition Award for tuition on the trumpet and double bass respectively. This award scheme is available through application Hanseul Nam receives a ‘New Zealand Scholarship and initial music assessment to girls in Years 7 and Premier Award’ ($10,000 each year for up to three years 8 and is designed to guarantee a balanced supply for as long as the recipient maintains at least a ‘B’ of instruments for our co-curricular groups. We look grade average each year of their tertiary study.) forward to welcoming the girls to our instrumental Maria Walker receives a ‘Scholarship Award’ ($2,000 ensembles in the future. each year for up to three years for as long as the For further information on Music Tuition Awards, recipient maintains at least a ‘B’ grade average each please contact Janet Kingsbury, year of their tertiary study). or 03 983 3735. Amy Lee receives a ‘Top Subject Scholar Award’, which is awarded to the top Candidate in each one of the Canteen Charges Scholarship subjects. ($2,000 each year for up to three A reminder that if you are concerned about the canteen years for as long as the recipient maintains at least a charges on your daughters’ account, we have two ‘B’ grade average each year of their tertiary study). mechanisms that can be used to help: Progress Reports and Learning Progress Interviews Progress reports for all girls will be available towards the end of term. The purpose of the report is to give a snapshot of your daughter’s progress regarding Attitude and Learning Habits in her subjects before the 3 1. A full stop on the account that prevents any purchase at the canteen. Uniform Shop charging can still occur. 2. Set a limit per fortnight that cannot be exceeded. If you would like to instigate one of these or would like a printout of the canteen charges please email Rangi Ruru Girls' School • Information for our Parent and Student Community Generations’ Day This year we will celebrate Generations’ Day on Monday 30 March. Generations’ Day celebrates family connections and special links with those families who have established a tradition of sending their daughters to be educated at Rangi. If you are an old girl and your daughter is in Years 7, 9 or 13 you will have received an invitation. Experience Boarding For further information please contact, Claire Quirke, Marketing and Events Coordinator, phone 03 983 3745 or email Make Bullying History Seminar Brett Murray will be holding a seminar for the community, parents and whanau entitled Make Bullying History. Brett’s anti-bullying seminars have had a positive impact on over half a million students in the past ten years. The seminar will be held on Thursday 26 March, from 7.00pm - 9.00pm at CCS Disability Action, 224 Lichfield St. More details can be found on Ultranet. As part of the personal development programme for Years 9 and 10, we are offering the opportunity for the girls to ‘stretch themselves’ by experiencing life as a boarder. Girls can choose to board for a minimum of a week and a maximum of two weeks, from Sunday night until Friday night and including weekends. They will take part in any special boarding activities occurring at the time of their stay and will be fully involved in the life of the Boarding House. Boarding House Staff will coordinate any appointments and school or outside activities. The cost for this is $410 per week. Bookings must be made at least a week in advance and are dependent on numbers and availability of beds. Enrolment 2016 If you are interested in a boarding experience for your daughter please contact Director of Boarding, Treena Ruwhiu or 03 983 3708. Interviews for Years 7, 8 and 9 places for 2016 commenced in March, including for sisters of current students. If you have a potential new entrant, or know of someone who has, please contact Amelia Davis on or 03 983 3744 to organise for an application form, school tour and interview. We still have some places available in Years 7 to 10 for this year. Flexi Boarding The Boarding House has beds available for short-term Communications with You boarding for day girls. These beds are particularly Our means of keeping you up to date with events and home for a short time or girls who live out of town and school-life are through email, In Touch and Ultranet (in particular the Home Page News Centre). Do check your junk mail if you feel you’ve missed out on a message or contact the school to check that we have your correct contact details. handy for girls whose parents are travelling away from have school commitments in the evening or weekend. Contact Treena Ruwhiu, Director of Boarding on or 03 983 3708 for further details. The cost of flexi boarding currently is $65.00 per night or $410.00 per week inclusive of GST. 4 Rangi Ruru Girls' School • Information for our Parent and Student Community Year 10 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Programme in Canterbury Schools Year 10 girls are being offered a free vaccine to help protect them against HPV infection. The HPV virus can lead to genital warts, cervical cancer and other cancers later in life. In most cases, three doses of HPV vaccine can prevent infection with the virus. The HPV vaccination programme was first introduced in New Zealand for girls and young women in 2008. This school programme is part of a Canterbury-wide initiative to protect young women from HPV disease. HPV vaccination requires three injections to be given over a six month period. If your daughter has not received HPV vaccination before she can receive the complete course at school this year, or if your daughter has received any HPV vaccinations in the past she can also complete the course at school. If you have a girl in Year 10 she will have received information and a consent form. Please complete the form and return it to school as soon as possible. The form is required to be returned regardless of whether the girls is having the vaccine or not, or is having the vaccine at the doctors or with a GP team. For more information about Human Papillomavirus, HPV vaccination or the New Zealand HPV Vaccination Programme you can: • Visit the Ministry of Health website: • Contact your school’s nurse or public health nurse • Visit or free phone 0800 IMMUNETalk to your public health nurse or your doctor or practice nurse. Have your contact details changed? If your contact details for phone, email or postal Upcoming Events To access the full school calendar visit and click on Parent Calendar in the menu. Simply click the link on an event for more details. You can view by day, week or month, but be aware that changes happen regularly. Summer Tournament Week Monday 23 - Sunday 29 March Generations’ Day Monday 30 March, 10.40am Term 1 ends Thursday 2 April, 12.30pm Boarder Learning Progress Interviews Thursday 2 April, from 1.00pm Term 2 begins Tuesday 28 April, 8.30am School Cross Country Wednesday 29 April, 1.30pm Learning Progress Interviews Wednesday 29 April, 4.00pm - 8.00pm Tuesday 5 May, 5.00pm - 9.00pm Year 10 Day Wednesday 6 May Open Day Friday 8 May, 1.30pm - 5.30pm Senior Family Service Sunday 17 May, 7.00pm Year 11 Semi-Formal, Riccarton Park Saturday 6 June, 8.00pm Senior Dance, Addington Events Centre Saturday 13 June, 8.00pm Senior Production - Julius Caesar Begins Friday 19 June Year 9 Dance, Hagley Oval Friday 19 June, 7.00pm - 10.00pm Junior Family Service Sunday 28 June, 7.00pm (TBC) address change throughout the year, please remember 2015 Term Dates to let us know. It is important that we are able to Term 1 28 January - 2 April information such as school notices. The school uses DX Term 2 28 April – 3 July Mail to distribute our mail so please also contact them Term 3 27 July – 25 September Term 4 12 October - 2 December contact you in an emergency and provide you with and NZPost if you are moving house. You can contact the school office to update contact details at any time. 59 Hewitts Road Christchurch 8014 New Zealand T +64 3 983 3700 E W
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