SEE151002-Upper-Extr.. - The Royal College of Chiropractors

Upper Extremity Module
Friday 2 October - Sunday 4 October 2015
Holiday Inn Oxford, Peartree Roundabout, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 8JD
This practical seminar brought to you by the Royal College of Chiropractors’ Sport & Exercise Faculty
(RCCSEF) and the International Federation of Chiropractic Sport (FICS) can be undertaken as a standalone CPD event by any chiropractor or final year chiropractic student who is serious about becoming a
great practitioner and getting the best results for their patients. The 21/2 day programme will include a range
of lectures with a sports chiropractic focus, although relevant information for general chiropractic practice is
This seminar meets one of the ‘hands-on module’ requirements of the FICS Internationally Certified
Chiropractic Sports Practitioner (ICCSP) qualification, the minimum standard for those wishing to develop
competencies in sports chiropractic and to serve at official FICS international events. To learn more about
the ICCSP and the conditions for enrolment, please visit:
Ulrik Sandstrom BSc, DC, ICSSD, FRCC, MRCC
(Sport), FBCA, FEAC
Ulrik graduated from the AECC in 1991 and has
been involved in elite level sports chiropractic for
20 years. He is in his 6th season as a 1st team
chiropractor at Leicester Tigers Rugby and is
passionate about integrating in a multidisciplinary
team working towards ultimate care for the athlete.
He has lectured nationally and internationally to
sport medics, physiotherapists and chiropractors
on specific techniques and on chiropractors’ role in
sport and has presented ICCSP courses in Dublin
and Johannesburg.
Dik Skippings DC, ICSSD, PG Dip (Sports Med)
FRCC (Sport)
Dik graduated from the AECC in 1985. He is
Chairman of the Royal College of Chiropractors’
Sport and Exercise faculty, a Member of the British
Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine and
Team Chiropractor for the British Masters Athletic
Federation, attending British and European
Championships and at 5 World Championships. Dik
acted as a Sports Chiropractor at the London 2012
Olympic games.
Dr René Fejer BSc, MSc (Clin Biomechanics),
René is a chiropractor at the Spine Centre
Southern Denmark at Lillebaelt Hospital, and
Clinical Associate Professor at the University of
Southern Denmark. He has been teaching
chiropractic, medical and sports science students
at the University of Southern Denmark for more
than ten years as well as conducting research
within chiropractic and epidemiology. René is
Chair of the FICS Education Commission and is
also a FICS International Sports Chiropractor,
recently working at two World Championships in
Fiona M. Jacobs D.C, C.C.S.P, MSc (Sports
Medicine), MSc (MSK Ultrasound, FRCC (Sport),
Fiona is a chiropractor of over 30 years experience,
and first worked in elite sport when asked to support
the USA team at the World Women’s Weight lifting
Championship in 1989. This was closely followed by
attendance at the All Africa Games in 1991 and 1995
with FICS, and helping found the British Masters
Medical Services in 2000, which provides volunteer
chiropractors, physiotherapists and masseurs for
and International Track and Field
Championships all over the world. Fiona has
continued to work with all levels of sports teams, and
was part of the host medical services at the 2012
London Olympics.
Accommodation (self book)
Friday and Saturday:
08.00 - 08.30 Registration/ Tea & Coffee
08.30 - 13.00 Lectures
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 17.00 Lectures
08.00 - 08.30 Morning Coffee
08.30 - 13.00 Lectures
Travelodge Oxford Peartree Hotel
Rooms from £41 per night.
Visit: to book.
Holiday Inn Oxford
Bed and breakfast from £125 per night.
Contact Amanda at Choice Locations on
+44 (0)121 749 7575 to book at this rate.
Outline of programme
The programme for the weekend will include lectures
and workshops on:
 Head Trauma
 Introduction to the kinetic chain and anatomy trains
 Functional assessments and adjustments/
Conditions/ Manipulation, soft tissue and
rehabilitation of the hand & wrist.
 Functional assessments and adjustments/
Conditions/ Manipulation, soft tissue and
rehabilitation of the elbow.
 Functional assessments and adjustments/
Conditions/ Manipulation, soft tissue and
rehabilitation of the shoulder.
 Introduction to musculoskeletal ultrasound
 Functional taping/ strapping of the upper extremity.
 Working within a Sports Team Environment
 Athlete treatment/ workflow presentation
Registration fee: £620
Special rates:
RCCSEF or FICS member: £550
RCCSEF or FICS member with ICCSP: £475
Final year student / 1st year graduate: £400
This fee includes lunch and dinner on Friday and
Saturday and all refreshments throughout the event.
Please bring a portable bench for the practical
How to register
For enquiries and to register and pay by card / bank transfer, please telephone +44 (0)118 946 9727
or email:
Alternatively, please complete the registration form (below or linked) and send it with your cheque payable to
‘The Royal College of Chiropractors’, to the address below.
Cancellations: Fees will be refunded, less a £50 administration charge, for all cancellations
received at least 10 days before the event (22 September 2015). Strictly no refunds after this date.
Registration Form - Upper Extremity Module, 2 - 4/10/2015
Phone No:……………………………………………………….
Graduating Chiropractic College:…………………………….
Ref: SEE151002
Registration fees:
I enclose a cheque for £..........................................
Please send an electronic invoice of £....................
to my email address to allow online payment.
Please send your completed registration form to:
The Royal College of Chiropractors, Chiltern
Chambers, St Peters Avenue, Reading, RG4
7DH, UK.