(FAU) Setup Form - Research Accounting Services

Full Accounting Unit
(FAU) Setup Form
This form is to be completed and submitted to the Research Accounting Services (RAS) Office by the grant manager
after an award is accepted by the Sponsored Projects Office. A completed FAU Request Form along with the items in
the checklist below below must be received by RAS staff prior to processing the request. Submitting incomplete
documentation may delay processing.
Please enter information for the primary account:
Account Number:
Cost Center:
PI Name:
Department Code:
Fill out the information below if your grant meets any of the following conditions:
Primary PI intends to allocate a portion of the budget one or more Co-PI(s)
The budget contains Participant Support costs
The budget contains Financial Aid (note: this does not include payments to GSR's)
The budget contains more than one overhead rate
Account Number:
Cost Center:
PI Name:
Department Code:
Account Number:
Cost Center:
PI Name:
Department Code:
RAS Internal Use: Receipt of Supplemental Documentation
Notice of Award (NOA)
Date Received:
Fully Executed Award Document
Date Received:
Date Received:
Budget Justification
Date Received:
Please return the form to ras@ucmerced.edu The FAU will be established within 48 hours of receipt of a completed
form and all checklist items.
Date Established: