Backgammon End Game Doubling Strategies in Money Play and Match Play Christina Erceg Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Westminster College, Pennsylvania, USA March 21, 2013 Abstract In this paper we study end game situations and doubling strategy in Backgammon. Doubling is a key strategy in the game since it determines the worth of the game and is a key factor for determining a winner. The paper begins with an overview of how to play Backgammon. Next, we determine the expected values for when to double and accept a double in money play, based on what point in time we are in the game. Then, we look at doubling from a match play perspective. Overall, we compare doubling decisions for end game situations in money play to match play. 1 Introduction Backgammon is a game full of wonderful mathematical calculations. According to Backgammon History, originally written by Chuck Bower [2], Backgammon’s roots date back to 3,000 BC during the Mesopotamian era. Similar versions of the game have been played for over 5,000 years, making it the oldest played board game. In medieval Europe the game was very popular, along with a version of the game in the Indian and Egyptian cultures. The modern version of Backgammon began in the 1920’s in New York, where an unknown gambler brought up ideas of many rules including use of the doubling cube. In the 1960’s, the first tournaments of the game began and were known as the World Championships. In the 1990’s the first online versions of the game attracted many new players. Today, Backgammon continues to be a widely played game among the people of Greece, Rome, and all across America. For more information on the history of the game, refer to [2]. Backgammon is a two player board game that begins with the set-up in Figure 1. In the game, each player uses their 15 checkers, the 24 pegs of the board, and two 1 Figure 1: Beginning board set-up dice to move in opposite directions, toward their home board, which is the final six pegs. After all of a player’s pieces are in their home board they begin a process called bearing off, which entails using the rolls of the dice to move the pieces from a player’s home board off the game board. Whichever player completes this first wins the game. In Figure 1, the red player’s home board is pegs 1 through 6. The white player’s home board is pegs 19 through 24. Let’s look at a couple examples of how the bearing off process works. Example 1: You have all your pieces in your home board. The next step is to get your pieces off the board. Suppose you have a piece on the 5-point and a piece on the 2-point. Let’s say you roll a 2 and a 3. Moving your piece from the 2-point 2 places moves it off the game board. This is as example of the definition of bearing off. Next moving your piece from the 5-point 3 places moves it to the 2-point. Since the piece is still located on the game board, it was not bore off. We can see that in order for a piece to bear off the board, a number on a die or a combination of numbers from the dice need to produce a number greater than or equal to the number of pegs away from the edge of the board a piece is on. Example 2: Suppose you have two checkers left in your home board during your bearing off process, 1 on the 3-point and 1 on the 5-point. You roll a 2 and a 6. You choose to move your piece on the 3-point to the 1-point, which is not bearing off but getting your piece closer to getting off the board. Also, you move your piece from the 5-point off the game board with your roll of the 6, which is an example of bearing off. A doubling cube is also used in the game, which multiplies what the current worth of the game is by two. Doubling continues to be active in the game even if a player has already multiplied the stakes once. The process alternates between players for who decides they want to double the stakes again. After a first double has been declared, the subsequent doubles in a game are called redoubles. There are certain strategies for doubling in the game, which complicates the strategy. We will discuss this further in Section 2.2. 2 Backgammon can be played by individual games, called money play, or by matches, called match play. Money play determines a winner based on a single game. We will talk more about money play in Section 3. Match play determines a winner based on a certain number of points and whichever player gets those points first wins. We will discuss match play more in-depth in Section 4. Near the end of the game, each player can calculate where they stand in the game and whether or not they should double the stakes of the game. Previously known findings include calculating the doubling point at the very beginning of a game [4] and the last move of a game [1]. The doubling point is the prime point in the game a player should be at before they choose to double. Also known are one and two checker ending position guidelines depending on how far each player is from winning in match play [5]. In this paper, we determine how to calculate the probabilities for whether or not a player should double and if the other player should accept for both money play and match play. We determine how decisions differ based on the type of play. Depending on which type of play, the rules for doubling are different since money play is based on one game, but match play is played to a certain point total. We begin the paper in Section 2 by discussing how to play the game and some key rules and definitions that are part of the game. Some key points of this section include how the dice rolls affect the game, doubling, and beavers. Money play is discussed in Section 3, including money equity, when to double, when to accept a double, end game situations involving doubling, and the Jacoby Paradox. Match play is discussed in Section 4, including match equity and end game situations involving doubling. Section 5 compares doubling in end game situations in money play to doubling in end game match play situations. We find that doubling decisions for money play differ when compared to match play in borderline cube action cases. Section 6 provides some concluding remarks and the direction for the next step in this research project. 2 How to Play This section includes rules that pertain to the calculations used in this paper. Included are basics of the dice involving legal moves in the game, the term doubling, and what it means to beaver. For a complete list of rules of the game, refer to [3]. 2.1 Basics of the Dice When moving around the game board, a player uses the number on one die to move that exact number of places to a new peg, followed by the same process with the another die. Example 3: Suppose you are just beginning a game. Referring to Figure 1, you are the white pieces. Let’s say you roll a 2 and a 4. You may use your 2 to move a piece from the 12-point to the 14-point. With your 4 on the other die, you may choose to move a piece from the 12-point to the 16-point. A different possibility is 3 that you move a piece from the 17-point to the 19-point with the 2 and a piece from the 17-point to the 21-point with the 4. These are just two of the many different options that a player has to move. If the numbers on both dice are the same, then you have rolled doubles. In the game, if you roll doubles, then you can roll the amount of each die twice, meaning 4 times the amount of one die. Example 4: Again, suppose you are just beginning a game and that you are the white pieces on the game board of Figure 1. Let’s say you roll double 1’s. Then, you can choose to move 4 different pieces 1 space each, 1 piece 4 spaces, or another similar combination. For example, let’s say you moved a piece from the 17-point to the 18-point, and then again from the 18-point to the 19-point. For another piece starting on the 17-point, suppose you complete the same series of moves as the first piece. One legal move in a game is moving to an open peg, as in the moves in Example 3. Another legal move is to move to a peg containing your pieces, such as the player’s choices in Example 4. A third legal move is to move to a peg that contains a single piece from your opponent. In this instance, your opponent would have to move his piece back to the beginning. To visualize this legal move, let’s look at the following example. Example 5: Suppose you have 3 pieces on your 14-point and your opponent has a single piece on the 16-point, which is in your path. You roll a 2. Then, it is legal for you to move a piece from your 14-point to the 16-point to “hit” your opponent. It is important to note that in the game, it is illegal to move to a peg that contains two or more of your opponent’s pieces. Example 6: Suppose you have a piece on the 14-point and your opponent has 3 pieces on the 16-point. If you roll a 2, then it is illegal to move your piece from the 14-point to the 16-point because your opponent has more than two pieces on that point. 2.2 Doubling At the start of each game, the game is worth 1 point. In most games, if a player feels that they have a large enough advantage over their opponent, then they may wish to double the stakes by using the doubling cube. The player can only double if it is his turn and he has not yet rolled the dice. If a player doubles, then their opponent has two options. The first is that they can accept the double and continue playing the game. In this instance, if they feel as if they have a better lead, then they can redouble at any time to make the game worth 4 points. This cycle of redoubling has no limit, but it alternates between the players for whose decision it is to double. The alternating of the cube is referred to as having possession of the cube, or owning the cube. Secondly, if the player does not feel as if 4 his chances of winning are high enough, he can decline the double. In this instance, the game is over, and the player who proposed the double gets the current amount of points that were in play for the game. If you are playing a match up to n points and one player has n-1 points, for the first time going into a new game, the doubling cube is not allowed during that game. This is called the Crawford Rule. [6] 2.3 Beaver To beaver is a special type of doubling rule. It is when a player doubles, yet the other player feels as if their position is good enough to redouble. They may do so immediately. This is done without giving up the cube, meaning that the player who redoubled still owns the cube. 3 Money Play One way to play Backgammon is called money play. The game is won or lost based on one game. With this being said, it is important to look at probabilities of winning to determine what move should be made. If you lose the game, then you have lost overall. In this section, Table 1 shows all of the possible roll combinations there are in a game. Then we calculate money equity, which helps determine which player has an advantage in the game. Both of these concepts are useful for the next part of the section which uses money equity to determine if the player on roll should double and if their opponent should accept or decline. Lastly, we determine that a probability greater than .5 is the doubling point for a last move situation and a probability of .8 is the doubling point for the very beginning of the game. 3.1 Probabilities of Roll Combinations To further study end game situations, we need to know which roll combinations we need to consider during our calculations. Table 1 is formed by considering the 36 possible roll combinations and which dice combinations will yield the desired output of bearing off. 5 Table 1: Chances to bear off one or two men with one roll a piece on the off of board 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 6 pt off of board off of board 36 36 36 34 31 27 1 pt 36 36 36 34 29 23 15 2 pt 36 36 26 25 23 19 13 3 pt 36 34 25 17 17 14 10 4 pt 34 29 23 17 11 10 8 5 pt 31 23 19 14 10 6 6 6 pt 27 15 13 10 8 6 4 Example 7: Suppose player 1 has a piece on the 2-point and a piece on the 4-point and he wants to know how many roll combinations will bear his pieces off on the next roll. Looking at the 2-point on the y-axis and the 4-point on the x-axis we see that these points intersect at 23. So player 1 has 23 chance of bearing off his pieces on the 36 current roll. Table 2 is a similar version of Table 1, except using probabilities which will be easier to use in computations. Table 2: Table 1 translated to probabilities a piece on the off of board 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 6 pt 3.2 off of board off of board 1 1 1 .94 .86 .75 1 pt 1 1 1 .94 .81 .64 .42 2 pt 1 1 .72 .69 .64 .53 .36 3 pt 1 .94 .69 .47 .47 .39 .28 4 pt .94 .81 .64 .47 .31 .28 .22 5 pt .86 .64 .53 .39 .28 .17 .17 6 pt .75 .42 .36 .28 .22 .17 .11 Money Equity Let X be the value amount that you get from the game. Then money equity is defined to be E(X). Let’s look at an example of calculating money equity. Example 8: Suppose the last two pieces that player 1 has are on the 2-point and the 5-point and player 2 has two pieces on the 1-point. There are no doubles in the game, so the game is worth one point. Using Table 1, we can see where the 2-point and the 5-point intersect to find player 1’s chance of getting off the board on his next roll. Then we can calculate the money equity of player 1 which is 19 (1) + 17 (-1) = 36 36 2 . 36 6 Money equity is calculated to determine which decision a player should make when it comes to a doubling decision. A higher equity of doubling compared to not doubling for a player means the player should double. Likewise, a higher equity of accepting a doubling compared to declining the double means a player should accept the double. 3.3 End Game Situation Let’s look at an end game situation that uses the concept of money equity to determine if a player should double and if their opponent should accept. Example 9: Suppose player 1 has a piece on the 5-point and a piece on the 2-point and player 2 has a two pieces on the 1-point. It is player 1’s turn to roll and there have been no doubles in the game thus far. Let’s examine the following questions: 1. What is player 1’s chance of winning? 2. Should player 1 double? 3. If player 1 doubles, should player 2 accept? Solution: First let’s discuss the question of player 1’s chance of winning. We know that player 1 wins only if he is able to bear off his two men on the next roll since any combination of the dice will give player 2 a win. The tables above are useful for they give the chances of bearing off with players on one or two of the last six pegs. We can easily see by reading Table 2, that player 1 has a 53% chance of winning. Second, let’s look at whether or not player 1 should double. Remember that Table possibility of bearing off and winning the game. 1 showed that player 1 has a 19 36 17 Therefore, there is a 36 chance that player 1 loses since player 2 will always win on their next turn. Looking at the expected values of winning for player 1, we have if 2 (1) + 17 (−1) = 36 . If player 1 doubles, then player 1 does not double, E(X) = 19 36 36 19 17 4 E(X) = 36 (2) + 36 (−2) = 36 . Player 1 doubling produces a higher equity which means that player 1 should double so let’s assume that’s what the decision is. Now we have two situations, either player 2 will accept the double and continue to play or player 2 will decline the double and lose the game. If player 2 accepts, then the game is now worth 2 points. We have that player 1 still wins 19 of the time and loses 17 of the 36 36 17 −4 time. Looking at expected values, if player 2 accepts, E(X) = 36 (2) + 19 (−2) = . 36 36 Our second situation is if player 2 declines the double. We have that the expected value of winning is −1. In this situation, player 1 would automatically win the game and the 1 point that was in play. For player 2, it is worth the risk to accept the double and hope that player 1 does not bear off the board with one roll. If this occurs, then player 2 would win 2 points by taking one roll of the dice on his next turn. 7 As you can see, some of the most important decisions come in the last few moves of a game. The following proposition gives a general idea of a last move situation involving doubling. Proposition: Suppose it is Player 1’s roll. If there is 1 move left in the game then 1. Player 1 should double if his chance of winning is greater than .5. 2. Player 2 should accept the double when his chance of winning is greater than .25. Proof: Let p be the probability of winning the game and let x be the current worth of the game. The first expected value that we look at is one without a double in the game. We have p(x) + (1 − p)(−x) = p(x) − (x) + (px) = 2px − x. The next expected value is when a double was accepted. So, p(2x) + (1 − p)(−2x) = 2px − 2x + 2px = 4px − 2x. We will then compare these two equations to see when the equity of doubling is greater than the equity when there wasn’t a double. Therefore, we have 2px − x ≤ 4px − 2x, which means x ≤ 2px. So, 12 ≤ p. If the probability is greater than .5, then player 1 should double. Assume player 1 has doubled. Calculating money equity, if player 2 accepts the double then we have (p)(2x) + (1 − p)(−2x) = 2px − 2x + 2px = 4px − 2x. The expected value of winning if player 2 declines the double is −x. We want to see when the probability of accepting the double is greater so we have 4px − 2x ≥ −x, which means 4px ≥ x. Then, p ≥ 41 . Therefore, player 2 should accept the double when his chance of winning is greater than .25. 3.4 Doubling at the Start of a Game and in a Last Move Situation In section we will determine that when a player’s probability of winning, p, is greater than or equal to .8 then a player should double at the beginning of the game. In order to do this we will introduce Lemma 1, Lemma 2, and Theorem 3. Lemma 1 uses the probability that player 1 will win to determine the probability that an event E happens. Lemma 2 shows that player 1’s doubling point is player 2’s folding point. Theorem 3 uses Lemma 1 and Lemma 2 to determine player 1’s doubling point. Using the previous proposition, we can see that doubling points are different throughout the game since each move made in the game can change, sometimes drastically, what each player’s probability of winning the game is. 3.4.1 Beginning of the Game First, we will look at when to double at the beginning of the game. To better analyze the situation, suppose we are looking at a continuous game, meaning that the probability of winning is instantaneously changing. Lemma 1, Lemma 2 and Theorem 3 were proved in [4]. 8 Lemma 1 Let x be the current probability of winning for player 1. If E is an event then the probability that we get to x + b, player 1’s doubling point, before x − a, player a 2’s doubling point is P(E) = a+b . Proof: Let x be the probability that player 1 will win. Then, x = P (E)P (x | E) + P (∼ E)P (x | −E) = P (E)(x + b) + P (−E)(x − a), where −E is the event that E does not happen. So we have x = P (E)(x + b) + (1 − P (E))(x − a). Therefore, P(E) = a . a+b Lemma 2 Assume only player 1 has the right to double and that his probability of winning the game is α. Let α0 be player 1’s doubling point and let β 0 be the point at which player 2 folds. Then, α0 = β 0 . Proof: If player 2 would fold, then player 1 should double. This gives us that α0 ≤ β 0 . Suppose there exists γ such that α0 < γ < β 0 . Let’s look at the difference when it comes to doubling at α0 verses doubling at γ. If player 1 wins, then it doesn’t matter because he will receive all the points. If however, player 1 does not win, then it is better to double at γ. Therefore, it is too early to double at α0 and α0 ≥ β 0 . We can use these lemmas to find the probability for doubling very early in the game in our next theorem. Theorem 3 Player 1’s doubling point, α0 = .8. Proof: Let s be the current value of the game. If player 2 declines the double, then the money equity of player 2 is −s. We know by symmetry that player 2 doubles at 1-α0 , and at this point player 1 would decline the double. Lemma 2 tells us that player 1 will win before player 2 doubles at a probability of (1-α0 )/α0 . With all this information, we can set player 2’s money equity from declining the double to the money equity using player 1’s doubling point. −s = 2s((1 − α0 )/α0 − (2α0 − 1)/α0 ) After simplifying this expression, α0 = .8. This means that player 1 should wait to double until his chance of winning is 80%. Thinking about this probability, it is very early in the game so doubling at too low of a probability has a higher chance of hurting the player who doubled, near the end of the game. A higher probability for doubling at the beginning of the game is due to the fact that there are so many possible outcomes that the game can have. Just because a player is currently ahead doesn’t necessarily mean they will stay ahead the whole game. 9 3.5 Jacoby Paradox The Jacoby Paradox states that in certain situations it is not wise for a player to redouble, however an improvement in their opponent’s position can make it wise to redouble when the player on roll owns the cube and has one last chance to choose to redouble. This can best be summed up through an example. Example 10: Suppose player 1 has pieces on the 2-point and the 5-point and player 2 has a piece on the 6-point. Both players are in the process of bearing off and player on the next roll and currently 1 owns the cube. Player 1’s chance of winning is 19 36 the game is worth 2 points. Should player 1 redouble? Solution: Let’s look at the different possibilities that can occur by examining the expected values of player 1 winning the game. If player 1 does not redouble, then player 1’s equity is: .53(2) + .25(.47)(2) + .35(−2) = .6 This money equity is found from calculating the probability that player 1 gets off on his next roll. Then if they do not we use the probability that player 2 does or does not get off. Notice that the value of the game in this case is 2. If player 1 redoubles and player 2 accepts, then player 1’s equity is: .53(4) + .47[.75(−8) + .25(8)] = .24 In this case, the value of the game is worth 4 if player 1 gets off right away, or worth 8 if he does not because player 2 would always redouble the game again. If player 1 redoubles and player 2 declines, then player 1’s equity is: −1 Assume player 1 did not roll high enough to bear off completely and it is now player 2’s turn and he rolled a 1 and a 2. Player 2’s position has improved in the game from a piece on the 6-point to a piece on the 3-point. If player 1 doesn’t redouble, then player 1’s equity is: .53(2) + .47(−2) = .12 Player 1’s money equity differs from above since now player 2 will bear off on their next roll no matter what he rolls. If player 1 redoubles and player 2 accepts, then player 1’s equity is: .53(4) − .47(4) = .24 What the paradox tells us is that initially player 1 should not redouble to make the game worth 4 points because his equity would be less than if he chose not to redouble. However, an improvement in player 2’s position in the game makes it plausible for player 1 to now double, which is shown by the higher equity if he redoubles. 10 4 Match Play Match Play is another way to play Backgammon. It is based on a series of games called a match, whose number of points the match is played to is predetermined. Most occurrences play with a match to five or seven points. If you lose a game, it does not mean the match is necessarily over. When playing match play it is important to base decisions on how many points each player has overall. In this section we determine how to calculate match equity, which is useful for determining whether a match will be won or lost. A table of match equities is included and is based on how many points away each player is from winning the match. We then look at an end game situation that uses match equity to determine if a player should double and if their opponent should accept or decline. 4.1 Match Equity Sometimes when keeping track of you and your opponent’s standings in a match play game, the term “away” might be used. It is common among Backgammon players. We say that the game is n-away, m-away where n and m describe how many points each player is from winning the match. For example, a match may be 2-away, 3-away. What it means is that one player is 2 points away from winning the match and the other player is 3 points away from winning the match. This term can be broadened to other amounts of points away from winning the game. Example 11: Suppose the score of a match is 4-2, played to 5 points. Then, the player who has 4 points is said to be 1-away and the player with 2 points is said to be 3-away. We define match equity to be the probability of winning the match. Based on how many points away each player is from winning the match, we can find what probabilities result for winning for each player. Table 3 gives the match equity for both players in the match. On the y-axis is how many points player 1 is from winning the match, who is the player we are determining the equity for. On the x-axis is how many points player 2 is from winning the match, who is the opponent. 11 Table 3: Match Equity Table 1 2 3 4 5 1 .50 .30 .25 .17 .15 2 .70 .50 .40 .32 .25 3 .75 .60 .50 .41 .34 4 .83 .68 .59 .50 .42 5 .85 .75 .66 .58 .50 [7] The following example uses the chart to determine the equity for each player. Example 12: Suppose you are leading 3 to 1 in a 5 point match. So, you have 2 points to go, making you 2-away. Your opponent has 1 point, so they are 4-away. We look at 2 on the y-axis and 4 on the x-axis to see where the two numbers intersect. From this, we find that the player who is 2-away has an equity of .68 and the player who is 4-away in turn has 1 − .68 = .32 equity. This makes sense since we know that both players equities when added together will equal one, since we are certain one of the players will win the match. 4.2 End Game Situations There are two methods, one using money equity and one using match equity, that are used to figure out whether or not a player should double and if their opponent should accept in match play. In the following example, we will analyze a situation using both of the methods to show that they are equivalent. Example 13: Say player 1 is 2-away from winning the match and player 2 is 3away from winning the match. Assume player 1 doubles and it is player 2’s decision to accept or decline. We will calculate the match equity of player 2 to determine which decision produces a higher equity. First, we will complete the calculations using match equity. If player 2 declines, then the score would be 1-away, 3-away, so player 2’s match equity is .25. If player 2 accepts and wins, then the score would be 2-away, 1-away, so player 2’s match equity is .70. If player 2 accepts and loses, then player 2’s match equity is 0. Setting the decline and accept amounts equal to each other, .25 = p(.75) + (1 − p)(0) 1 =p 3 Now we complete the same process using money equity. 12 If player 2 declines, then the equity is .5. If player 2 accepts and wins, then the equity is .25. If player 2 accepts and loses, then the equity is -1. Setting the accept and decline amounts equal to each other, .5 = p(1) + (1 − p)(.25) .5 = p + .25 − .25p .5 = .75p + .25 .25 = .75p 1 =p 3 As we can see, both methods produce the result of 13 . Our next lemma is another conclusion that involves both player 1 and player 2’s match equities. Lemma 4 Player 2’s match equity of winning = 1 - Player 1’s match equity of winning Proof: We have that player 1’s match equity of winning + player 2’s match equity of winning = 1. This is true since the equity of winning will always be 1, meaning the game will always be won by some player. So, player 2’s match equity of winning = 1 - player 1’s match equity of winning. Next, we will use these following facts to complete an end game situation involving 2-away, 3-away and known positions of pieces for both player 1 and player 2. Example 14: Suppose player 1 has a piece on the 2-point and a piece on the 5-point. Player 2 has two pieces on the 1-point. It is player 1’s turn to roll. Should player 1 double? If so, Should player 2 accept? Solution: First we must figure out if player 1 should double. Let’s assume that player 1 doesn’t double to start. Then the equity of player 1 can be calculated by the chance that player 1 bears off on the next roll times what the match equity would be if he won that point. This is added to the chance that player 1 does not bear off on his next roll multiplied by the match equity that would occur if player 2 got the point. This is summarized in Table 3. Table 3: Equity of Player 1-No Double win lose 19 36 17 36 .75 (since 1-away, 3-away) .50 (since 2-away, 2-away) We can use this table to calculate the match equity of player 1 if he doesn’t double. So we have that: 19 17 (.75) + (.50) = .64 36 36 13 Using a similar idea we see that if player 1 doubles, then player 1’s equity is: Table 4: Equity of Player 1-Doubles win lose 19 36 17 36 1 (match over) .30 (since 2-away, 1-away) Then, we have that 19 17 (1) + (.3) = .67 36 36 Comparing the equity of player 1 if they do not double and the equity of player 1 if they do double, we can see that if player 1 doubles then they have a higher equity. Therefore, player 1 should double. Next, we determine if player 2 should accept player 1’s double. If player 2 declines the double, then the equity of player 2 is .25 since it would be 1-away, 3-away. If player 2 accepts the double, then the equity of player 2 is: Table 5: Equity of Player 2-Accepts Double win lose 17 36 19 36 .70 (since 2-away, 1-away) 0 (match over) Then, we have that 19 17 (.7) + (0) = .33 36 36 Comparing the equity of player 2 when they decline the double compared to when they accept the double, we can see that if player 2 accepts the double then they have a higher equity. Therefore, player 2 should accept the double. We can use the information from player 2 of whether to accept or decline the double to form a more general principle. 5 Doubling in End Game Situations Comparisons In this section we compare similarities and differences that are found for doubling in end game situations for money play versus match play. First, we will look at a chart analyzing doubling decisions for end game money play. Then we will look at similar charts except for match play 2-away, 3-away and 2-away, 4-away. With these charts we spot where the similarities and differences lie in the decision making process for doubling. 14 5.1 Money Play Doubling Decisions The following result was discovered by Bob Koca in the article, Curing Your Short Bearoff Blues [5]. For end game situations there are 5 cube actions that can be completed during the bearing off process. For the purposes of Table 5 we will define the cube actions as follows: 1. Not good enough to double/beaver if doubled 2. Not good enough to double/not a beaver if doubled 3. Good enough for an initial double but not a redouble/take if doubled 4. Good enough to redouble/take 5. Good enough to redouble/pass Table 5 provides a portion of Koca’s table, where it is player 1’s roll. The y-axis is the peg(s) that player 1’s piece(s) are on and the x-axis is the peg(s) that player 2’s piece(s) are on. Looking at the intersection between peg(s) on the y-axis and peg(s) on the x-axis we get the doubling decision for player 1. Table 5: Cube Actions for Money Play 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 4, 13 5 14 6 22 23 24, 15 25 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4, 13 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 [5] Example 15: Suppose that player 1 has two pieces on the 2-point and player 2 has a piece on the 4-point. What cube decisions should each player make? Using Table 5 we see that the intersection between player 1’s position and player 2’s position is a 4. This cube decision is for player 1 to redouble and player 2 to accept the double. The cube decisions above are the ones we will compare to match play. For the entire table of cube actions, refer to [5]. 15 5.2 Match Play Doubling Decisions Based on cube situations known for money play, we now look at the same situations but in a match play situation. Notice that the differences in cube actions from money play to match play are in bold in Table 6 and Table 7. First looking at Table 6, we have the end game situation where player 1 is 2-away from winning the match and player 2 is 3-away from winning the match. Table 6: Cube Actions for Match Play 2-away, 3-away 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 4, 13 5 1, 4 6 2, 2 2, 3 24, 15 2, 5 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4, 13 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 In Table 7 we look at the match play situation where player 1 is 2-away and player 2 is 4-away from winning the match. Table 7: Cube Actions for Match Play 2-away, 4-away 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 4, 13 5 1, 4 6 2, 2 2, 3 24, 15 2, 5 1, 2, 3, 11, 12 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4, 13 5 5 5 4 3 4 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 As we can see, the doubling decisions when player 2 changes from 3-away to 4-away are very similar. From the three tables we can conclude that in money play the player on roll can be more eager to double then in match play if they are ahead in the game. In certain end game situations in match play the player has to wait a little longer to double or sometimes has the chance to accept the double rather than decline it if they are the opponent. 16 In order to complete the calculations for match play it is helpful to complete a tree diagram for how the game can play out. Figure 2 shows the basic structure that the tree diagram will have for calculating match equity of player 1. It can be used both if player 1 doesn’t double and if player 1 doubles. Figure 2 This tree diagram above can only be used in terms of player 1’s match equities where probabilities for each situation occurring are placed on the stems on the tree. An example of using the tree is below. Example 16: Suppose player 1 has a piece on the 1-point and a piece on the 4-point and player 2 has a piece on the 4-point. It is player 1’s turn to roll and there have been no doubles thus far. Should player 1 double? Solution: Figure 3 is a tree diagram for if player 1 doesn’t double. If player 1 does not win, then we know that player 2 will double through a calculation involving the equity for player 1 at that point in the tree. For this example that calculation will not be included and it will be assumed that player 2 doubles at that point since player 2’s equity can be calculated to be higher if he doubles at this point as opposed to not doubling. 17 Figure 3 Completing the match equity for player 1 if he doesn’t double can be done by using the branches of the tree as follows: 7 7 2 34 29 (.75) + (.5) + ( )( )( ) = .71 36 36 36 36 36 A similar tree can be completed in the case that player 1 doubles. In this case, the match equity for player 1 would be .87. Since the match equity is larger if player 1 doubles, this means player 1 should double. Looking at player 2’s match equities for if he should accept or decline the double, we see that if player 2 declines the double the match equity of player 2 is .25. This is since the game would be over and the point would go to player 1, making the score 1-away, 3-away. Using the tree branch approach to calculate player 2’s match equity if he accepts the double, we find that the match equity will be .32. This means that player 2 should accept the double since his match equity would be higher in that instance. Looking at Table 6 we see that the 1-point, 4-point and 4-point position produces the cube action double and accept, which is what our calculations showed. Table 5 shows us that in money play the decision will be that player 1 doubles and player 2 drops. Hence, one of the differences between the two types of game play. 18 6 Conclusions In this paper, we have looked at when to double and when to accept a double in both money play and match play Backgammon. In money play, it is practical to double in a last move situation if a player’s probability of winning is greater than .50. In match play, a player’s decision is based on how many points away each player is, and can be calculated using match equities for each player. By comparing money play and match play doubling situations, we have seen that in match play a player must be more reluctant in their doubling decisions for 2-away, 3-away and 2-away, 4-away, meaning they should not double as early as money play end situations. The next step for this research project is to look at more end game situations involving more complicated positions to see how doubling differs between money play and match play. For example, it would be interesting to see whether the differences in 2-away, 3-away and 2-away, 4-away match play continue to 2-away, 5-away, etc. Further research also includes if the same differences between money play and match play occur if we are in 3-away, 2-away, 3-away, 3-away, etc. 7 Acknowledgements I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Offner for all the time he has put into helping me with my research. Also, thanks to my senior capstone class for all the suggestions throughout the semester. References [1] Backgammon Equities. (2007). Gammoned. Retrieved from on 3 Sept. 2012. [2] Backgammon History. (2007). Gammoned. Retrieved from on 10 Sept. 2012. [3] Gould, Ronald. (2010). Mathematics in Games, Sports, and Gambling. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. 3 Sept. 2012. [4] Keeler, Emmet. (1975). Optimal Doubling in Backgammon. Backgammon Galore. Retrieved from OptimalDoublingInBackgammon/index.html on 13 Sept. 2012. [5] Koca, Bob. (2007). Curing Your Short Bearoff Blues. Backgammon Galore. Retrieved from Blues.html on 3 Sept. 13. [6] Rules of Backgammon. (2012). Backgammon Galore. Retrieved from on 3 Sept. 2013. 19 [7] Woolsey, K. (1999). Five Point Match. GammOnLine. Retrieved from on 5 Nov. 2012. 20
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