Guest Speaker – Richard Edwards, Wildlife cameraman talked

Branch Contacts –
Chairman: David Ferns 01202 743895 or
Secretary: Tony Jeffery 01202 466387 or
Hello and welcome to our newsletter for May 2015.
Unfortunately the newsletter editor was not able to attend last month meeting and is unable to give a précis
of the talk so the history of the First World War continues with the Gallipoli campaign.
The Gallipoli Campaign (Battle of Gallipoli) was one of the Allies great disasters in World War One. It was
carried out between 25th April 1915 and 9th January 1916 on the Gallipoli peninsula in the Ottoman
Empire. On November 25th 1914, Winston Churchill suggested his plan for a new war front in the
Dardanelles to the British government’s War Council. On January 15th Churchill’s idea was simple.
Creating another front would force the Germans to split their army
still further as they would need to support the badly rated Turkish
army. When the Germans went to assist the Turks, that would leave
their lines weakened in the west or east and lead to greater mobility
there as the Allies would have a weakened army to fight against.
Nowadays most people believe that the ANZAC provided the
greater number of troops to the operation, and there is no doubt
they suffered terribly. Britain, France, Canada (Newfoundland), and
India also put troops ashore during the campaign. The butchers bill
was huge, Britain and Ireland suffered 73,548 casualties (of which
21,255 died), Australia 28,150 (8,709), France 27,000 (10,000),
New Zealand 7,991 (2,779), India 4779 (1,358), Newfoundland 142
(49). The Turks suffered 251,309 casualties, of which 86,692 died. The total casualties of 392,856 of which
130,842 died.
The Gallipoli campaign was a costly failure for the Allies in a campaign where politicians ignored the advice
of their military commanders. Tales of the heroism and bravery shown by troops of all nations is humbling.
One English Regiment, The Lancashire Fusiliers won 6 VC’s on the first day. The VC citation describes the
hail of deadly machine gun fire the Fusiliers faced while landing at W beach, and how they overcame
supreme difficulties to cut the barbed wire entanglements under fire and gain control of the cliffs above the
beach. The citation for 3 of them reads: "Among the many very gallant officers and men engaged in this
most hazardous undertaking, Captain Bromley, Sergeant Stubbs, and Corporal Grimshaw have been
selected by their comrades as having performed the most single acts of bravery and devotion to duty."
Branch news
Several branch members attended the Association Reunion at Coventry. A full report will appear soon.
Vincent Metcalfe Trophy: It is with great pride that we announce that the Bournemouth Branch of The
REME Association was awarded the Vincent Metcalfe Trophy for 2015/16. The trophy was presented to our
President, Lloyd Le Tiec and Branch Chairman, David Ferns who was also in attendance at this year’s
Annual Reunion. The Aims of the Vincent Metcalfe Trophy are: The trophy will be awarded each year to the
Branch which is judged to have performed best over the previous calendar year in furthering the published
Aims of the Association actively. The trophy will be on display at the next Branch meeting on 5th May
General Vincent Metcalf Trophy showing front and rear views
At our next branch meeting the speaker will be Ron Pimm giving his talk on WW1 Generals.
If you have any news that you feel the branch either needs, should or would like to know about or changes
to the forecast of events, please email the newsletter editor at
Any member can post or comment on this page. Any photographs of branch activities, whether formal or
social, would be most welcome.
Future Events
Burtons Veterans Parade will take place on 14th June. More details will be published closer to the event.
The REME Assn Caravan Club is on a holiday rally in Weymouth (17-30 June) which coincides with the
Weymouth Armed Forces weekend celebrations. However, with the Bordon Garrison closure weekend day
on 27th June, the club secretary is trying to organise a coach to this function and has requested that maybe
our Branch might wish to be included in the coach party. It certainly will be a full day out. Pick up point could
be RBL Ferndown!
Forecast of events is on the last page of this Newsletter and is also shown on the Branch Facebook page.
Branch 25th Anniversary, this year will see the 25th anniversary of the formation of our branch. If any
member has an idea how we should celebrate this landmark please speak to the committee.
A note for your diaries, the date for this year’s Dinner Dance is provisionally booked for 14th November
2015. Please note that this date is a week earlier than the date published in previous Newsletters and on
Branch Accounts
Cash £63.53, Bank £589.75, total £653.
Subscriptions are now due. If you have yet to pay, please forward £10 to: Lloyd Le Tiec, 15 Wishart
Gardens, Bournemouth. BH9 3QY. Cheques made payable to REME Assn Bournemouth.
The Members of the Andover Branch REME Association request the pleasure of the company of Members
and their Ladies of the Bournemouth Branch REME Association to our 28th Annual Dinner to be held at the
Hayward Suite, Dene Road, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 2AA on Saturday 5th September 2015 at 7 for
7.30pm. Dress: Dinner Jacket with medals (Mess Dress Optional)
Attached at the rear of this newsletter is the dinner return which must be returned to the organiser by Friday
21st August 2015
Boules. Game and practice at Upton Country Park
There are 5 Boules (Petanque to some) in Upton Park, which is just off the A31 leaving Poole towards
Dorchester. The pitches are just 100 yards inside the main entrance and are free to use. Parking is also
free. The branch has a permanent booking for our branch and our friends every Tuesday from 12 noon to
The format is normally - start at midday at the boules pitches in Upton Country Park, bring a picnic - yes all
year round - rain is only deterrent to playing. All are welcome - players, picnickers or spectators.
On the alternative Tuesdays to above a select few turn up to play usually led by Max or Bill.
For further information either turn up at midday on a Tuesday or contact the following members:
John Stanhope Powers 01202 062617, Max Dales 01202 693787, Bill Killen 01202 471585
Fund Raising Ideas.
The branch has lost some of its regular income and is looking at ways of raising funds to enable us to keep
supporting the REME Ben Fund, RBL etc. If any member has any ideas please speak to a member of the
committee. It has already been suggested that at each branch meeting we hold a ‘Buy and Sell table top
stall each branch night. Items such as books or book exchange at 50p a book, jigsaw puzzles etc at £1. All
proceeds going to branch funds. Unsold items to be taken back by the donors. This is just one idea that is
not manpower intensive and does not cost.
Branch programme for 2015
Ron Pimm
Branch Meeting
Veterans Parade
Armed Forces Day
Farewell to Bordon Parade
Howard Mackenzie-Cook
Branch Meeting
Kevin Patience
Laurence or Gino
Remembrance Sunday
Armistice Day
Branch Dinner and Dance
Branch Meeting
Subject or Location
WW1 Generals
Tall Tales
Sex, Drugs and Violence – 20 Years a JP
Members Choice
African Queen
Tools for the Self Reliance of Artisans in Africa
Talk/Demo on Home Security
RBL Ferndown 11am
Holborne Park TBC
American Supper Night
We meet on the first Wednesday of the month, apart from January, upstairs in the Royal British
Legion – Ferndown Branch, Church Road. The Meetings start at 7.30pm.
Andover Branch 28th ANNUAL DINNER
Saturday 5th September 2015
7 for 7.30pm
Hayward Suite, Dene Road, Andover
Hampshire SP10 2AA
Goats cheese & sundried tomato crostini
Chicken liver pate with tomato chilli chutney
Smoked salmon dill and potato salad
Butternut squash soup
Beef bourguignonne
Seared chicken with wild mushroom & maderia sauce
Salmon fillet with chive hollandaise
Pea and mint gnocchi
All served with seasonable vegetables and potatoes
Toffee meringue roulade
Orange chocolate mousse
Baked cheese cake
Danish apple tart
Cheese board selection
Tea / Coffee / After dinner mints
Cost: £27:00 per head
Raffle tickets available @ £1:00 per strip of five
Cheques Payable to REME Association Andover Branch
Please return by: Friday 21st August 2015
Colin Chance
18 Cherry Tree Road
Andover, Hants.
SP10 3DX
Tel. 07786448934
(dinner + raffle tickets)