Jorma Hamalainen 1886 Chaine Court Orleans Ontario K1C-2N3 E-mail; 1-613-830-5213 Objective Seek out a challenging position within your organisation. I will provide expert service to your organization in fulfilling the RCAFA vision and mission, this by utilising my expertise and experience gained as a military serviceman, a flyer for 20 years but more specifically as a Major and a Chief Warrant Officer in the Canadian Forces for the past 13 years. Discussion I am a self confident 52 year old, physically fit, mentally energetic male seeking new challenge in employment possibly with the RCAFA in a personnel and air force association executive role. Specific Operations / Management employment 415 Sqn Auroras Sqn Operations Staff, CFB Greenwood, 1985 Deployed Operations Staff, NAS Bermuda, 1986 423 Sqn Seaking Sqn Ops Staff, 12 Wing Shearwater, 1989 404 Sqn Operations, Simulator, Standards and Lead instructor , 1995-1998 Camp Mirage, Air Operation Hub for Afghanistan, Camp CWO, Jan – Jul 2004 Wing CWO for 14 Wing Greenwood, 2500 personnel, 2006-2009 Command CWO for CEFCOM, Canadian worldwide operations, 2009-2012 National Coordination Centre CWO Naples Italy, Libya Conflict, Mar – May 2011 Chief of Defence Intelligence, CDI CWO, Global I Intelligence operations, 2012-2013 Strategic Issues Management Desk Officer for 5 Wing Goose Bay, 2013 to present Summary I have the drive and desire to further broaden and utilize my experiences in the field of air force personnel support. I have had a successful Canadian Forces career and look forward to new exciting challenges. I am ready to assist and organization that fosters the vision and mission of the RCAF. I Jorma Hamalainen 1886 Chaine Court Orleans Ontario K1C-2N3 E-mail; 1-613-830-5213 Professional Experience: Major Jul 2013 to Present D Air Sp Directorate Air Support, Ottawa,2012 Functional French speaking, B-A-B, Feb 2012 Physically Fit, Exempt by Military Standard, Sept 2013 Security Clearance Top Secret , Sept 2009 NATO TS, CA and B Security Clearance, Until July 2013 Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Jul 2002 to July 2013 A1 AES Op Maritime Air Readiness, 1 CAD HQ Winnipeg, Manitoba,2002 AES Op Occupation Advisor, 17 Wing Winnipeg, Manitoba,2003 Camp Mirage CWO, Op Athena, Deployed,2004 School CWO 1 CFFTS (CFANS), 17 Wing Winnipeg, Manitoba,2004 Student, Year Long French Course, 17 Wing Winnipeg Manitoba,2005 Wing and Base CWO 14 Wing Greenwood, Greenwood Nova Scotia,2006 Canadian Expeditionary Force Command Command CWO, Ottawa,2009 NCC/NSE Det CWO Naples Italy, NATO OUP, Op Mobile, Deployed,2011 Canadian Expeditionary Force Command Command CWO, Ottawa,2011 Chief of Defence Intelligence Chief Warrant Officer, Ottawa, 2012 Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator (AES Op) Jan 1983 to July 2002 Student, ABATS / 880 Tracker Sqn Lead AES Op Flyer / 415 Aurora Patrol Squadron Lead AES Op Flyer / 423 Seaking Helicopter Squadron Lead AES OP Flyer / Hel Air Dets HMCS Iroquois, HMCS Preserver and Athabaskan Det WO, Computer Team Manager / NATO Headquarters Oslo Norway Lead AES Op Flyer / 405 Aurora Patrol Squadron Senior AES Op Instructor, Standards AES Op/ 404 Aurora Training Squadron Squadron Warrant Officer, Senior AES Op, MP&EU Test Flight Squadron Naval Weapons Technician (NWT) Oct 79 to Dec 82 Weaponsman Technician for under water weapons / HMCS Saskatchewan Naval Ships Diver / HMCS Saskatchewan and HMCS Terra Nova Weaponsman Technician Hydraulic Level 1 / HMCS Terra Nova II Jorma Hamalainen 1886 Chaine Court Orleans Ontario K1C-2N3 E-mail; 1-613-830-5213 Education: Major 2012 to Present IM/ IT management ATIP Access to Information and Privacy Act Aboriginal Consultation Training Expenditure Management Course Contract Certification Course Contracting Direct with Trade Course Green procurement Course Chief Warrant Officer 2002 to 2012 Executive Leadership Program (ELP) Canadian Forces College, Toronto Keystone Leadership Program (JWFC) Norfolk, Virginia, USA Operation Planning Process (OPP) NCMPDTC St Jean, Quebec Officer Professional Military Education (OPME) Ottawa, Ontario Public Service Second Language Training (SLT) 17 Wing Winnipeg, Manitoba, (Tested SLT, 22 Jun 2004, B-B-B) Public Service Second Language Training (SLT) Ottawa, (Retested SLT, 16 Feb 2012, B-A-B Post Secondary 1979 to 2002 Naval Weaponsman Technician, CFB Halifax, Nova Scotia Ships Divers Course, Fleet Diving School, Esquimalt, British Colombia Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator Training, CFB Summerside, PEI Maritime Operational Aircrew Training School, 14 Wing Greenwood, NS Maritime Operational Aircrew Training School, 12 Wing Shearwater, NS Computer System Administrator, NATO Headquarters, Oslo, Norway Basic Fire-fighter Course, Nova Scotia Fire School, Bedford, Nova Scotia St-Johns Ambulance, Lawrencetown Fire Dept, Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia Fire Company Officers Course, N. S. Fire School, Bedford, Nova Scotia Senior Air Supervisory Course ,Borden, Ontario Secondary 1976 to 1979 Glebe Collegiate, Brookfield High School, Ottawa, Ontario 706 Ottawa Lions Air Cadets Sqn, Beaver Barracks, Ottawa, Ontario III Jorma Hamalainen 1886 Chaine Court Orleans Ontario K1C-2N3 E-mail; 1-613-830-5213 Business References Marc Lessard LGen (Ret) Canadian Forces Ex-Commander CEFCOM 227 Castlegarth Cresent Nepean, Ontario K2J-5N6 (H) 613-692-5296 Derek Joyce BGen Canadian Forces Ex Wing Commander 14 Wing Greenwood CMP DGMC NDHQ 101 Col By Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A-0K2 (W) 613-992-6273 Kevin West CWO Canadian Forces CF CWO NDHQ 101 Col By Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1A-0K2 (W) 613-992-8270 IV Jorma Hamalainen 1886 Chaine Court Orleans Ontario K1C-2N3 E-mail; 1-613-830-5213 Personal References Mr Terry Sooley (Brother in Law) Capt (Ret) Canadian Forces General Dynamics Canada 375 Richmond Road Nepean, Ontario K2H-5B7 (W) 613-596-7722 Patsy Sweet WO Canadian Forces (Ex 14 WCWO Assistant) Instructor 404 Maritime Operational Training Sqn 14 Wing Greenwood Greenwood Nova Scotia BOP-1N0 (W) 902-765-1494 #3827 Robert (Bob) Edwards (friend) Maj Canadian Forces J6 - National Manager of IT and Communications for the Military Police CF MP Group Headquarters 2200 Walkley Road Ottawa K1A 0K2 (W) 613-993-9250 V Jorma Hamalainen 1886 Chaine Court Orleans Ontario K1C-2N3 E-mail; 1-613-830-5213 Personal Data Sheet Born Jorma Kristian Hamalainen, 31 Dec 1961, Malmo, Sweden immigrated to Canada 07 July 1962 Father, Ahti Hamalainen, Mother (Deceased), Terttu Hamalainen, Finnish Origin, Retired living in Abbottsford BC. Grew up outside of Windsor, Lake St Clair, Belle River, Ontario Moved to Ottawa Ontario 1976 attended High School Air cadet 706 Ottawa Lions Ottawa, 1976 to 1979 Joined Canadian Armed Forces 28 Jun 1979 Married To Karen Joan (Nee Sooley) Hamalainen, 4 July 1986, MCpl RMS Clerk Reservist, Canadian Forces Father in Law, Frank Sooley, Mother in Law, Minnie Sooley. Retired living in Hearts Delight NFLD Children Jessica Marie Hamalainen , Graduate, Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC), Chef , Red Seal Canada Laura Kristine Hamalainen, Graduate, Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) Dental Chair Assistant, CD2 Home owner Orleans, Ottawa Hobbies RV Travel, Fishing Home Renovations, Woodworking, Gardening Walking, Bicycling, Swimming Dog Owner, Golden retriever Membership Royal Canadian Air Force Association, 410 Wing Ottawa Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 98, Kingston, Nova Scotia Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC), Ottawa VI
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