E A S T E R S U N D A Y O F T H E R E S U R R E C T I ON OF T HE L OR D D O M I N GO D E P A S C U A D E L A R E S U R R E C I Ó N D E L S E Ñ OR APRIL 5, 2015 5 DE ABRIL DEL 2 0 1 5 9 1 5 Z o e S t . , H o u st o n , T X 7 7 0 2 0 7 1 3 - 6 7 5 - 5 3 3 3 w w w . r c c h o u s t o n . o r g E A S T E R S U N DAY O F T H E R E S U R R E C T I O N O F T H E L O R D A PRIL 0 5 , 2 0 1 5 What I like about Resurrection Catholic School? These comments are from current teachers and parents. PK3 - 8th Grade www.rcchouston.org - Office 713-674-5575 I love working in a place where I can integrate my faith and vocation and be able to pass it on to the kids. (Ms. Perez, PreK-3 teacher) We send our children to Resurrection because the teachers care about the children and I believe that they are getting a great education. (Mrs. Guel, Parent of Alan, Alonzo, and Misael) I enrolled my children at RCS because I like that they get to grow in faith, get a good education and make good friends. Classrooms are small and the teachers care about the students. (Tello Family, Parents of Benito and Jaylin) We send our son to Resurrection Catholic School becau se we know he is no t only receiving a go od education, he is also learning abou t his faith and that is very import ant to us. We would n’t have it any other way. We love Resurrection Catholic school. (Mrs. L. Herebia, Pa re nt of Jonnathan) I love teaching at a Catholic school because I love the opportunity to share my faith with my students. (Ms. Bejarano, 2nd grade teacher) I love teaching in Catholic school because I get to share Catholic values and beliefs as I grow in faith along with the students. (Mr. Sanchez, Kindergarten teacher) Our daughter, Celeste, has attended Resurrection Catholic School since PreKindergarten 3. Celeste thrives on the spiritual foundation Resurrection has provided, and its shows with her excitement to serve others and with the teaching excellence provided. She continues her journey in faith with the guidance of the amazing teachers who’ve taught her thus far! Thank you RCS (Guerrero Family, Parent of Celeste) D O M I N G O D E P A S C UA D E L A R E S U R R E C I Ó N D E L S E Ñ O R 5 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 ¿Que me gusta de la escuela de la Resurrection? Los siguientes comentarios son de los maestros y padres de familia. Grados PK3 - 8.o www.rcchouston.org - oficina 713-674-5575 Me encanta trabajar en un lugar donde puedo integrar mi fe y vocación y pasársela a los estudiantes. (Ms. Perez, maestra de PK-3) Nosotros mandamos a nuestros niños a Resurrección porque sabemos que los maestros se preocupan por los estudiantes I creemos que están recibiendo una Buena educación. (Mrs. Guel, mamá de Alan, Alonzo, and Misael) Yo registre a mis hijos en la Escuela Resurrección porque me gusta que siguen enriqueciendo su fe, reciben una Buena educación y hacen muy Buenos amigos. La cantidad de estudiantes por clase es pequeña y las maestras se preocupan por sus estudiantes. (Familia Tello, Padres de Benito and Jaylin) Nosotros mandamos a nuestro hijo a la Escuela Resurrección porque sabemos que no solo está recibiendo una buena educación también está aprendiendo acerca de su fe y eso es muy importante para nosotros. No lo tendríamos de otro forma. Amamos a la Escuela Resurrección. (Mrs. L. Herebia, Padres de Jonnathan) Me encanta enseñar en escuelas católicas porque me encanta tener la oportunidad de compartir mi fe con mis estudiantes. (Ms. Bejarano, maestra de 2.o grado) Me encanta trabajar en una escuela católica porque tengo la oportunidad de compartir mis valores Católicos y creencias con mis estudiantes. (Mr. Sanchez, maestro de kinder) Nuestra hija, Celeste a atendido la escuela Resurrección desde PK-3. Celeste crece en la fundación espiritual que Resurrección le ofrece y se nota en su orgullo al servir al prójimo y con la educación que recibe. Ella continúa su crecimiento en fe con la dirección de sus maestros. Gracias Escuela de la Resurrección! (Familia Guerrero, Padres de Celeste) E A S T E R S U N DAY O F T H E R E S U R R E C T I O N O F T H E L O R D A PRIL 0 5 , 2 0 1 5 Dear Parishioner, Estimado Feligrés, On Easter Sunday we hear Peter proclaim: "To him all the prophets bear witness, that everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name" (Acts 10). Peter speaks of Jesus, risen from the dead. Through his suffering and death on the cross, Jesus poured out upon us his generous mercy. Indeed, on the second Sunday of Easter we celebrate the Divine Mercy as revealed through St. Faustina. When from his side poured blood and water, we see what he was to offer to all the world: forgiveness of sins through the life of the sacraments. So, the necessary act of belief by which we receive his forgiveness is receiving the sacraments of the Church. El domingo de Pascua escuchamos a Pedro proclamar: "Para él todos los profetas dan testimonio de que todo el que crea en él recibirá perdón de pecados en su nombre" (Hechos 10). Pedro habla de Jesús, resucitado de entre los muertos. A través de su sufrimiento y muerte en la cruz, Jesús derramó sobre nosotros su misericordia generosa. De hecho, en el segundo domingo de Pascua se celebra la Divina Misericordia como se revela a través de Santa Faustina. Cuando de su lado derramado sangre y agua, vemos lo que él era para ofrecer a todo el mundo: el perdón de los pecados a través de la vida de los sacramentos. Así, el acto necesario de la creencia por el cual recibimos su perdón está recibiendo los sacramentos de la Iglesia. Jesus lives! He is risen! And now this risen Lord pours out from his side, indeed from the heart which beats inside his risen body, mercy, forgiveness and life everlasting through the sacraments! First, in baptism we enter into this bath of mercy and salvation by joining with the baptism of water that pours from Jesus's side. Second, in the holy Mass, we eat his Body which was nailed to the cross and drink his Blood which poured from his side. Third, in the sacrament of confession, we receive the single most powerful act of his mercy that cannot be obtained anywhere else. He actually speaks, through the priest, from the cross. In fact, Jesus risen from the dead becomes present in that sacrament in order to forgive us of our sins, even those sins that kill our friendship with him. ¡Jesús vive! ¡Ha resucitado! Y ahora, este Señor resucitado brota de su costado, de hecho desde el corazón que late dentro de su cuerpo resucitado, la misericordia, el perdón y la vida eterna a través de los sacramentos! En primer lugar, en el bautismo entramos en este baño de la misericordia y de la salvación mediante la unión con el bautismo de agua que brota del costado de Jesús. En segundo lugar, en la santa Misa, comemos su cuerpo que fue clavado en la cruz y no bebéis su sangre que manaba de su lado. En tercer lugar, en el sacramento de la confesión, recibimos el más poderoso acto de su misericordia que no se puede obtener en cualquier otro lugar. En realidad habla a través del sacerdote desde la cruz. De hecho, Jesús resucitado se hace presente en este sacramento para que nos perdone nuestros pecados, incluso los pecados que matan a nuestra amistad con él. In the sacraments the Risen Lord lives and his mercy endures forever. Happy Easter! En los sacramentos del Señor resucitado vive y su misericordia es para siempre. Pascua feliz! Su pastor indigno, Your unworthy pastor, Padre Christopher Plant Fr. Christopher Plant D O M I N G O D E P A S C UA D E L A R E S U R R E C I Ó N D E L S E Ñ O R M ASS I NTENTIONS ♦ I NTENCIONES DE M ISA Holy Saturday April 4: 8:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass/ La Vigilia Pascual - Bilingual Sunday April 5: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 7:30 am Bishop Michael Olsen Elizabeth Kurusch 9:00 am David Gonzalez † David Parrish 11:00 am † Ignacio Pena † Phillip P. Reyna 12:30 pm † Rosendo Maldonado † Francisco Mandujano Tuesday April 7: 8:30 am † Andres G. Martinez † Dr. Thomas Nguyen Wednesday April 8: 6:30 pm † Pedro Gemparo Thursday April 9: 8:30 am Victor Galvan Reynaldo Galvan † - Deceased PRAYERS FOR THE SICK / ORACIONES POR LOS ENFERMOS Christopher Gonzales, Manuela Castillo, Gloria Rodriguez, Daria Hernandez, Socorro Renteria, Elsa Salazar, Anselma Sanchez, Debra Phillips and Victor Salazar. Names will be posted for three consecutive weeks once a year. Los nombres serán publicados durante tres semanas consecutivas una vez al año. R ECENTLY D ECEASED/ R ECIEN FALLECIDO Alfredo Flores and Mariana Rosales 5 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 THIS WEEK AT RESURRECTION ESTA SEMANA EN LA RESURRECCIÓN Monday, April 6: Easter Monday 7:30am C.C..……….……….………………………..…..Rectory 6:00pm Divine Mercy Novena (Day 4)...………………...Church 6:00pm Youth Open Gym…………………………………..Gym Tuesday, April 7: 8:30am Mass (English)………………....………………...Church 6:00pm Pastoral Council……………………………Admin Bldg 6:00pm Divine Mercy Novena (Day 5)…………………..Church 6:00pm Bazaar Committee Meeting……………………..Rectory 6:30pm Youth Ministry (High School)……………………..Gym 6:45pm Choir Practice……………………………………Church 8:00pm A.A……………………………………………...Rectory Wednesday, April 8: 9-5pm Adoration…………………………………………Church 9:30am Legion of Mary……………….………………....Rectory 5-6pm Confessions……………………………………….Church 6:00pm Divine Mercy Novena (Day 6)…………………..Church 7:00pm Round Table Discussion…...………………Admin Bldg 7:30pm Grupo de Oración………………………………..Church Thursday, April 9: 8:30am Mass (English)………………....………………...Church 6:00pm Divine Mercy Novena (Day 7)…………………..Church 6:30pm Youth Ministry (Middle School)…………………...Gym 7:00pm A.A……………………………………………...Rectory Friday, April 10: 10:00am Legion of Mary (Spanish)………………….......Rectory 6:00pm Divine Mercy Novena (Day 8)…………………..Church Saturday, April 11: 10:00 am Immigration Workshop/Taller de Inmigración..…Gym 5:00pm Divine Mercy Novena (Day 9)…………………..Church Sunday, April 12: After All AM Masses Breakfast by Prayer Group………….Gym 7:30am Mass (English)…………..………………..……...Church 9:00am Mass (Spanish)…………..….…………..…….…Church 11:00am Mass (English)……………..………………..….Church 12:30pm Mass (Spanish)…………………………………Church 2:00pm Cub Scouts…………………………………………Gym 4:00pm Girl Scouts………………………………………….Gym CONFESSIONES/CONFESIONES Wednesday Spanish: 5-6pm Saturday English: 4:30-5:15pm Spanish: 6:30pm-7:15pm G RUPO DE O RACION El grupo de oración se reúne todos los miércoles después de la Misa de 6:30pm en la iglesia. NEW DFS GOAL $29,000 Nueva Meta DSF $29,000 Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento Every Wednesday from 9:00 am—5:00 pm Todos los miércoles de 9:00 am — 5:00 pm Bulletin Deadline: Monday 10:00 am Email announcements to: areyes@rcchouston.org Subject Line: Bulletin & Date You may view this bulletin online at www.rcchouston.org. E A S T E R S U N DAY O F T H E R E S U R R E C T I O N O F T H E L O R D A PRIL 0 5 , 2 0 1 5 ROUND-TABLE GROUP DISCUSSION (Open to all adults) Wednesday, April 8, 2015 in the Church office building—2nd floor At 7:00 p.m. Example Questions Did you enjoy the series so far? Did you let your kids watch it? Do you feel that it was an accurate portrayal? What did you like most about it? Were you confused by anything in the series? What other biblical topics would you like to discuss with relatives or friends in a group setting? Discussion about Bible scriptures that were used. (Light snacks will be provided) Carmen Valdez oec@rcchouston.org– 713-675-0350 D O M I N G O D E P A S C UA D E L A R E S U R R E C I Ó N D E L S E Ñ O R D E V I N E M E R C Y D E V O T I ON - N O V E N A Divine Mercy Devotion Jesus’ words to St. Faustina (99): “Look into the abyss of My mercy and give praise and Jesús Jesus glory to this mercy of Mine. En Ti Do it in this way: Gather all I trust in confió sinners from the entire world You and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. I want to give Myself to souls: I yearn for souls. On the day of My feast the Feast of Mercy (Divine Mercy Sunday April 12), you will go through the whole world and bring fainting souls to the spring of My mercy. I shall heal and strengthen them.” Divine Mercy Novena Schedule: April 5 Sunday 6:00pm Spanish April 6 Monday 6:00pm English April 7 Tuesday 6:00pm English April 8 Wednesday 6:00pm Spanish April 9 Thursday 6:00pm Spanish April 10 Friday 6:00pm English April 11 Saturday 5:00pm English 5 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 T HE T RAVELING C HALICE E L CALIZ V IAJERO Pray for Vocations! If you are interested please drop off in the suggestion box at the entrance of the church a note with your name, phone number and address. For more information call Cheli Ledford 713-675-2807. ¡Oren por las Vocaciones! Si esta interesado ponga en la caja de sugerencias en la entrada de la iglesia una nota con su nombre, numero de teléfono y su dirección. Para mas información llame a Cheli Ledford 713-6752807 Invites you to join us Church Bazaar May 3, 2015 2 litter donations needed for the soda booth at the bazaar. If you can help donate please drop off at the church office. Thank you! O F F E R T O R Y C O L L E C T I ON R E P O R T ( F I S C A L 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 ) R E P O R T E D E L A C O LE C TA ( F I S C A L 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 ) Weekly Needed: Necesitamos Semanalmente: $12,315 March-Week 5 Actual Budget Variance (+/-) Marzo-Semana 5 Actual Presupuesto Diferencia (+/-) Total $9,477.50 $12,315 -$2,838 For 39 Weeks Ending: / 39 Semanas Terminando: 3/29/2015 Year-to-Date Actual Budget Variance (+/-) Hasta la Fecha Actual Presupuesto Diferencia (+/-) Total $354,865 $480,285 -$125,420 Improvement Fund / Reparaciones: $277 Tuition Aid / Asistencia de Colegiatura: $113 DSF 2015 2nd Collection $1,115 Les invita a que nos acompañe Saturday, April 11, 10 am Sábado 11 de abril a las 10 am Resurrection Catholic Church 915 Zoe Houston, TX 77020 Phone: Telefono (713) 675-5333 We will discuss: Vamos a discutir President Obama’s Executive order on immigration La orden ejecutiva del Presidente sobre inmigración Who qualifies for DACA or DAPA Quien califica para DACA o DAPA An attorney will be present to answer questions Un abogado estará presente para contestar preguntas (DACA) Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DAPA) Deferred Action Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents
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